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MiscellaneousG-33 Screed Key JointG-33 Screed Key Joint is available in heights of 3-1/2”,4-1/2” and 5-1/2” for use in 4”, 5” and 6” concrete slabs ongrade. Screed key gives you a smooth, flush surface jointwhich requires no filling.1-1/8” DowelKnockouts Providedon 6” CentersFlush SurfaceJointRadius Formed Keyfor Load TransferThe use of screed key joints minimizes random crackingand provides proper load transfer from slab to slab.The use of screed key is more economical than simple bulkheadedforms which must be prepared, installed, stripped,cleaned, repaired or replaced and stored. Byusing screed key, instead of bulk-headed joints, you areable to pour entire slabs or strips at one time. Costly andtime-consuming checker boarding is eliminated. you simplyinstall screed key, pour the concrete — finish flush to jointand you are finished.By using screed key you will have a floor that is ready forcovering without any expensive joint filling or treatment. youeliminate any uneven settling and the resulting cost of jointrepair and patching. Dayton Superior Screed Key joint savesyou money in initial cost, maintenance and upkeep.G-34 Load Key JointG-34 Load key Joint is available in heights of 7-1/2” or9-1/2”. It is furnished in 10 foot lengths for use in 8” or 10”slabs and thickened joints. The use of load key allows you tohave a floor that is ready to use “as is” or to cover without theexpense of costly joint filling.The use of load key assures you of a strong high qualityfloor in you new building at a low initial price. It minimizes foryears the maintenance cost of joint patching and repair.Thickened joint slab specifications can be meteconomically with pre-engineered load transfer byusing the easily installed and left in place load key joint.Stiffening RibsEngineeredfor IncreasedStrength andRigidity1-1/8” DowelKnockouts Providedon 6” CentersFlush SurfaceJointRadius Formed Keyfor Load TransferEliminates SharpAngles WhichProduce PotentialFracture Points.G-37 Stake16 Gauge x 1” wide stake.Available in 12”, 15”, 18” or 24” lengths.G-37 StakeG-38 Plastic Cap StripWhere joint sealants are specified,plastic cap strip should be used.It is easily removed after the concretehardens, leaving a wedge shaped joint foreasy and economical sealant application.27/64”7/16”Plastic Cap StripG-38 Plastic Cap StripMiscellaneous andChemical ProductsMaterialScreed Key Joint and Load Key Joint are manufacturedfrom .022” to .025” thick corrosive resistant galvanized steelwith 1-1/8” diameter dowel knockouts 6” on center. They areboth available in stock lengths of 10 foot. Supporting steelstakes 16 gauge x 1” wide are available in 12”, 15”, 18” or 24”lengths as required.Note: Screed Key joint or load key joint is not recommended for usein warehouse floor slabs which are subjected to high volume trafficconsisting of fork trucks, heavily loaded hand pallet trucks or heavilyloaded steel wheel carts.110 02-09

Cure Miscellaneous andBondbreakerBond BreakersA bond breaker is a ‘material used to prevent adhesionof the newly placed concrete and the substrate’*. When abond breaker is needed at a construction joint, a curingcompound, form release agent and the like can act as abond breaker. Bond breakers used in tilt-wall construction,however, are specifically formulated for that purpose and thechemistry involved with these bond breakers is different thanthat of other “bondbreakers”.• ACI116 Cement and Concrete terminologyCuringProper, and immediate, curing is vital to the success ofa tilt-wall project1. Timing is more critical on the cure coat than the bondbreaker coat2. Proper curing will help create a less porous , moredense surface3. The more dense the surface the easier the panels willlift4. For projects requiring an ASTM C-309 cure, use theDayton System:Dayton Superior Bond BreakerSure-Lift (J-6)Sure-Lift J-6 WBCure-Lift EF-- solvent-based-- water-based-- bio-basedPrior to placement of the J-6, cure the slab with one of thefollowing:1. J-22 @ 300-350 Ft 2 /gal2. J-23 @ 300-400 Ft 2 /galPrior to placement of the J-6 WB, cure the slab with one ofthe following:1. J-18 @ 200-300 Ft²/gal2. J-22 @ 300-350 Ft²/gal3. J-23 @ 300-400 Ft²/gal4. J-ll-W @ 200 Ft²/galPreparation for applying the Bond Breaker• All surfaces must be clean• For hot weather precautions, prior to the first bondbreaker application, soak the slab to satisfy it’s ‘thirst’and reduce it’s porosity; After soaking, squeegee off theexcess water then immediately apply the bond breaker.Using this procedure will help to keep the bond breakeron the surface, not in the concrete.Placement of the Bond Breaker• Always read and follow the instructions in the currentdata sheet• Apply the bond breaker evenly, being sure not to leavepuddles• It is best to have several lighter applications than oneheavy application“Good Indications”Three quick checks that indicate good parting of the panels:1. feel a soapy residue on the surface2. beading of water3. observing an uniform appearance of the bond breakerSolvent-Based vs. Water-BasedWater has very high surface tension whilesolvents are low. Surface tension is directly relatedto wetting and adhesion. Liquids with a highsurface tension, like water, are not necessarilyas efficient in this respect as the lower surfacetension materials like solvents. This is the reasonwhy water-based materials do not lay down aseasily as solvent-based materials and why waterbased are easier to over apply.Dayton Superior Bond Breaker ComparisonsCondition J-6 J-6 WBShelf Life 12 months 9 monthsMixingNot req’d, but goodto do occassionallyAgitation requiredprior to each useFlammability High NoWarehouse storageper Uniform fire CodeLimitedQuantitiesUnlimitedQuantitiesFreezable No YesMiscellaneous andChemical Products02-09111

Cure Miscellaneous andBondbreakerBond BreakersA bond breaker is a ‘material used to prevent adhesionof the newly placed concrete and the substrate’*. When abond breaker is needed at a construction joint, a curingcompound, form release agent and the like can act as abond breaker. Bond breakers used in tilt-wall construction,however, are specifically formulated for that purpose and thechemistry involved with these bond breakers is different thanthat of other “bondbreakers”.• ACI116 Cement and Concrete terminologyCuringProper, and immediate, curing is vital to the success ofa tilt-wall project1. Timing is more critical on the cure coat than the bondbreaker coat2. Proper curing will help create a less porous , moredense surface3. The more dense the surface the easier the panels willlift4. For projects requiring an ASTM C-309 cure, use theDayton System:Dayton Superior Bond BreakerSure-Lift (J-6)Sure-Lift J-6 WBCure-Lift EF-- solvent-based-- water-based-- bio-basedPrior to placement of the J-6, cure the slab with one of thefollowing:1. J-22 @ 300-350 Ft 2 /gal2. J-23 @ 300-400 Ft 2 /galPrior to placement of the J-6 WB, cure the slab with one ofthe following:1. J-18 @ 200-300 Ft²/gal2. J-22 @ 300-350 Ft²/gal3. J-23 @ 300-400 Ft²/gal4. J-ll-W @ 200 Ft²/galPreparation for applying the Bond Breaker• All surfaces must be clean• For hot weather precautions, prior to the first bondbreaker application, soak the slab to satisfy it’s ‘thirst’and reduce it’s porosity; After soaking, squeegee off theexcess water then immediately apply the bond breaker.Using this procedure will help to keep the bond breakeron the surface, not in the concrete.Placement of the Bond Breaker• Always read and follow the instructions in the currentdata sheet• Apply the bond breaker evenly, being sure not to leavepuddles• It is best to have several lighter applications than oneheavy application“Good Indications”Three quick checks that indicate good parting of the panels:1. feel a soapy residue on the surface2. beading of water3. observing an uniform appearance of the bond breakerSolvent-Based vs. Water-BasedWater has very high surface tension whilesolvents are low. Surface tension is directly relatedto wetting and adhesion. Liquids with a highsurface tension, like water, are not necessarilyas efficient in this respect as the lower surfacetension materials like solvents. This is the reasonwhy water-based materials do not lay down aseasily as solvent-based materials and why waterbased are easier to over apply.Dayton Superior Bond Breaker ComparisonsCondition J-6 J-6 WBShelf Life 12 months 9 monthsMixingNot req’d, but goodto do occassionallyAgitation requiredprior to each useFlammability High NoWarehouse storageper Uniform fire CodeLimitedQuantitiesUnlimitedQuantitiesFreezable No YesMiscellaneous andChemical Products02-09111

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