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2 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Graduation 2012Table Of ContentsGowanda.................3Chautauqua Lake..4Sherman..................5Clymer.....................6Fredonia..................7Frewsburg...............8Catt.-L.V. ...............9Falconer..................9Jamestown.......10,11Maple Grove.........13Silver Creek..........17Job Corps..............17Brocton..................18Ripley...............18,19Cassadaga.............19Panama............20,21Bethel Baptist.......21Randolph..........22,24Westfield...............25Southwestern...26,27JBCThe Place to Be• Two Great Schedules - attend in a format that fits your life• Associate & Bachelor degrees in growing career fields• Start this Fall - graduate and start a successful careersooner!Classes Start in September! Apply Today!jamestownbusinesscollege.edu • 716-664-5100this Fall

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 3Graduation 2012Gowanda Announces 2012 GraduatesCongratulationsGOWANDAClass of 2012!Members of the 2012 graduating classat Gowanda High School are: JonasAldana; Paul Balzer Jr; Colton Bellinger;Jessica Bessette; Julia Black; Trent Bray;Valerie Brown; Liam Calhoun; JosephCoons; Jessica Coulon; Dalton Dailey;Roxanne Dicus; Amber Drain; MeganEbert; Jacob Eimiller; Cody Elliott;Anthony Farley; Kristina Farner; AlexFox; Christian Francis; Jenna Frederickson;Linnea Freeman; Quin Gates; JasonGiron; Steven Hedges; Marcus Hoffman;Cody Huber; Justin Huber; NicholasHuffman; Nicholas Jackson; Lillian John;Brennnen Johns; Taylor Johnson; StevenJones; Paige Kennedy; Rebecca Kennedy;Ian Kickbush; Mellisa Konwiczka; AlexisKroll; Christian LaValle; Kenneth Leach;Scarlett Lisjak; Eric Mammoser; KatelynnMcIntire; Sarah Miller; MaxwellMohawk; Melanie Morris; KimberlyMrowczynski; Aubrie Muniz; LucasMyzel; Adrian Nash; Taylor Nielson;Skylar Ondus; Collin Pfiefer; Ryan Pope;Taylor Rasey; Ryan Richter; Jason Riley;Jonathan Rosen; Zachary Samuelson;Chelsey Savakinas; Eric Schlegel; AlissaScott; Jr Seneca; Matthew Smith; AnthonySnyder; Tianna Sprague; Katie Stang;Zachary Steever; Danielle Steffan; AlexSternisha; Danielle Strickfaden; AndreaTempesta; Bailey Tonello; ElizabethTonello; Bethany Troutman; SamanthaTurner; William Wakelam; JaimeWasiela; Hunter White; MalindaWoodard.Steever, Steffan Named Valedictorian, SalutatorianZACHARYSTEEVERZachary Steever, son of James andKyle Steever, isthe valedictorianof Gowanda’sgraduating classof 2012.Throughout hishigh schoolcareer he hasbeen veryinvolved in variousgroups. Hehas been a memberof the seniorhigh school concert,jazz andmarching bandsfor all four years,as well as a memberof the concert and chamber choirs forthree. Every year since the fifth grade,Zachary has participated in the schoolmusicals, including this year’s performanceas Charlie in, ‘‘You’re a Good Man,Charlie Brown.’’ He has also been in thecast of each play performance during hishigh school career. As a four membermember of the junior varsity and varsityboys’ basketball team, serving as captainfor his final three seasons. During hissophomore and junior years, he was amember of the varsity baseball team aswell. Inducted in 2012, Zachary is aproud member of the National HonorSociety, and volunteers in several differentcommunity activities including theGowanda Harvest Festival CemeteryTours and the Hollywood Theater SummerYouth Camp. He is extremely thankfulfor the successes he has recently seenoutside of school. This spring he receivedthe Gowanda Chamber of CommerceExcellence in Youth Award. Zachary wasalso recently names to Business First’sAll-WNY Academic Team, recognizinghim as one of the top 50 high school seniorsin the school district of Western NewYork. This coming fall he plans to attendthe University at Buffalo to study industrialengineering.Danielle Steffan,salutatorianof the class of2012, is thedaughter ofJoseph and PaulaSteffan. She hasachieved her successby workinghard and beingdedicated. Shehas participatedin various sportsand clubsthroughout highschool. Theseschool activitiesDANIELLESTEFFANinclude track and field as well as girlsbasketball. Danielle has been the treasurerof theNational Honor Sociery, Yearbookand the Spanish Club for multiple years.She has traveled to Europe with the SpanishClub and visited London, Dublin andParis. She has been a tutor and tries to doas much as possible to help the community.Danielle currently works as a waitressat Olympia and helps the Steffan Pavingcrew on jobs throughout the summer. Sheowes her success to her encouraging family,friends and teacher. Danielle plans onattending the University at Buffalo forpre-medical studies,

4 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Graduating seniors in the ChautauquaLake Central School Class of 2012 are:Brandon Anthony Ambrose, Mayville;Ethan Eldon Auge, Mayville; Julie LoisAustin, Westfield; Cassidy Ann Barmore,Mayville; Brittany Lee Barry, Mayville;Elyssa Ashlee Bowen, Westfield; EmilyAlena Bowen, Westfield; Jennifer AnnBrown, Sherman; Emily Frances Bukowski,Mayville; Justin Michael Burt,Mayville; Jeremiah Albert Butts, Ashville;Anna May Cain, Ashville; Megan AnnChambers, Mayville; Thomas Ray Cole Jr.,Mayville; Julie Nina Coleman, Dewittville;Troy David Cooper, Mayville; JoshuaZachery Crandall, Mayville; Jordyn TaylorCucinotta, Mayville; Jillian Kay Einink,Mayville; Kaitlyn Noel Elderkin, Ashville;Jane Elizabeth Farrar, Dewittville; AmberRenee Fisher, Ashville; Nicholas EdwardFisher, Sherman; Jessica Lin Fortney,Mayville; Daryl Kent Freeman, Mayville;Cole Robert Gleason, Mayville; DanielRobert Gleason, Mayville; Nathan ArrickGleason, Mayville; Cody James Grien, Sinclairville;Michaela Margaret Gustafson,Dewittville; Ashlyn May Hawley,Dewittville; Kaytlyn Marie Hawley,Dewittville; Brandon Robert Hilton,Mayville; David Joseph Hindman,Dewittville; Richard Carl Hoglund,Mayville; Gregory William Hoitink,Mayville; Danielle Nicole Hudson,Ashville; Claire Elizabeth Johnson,Ashville; Karlie Jean Johnson, Westfield;Taylor Hope Kesby, Dewittville; ZachariahTherion McCann, Mayville; Jason WilliamMcMahon, Mayville; Emily Nicole Means,Mayville; Jessica Joyce Meredith,Mayville; Kristina Marie Merritt, Ashville;Michael Timothy Mulholland, Mayville;Brian Timothy Rice, Stow; Derek JonathonRolfe, Dewittville; Zachary James Rosage,Dewittville; Dacota Narae Rosenow,Mayville; Colton Channing Rowley,Mayville; Christopher Scott Sampson,C ONGRATULATIONSC HAUTAUQUA L AKE !2011!Graduation 2012Chautauqua Lake Central School Announces Class Of 2012From left are the Chautauqua LakeCentral School Class of 2012 class officers:Jennifer Brown, president; KarlieJohnson, vice president; Dan Gleason,treasurer; and Kaitlyn Elderkin, secretary.“A”Automotive6251 Honeysette Rd.Mayville, NY(716) 753-2367Congratulations Greg Hoitink,Katelyn Seekings & Class Of 2012!Mayville; Caitlin Joan Seekings, Ashville;Maria Victoria Sena, Ashville; KennethVictor Shearer III, Mayville; Tyler ScottShearer, Ashville; Rebecca Lyn Silliman,Dewittville; Cassidy Rae Smith, Mayville;Luke Nathaniel Smith, Mayville; ZacharyValedictorian Jessica Fortney is thedaughter of June and Brian Fortney ofMayville. She is known throughout the stateas the first runner-up in the New York StateDistinguished Young Women competition(formerly Junior Miss), an honor she earnedthis year after being named the winner inthe Lakewood Area contest.Jessica was vice president of StudentAdministration during her senior year. Withgraduation, Jessica completes her service asvice president ofthe NationalHonor Society, towhich she wasinducted duringher junior year.For the past yearshe was a studentrepresentative tothe SecondarySchool BuildingTeam.For three yearsshe competed onthe High SchoolBowl academicteam and representedChautauquaLake at the Envirothon environmental educationcompetition, helping the team to qasecond-place finish. Jessica has been activein the Spanish Club. She has twice beennamed a Student of the Month. Jessica hasbeen honored for excellence in math, socialstudies and Spanish, and last year shereceived a Rochester Institute of TechnologyInnovation and Creativity Award and theGeorge Eastman Young Leaders Award.Throughout high school, Jessica hascompeted on the varsity track team and thegirls’ varsity swimming team, for which shewas named a CLCS Athlete of the Week.Jessica was also manager of the boys’ varsityswimming team for three years.Jessica has volunteered at Angel FoodMinistries and with family members hashelped feed the homeless in Phoenix, Arizona.She also volunteers every Sunday as apianist at Community Bible Church. Jessicalooks forward to studying at Grove City Collegeto prepare for a career in engineering.Salutatorian Rebecca Silliman is thedaughter of Elizabeth Silliman ofDewittville and Rodney Silliman of Fredonia.She is a Commended Student in thePowers Stahlsmith, Mayville; Lexi MaeStroebel, Mayville; Jody Lee Vankeuren,Mayville; Jed Wood Walsh, Sherman; IrisTabitha Weary, Mayville; Dakota AlbertYoung, Mayville; Donald George Zenns II,Mayville.Fortney, Silliman Named Valedictorian, SalutatorianJESSICAFORTNEYNational Merit Scholarship program andreceived an academic scholarship award inthe Lakewood Area Distinguished YoungWomen competition. She participated in theRotary International Outdoor LeadershipExperience.Throughout her high school years, Rebeccahas been a member of Student Administrationand has competed on the High SchoolBowl team, representing CLCS in nationalcompetition in Spring 2011. She has beenactive in the Spanish Club, the Class of2012, and was secretary of the NationalHonor Society (NHS). She has been recognizedwith awards for academic excellence inEnglish, Spanish and social studies, and foreffort and achievement in math.Rebecca has competed for three years asa scholar-athlete on the varsity soccer team.She earned her varsity and academic lettersin 2010 and her academic pin the followingyear. For two years she has been a PeerEducator and a Peer Tutor, has worked onthe yearbook staff, and has been a writer forthe student newspaper, Bird’s Beak. Shehas been active in the Ski Club and the BeatLiterature Book Club. Rebecca has been aStudent of the Month, and four times sherepresented CLCSin the Envirothon.Rebecca sang inthe chorus andplayed trombonein the high schoolband. She alsoplayed in TUBAChristmas, in the2012 All-Countyband, and forMemorial Dayservices. For tenyears she has studiedtap dancingwith Jill Keating atPointe ChautauquaDance, and inREBECCASILLIMANSpring 2010 she danced in the secondaryschool musical, Cinderella, and for twoyears she performed in the annual NHS TalentShow to raise money for charity.Outside of school she enjoys reading,drawing, painting and photography; playingthe harmonica; kayaking and weight lifting;and baking. She enjoys travel and has visitedCosta Rica, Germany and Washington,D.C.

6 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Randall Brooke Farber has beennamed valedictorian and Kaeli MicheleEinink has been named salutatorian forthe Clymer Central School Class of2012.Randall Farber, daughter of LauraFarber of 690 Clymer Hill Road in Clymerand Dr. Gerald Farber of 404 SunriseDrive in Bridgeport, W. Va., willgraduate with an advanced regentsdiploma with honors distinction. Shehas sequences in math, science andSpanish.Randi is the recipient of an AcademicExcellence Award, the University ofRochester’s Xerox Award for Innovationand Information Technology, andthe Jamestown Community College’sCollege Connections Student of theYear for her junior year. She alsoreceived recognitionas outstandingchemistrystudentfrom the AmericanChemicalSociety duringher junior year.Randi was amember of thegirls volleyballteam throughouthigh school andthe track teamher sophomoreyear. She wasalso a basketballcheerleader her sophomore and junioryears.Randi has participated in numerousCONGRATULATIONSClymer!Mosher’sCarpetingSpecializing in allYour Flooring Needs• Carpet• Vinyl• Ceramic Tile• Laminate Flooring• Hardwood Flooring• LVT Flooring355-2711Sales &InstallationCongratulations toAll 2012 Seniors!SpitzerFuneral HomeEast Main Street,Clymer, NY 355-2262135 Miller St.,Sherman, NY 761-6739Best WishesClass of 2012!John Wiggers& SonsRoute 474Clymer, NY355-2511Good Luck!Graduation 2012Farber, Einink Named Valedictorian, Salutatorian At ClymerRANDALLBROOKE FARBERclubs and activities throughout her highschool years. She was secretary of herclass during her sophomore and junioryears. She was a member of the NationalHonor Society. Randi was a BigBuddy and tutored other students. Sheparticipated in the Senior Play and wasan arch bearer in May Day. She wasselected by her peers as a member of theprom court her junior year. She qualifiedfor FBLA nationals in 8th grade butwas too young to actually attend.Randi will be attending RochesterInstitute of Technology this fall. Shewill major in computer science.Kaeli Einink, daughter of Michael andPatricia Einink of 647 Clymer Hill Roadin Clymer, is the class salutatorian. Shewill receive an Advanced RegentsDiploma with Honors Distinction with a98.44 percent average. She hassequences in math, science and Spanish.Kaeli is the Jamestown CommunityCollege’s College Connections Studentof the Year for her senior year. Shereceived the Rochester Institute of TechnologyCreativity and InnovationAward.Kaeli was a valuable member of thevarsity volleyball, basketball and softballteams. She was team captain of allthree teams. She was named Player ofthe Week by The <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>Journal</strong> for volleyballher senior year. She was namedMVP for volleyball her senior year. Shewas selected as a member of the Section6 second team all-stars her junior yearand first team her senior year. Kaeli wasselected as the most-improved player forsoftball her junior year and was selectedas a member ofthe Section 6second team allstars.For basketball,shehelped lead herteam to becomeSection 6 Championsher senioryear. She wasselected to thesecond team allstarsher juniorand senior yearand was also amember of theExceptional Seniorteam. Shereceived the Most Improved PlayerAward her senior year.Kaeli has held leadership positions innumerous activities at Clymer. She wasNational Honor Society and AFS treasurerher senior year. She had a leadingrole in the Cast and Company productionof “The Sound of Music.” She wasa Big Buddy and tutored other students.Kaeli plans to attend D’Youville Collegein Buffalo where she will study tobecome a physician’s assistant.CongratulationsCattaraugus - LittleValley Students!BROOKSMARKET213 Main St., Little Valley, NY938-9002Congratulations Michael,Cristian, Emily, And allother 2012 Graduates!KAELI EININK

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 11Graduation 2012Jamestown Senior Class OfficersSenior class officers at Jamestown High School are, front row, from left, Kenzie Spence, Marisa Popa and Kaylin Gowan. Middle row, from left, are Elisa Sundquist, KatieBaudo, Maria Liuzzo and Amber Caylor. Back row, from left, are Shaq Pearson, Eric Ryber, Melissa Lisciandro and Leisha Kolstee. Not pictured is Mark Brombacher.Larson, Johnson Named Valedictorian, Salutatorian At JamestownNate Larson,son of Sean andHeidi Larson, isthe JamestownHigh SchoolClass of 2012valedictorian.Larson willattend ColgateUniversity in thefall with plans tomajor in biologyand attend medicalschool toNATE LARSONbecome a neurologist.“JHS has certainlyprepared me for my post-graduationeducational life as a result of the beneficiallyarduous classes and the difficultworkload associated with them, which willallow me to adjust to the upcoming rigorsof college. JHS is unique as we have alarger opportunity to take different, andmore individually appealing, classes thanmost other schools.”Larson’s awards and honors during hishigh school career include: Clarkson UniversityHigh School Achievement Award,Prendergast Prize, Business First’s WNYAll-Academic Second Team, Norman M.Tinkham Award, Grace H. DormanAward, AP Scholar Award, Jasmine CantorAward, Kenneth Sohmer Award, MiltonJ. Fletcher Award, NYS Scholarshipfor Academic Excellence, JamestownPediatric Scholarship and Theodore PetersonAward.His activities include varsity soccer,varsity golf, National Honor Society, SkiClub, vice president of the EnvironmentalClub, tutoring, Key Club, SC United Soccer,indoor soccerand usher at St.Luke’s EpiscopalChurch.Holly Johnson,daughter of Steveand Karen Johnson,will attendCase WesternReserve Universitywith plans tomajor in biology,follow a pre-medtrack and attendHOLLY JOHNSONmedical school topursue a career inInterventionalRadiology. She is the JHS Class of 2012salutatorian.“I think the course selection at JHS, particularlythe wide variety of AP classes,makes it unique. The rigor of the AP Program,as well as the availability ofextracurricular activities, has taught me toadjust to a busy schedule, much like I willexperience in college.”Ms. Johnson’s awards and honors duringher high school career include:Jamestown Public School Forest Scholarship,New York State Scholarship for AcademicExcellence, Allen Ayers Award,Jasmine Cantor Award, Roskamp Award,Varsity Soccer Scholar Athlete Award,Eunice A. Anderson Award for Girls,Theodore M. Peterson Award in Chemistry,Wellesley Book Club Award, APScholar with Distinction and NYSArchives Award.Her activities include: varsity soccer,SC United Soccer, indoor soccer, secretaryof National Honor Society, EnvironmentalClub, Key Club and Sub Cute Club.

12 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012CONGRATULATIONSJAMESTOWNSTUDENTS !ffo s as l C Lena’s Pizza902 E. 2nd St.Jamestown, NY484-0600Congratulations & Best Wishes, Class of 2011!2012824 Foote Ave.,Jamestown, NY 14701Congratulations 2012Jamestown Graduates!JIM’S DRY CLEANERS207 W. 4th St., Jamestown484-1075Congratulations 2012Graduates!DRY CLEANING • CARPETS • UPHOLSTERY• RUG CLEANING • FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY583 Falconer St.Jamestown, NY 14701716-665-2828GOOD LUCK905 E. 2nd St., Jamestown487-0947 24 Hour Towing

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 13Maple Grove Class Of 2012Graduating seniors in the Maple GroveJunior-Senior High School Class of 2012are: Lauren Elizabeth Bargar; MollyJaclyn Beaton; Adam Michael Belovarac;Katelyn Rae Benson; Adam David Bentham;Drew Jordan Bentham; Casey RaeBobek; Justin Allen Brisky; Katelyn NicholeBrooker; Paige LeAnn Burnett; ErinElizabeth Callahan; Alexander McGrawCarroll; Alexis Joanne Darrow; AllisonNicole Derby; Andrew Alexander Dies;Hannah Ashley Eckert; Matthew WardFowler; Joseph Thomas Frazier; AlainaChristine Galbier; Jordan Allen Goold;Alexander Thomas Grace; Jackson EugeneGraham; Sierra Lynn Greenman; ZacheryJay Hallberg; Danyelle Ann Harding;Brandon Montague Hatch; Miranda RoseHitchcock; Hunter Fredric Jones; MollyElise LaTone; Tabbitha Morgan Leach;Mikel Wayne Leasure; Holly AlexisLehman; Michael Kenneth Liddell; SkylerEdward Liddell; Mary Elizabeth Lucas;Theresa Mary Marsh; Misty MaxineMcChesney; Brandon James McElrath;Sarah Faith Newman; Emily LouiseNichols; John Charles Nickerson II; JasonThomas Pembridge; Joshua James Powers;Jennifer Lee Prechtl; Jake Prindle-Cassidy;Devin James Purslow; Allison ChristineRidinger; Jessica Lynne Santilli; BenjaminJoseph Sonnier; Alexis DanielleStenstrom; Megan Lynn Summerville;Benjamin Lowell Swanson; Cindal NicoleThomas; Shawn Craig Thompson; ChelseaKatherine Vine; Amy Elizabeth Walters;David Burton Waterman; Brady ChristopherWebb; Brady James Wesp.Graduation 2012Prindle-Cassidy, Jones NamedValedictorian, SalutatorianEdward Turkasz, Maple Grove Junior-Senior High School principal, recentlynamed Jake Prindle-Cassidy as the Classof 2012 valedictorian for the class of2012 and HunterJones as salutatorian.Prindle-Cassidyis the son ofKatie Prindle andJack Cassidy. Hisextracurricularactivities include:soccer, track,judo, HighSchool Bowl,Foreign LanguageClub,National HonorSociety and volunteeringfor SpecialOlympics.JAKE PRINDLE-CASSIDYSome of Jake’s awards and honorsinclude: Western New York All-AcademicTeam, Boys’ State Delegate, and The<strong>Post</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> All-Star soccer team. Jakeplans on attending the University ofRochester in the fall, majoring in engineering.Hunter Jones, salutatorian, is the son ofWilliam and Kristen Jones. His extracurricularactivities include: varsity soccer,Boy Scouts of America, and NationalHonor Society co-president.Some of Hunter’s honors and awardsinclude: Watson and Crick Award in Biology,Bausch and Lomb Honorary ScienceAward, Penn-York ChemicalSociety Excellencein ChemistryAward,Eagle ScoutAward, HonorRoll, First Teamfor Varsity Soccer,and he participatedin theChautauquaCounty SeniorAll-Star SoccerGame. Hunter’splans for nextHUNTER JONESyear includeattending TheHonors College at University at Buffaloas a member of the Leadership House topursue a degree in Chemical Engineering.Maple Grove Senior Class OfficersMaple Grove Junior-Senior High School Class of 2012 officers are, bottom row,from left, Alexis Stenstrom, secretary; Shawn Thompson, president; Misty McChesney,vice president. Middle row, from left, are Jennifer Prechtl, Student Councilrepresentative, and Emily Nichols, Student Council representative. Top row isAlaina Galbier, treasurer.CONGRATULATIONSMAPLE GROVECOLLISIONServing Jamestown for 21 yearsComputerized EstimatesDevilbiss Paint Booth- Factory-like FinishRental Car Assistance - Fully Insured Shop24 Hour TowingMost major credit cards accepted905 E. 2nd St.,Jamestown, New YorkPhone 487-0947

14 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012CLASS OF 2012 • THEN. . . & NOWZACHARY S. STAHLSMITHSon of Randy & Mary Cookand The Late Scott StahlsmithGrandson of Ken & Teresa SohmerDick & Jan StahlsmithFrewsburg Central SchoolLINDSEY GREENEDaughter ofTroy & Jan JacksonFrewsburg Central SchoolDAVID MORSEGrandson ofHoward & Autumn FosterJamestown High SchoolALANA STAFFORDDaughter ofJason & Susan StaffordJamestown High SchoolCODY STEVEN LEE SAMUELSONSon ofSteven & Linda SamuelsonCassadaga ValleyEMMA MAE ANTHONYDaughter ofJon & Ranee AnthonyJamestown High SchoolSAMANTHA ANN MUNDAYDaughter of Amy Munday, Ed Bean& Thomas MundayJamestown High School

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 15CLASS OF 2012 • THEN. . . & NOWTHOMAS KING INGRAOSon ofKathleen Ingrao & Alleyn IngraoGrandson of Grace GarveyFalconer Central SchoolALLISON RIDINGERDaughter ofMark & Melinda RidingerMaple Grove Sr. HighSTEVEN WARDENSon ofJamie & Karen WardenSouthwesternRACHEL AHLBINDaughter ofDan & Melody AhlbinJamestown High SchoolTYLER SANDERSSon ofLisa Sanders & Rodney DalrympleFrewsburg Central SchoolSHAWN BEKELESKISon ofKevin & Laurie BekeleskiFalconer Jr/Senior High SchoolDAKOTA HUNTERSon ofThomas & Bonnie HunterJamestown High School

16 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012CONGRATULATIONS TOTHE CLASS OF 2012AMBER LANPHEREDaughter OfAngel LanpherePine Valley High SchoolROBBIE NEWELLSon ofRob & Rita NewellSouthwestern High SchoolTYLER SANDERSGrandson OfBud & Sue SandersThe late Robert & Norma DalrympleFrewsburg Central SchoolHALEY VICTORIA SIGULARDaughter ofRoger & Toni SigularJamestown High SchoolJIMMY OLSONSon ofNorm & Alice OlsonJamestown High SchoolSARAH MARIE NAZZARODaughter ofChuck & Sharon NazzaroJamestown High SchoolSHAUN AUSTIN LANPHERESon ofBrian & Michelle LanpherePine Valley Jr/Sr High School

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 17Graduation 2012Silver Creek Announces Class Of 2012Members of the 2012 graduating classat Silver Creek Central School are: DavidBarnes; Kailey Blackbourn; BrandonBrooks; Franklin Brown; MichaelCagney; Joseph Cymerman; MatthewDaniels; Andrew Davis; Courtney Domst;Gena Eberhardt; Hunter Eggleston;Travis Eggleston; Andrew Elwell; JeremyFinch; Hunter Garland; Brittany Gilbert;Justin Gloss; Hailey Gonzalez; TimothyGrant; Lauryn Griewisch; Morgan Grose;SILVER CREEK — Catherine Wielgasz,daughter of Kim and Ken Wielgasz,is the valedictorian of the2012 graduating class atSilver Creek CentralSchool.She enrolled at SilverCreek High School as afreshman and immediatelygot involved in manyschool activities. Catherine CATHERINEhas been an active member WIELGASZin her community by tutoringstudents academically, coaching childrenin basketball, and participating incharity events. Catherine has been a memberof Student Council as a class representativeher first three years of high schooland as Co-President of the Student Councilher senior year. This organization is onethat Catherine finds important because studentleaders strive to make their school andcommunity a better place for all. CatherineJordin Gugino; Travis Hartloff; JosephHeist; Komal Hira; Sean Hoth; RavaidaJafri; Johnathon Jimerson; Trevor John;Katelyn Jones; Kyle Karlstrom; JacobKeem; Bethany Kehrer; Alyx Kemp;Trevor Kowzlowski; Thomas Lahnen;Jeffrey Lamparelli; Robert Lyman;Christie Martin; Tia Masiker; MyraMcAlevey; Melissa Mjoen; DominicMooney; Rebecca Pantano; AllenPfleuger; Katelyn Plecker; Jonah Pope;was Treasurer of Senior Chorus her senioryear, a member of the National HonorSociety her junior and senior years, a memberof the Tri-County MusicNational Honor Societysince her sophomore year,and a member of the Gay-Straight Alliance and KeyClubs. Catherine has participatedin multiple sportsthroughout her high schoolcareer. She played on thevarsity volleyball team, juniorvarsity basketball team,and competed in gymnastics at DynamicsUnlimited Gymnastics. She was a memberof the varsity soccer team for three years,was Co-Captain her senior year, andreceived the Black Knight Award. Catherinealso showed her school spirit by being acast member of the musical, “Guys andDolls”, and singing the National Anthem(as part of a harmonized duet) at numerousHeather Reed; Devin Roach; DevinRoche; Kevin Rocque; Shane Ryan;Harley Seibert; Heather Serio; SavannahShanahan; Benjamin Shaw; AnthonySimano; Justin Spengler; Drew Spruce;Sherrell St. Pierre; Kiana Steeprock;Andrew Stockman; Hayley Trippy;Nataliya Vasilyeva; Bethany West;Andrew White; Catherine Wielgasz;Kaitlyn Williams; Tyler Winkelmann;Brianna Wolf; Theo Zrimsek.Wielgasz, Karlstrom Named Valedictorian, SalutatorianKYLEKARLSTROMsporting events and at choral concerts.Catherine had the wonderful opportunityto travel to China with a group of studentsthrough the Confucius Institute at the Universityof Buffalo. She spent two weeks inthis foreign country learning about theirculture and language first hand. Throughthis experience, she has been able to act asthe Master of Ceremony for the ChineseCulture Presentation at Silver Creek andwas a panelist at the Global CitizenshipConference at the University of Buffalowhich encourages student participating inforeign affairs.Catherine will be attending CastletonState College in Vermont to pursue studiesin the Environmental Sciences.Kyle Karlstrom, salutatorian of the Classof 2012, is the son of Traci and JamesKarlstrom. Kyle is the Public RelationsOfficer for the SCCS Key Club and hasparticipated in French Club, Earth Club,Book Club, Foreign Language Club, andSenior Class OfficersPictured are class officers of the SilverCreek Central School Class of 2012:Myra McAlevey, vice president;Bethany Kehrer, president; HayleyTrippy, secretary; and Heather Serio,treasurer.Officer’s Club. Kyle is a member of theNational Honor Society as well as theBusiness and Marketing Honor Society.Throughout high school, Kyle has been apart of the Varsity Track Team and VarsitySoccer Team. He was named an All-WNYScholar Athlete and selected for the ChautauquaCounty Senior Soccer All-StarTeam. As a junior, Kyle also won a ComputingMedal Award and Scholarship forRIT.In the Fall, he will be studying Mathematicaland Actuarial Sciences at BinghamtonUniversity.Cassadaga Job CorpsAcademy Class Of 2012The students pictured above, from throughout Chautauqua and Cattaraugus County,are members of Cassadaga Job Corps Academy’s Summer 2012 Class. They areTravis Krotz of Franklinville, Shamiela Smith of Dunkirk, Thomas Wallace ofFrewsburg, Zach Dulski of Fredonia, Brittany Swanson of Cassadaga and KyleGeuder of Olean. Marissa Delcamp of Fredonia was unavailable for the picture.The 2012 graduating class at the CassadagaJob Corps Academy, which willgraduate on Monday, July 30, is: MickielAllende; Xavier Anderson; JavonBattle; Reneecia Boncamper; MarquisBrooks; Carmen Castillo; Carlos Cepeda;Samantha Concepcion; Amanda DeLa Rosa; Patrick Dee; Marissa Delcamp;Malcolm Dostaly; Zachary Dulski; JenniferFrederick; Kareeh Freeman; KyleGeuder; Elon Goddard; Diamond Gray;Michael Hendrickson; Richard Hoffert;Ivan Hooker; Vere Horsford; SapphireJones; Kyle Jordan; Travis Krotz;Amanda Lund; Ayana Maddox; AlayasiaMartin; David McCall; JohnathanMcPherson-Clarke; Jonathon Meckes;Richard Merriman Jr.; Scott Modeste;Louis Moreano; Clarence Morrison;Rodney Morrison; Ashley Moscato; BiyoncaNichols; Raday Nunn; JeffreyPaula; Malcolm Radway; Earon Ragbersingh;Makeda Robinson; CorrieSeay; Shamiela Smith; Brittany Swanson;Chadrick Syms; Petra Tavernier;Tracey Taylor; Deanna Turner; ThomasWallace; Sheri Williams; Kamiya Dalton;Jordan Bedgood.

18 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Graduation 2012Brocton Central School Announces Class Of 2012Members of the 2012 graduatingclass at Brocton Central School are:Kyle Anderson; Devon Austin; KristenBecker; Tyler Berry; Adrien Cheney;Emily Crandall; Sethanial D’Angelo;Abbigale DeLand; Jackie Delcamp;Olivia Kaltenbach has been named valedictorianfor Brocton Central School’s classof 2012. Kaltenbach is the daughter of Douglasand Jane Kaltenbach of Fredonia.Over the last four years, Kaltenbachearned a grade point average of 97.35. She isgraduating with an Advanced Regents Diplomawith Honors Distinction and was on thehigh honor roll all four years of high school.Along with academics, Kaltenbach likes tokeep herself involved in leadership activities.She is the senior class president, president ofthe band and treasurer of the National HonorSociety. This fall, she attended the JBCLeadership Launch sponsored by SenatorCatharine Young. Kaltenbach is also one ofthe editors for the school newspaper, and shereceived several awards including third placefrom the New York State Press Associationjournalism competition for best columnstatewide.Kaltenbach also participates in severalclubs and groups in and outside of school.She is a Sources of Strength peer leader, amember of the Envirothon team, part of theRotary Interact club, a pit band member forthe drama club, and participates in ski club.Kaltenbach is also part of the Brooks MemorialHospital Medical Explorers, where sheMembers of the class of 2012 at RipleyCentral School are: Robert GeorgeAlford Jr.; Rachel Christine Boll; AshleyMarie Cook; Edward John Doner ;Daniel John Dulong; Schaeffer DeinElisa Fuentes; Thomas Giambra; VictoriaHannold; Caley Harper; FabianHernandez; Bradley Johnson; JerryJusko; Olivia Kaltenbach; ElizabethKing; Jamie Kingsley; KayoKobayashi; Thomas Kurtz; Courtneygets to observe different aspects of workingin a hospital.During her junioryear, she received theSusan B. Anthony andFrederick Douglassaward from the Universityof Rochester.Kaltenbach also earnedfinancial literacy fromthe U.S. Department ofthe Treasury during herjunior year, where hertest scores ranked in thetop 20 percent of the country.This fall Kaltenbach plans to attend theState University at Fredonia, where she willseek a double major in Spanish and speechpathology.Brianna Kaye Stanton, daughter of Scottand Lisa Stanton, is the class salutatorian.Brianna received the George Eastman YoungLeadership Award her junior year. She is onhigh honor every quarter and has a cumulativeaverage of 97.143. She will be receivingan Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors.In freshmen year Brianna was the presidentof her class. She was inducted to JuniorHonor Society in 7th grade and was inductedEimers; Adam John Fisher; BriannaMarie Fisher; Danielle Lee Furlow;Samantha Jean Gardner; Nicole MichelleGrien; Heather Marie Hart; SamanthaMarie Kozlowski; Emily GabrielleLauer; Samuel McMaster; Cody Merrill;Casey Miller; Devin Monn; SantiagoMoreno; Amber Nickerson; NicoleNickerson; Joshua Palmer; JuliaPalmer; Scott Pierce; Joseph Rara;Racheal Risley; Meghan Roberts;into National Honor Society her junior year.She is Secretary for National Honor Societyher senior year. She was student of the monthfor both 8th and 12th grade. Brianna hasbeen a member of the Envirothon team forfour years. She participated in Empire GirlsStar her junior year. Brianna has been amember of chorus for 9 years and band foreight years. She enjoys playing the FrenchHorn. Brianna was vice president for chorusher junior year. She has attended All- Countyevery year since 5th grade and has attendedWinter All-County for four years. Briannahas done a solo at NYSMMA the last twoyears. She was in Brocton’s musicals Cinderella,Once on This Island, The King and I,and Oliver.Along with music Brianna also has aninterest in sports. She played soccer for Broctonfreshmen, sophomore, and senior years.Her senior year she was voted captain. Sheplayed indoor soccer her junior and senioryear on the boys indoor soccer league. Briannaalso played travel soccer for two yearswith Northwest Chautauqua Lightening. Shealso played softball for Brocton her freshmen,junior, and senior year.Brianna is very active in her church. Shehas done bible quizzing with Westfield FirstKrause; Jeffery Adam Kuczynski; JacobMichael Landon; Jeremy Adam Matter;Gregory McCorkle Jr.; Mackenzie JaneMencer; Anthony Paul Meredith; MarkusJames Meredith; Zachary Dominic Mota;Michael Ruiz; Harley Sank; KyleSchrantz; Bradley Seavy; MelissaSmith; Jessica Stahlman; Brianna Stanton;Justin Stoll; Lucas Tanner; PhilipTorrey; Nadine VanWie; ChristopherWest; Dale Wiberg.Kaltenbach, Stanton Named Valedictorian, SalutatorianZachary Mota is the valedictorian andSamantha Gardner is the salutatorian ofthe Ripley Central School Class of 2012.Zachary is the son of Teresa Testrakeof Ripley and Manuel Mota of Heathrow,Florida. Zachary leads his senior classwith a cumulative average of 94.768.Zachary is a past recipient of the AlfredUniversity School of Engineering AwardOLIVIAKALTENBACHBaptist Church throughout all of high school.She won the most Enthusiastic Award forquizzing. She has attended Christian MusicSeminar with her church the last two years.Brianna attends herchurch’s youth group.She is in her church’snursery and helps withother kids programswhen she can. Briannawent on a missions tripto Costa Rica this pastsummer. She was therefor ten days workingwith children andwomen in a economicallydeprived areas.Ripley Central School Announces Class Of 2012Mota, Gardner Named Valedictorian, Salutatorianand the Bausch and Lomb ScienceAward.Zachary is a busy young man,involved in activities in and out of RipleyCentral School. At school Zacharyhas participated in golf, Yearbook, StudentCouncil and a mentor in the Creatinga Safe School Program. He is also amember of the National Honor Society.Outside of school, Zachary has been veryinvolved in Boy Scouts. In ninth andtenth grade, Zachary was a Senior PatrolLeader. The last two years he has been ajunior assistant scoutmaster. In 2010 and2011 he worked as a lifeguard and meritbadge instructor at Boy Scout CampMerz.Zachary is interested in theatre and hasBRIANNASTANTONBrianna worked with Bethany Camp thesummer of her freshmen year as part of thekitchen staff and then worked at the SunflowerCafe as a waitress last summer. Briannahas also volunteered her time working inthe snack stand at Northlake RecreationalComplex during soccer games.In her future Brianna plans on attendingcollege at one of her many choices asHoughton, Liberty, or Cedarville and isattempting to narrow down her list of possiblemajors.Danielle Lee Newman; Ryan MichaelRoselle; Emory Waite Near Rowe; ZacheryJames Scott; Ericka Korin Slager ;Sawyer Edward Tessmer; and Emily SueTrevelline.been involved in the backstage operationsof many local, area performances.He has been a lights and sounds managerand spotlight operator for the North EastCommunity Players as well as at theRoadhouse Theater in Erie and the EriePlayhouse.See RIPLEY,Page 19

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 19ADAM FISHERSAMANTHA KOZLOWSKIGraduation 2012Cassadaga Valley Names Top StudentsStephen Siebert, valedictorian for theCassadaga Valley Central School Classof 2012, is the son ofSean and Teri Siebertof Cassadaga.He is the brother ofKatie and ChrissySiebert. Throughouthigh school, he wasan avid wrestler, amember of theFrench Club, ScienceClub, EnvirothonTeam, KEY Club,and a trombonist inthe Senior HighSTEPHENSIEBERTBand. He has also worked at Sandy’sWhite Horse Inn for the past four years.In the fall of 2012, he will be attendingTulane University in New Orleans andplans to study pre-med.Thomas Wissman, salutatorian for theclass of 2012, is the son of Tim andLeigh Wissman and brother to KatieWissman.During his high school career, he hasbeen varsity football captain as well as avarsity baseball player. He has beeninvolved in the musicalproductions onstage crew as well asrecently becoming acast member. He is amember of theNational Honor Society,Cassadaga ValleySchool Chapter.Following graduationit is his intention toattend St. John FisherCollege with thehopes of becoming a pharmacist.THOMASWISSMANRipley Central School Class of 2012 class officers are: Adam John Fisher, president;Anthony Paul Meredith, vice president; Samantha Marie Kozlowski, secretary;and Sawyer Edward Tessmer, treasurer.RipleyFrom Page 18Zachary has participatedin the 3-1-3Program at the StateUniversity at Fredoniathis past schoolyear. At college inthe morning, he takesEnglish and socialstudies courses andreturns in the afternoonfor his math andscience courses asANOTHY MEREDITHZACHARYMOTAwell as physical education, handbells andconcert chorale. Zachary’s love for sciencehas him planning on attending IthacaCollege and majoring in biology.Samantha Gardner is the daughter ofKellie and Charles Gardner of Ripley.She ranks second in her class with acumulative average of 90.291. Samanthais a past recipient of the Fredrick Douglasand Susan B. Anthony Humanities andSocial Sciences Award.Samantha is probably most wellknownfor her singing of the nationalanthem at numerous athletic events andceremonies. Besides her singing activities,Samantha is president of StudentCouncil, a member of Key Club and theNational Honor Society. She has participatedin golf for three years and volleyballfor four years. She kept statistics forboys volleyball for two seasons and girlsbasketball this past season. Samantha hasalso spent the last four years helping outin Mrs. Weakley’s second grade duringher study halls.When not inschool, Samantha hasparticipated in foodand clothes drives. Inthe past, she hadsummer employmentat the ChautauquaInstitution and theStraw Hat in NorthEast. She works parttimeat K-Mart inHarborcreek andWebb’s in Mayville.SAWYER TESSMERRipley Central School Senior OfficersSAMANTHAGARDNERSamantha’s future plans are to attendJamestown Community College for twoyears and then transfer to Buffalo StateCollege to get a bachelor’s degree in specialeducation and a master’s degree inmathematics. She would like to teachhigh school mathematics someday.CONGRATULATIONSCASSADAGA!CentralChautauquaAgency, Inc.Auto • HomeSue Penhollow - Agent7 Maple Avenue • Cassadaga,New York 14718(716) 595-3535Fax (716) 595-3530Congratulations GraduatesS TORER ’ S CONTAINER S ERVICE , I NC .Professional Waste Hauling • Commercial & ResidentialFamilyBusiness(716) 595-31867684 C UMMINGS R OAD , S TOCKTON , NY 14784Congratulations Class of 2012!Locally Owned &Operated

20 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Panama Central School Announces Class Of 2012Members of the Panama Central School2012 graduating class are: Jennifer KathleenAbbate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Michael and Kathleen Abbate, Ashville;Megan D. Bowman, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Daniel and Janis Bowman, Ashville;Janelle Brooke Clark, daughter of Mr.Gary Clark, Niobe, and Ms. CynthiaEdsall, Panama; Kathryn Nicole Crossley,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth andSandra Crossley, Panama; Joshua Curtis,son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and PamelaCurtis, Panama; Tabatha Lee Dickerson,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott andTammy Dickerson, Panama; Teale L.DiDomenico, daughter of Mr. StephenDiDomenico, Panama, and Ms. AmyDiDomenico, Jamestown; Tiffani Dorsey,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and CarolDorsey, Lebanon, OR, and Ms. LaurieEddy, Ashville; Rachel Ecklund, daughterYOUDID ITPANAMA!Troyer’sGreenhouse1669 Weeks Rd.Panama, NY782-4887CongratulationsClass of 2012!2012Tri-JamesServices, Inc.4478 W. FAIRMOUNT AVENUELAKEWOOD, NEW YORKFOR ALL YOURGRAVEL PRODUCTNEEDSPHONE: 763-9797CongratulationsKaylee Sheldon &Whole Class of 2012!of Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Edith Ecklund,Panama; Alexandria Leigh Froah, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Richard and JenniferFroah, Lakewood, and Mr. and Mrs. Brentand Christine Hall, Ashville; Callie A.Fuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bradleyand Susan Edwards, Panama; Alison Halpainy,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve andJamie Halpainy, Ashville; Hailey Howard,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James and JulieHoward, Panama; Justice C. Jackson,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew andBobbi Jackson, South Dayton, and Mr. andMrs. Mason and Jackie Riggle, Ashville;Seth David Jackson, son of Mr. JamesLanyon, Corry, PA, and Ms. Katrina Georgia,Morganfield, KY; Jordan T. Kell, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Lou and Darcy Kell,Ashville; Nicholas A. Kelwaski, son ofMr. Clarence Kelwaski, Jr., Jamestown,and Ms. Melissa Johnson, Ashville; LoganJ. Edwards Insurance12 E Main St.,Panama782-4615484-1288Good Luck GraduatesWe Believe In You!!Graduation 2012Daniel Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steveand Mindy Larson, Lakewood; John Lee,son of Mr. and Mrs. John and Sandy Lee,Panama; Nicholas James Lenart, son of thelate James Lenart and Mrs. Rita Lenart,Panama; Zachary Leonard, son of Mr. andMrs. Robert and Angela Leonard,Ashville; Taylor Alexis Lloyd, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Steven and Alicia Lloyd,Panama; Zachary Richard-Joseph Lubi,son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and BeverleyLubi, Panama; Andrea Lynn Marsh,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael andSandra Marsh, Panama; Tyler OwenMarsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex and JodyMarsh, Panama; Jennifer L. McIntire,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan and LoriMcIntire, Ashville; Rachel E. Odell,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marc and JaniceOdell, Ashville; Kacy H. Phillips, daughterof Mr. Thomas Phillips, Ashville, andMrs. Emily Harvey, Panama CentralSchool principal, has announced AndreaMarsh as valedictorian and Dylan Stow assalutatorian of theClass of 2012.Andrea is thedaughter of Michaeland Sandra Marsh,Kings Corners Road,Panama. She wasinducted into theNational Honor Societyher sophomoreyear and is the presidentthis year. Shewas previously amember of the LanguageClub. She hasbeen on the StudentCouncil all four years as well as being theclass president. She was Student of theMonth in ninth grade and Student of theQuarter in 12th grade.Besides her academic achievements,sports have been a big part of Andrea’s life.She played junior varsity football her freshmanyear and went on to play varsity footballfor the rest of her high school careerwhere she was co-captain of the team. Shewas on the 2011 All-WNY AcademicFootball Team. Andrea was selected to beone of 12 nation-wide finalists for theInspireum Football Award. She was alsofeatured in Sports Illustrated Magazine’s“Faces in the Crowd.” Andrea played basketballand softball all four years and rantrack during her sophomore year. Outsideof school, she played AAU basketball forthree years. She has been honored withboth MVP and Coaches’ Awards for basketball.Andrea has been involved in communityactivities in many ways. She is a volunteerwith the Panama junior wrestlingtournament. She is active with the bloodMrs. Selina Phillips, Lakewood; ChristinaRauh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robertand Vicki Rauh, Ashville; Kaylee MarieSheldon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernonand Kendrya Sheldon, Jr., Panama; JarodThomas Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodand Terry Smith, Panama; Dylan FrankStow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark and CarolynStow, Ashville; Andrew RobertTordella, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert andBarbara Tordella, Ashville; Hunter DavidWaller, son of Mr. David Waller, Ashville,and Ms. Lisa Waller, Ashville; Mark Zamborik,son of Mr. Dan Zamborik, Frewsburg,and Ms. Sherry Zamborik, Ashville;Michael Zamborik, son of Mr. Dan Zamborik,Frewsburg, and Ms. Sherry Zamborik,Ashville; Sarah M. Zembryski,daughter of Mr. Michael Zembryski, Panama,and Ms. Karen Zembryski,Jamestown.Marsh, Stow Named Valedictorian, SalutatorianANDREAMARSHdrive, and she has walked to raise moneyfor breast cancer research.Andrea plans to attend Westminster Collegewith a major in engineering.Dylan is the son of Mark and CarolynStow of Route 474, Ashville. He wasinducted into the National Honor Society hissophomore year, andhe was previously amember of S.T.A.T.He is treasurer for theClass of 2012. Hewas Student of theMonth in ninth gradeand Student of theQuarter in 12thgrade. He is a memberof the high schoolchorus and appearedin this year’s musicalin addition to being themusic department treasurer.DYLAN STOWDylan has played football since his sophomoreyear, was on the varsity team sincehis junior year and also served as co-captainof the team. He received the Panther PrideFootball Award and was on the 2011 All-WNY Academic Football Team. He playedbasketball all four years and received thejunior varsity and varsity boys basketballcoaches’ awards. He was co-captain of thisyear’s sectional championship basketballteam.In the community, Dylan served threeyears on the District Council and on theConference Council for Youth Ministries forthe United Methodist Church. He volunteeredat vacation Bible school for threeyears and at Royal Family Kids Camp. Heparticipated in the 2011 Jamestown BusinessCollege Leadership Launch and wasselected as the Jamestown Community CollegeConnection Student of the Year for thesenior class.

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 21Graduation 2012Panama Central School Senior Class OfficersPanama Central School Class of 2012 officers are Andrea Marsh, president;Kaylee Sheldon, vice president; Kacy Phillips, secretary; and Dylan Stow, treasurer.Bethel Baptist Christian Academy Class Of 2012Graduation ceremonies for the class of2012 at Bethel Baptist Christian Academywere held June 10 in the school auditorium.Speaker was Andy Frudd, teacher and guidancecounselor at Bethel Baptist ChristianAcademy. Members of the class of 2012are: Jill Lane Adams, Mark and ChristineAdams, Frewsburg, N.Y.; Joshua Chase,Nona Urso, Jamestown, N.Y.; Jacquelyn A.Connor, Patrick and Vicky Connor,Jamestown, N.Y.; Christian P. DiMatteo,Victor and Susan DiMatteo, Jamestown,N.Y.; Sebastian C. Frank, Greg Frank, Sinclairville,N.Y., and Kelly Frank, Falconer,N.Y.; Justen Michael Gruber, Theodore andBrenda Gruber, Mayville, N.Y.; JalincaYuYu Jin, Tom and Roberta Karlson (hostfamily), Panama, N.Y.; Cathan Letterman,Virginia Horton, Falconer, N.Y., and JoshuaLetterman, Virginia; Tyler Christian Sard,From left are Bethel Baptist ChristianAcademy Class of 2012 officers: LindsayWallace, Josh Chase, Cathan Letterman,and Justen Gruber.William and Michelle Sard, Frewsburg,N.Y., and Lindsay Elizabeth Wallace.Robert and Mary Wallace Lakewood, N.Y.Chase, Adams Named Valedictorian, SalutatorianJoshua G. Chase isBethel Baptist ChristianAcademy valedictorian ofthe class of 2012.He is the grandson ofNona Urso of Jamestown.He has attended BethelBaptist Christian Academyfor 12 years. While atBethel Baptist, Joshuaplayed in the band forJOSHUACHASEseven years, choir for six years, acquire fortwo years, OnQ for one year, drama forone year, soccer, basketball, praise team,and flag football. After graduation, heplans on going to Cedarville for four yearsand then following wherever God leadsand trying to leave a positive impact onthe world. He will major in worship ministriesand minor in youth ministry.Joshua’s summer plans include seeing thecountry, practicing guitar, hanging outwith friends, and leadingworship at church.Jill Lane Adams isBethel Baptist ChristianAcademy salutatorian ofthe class of 2012. Jill is thedaughter of Mark andChristine Adams of Frewsburg.She has five siblingsand has attended BethelBaptist Christian Academyfor one year. While atJILLADAMSBBCA, she was involved in the praiseteam, drama, choir, Bob Jones competition,Spiritual Emphasis Week, and serviceproject elective. Jill is planning on attendingJamestown Community College andmajoring in the Media Arts. This summerJill will be working at the Bemus PointUnited Methodist Church as a summerintern ministering to the junior and seniorhigh.•••••••••••••• •SAVE THOUSANDSON A NEW CAR FORYOUR GRADUATE(BUY A WATCH! )•••••••••••••••Give a Seiko watch. It says “congratulations.”And more importantly, “I’m smart just like you.”Someday all watches will be made this way.Carlson’sJewelry Smithing31 N. Main, Jamestown • 488-9523

22 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Graduation 2012Randolph Names Class Of 2012Members of the 2012 graduating class atRandolph Central School are: Jacob AndrewAbraham; Chelsea-Anne Marie Aldrich;Ryan Brown; Erin Marie Bruder; MasonBurch; Daniele M. Burke; Rhiannon M.Carnahan; Marisa Covell; Alex MartinChapman; Sean A. Connor; Dane Dechow;Chelsey Lynette Durnell; Kassandra Erdmann;Cheyanne Nicole France; Kelli ElizabethFrance; H’Keem Fuller; Taylor P.Fyvie; Zachary D. Greeley; Tyler Griffin;Jacob Allen Grimm; Nathan W. Gross;Andrew Gurzinski; Emily Gustafson; JacobW Hale; Joseph P Harrington; Chaz MHickok; Kathryn Lauren Hinman; Joshua A.Hitchcock; Devan M Huntington; Jamie D.Johnson; Zechariah Lloyd Kehoe; AlexanderL Kickbush; Lukas Kodie KristopherLockwood; Steven W. Loomis; Dustin N.Lucas; Collin Mackey; Marah CatherineMaycock; Scott A. Martin Jr.; Ashley ElizabethMendell; Ian A. Meyer; EmileeMorales; John G Morgante; Brady FloydMorrison; Amanda Kae Muntz; Tad MMyers; Michelle Renee Nagle; AmeliaEileen Neal; Ashton O’Brien; JeremyMichael Parkhurst; Taylor P. Peru; JeremyThomas Peterson; George David PitchfordJr.; Erin Elizabeth Quattrone; Brent Robbins;Amy Kristina Ruth; Sarah Jo Sample;Sarah Elizabeth Schrader; AnthonySchwartz; Catherine L Searle; Hayden Senn;Derek Shaw; Peter Jay Shaw Brougham;Holden M. Snyder; Megan E. Spain; NathanThompson; Michelle Walters.C o n g r a t u l a t i o n sPine ValleyClass of 2012!South DaytonSuper Market1 Pine St.,South Dayton988-3871Good Luck!Senior Class OfficersSenior class officers at Randolph Central School are, top row from left, RhiannonCarnahan, Michelle Nagle and Melissa Ruth. Bottom row, from left, are Zec Kehoeand Marah Maycock.

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 23CONGRATS RANDOLPH GRADUATESRandolphAuto Supply18 Jamestown St.Randolph NY358-6222For Your Auto & Truck Parts!The Area’s Original PPG Paint Products Since 1974CongratulationsClass of 2012!RandolphHardware263 Main StreetRandolph, NY358-6464Good Luck Grads!Van Rensselaer & SonFuneral Home14 Church St., Randolph, NY358-5583“Our Family Serving Yours”Good Luck To AllGraduates!!www.vanrensselaerandsonfuneralhome.comInkleyPharmacy113 Main St., Randolph, NY358-3201Enjoy shopping in the friendly,relaxed atmosphere of ourcharming village, where ourhelpful merchants offer personal,friendly service. Stop in to seeClaire & Dennis and theirfriendly staff.Congratulations SeniorsForget-Me-NotFlowers & Gifts127 Main St.Randolph716-358-5203Congrats & Good Luck!SennSations150 Main St.,Randolph, NY 14772Congratulations Haydenand all 2012 Graduates.Good Luck!Certified NYSI StationRANDY’SGARAGE140 Main St., East Randolph, NY 14730(716) 358-2292Please call for an appointmentThis is the place for all you automotive needs!!Congratulations toall 2012 Graduates!

24 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Maycock, France Round Out Top 10 At RandolphMarah Maycock, daughter of Robinand Michael Maycock, has been namedvaledictorian of the class of 2012.Marah’s extra-curricular activitiesinclude Spanish Club, Student Council,National Honor Society, Niagara Frontiervolleyball club, and JamestownAAU.Marah’s academicawardsinclude: RITcomputingaward, CattaraugusCountyYouth BureauCitizenshipaward, WIVBScholar Athleteaward, September2011, U.S.Army NationalScholar Athlete,and she has thehighest averagefor math, science,SpanishMARAHMAYCOCKand English. For community service,Marah volunteers for Make-A-DifferenceDay, the Salvation Army, LittleHooper Basketball Camp and NationalHonor Society. Marah’s athletic awardsinclude: MVP of the state volleyballchampionships, first team at the statevolleyball championships, first teamAll-Western New York for volleyball,first team all-state for volleyball inClass D, volleyball league MVP, firstteam league volleyball all-star, first andthird team All-Western New York forbasketball, first- and third-team all-statefor basketball in Class C, basketballleague MVP, first team league basketballall-star and The <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>Journal</strong> Playerof the Year for basketball. She wasalso a first-team all-star in softball, wasa WKBW Super Seven Athlete of theWeek and Section 6 Winter ScholarAthlete for Basketball.Kelli France, daughter of Karen andJoel France, is the salutatorian of theclass of 2012. Kelli’s extra-curricularactivities include National Honor Societyand soccer. Kelli has received theCattaraugus County Youth CitizenshipAward, was the varsity soccer team captain,was named to the JCC Dean’s Listfor part-time students and was selectedas an Empire Girls’ State representative.She received Student-of-the-Monthawards for English and science. Kellireceived the 2011 Storrs All HighPhoto Show Best Computer GeneratedAward. She also received the soccerteam MVP award and was named to theCCAA Division 2 All-Star soccer teamand the ChautauquaCountySenior All-Starsoccer team. Forcommunity serviceKelli volunteersfor St.Patrick’s church,RCS Cardinal’sNest, SalvationArmy, Make-A-Difference Day,CommunityCupboard, GetIn The Game,Moose Club andNational HonorSociety.The rest of the top 10 students in theClass of 2012 are:¯ Erin Quattrone, daughter of Jenniferand Kevin Quattrone.¯ Amy Ruth, daughter of Mary andCharles Ruth.¯ Holden Snyder, son of Barbara andDana Snyder.¯ Zechariah Kehoe, son of Doris andRandy Kehoe.¯ Kassandra Erdmann, daughter ofKarin and Russ Erdmann.¯ Andrew Gurzinski, son of Barbaraand Stanley Gurzinski.¯ Lukas Lockwood, son of Angelaand Jeffrey Lockwood.¯ Kathryn Hinman, daughter ofDanielle and Mark Hinman.Graduation 2012KELLI FRANCERANDOLPHAUTO SUPPLYCongratulationsTo AllGraduates!18 Jamestown St., Randolph, NY358-6222For your Auto & Truck parts!Fenders • Bumpers • Wipers • Bug Shields• Grill Guards • Running Boards• Tonneau Covers • & much moreMon., Tues., & Wed., 8 - 5:00pmThur. & Fri. 8 - 5:30pmSat. 8 - 1 pm.TheArea’sOriginal P PGPaintProductsSince 1974Hoard, Haas Top Salamanca Class Of 2012Ann Marie Anderson, principal of SalamancaSenior High School, has announcedthe valedictorian and salutatorianof the Class of 2012.Ryann Marie Hoard hasbeen named valedictorian ofSalamanca’s graduating classof 2012. Ryann graduateswith a 94.42 average and a96.72 index, and will receivea NYS Advanced RegentsDiploma with Distinction for RYANNhaving an average of 85 percentor higher in RegentsHOARDexams, while taking a demanding courseload, which includes JCC courses.She is the daughter of Stephanie Mongoldand Mike Hoard. Ryann will beattending Jamestown Community Collegein September where she will be receivingthe USA Scholarship.Ryann has been active in NationalHonor Society as vice president, is co-presidentof the French Honor Society and is inthe Math Honor Society and ScienceHonor Society. Ryann is the current presidentof the student council. Ryann is theco-editor of the 2012 Yearbook along withbeing on the staff of the Warrior Newspaper.Ryann has been on the varsity swimteam for four years and was the captain ofthe team this year. During her high schoolyears Ryann also participated in softballand track and field. Ryann was named tothe Big 30 Academic Team this year andwas named the Rotary Student of theGOOD LUCKWESTFIELDGRADS!DeHaven’sDodge CityRt. 20, East Main St., Westfield, NY716-326-3194Stop By Today & DriveAway in One of Our Newor Used Cars/TrucksBest Wishes forFuture SuccessMonth in November.Benjamin Haas was named salutatorianof the class of 2012. He is the son of Kellyand Joe Siperek and George Haas Jr. Benwill be attending Lehigh University in thefall with a $45,000/year academic andwrestling scholarship.Ben, with a 93.37 average and a 95.99index, has successfully completed a challengingprogram of study including a JCCclass and will receive a stateAdvanced Regents Diplomawith Distinction for having anaverage of 85 percent or higherin Regents exams. Extracurricularactivities include presidentof the National HonorSociety, co-president of theFrench National Honor Societyand Science National HonorSociety.Ben has been very active inBENHAASsports throughout his high school career.He participated in wrestling for six yearsand is a two-time state champion wrestlerreceiving the 2012 Section 6 MVP award.Ben holds the Salamanca High School alltime wins record for wrestling. Ben playedfootball for six years and was chosen as theSection 6 MVP Offensive player and All-League MVP for Defense in 2011-12. Benhas participated in lacrosse for five years.Additional honors for Ben this year arebeing chosen as the Rotary Club Student ofthe Month in March, the Ilio DePaolaScholarship Award and the Kiwanis HeroAward.

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 25Freyn, Marshall Named Valedictorian, Salutatorian At Westfield AcademyWESTFIELD — Alec Wilson Freyn isthe Westfield Academy and CentralSchool Class of 2012 valedictorian andJoseph Michael Marshall is the salutatorian.Alec Freyn is the class president for thelast three years of my high school careerand was co-captain for both the soccerand track teams.He was the firstchair euphoniumplayer in bandand the Tenor 2section leader inhigh school chorus.He participatedin the Wethe People teamthat attended boththe state andnational competitions,has been onthe High SchoolBowl teamthroughout highschool and is aALEC WILSONFREYNmember of the Westwinds, Apemen andSenior High School Chorus. He wasinvolved in many musicals at Westfieldincluding Guys & Dolls, A ChristmasCarol, Hairspray and Pirates of Penzance.Alec was also in the High School Band,McClurg Street String Band and the Jazzensemble while taking private guitar lessonsat the State University at Fredonia.Athletically, he was involved in soccer,track and field, and ski club.As a junior, Alec attended a posterpresentation at the University of Buffalowhere his team presented an annotation ofa gene. He has been on the part-timedean’s list at Jamestown Community collegefor the last two years and have been amember of the National Honor Societysince his sophomore year. Freyn was partof groups performing at the NYSSMAconvention in Rochester the last threeyears; playing hand bells, singing inWestwinds and playing mandolin in theCeltic Band. He also received the MVPdefensive player award and the white varsityletter in soccer for the 2011-12 seasonand is a recent recipient of the superintendent’saward for Chautauqua County.He is a volunteer at the PresbyterianChurch, where he cooked and servedfriendship brunches, participated in manymusical programs, and assisted during theWestfield Arts and Crafts festival.He enjoys playing classic guitar andreading during his spare time. He alsoplays bass guitar in the alternative rockband Be Shunned and Become.Alec works at the Refectory restaurantin the Chautauqua Institution during thesummer as a prep cook and deli worker.Alec plans to attend the Rochester Instituteof Technology for a degree in biomolecularscience and biotechnology. Hethen hopes to attend grad school tobecome an immunologist focusing on diseasecontrol and prevention.Joseph Michael Marshall, son of DouglasMarshall and Michelle Marshall, isthe class salutatorian.He has been on the High Honor Rollevery semester of high school and hasreceived the W varsity patches and pinsthat come with it. He was once senior ofthe month and is the Rotary Senior of theMonth of May while also earning parttimedean’s list at JCC. Marsahll is thepresident of Westfield Key Club and vicepresident of Students Against DestructiveDecisions. Joseph is also a member of theEnvironmentalClub, participatedin the ChautauquaCountyEnvirothon andwent to nationalswith We the People.He enjoysreading in hisfree time andenjoys hangingout with familyand friends, listeningto musicor spending timeon the computer.In ninth and10th grades,Graduation 2012Westfield Academy And Central School Announces Class Of 2012Members of the 2012 graduating class at the WestfieldAcademy and Central School are: Andrew Abbey;Destinee-Marie Alexander; Austin Alonge; MarinaArnold; Carly Backus; Willam Begier; Gregory Best;Stephanie Bowen; Melissa Bryner; Amanda Campbell;Michael Catalano; Christopher Chasse; Colin Cleland;Iain Cockram; Joelle Dejohn; Kelsey DeVaul; CoreyDougan; Ashlynn Foster; Jordan Freeman; Alec Freyn;Jade Gelsimino; Haley Goddard; Garrett Grant;Matthew Gross; Kathryn Guest; Nathan Harp; SpencerHarris; Haleigh Hoebener; Brianna Hunt; Jordan Issler;Erin Jones; “Marku” Jopek; Dillon Kawski; CleitonKnappenberger; Marcio Knappenberger; Caitlin Koerner;Kristyn LeBarron; Maggie LeClair; Anthony Leone;JOSEPH MICHAELMARSHALLJoseph volunteered at the First UnitedMethodist Church’s vacation Bibleschool, volunteered at Absolut Care in10th grade and was involved in numberousactivities since 11th grade through theKey Club.Chris Mancari; Joseph Marshall; Greta-Lee Martin;Jalen Matve; Mitchell Mead; Lexie Momberger; BrentMorrisson; Colton Myers; Joseph Neratko; Trey North;Alex Nusom; Aron Oakes; Carly Ondreako; Emily Parker;Chelsea Poletto; Rachel Quagliana; VictoriaQuagliana; DeeAnna Rammelt; Derrick Rammelt;Patrick Reardon.Marshall plans to attend JCC and majorin biotechnology. After JCC, he plans totransfer to another school to further hisdegree toward a career in the science orbiomedical industry, maybe as some sortof researcher.Westfield Academy And Central School Class OfficersFrom left are Westfield Academy and Central School class officers Markus Jopek,Alec Freyn, Lexie Momberger, Emily Parker, Garrett Grant.

26 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012Southwestern Central School Announces Class Of 2012Member of the Southwestern CentralSchool Class of 2012 are Daniel Austin,Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Austin, 958 ForestAve. Ext., Jamestown, N.Y.; RyanBaglia, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baglia, 80 S.Hanford Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.; KimberlyBajdo, Clark and Yvette Winans, 164Dunham Ave., Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr.Phil Bajdo, 6720 Bliss Rd., Mayville,N.Y.; Leslie Bamburoski, Dennis andBonnie Gligora, 2 Pleasantview Ave.,Lakewood, N.Y., and Mr. Michael Bamburoski,Orlando, Florida; Elizabeth Barker,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warner and thelate Ann Barker, 604 Big Tree Rd.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Jessica Barrett, Ms.Trina Higbee, 2351 W. Lake Rd.,Ashville, N.Y., and Mr. Ryan Barrett, 17Prather Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.; BenjaminBerry, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Berry, 12Fairwood Drive, Lakewood, N.Y.; Kayla(Phanco) Berry, Kenneth and Colleen(Bromley) Phanco, 126 E. FairmountAve., Lakewood, N.Y.; Andrew Blasius,Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Blasius, 19 OwanaWay, Lakewood, N.Y.;Caitlin Brown,Timothy and Jean Brown, 17 Webster St.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Claressa Caprino, Ms.Pamela Caprino, 24 Cherry Lane, Lakewood,N.Y., and Mr. Joseph Caprino, 49Grandview, Lakewood, N.Y.; KassidyCarlson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carlson,3350 Busti Stillwater Rd., Jamestown,N.Y.; Kimberly Carlson, Mr. and Mrs.David Carlson, 724 Hunt Rd., Lakewood,N.Y.; Jacob Case, Ms. Linda Case, 137Lakecrest Ave., Lakewood, N.Y.; NathanChamberlin, James and Carna Pierce,2388 W. Lake Rd., Ashville, N.Y., andMr. Kevin Chamberlin, PO Box 86, Cassadaga,N.Y.; Eric Chapman, Ms. KarenChapman, 85 Frederick Blvd., Jamestown,N.Y., and Mr. Brian Chapman, Dunkirk,N.Y.; Chad Cooper, Scott and Lisa Cooper,11 Vista Way, Lakewood, N.Y.;Amanda Costanzo, Samuel and RobinCostanzo, 1772 Winch Rd., Jamestown,N.Y.;Kyle Couchenour, Mr. ChristianCouchenour, 5121 Spooner Rd., Ashville,N.Y.; Holly Covert, Mr. and Mrs. HenryLockhart, 39 S. Chicago Ave WE,Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. Scott Covert, 7Butler Street, Jamestown, NY; JarrettDahlbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dahlbeck,10 Hunt Road, Jamestown, NY; ColtonDerby, Randy and Kelly SanFlippo-Derby,321 Maplecrest Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.;Trevor Derby, Linda Farrar and OwenDerby, 41 E. 10th St., Celoron, N.Y.;Thomas Dietrick, Thomas and DeborahDietrick, 63 Fairwood Drive, Lakewood,N.Y.; Devin Dinkins, Mr. Jesse Dinkins,409 Busti/Sugargrove Rd., Jamestown,N.Y., and Ms. Nicole Waller, 606 E. MainSt., Malden, Mo.; Kevin Dorey, Mr. andMrs. Thomas Dorey, 27 Fairwood Drive,Lakewood, N.Y.; Geralyn Doucette, Victorianand Geraldine Doucette, Lakewood,N.Y.; Jonathan Drake, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Drake, 220 Yolande Ave.,CONGRATULATIONSSOUTHWESTERN! 2Tri-JamesServices, Inc.4478 W. FAIRMOUNT AVENUELAKEWOOD, NEW YORKFOR ALL YOURGRAVEL PRODUCTNEEDSPHONE: 763-9797CongratulationsKaylee Sheldon &Whole Class of 2012!Graduation 2012012Jamestown, N.Y.; Derek Drocy, Timothyand Joni Drocy, 1957 Shadyside Rd.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Cal Edborg, Ms. JulieLevinson, 52 Grandview Ave., Lakewood,N.Y., and Todd Edborg, 2515 Arbor ViewDrive, Cary, N.C.; Dakota Elbaum, Steveand Marijana Waite, 4924 Demmings Rd.,Ashville, N.Y., and Mr. Lance Elbaum,Reed St., Erie, Pa.; Sara Elifritz, Jamesand Ida Elifritz, 142 Busti- Sugar GroveRd., Jamestown, N.Y.; Brandy Erhard, Mr.Robert Erhard, 483 Big Tree Sugar GroveRd., Jamestown, N.Y.; Nicholas Evans,Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Evans, 444 Hunt Rd.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Jason Farver, Philip andMichelle Farver, 918 Forest Ave. Ext.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Anna Ferguson, Royand Sally Ferguson, 979 SouthwesternDr., Jamestown, N.Y.; Ashley Fisher,Daniel and Mary Prince, 145 Loomis Bay,Ashville, N.Y.l; Ryan Germonto, Ms.Beverly Johnson, 126 Howard Ave. W.E.,Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. Bill Germonto,113 S. Alleghany W.E., Jamestown, N.Y.;Sarah Giambruno, Thomas and FeliciaGiambruno, 1003 Brairwood Dr., Lakewood,N.Y.; Alexander Gniewecki, Ms.Lisa Gniewecki, 103 S. Alleghany Ave.,Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. DavidGniewecki, 4379 W. Summit St., Lakewood,N.Y.; Jennifer Goodwill, Mr. andMrs. Dennis Goodwill, 23 Webster St.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Sara Graham, Mr. andMrs. Joel Graham, 107 Lakeview Ave.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Jeffrey Green, Mr. andMrs. Dennis Green, 36 Fairwood Dr.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Kelsey Haag, Ms. SuzieHaag, 17 Walnut St., Lakewood, N.Y.,and Mr. Terry Haag; Joshua Houghwot,Kevin and Sylvia Houghwot, 190 N.Alleghany Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.; NicoleIngersoll, William and Jody Ingersoll,1227 Orr St., Jamestown, N.Y.; HannahJohnson, Ms. Martha Johnson, 29 W.Lake St., Lakewood, N.Y., andMr. William Johnson, 334 E. 5th St.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Julia Johnson, Ms.Shannon Schuckers, 17 W. 12th St.,Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. Douglas Johnson,44 Edith St., Jamestown, N.Y.; LacieJohnson, Ms.Lauri Johnson, 10 WebsterSt., Lakewood, N.Y., and Mr. Rick Johnson,4th St., Jamestown, N.Y.; HannahJohnston, Ms. Ruthann Johnston, 505Fairmount Ave., Jamestown, N.Y., andMr. William Johnston, 23 Frink Ave.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Brandon Knepshield,Mr. and Mrs. James Matteson,61 W. Chadakoin St., Celoron, N.Y., andMr. Scott Knepshield, Ellicottville, N.Y.;Cassaundra Laemmerhirt, Mike and CindiDietzen, 15 W. Lake St., Celoron, N.Y.,and Ernie and Jill Laemmerhirt, 26 HallAve., Jamestown, N.Y.; Kristen Lata, Ms.Terry Lata, 215 Busti Sugar Grove Rd.,Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. William Lata,28 Lakin Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.; CharlesLeonard, Charles and Lorraine Leonard,20 Case Ave., Lakewood, N.Y.; AdrianLewis, Ms. Candace Shauff, 133 LakecrestAve., Lakewood, N.Y.; Cash Li, Mr.and Mrs. Wing and Pui Li, 435 OrchardRd., Jamestown, N.Y.; Andrew Liebers,Ms. Bethany Bjork, 305 Maplecrest Ave.,Lakewood, N.Y., and Mr. Rober Liebers,41 W. Summit, Lakewood, N.Y.; MelissaLindberg, Ms. Cynthia Lindberg, 24 ElmwoodAve., Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr.William Lindberg III, Panama, N.Y.;Leslie Loverme, Mrs. Patricia Cook, 821Busti-Sugar Grove Rd., Jamestown, N.Y.’Megan Maley, Shawn and Amy Maley, 45Gifford Ave. W.E., Jamestown, N.Y.;Troy Marchini, Daniel and Tammi Marchini,26 Smith St., Celoron, N.Y.; ShaneMarucci, Patrick and Cindy Marucci, 71Jackson Ave., Celoron, N.Y.; CassandraMays, Mrs. Melissa Johnston, 3450 LawsonRd., Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. DavidMays, 98 Camp St., Jamestown, N.Y.;Gregory McNallie, Mr. and Mrs. PatrickMcNallie, 184 Creek Rd., Jamestown,N.Y.; Audrey Milliner, Mr. LewisMilliner, 8 Rowley Court, Jamestown,N.Y., Ms. Bonny Milliner, 16 E. ThirdStreet, Lakewood, NY; Fiona Moore, GregoryMoore and Susan McClorg-Moore,100 Winchester Rd., Lakewood, N.Y.;Garrett Morse, Kevin and Jennifer Morse,1 Whisper Lane W.E., Jamestown, N.Y.;Peter Mueller, Drs. Rudy and DianeMueller, 7 Sunset Ave., Lakewood, N.Y.;Asako Nakomoto, Toshiaki and KeikoNakamoto, Kanazawa, Japan; Kurt Nelson,Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson, 3260Donelson Rd., Jamestown, N.Y.; SamuelNelson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson, 935Southwestern Drive, Jamestown, N.Y.;Robert Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Newell,75 Avalon Blvd. W.E., Jamestown, N.Y.;Daniel Petruccello, Daniel and KathleenPetruccello, 10 Winding Way, Lakewood,N.Y.; Stephen Pool, Mr. and Mrs. DonaldPool, 93 Wicks Ave. W.E., Jamestown,NY; Dakota Proctor-Burch, Cinama Proctor,585 Big Tree Rd., Jamestown, N.Y.,and Robert Burch, 4459 Lawson Road,Jamestown, N.Y.; Markus Puleo, Jeffreyand Jennifer Puleo, 286 Southland Ave.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Amber Rivas, Karl andYvonne Holmgren, 6 Cherry Lane, Lakewood,N.Y.; Lauren Schweichler, Ms.Robin Ferrari, 130 Westminister Dr.W.E., Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr. RonMesler II, 296 Falconer St., Jamestown,N.Y.See SOUTHWESTERN,Page 27

THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012 27SouthwesternFrom Page 26Matthew Seekins, Christian and BeverlyFandt, 31 Houston Ave., Jamestown,N.Y., and Kevin and Helen Seekins, 300Hall Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.; Alora Sherbert,Ms. Christi Sherbert, 17 Vista Way,Lakewood, N.Y.; David Shields, Ms.Melissa Shields, 167 Lakeview Ave.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Emily Shields, Ms. BarbaraShields and Mr. Thomas Galbato, 45Nottingham Circle, W.E., Jamestown,N.Y., and Mr. Roger Shields, Columbus,Ohio; Skyler Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. JamesSkinner, 1918 SouthwesternDr.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Kristina Smith,Daniel and Cyndy Smith, 2217 SecondAve., Lakewood, N.Y.; Jakob Snow, Jeffreyand Shelly Snow, 329 Big TreeRoad, Jamestown, N.Y.; StephanieSorensen, Reid and Joanna Sorensen, 156W. Summit St., Lakewood, N.Y., and Ms.Lori Robbins, Jamestown, N.Y.; RichardStrickland, Steve and Ruby Strickland,1396 Winch Rd., Lakewood, N.Y.;Matthew Sunderlin, Ms. LeeAnn Sunderlin,1155 Southwestern Dr., Jamestown,N.Y., and Mr. William Sunderlin II, 43Colfax, Jamestown, N.Y.; William SunderlinIII, Ms. LeeAnn Sunderlin, 1155Southwestern Drive, Jamestown, N.Y.,and Mr. William Sunderlin II, 43 Colfax,Jamestown, N.Y.; Brett Swan, Jason andHolly Swan, 126 Southland Ave., Lakewood,N.Y.; Jacob Swan, Ms. DebraWright, 34 Grandview Ave., Lakewood,N.Y., and Mr. Jeffrey Swan, 13 Clark St.,Lakewood, N.Y.; Nicholas Swanson, Mr.and Mrs. Bradley Swanson, 204 SpruceSt., Lakewood, N.Y.; Melissa Taylor, Mr.and Mrs. Brian Taylor, 22 Wicks Ave.,Graduation 2012Jamestown, N.Y.; Cassandra Tefft, Stewartand Sharon Tefft, 907 SouthwesternDr., Jamestown, N.Y.; Jennifer Thies, Ms.Patricia Thies, 5 MariLane, Lakewood,N.Y.; Michael Turner, Tom and MichelleTurner, 33 East Lake St., Lakewood,N.Y.; Tyler Uber, Mr. and Mrs. RobertUber, 112 Warwick Rd WE, Jamestown,N.Y.; Christopher VanSickle, Mr. andMrs. Donald Keefe, 455 Creek Road,Jamestown, N.Y.; Nicole Vincent, Mr.and Mrs. Scott Vincent, 101 Merlin Ave.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Zachary Vogle, Mr. andMrs. Michael Vogle, 140 Howard Ave.WE, Jamestown, N.Y.; Courtney Waggoner,Kelly and Sue Waggoner, 1264Big Tree Sugar Grove Rd., Jamestown,N.Y.; Kelsey Walbesser, Mr. and Mrs.Kevin Walbesser, 499 Fairmount Ave.WE, Jamestown, N.Y.; Steven Warden,Mr. and Mrs. James Warden, 1435Shadyside Road, Jamestown, N.Y.; JessicaWatson, Mr. and Mrs. David Watson,164 Robinson Ave., Jamestown, N.Y.;Claire Webster, Dennis and Sheila Webster,45 Elmwood Ave. W.E., Jamestown,N.Y.; Jennifer Wells, Timothy andPauline Wells, 2383 Canal Rd., Ashville,N.Y.; Emily Wessel, Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Wessel, 115 W. Summit, Lakewood,N.Y.; Morgan Whittington, Mr.and Mrs. Donald Whittington, 46 E. SummitAve., Lakewood, N.Y.; Megan Wuebbolt,Dr. Gordon and MaryBeth Wuebbolt,1 Vista Way, Lakewood, N.Y.;Nicholas Yanik, Mr. and Mrs. RandallYanik, 123 Busti-SugarGrove Rd.,Jamestown, N.Y.; Jessica Young, Mr. andMrs. James Young, 209 Southland Ave.,Lakewood, N.Y.Blasius, Webster Named Valedictorian, Salutatorian At Southwestern CentralAndrew M. Blasius, son of Mr.Jonathan and Myra Blasius of Lakewood,has earned the honor of being named valedictorianfor the Southwestern CentralSchool Class of2012.Claire M.Webster, daughterof Dennis andSheila Webster ofJamestown, hasbeen named thisyear’s salutatorianḂlasius will beattending CaseWestern ReserveUniversity in thefall intending tomajor inmath/physics.Andrew has beenawarded the Case Western Reserve ScholarScholarship, Kristi Lin Chrispell ForbesMemorial Scholarship and the LakewoodPTA Scholarship.Andrew’s extracurricular activitiesinclude: National Honor Society member/President,Water Polo Club,Choir/Select Choir, tutoring and four yearsas a member of the Swimming and Divingteam. Andrew has also earned several academicawards while at Southwestern. Hewas named a Commended Student in the2012 National Merit Scholarship Program,chosen First Team on BusinessFirst’s 2012 All-Western New York AcademicTeam, RIT Medal, St. LawrenceBook Award and has been an honor rollstudent throughout his high school career.Outside of school Andrew is a memberof the First Presbyterian Church and isactively involved in the church youthgroup. Andrewhas been a participantin the Relayfor Life and CysticFibrosis walksand enjoys ringingthe bell forSalvation Army.Ms. Websterwill be attendingthe University ofRochester in thefall where sheANDREW M.intends to majorin political sci-BLASIUS CLAIRE M.ence and internationalrlations.WEBSTERShe has beenawarded the University of RochesterDean’s Scholarship, Distinguished YoungWomen of the Lakewood Area SecondRunner Up and the Anthony “Tony”Caprino Scholarship.Claire’s extracurricular activitiesinclude: National Honor Society member(co-secretary), Student Council, 2012Class (co-vice president), French Club(president), Band, Band Council (co- president),Pit Band, Key Club (co-secretary)and a member of the tennis team (co-captain).Claire has also earned several academicawards while at Southwestern. Shewas named a Commended Student in the2012 National Merit Scholarship Program,chosen Special Mention on BusinessFirst’s 2012 All-Western New York AcademicTeam and has been an honor rollstudent throughout his high school career.Outside of school Claire has volunteeredfor St. Susan’s Soup Kitchen, UnitedWay, been a participant in the JuvenileDiabetes walk and Walk 4 Paws. Sheenjoys working as an usher at theAmphitheater at Chautauqua Institutionand is a co-host of the Saturday BreakfastParty on WJTN.CONGRATULATIONSRIPLEY!CT HOMPSONOLLISION6345 Hamilton Rd. Ripley736-2277Specializing In Paint & Frame Work,And Insurance ClaimsCongratulations Hayden& the Class of 2012!

28 THE POST-JOURNAL, Thursday, June 28, 2012There’s still time.Apply today for fall semester admissions.“New York’s Top Performing Two-Year College”- as cited by The Chronicle of Higher Education716.338.1000 or 716.363.6500 | sunyjcc.edu

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