SECTION VII:PROCUREMENT1. Detailment of CHT2. Procurement of Furniture and non-medical equipmentSECTION VIII:REFUNDS1. Refund of <strong>ECHS</strong> Contribution (accounting Note 012004)2. Refund of <strong>ECHS</strong> Contribution 13. Refund of <strong>ECHS</strong> ContributionSECTION IX:REIMBURSEMENTS1. Observation and Guidelines (Processing of Medical Bills)2. Observation and Guidelines 1 (Processing of Medical Bills)3. Priority for payment of hospital bills4. Processing of Bills (consultation)5. Reconciliation of Hospital Bills 16. Reconciliation of Hospital Bills7. Utilization of provisions of Fin Regs towards speedy clearance of medicalbills.

POLICY ON <strong>ECHS</strong> ADVERTISEMENTS1. References:-a) B49787/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 07 Nov 03.b) B/49715/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 12 Sep 07.c) B/49715/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 31 Oct 07.d) MoD ID No.22D(04)/08/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 15 Apr 08(Copy enclosed).2. The DAVP vide letter No. DIR(UM) dated 30 Oct 07 has intimated that the advertisement onaccount of employment of contractual staff of <strong>ECHS</strong> can also be placed directly with the DAVPempanelled newspapers at DAVP rates. Various Regional Centres have approached CentralOrganisation expressing difficulty on placement of advertisements through DAVP consequent torelinquishing of jobs by the contractual staff without prior notice.3. In order to overcome the situation, it has been decided that whenever situations warrantadvertisement on account of employment of contractual staff of <strong>ECHS</strong> may be placed with thenewspaper agencies empanelled with DAVP directly at the DAVP approved rates only. Thesame can be periodically downloaded and referred from the DAVP website Thefunds allotted will be purpose specific and the expenditure towards this will be maintainedseparately by all concerned and reflected in all reports and returns including MERs in a separatecolumn below Code Head 366/00 (Misc) named “Advertisements”. The fund allotted foradvertisements will not be utilised for any other purpose whatsoever.4. The following actions have to be taken:-a) Station HQ. Station HQ requiring release of advertisement will forward the proposedadvertisement to the concerned Regional Centre indicating the name of DAVP empanellednewspaper along with the quotation of DAVP rates by the news paper agency. The advertisementcan be suitably modified to reduce the cost, as the existing power of Regional Director is only Rs15,000 per transaction. The payment will be affected through the cash assignment after duesanction by the CFA. The available cash assignment at Station HQ will be utilised under the Code

Head 366/00 (Misc) which will be recouped through additional allotment by HQ Command. A copyof the release order with copies of advertisement and the sanctionletter will be forwarded to Controlling Command HQ with copy to Central Org to monitorexpenditure. Allotment /Expdr will be reflected as per para 3 above in all budgetary returnsincluding MERs.(b) Regional Centre. The Regional Centre will vet the propriety, empanelment and rate detailsand text of the advertisement and accord necessary sanction as authorised vide GOI MoD letterNo. 24(3)/03/US(WE)/D(Res)(i) dated 08 Sep 03 with a copy to the concerned Command HQ toallot necessary funds to the Station HQ. Regional Centres will maintain a register for Polyclinicwise sanction details accorded during a financial year.(c) Command HQ. On receipt of intimation of sanction by the Regional Centre, HQ Commandwill allot necessary funds on case to case basis to the concerned Station HQ who will makepayment to the newspaper agency through the cash assignment. Allotment /Expdr will be reflectedas per para 3 above in all budgetary returns including MERs. Strict control will be observed onfunds allotted for advertisements.(d) Central Organisation. Central Organisation will place funds with HQ Commands underCode Head 366/00 for the purpose.5. The advertisements can be placed through the DAVP also as per existing procedurewherever cost exceeds the powers of Regional Directors/ MD <strong>ECHS</strong>, for which funds will be placedby the Central Organisation in the beginning of the Financial Year. It may be ensured by theRegional Centres that advertisements do not exceed two news papers at a time for a specific postand utmost economy and value for money is achieved. The copy of the published advertisementfor maximum publicity can also be displayed at all prominent display boards of the Station such asCSDs and Polyclinics.6. The policy is implemented with immediate effect.7. This may be circulated to all concerned within your AOR.Sd/---Auth : B/49715/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 17 Apr 2008Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>

LAPSE OF CASH ASSIGNMENT1. Further to this Organisation letter No. B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 12 Mar 2009.2. It has come to notice that a f ew Station HQ have deposited the unexpendedbalance in the cash assignment through the MRO to the Government.3. It is intimated that balance of cash assignment account lapses on 31 Mar and there isno need to deposit the amount through MRO. The unspent amount in cash assignment lies inthe Government account and thus does not require to be deposited back.4. However, the balance held in the Public Fund Account of the OIC Polyclinics shouldbe deposited with the Government by 31 Mar as the amount cannot be carry forward to nextfinancial year. Necessary details may be c onfirmed from the concerned PCDA/CDA, ifrequired.5. This is for your information and necessary circulation to all concerned under your AOR.Auth : B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 21 Apr 10Sd/--Jt Dir (P&FC)For MD

MAINTENANCE OF CASH BOOK1. Reference our letter No.B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 09 Sep 09.2. It has been reported by some of the CsDA that post implementation of the ibid policy,the cash book is not being maintained in order by some of the Station HQ. In place ofmaking the individual payment entries in the cash book some of the Station HQ are makinga common entry for various Payment Vouchers (PV) in the cash book.3. A PV no. is allotted to each voucher and entries in the cash book are to be made foreach PV no. separately. The entries in the cash book are not to be clubbed under anycircumstances.4. Please ensure implementation.Sd/--Encl : As statedJt Dir (Fin)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>Auth :B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 17 Jun 10

PROVISIONAL BOOKING OF <strong>ECHS</strong> EXPENDITURE1. References:-a. B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 13 Sep 2007.b. B/49788/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 28 Jan 2008.c. B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 04 Apr 2008.d. B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 02 May 2008.2. During the last Financial Year, the total booking of expenditure by CGDA for <strong>ECHS</strong> underRevenue head exceeded the total allotment. Discussion with CGDA officials and visits by JD(P&FC) to various CsDA revealed that the error occurred due to submission of Appendix B (to ourletter of even reference dated 13 Sep 07) in incorrect format and at times due to the delayedsubmission.3. In order to ensure the timely booking of expenditure by all CsDA, Command HQ arerequested to ensure the following:-(a) The cash book should be closed by 25 th of the month and Appendix B be submitted(revised format enclosed) by Stn HQ to the concerned Regional Centre co-located with CDA by faxby 27 th of the month (For submission of Appendix B, List of Stn HQ under concerned RC colocatedwith CDA is enclosed as Appx A). Stn HQ under Air HQ and Naval HQ will forward theAppx B directly to concerned CDA under intimation to respective service HQ.(b) Regional Centre will compile all Appx B and forward the same under a covering letter byhand latest by 29 th of the month to the dealing Officer in the CDA office and collectacknowledgement on office copy.

(c) The punching medium print out generated by the CDA for booking of expenditure in respectof all the Stations will be collected by the Regional Centre by hand in the first week of the followingmonth and proper vetting will be carried out to ensure that correct provisional booking has beenmade by the CDA in respect of the Appx B forwarded in the previous month.4. A report on submission of Appendix B will be forwarded by the Regional Centre to thisOrganisation by 15 th of the following month under intimation to controlling Command HQ.Whenever there have been delays in faxing of Appx B by Stn HQ to Regional Centre, the matterwill be brought to the notice of Station Commander. In case of frequent repetition in delay, theRegional Centre will bring the matter to the notice of controlling Command HQ with a copy toCentral Organisation. For the polyclinics under Air Force and Navy, report on submission ofAppx B from Stn HQ to their CDA will be forwarded to Central Organisation by theirrespective service HQ.5. The Stations which do not provide Appendix B by fax to the concerned Regional Centreshould be clearly indicated in the covering letter of the Appendix B report to Central Organisationand Controlling Command HQ. The concerned Command HQ are to ensure that the defaultingStations as per the report by Regional Centres are dealt with severely.6. It may further be ensured that the Appx B for the month of March will include theexpenditure till 31 Mar and will be forwarded to the concerned PCsDA/CsDA by 5 th of Apr.7. This letter supersedes our letter No. B/49788/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 28 Jan 2008 and letter ofeven reference dated 04 Apr 08, 16 Oct 08(addressed to HQ NC,WC and SWC), 04 Dec08(addressed to HQ EC,CC and SC),27 Feb 09 & 20 May 09 (addressed to HQ SC).8. Command HQ are requested to ensure that the Stn HQ submit the Appx B in therevised format from Sep10 onwards.9. You are requested to disseminate this letter to all concerned within your AOR.Sd/-Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>Auth : B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 09 Aug 10

STATION HQ UNDER CDA SECUNDERABAD & BANGALORE ANDAPPX B TO BE SUBMITTED TO REGIONAL CENTRE HYDERABADSlNoStation HQ Polyclinics M/NMLRCComd PCDA1 Belgaum Belgaum Mil Hyderabad SC SecunderabadBijapur Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMilDharwad Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMil2 Secunderabad Guntur Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMilSecunderabad Mil Hyderabad SC SecunderabadChittur Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMilGiddalur Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMilGolconda Mil Hyderabad SC SecunderabadKakinada Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMilVijayawada Non Hyderabad SC SecunderabadMil3 HQ K&K Sub Madekeri Non Hyderabad SC BangaloreAreaMilMangalore NonMilHyderabad SC Bangalore

STATION HQ UNDER CDA CHENNAI AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE CHENNAISl No Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N- RC Comd PCDAMil1 Chennai Vellore Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiChennai Mil Chennai SC ChennaiAvadi Mil Chennai SC ChennaiKanchipuram Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiCuddalore Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiVillupuram Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiThiruvannamalai Non Mil Chennai SC Chennai2 Coimbatore Krishnagiri Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiSalem Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiPalakkad Non Mil Kochi SC Chennai3 Tiruchirapalli Srivilliputtur Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiDindigul Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiMadurai Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiTiruchirapalli Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiNagapattinam Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiTanjavur Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiTheni Non Mil Chennai SC Chennai4 Trivandrum Tirunalveli Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiNagarcoil Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiTuticorin Non Mil Chennai SC ChennaiTrivandrum Mil Kochi SC ChennaiPathanamthitta Non Mil Kochi SC ChennaiQuilon Non Mil Kochi SC Chennai5 Wellington Wellington Mil Chennai SC Chennai6 Cannanore Kannur Mil Kochi SC ChennaiKozikode Non Mil Kochi SC ChennaiPerintalmanna Non Mil Kochi SC Chennai7 Kochi (Army) Alleppy Non Mil Kochi SC ChennaiThrissur Non Mil Kochi SC ChennaiKottayam Non Mil Kochi SC Chennai

STATION HQ UNDER CDA PUNE AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE PUNESl Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N-Mil RC Comd PCDANo1 Ajmer Ajmer Mil Pune SC Pune2 Barmer Jalipa Mil Pune SC Pune3 Jaisalmer Jaisalmer Mil Pune SC Pune4 Jodhpur Jodhpur Mil Pune SC PunePali Non Mil Pune SC Pune5 Udaipur Udaipur Mil Pune SC Pune6 Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Mil Pune SC Pune7 Ahmednagar Sholapur Non Mil Pune SC PuneAhmednagar Mil Pune SC PuneOsmanabad Non Mil Pune SC PuneLatur Non Mil Pune SC Pune8 Aurangabad Aurangabad Mil Pune SC Pune9 Bhusabal Buldana Non Mil Pune SC PuneJalgaon Non Mil Pune SC Pune10 Devlali Devlali Mil Pune SC Pune11 Jamnagar Jamnagar Mil Pune SC Pune12 Kolhapur Satara Non Mil Pune SC PuneKolhapur Non Mil Pune SC PuneMiraj (Sangli) Non Mil Pune SC PuneChiplun Non Mil Pune SC Pune13 Panaji Panaji Mil Pune SC PuneSindudurg Non Mil Pune SC Pune14 Mumbai Thane (Nerul) Non Mil Pune SC PuneMahad Non Mil Pune SC Pune15 Pulgaon Akola Non Mil Pune SC PuneAmravati Non Mil Pune SC Pune16 Vadodra Vadodra Mil Pune SC Pune17 Pune Pune Mil Pune SC Pune

STATION HQ UNDER CDA GUWAHATI AND APPX B TO BESUBMITTED TO REGIONAL CENTRE GUWAHATISl Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N- RC Comd PCDANoMil1 Agartala Agartala Mil Guwahati EC Guwahati2 Aizwal Aizwal Non Mil Guwahati EC Guwahati51 Sub Area Guwahati Mil Guwahati EC Guwahati3 Guwahati4Dimapur Dimapur Mil Guwahati EC Guwahati5 Leimakhong Imphal Non Mil Guwahati EC Guwahati6 Masimpur Masimpur Mil Guwahati EC Guwahati7 101 Sub Area Shillong Mil Guwahati EC GuwahatiShillong8 Zakhama Kohima Non Mil Guwahati EC GuwahatiSTATION HQ UNDER CDA PATNA AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE PATNASl Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N-Mil RC Comd PCDANo1 Danapur Ara Non Mil Patna CC PatnaMuzaffarpur Non Mil Patna CC PatnaDanapur Mil Patna CC PatnaChhapra Non Mil Patna CC PatnaDharbanga Non Mil Patna CC Patna2 Gaya Gaya Mil Patna CC Patna3 Ranchi Ranchi Mil Patna CC PatnaJamshedpur Non Mil Patna CC Patna4 Barrackpore Krishnanagar Non Mil Kolkata EC PatnaBarrackpore Mil Kolkata EC Patna5 Bengdubi Bengdubi Mil Kolkata EC Patna6 Jalapahar Darjeeling Mil Kolkata EC Patna7 Gangtok Gangtok Mil Kolkata EC Patna8 Kolkata Kolkata Mil Kolkata EC PatnaSalt Lake Mil Kolkata EC PatnaMidnapur Non Mil Kolkata EC Patna9 Panagarh Burdwan Non Mil Kolkata EC Patna

STATION HQ UNDER CDA JABALPUR AND APPX B TO BESUBMITTED TO REGIONAL CENTRE JABALPURSl Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N-Mil RC Comd PCDANo1 Jabalpur Jabalpur Mil Jabalpur CC JabalpurRaipur Non Mil Jabalpur CC JabalpurRewa Non Mil Jabalpur CC Jabalpur2 Mhow Mhow Mil Jabalpur CC Jabalpur3 Saugor Saugor Mil Pune SC Jabalpur4 Gwalior Bhind Non Mil Pune SC JabalpurGwalior Mil Pune SC JabalpurMorena Non Mil Pune SC Jabalpur5 Bhopal Bhopal Mil Pune SC JabalpurSTATION HQ UNDER CDA JAMMU AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE JAMMUSl Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N-Mil RC Comd PCDANo1 Akhnoor Akhnoor Mil Jammu NC Jammu2 Leh Leh Mil Jammu NC Jammu3 71 Sub Area Udhampur Mil Jammu NC Jammu4 25 Arty Bde Rajouri Mil Jammu NC Jammu5 31 Sub Area Srinagar Mil Jammu NC Jammu

STATION HQ UNDER CDA LUCKNOW & MEERUT AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE LUCKNOWSl No Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N-Mil RC Comd PCDA1 Kanpur Dehat Etawah Non Mil Lucknow CC LucknowAkbarpur Non Mil Lucknow CC LucknowMatti2 Shahjahanpur Shahjahanpur Mil Lucknow CC Lucknow3 Lucknow Lucknow Mil Lucknow CC LucknowRae Bareilly Non Mil Lucknow CC Lucknow4 Fatehgarh Fatehgarh Mil Lucknow CC Lucknow5 Allahabad Allahabad Mil Jabalpur CC LucknowFatehpur Non Mil Jabalpur CC LucknowPratapgarh Non Mil Jabalpur CC Lucknow6 Faizabad Azamgarh Non Mil Jabalpur CC LucknowSultanpur Non Mil Jabalpur CC LucknowFaizabad Mil Jabalpur CC Lucknow7 Kunrghat Deoria Non Mil Jabalpur CC Lucknow8 Varanasi Ghazipur Non Mil Jabalpur CC LucknowBalia Non Mil Jabalpur CC LucknowVaranasi Mil Jabalpur CC Lucknow9 Jhansi Jhansi Mil Pune SC LucknowOrai Non Mil Pune SC Lucknow10 Agra Agra Mil Lucknow CC MeerutMainpuri Non Mil Lucknow CC MeerutFirozabad Non Mil Lucknow CC MeerutEtah Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut11 Babugarh Bulandshahr Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut12 Barielly Bareilly Mil Lucknow CC MeerutBadaun Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut13 Dehradun Dehradun Mil Lucknow CC Meerut14 Joshimath Karanprayag Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut15 Lansdowne Kotdwara Mil Lucknow CC MeerutPauri Garhwal Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut16 Mathura Mathura Mil Lucknow CC MeerutAligarh Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut17 Meerut Meerut Mil Lucknow CC MeerutMuzaffarnagar Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut18 Haldwani Haldwani Mil Lucknow CC Meerut19 Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Mil Lucknow CC Meerut20 Roorkee Roorkee Mil Lucknow CC Meerut21 Ranikhet Almora Non Mil Lucknow CC Meerut

STATION HQ UNDER CDA JAIPUR AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE JAIPURSl Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N- RC Comd PCDANoMil1 Bikaner Bikaner Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurChuru Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurNagaur Non Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur2 Bathinda Bhatinda Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurMansa Non Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur3 Sriganganagar Sriganganagar Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur4 Alwar Hindaun City Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurRewari Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurNarnaul Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurAlwar Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur5 Bharatpur Bharatpur Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur6 Jaipur Jhunjhunu Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurJaipur Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurSikar Non Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur7 Kota Kota Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur8 Hissar Jhajjar Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurRohtak Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurJind Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurBhiwani Non Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurHissar Mil Jaipur SWC JaipurFatehabad Non Mil Jaipur SWC Jaipur

STATION HQ UNDER CDA CHANDIGARH AND APPX B TO BE SUBMITTEDTO REGIONAL CENTRE CHANDIMANDIRSl No Station HQ Polyclinics Mil/ N-Mil RC Comd PCDA1 21 Sub Area Pathankot Mil Jammu WC Chandigarh2 Samba Samba Mil Jammu WC Chandigarh3 Dalhousie Bakloh Mil Jammu WC Chandigarh4 Jammu Jammu Mil Jammu WC ChandigarhBasoli & Junglot Junglot Mil Jammu WC Chandigarh5(Kathua)6 Yol Yol Mil Jammu WC Chandigarh7 Palampur Mandi Non Mil Jammu WC Chandigarh8 Chandimandir Chandigarh Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhRopar Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhFatehgarh Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhSahibChandimandir Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh9 Jalandhar Hamirpur Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhBilaspur Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhUna Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhHoshiarpur Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhJalandhar Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh10 Kasauli Solan Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh11 Shimla Shimla Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh12 Amritsar Amritsar Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh13 Faridkot Faridkot Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh14 Ferozpur Muktsar Non Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhFerozpur Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhMoga Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh15 Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh16 Kapurthala Kapurthala Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh17 Ludhiana Ludhiana Non Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh18 Patiala Sangrur Mil Chandimandir WC ChandigarhPatiala Mil Chandimandir WC Chandigarh19 HQ PH & HP(Ambala)Karnal Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhAmbala Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhSonipat Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhPanipat Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhYamunanagar Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhKaithal Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhKurukshetra Non Mil New Delhi WC Chandigarh20 Delhi Cantt BHDC Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhGurgaon Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhNoida Non Mil New Delhi WC ChandigarhLodhi Road Non Mil New Delhi WC Chandigarh

REVISED PROCEDURE ON OPERATION OF <strong>ECHS</strong> CASH ASSIGNMENT ATSTATION HQ1. This Organisation letter No. B/49791/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 23 Jan 2004 on the subject, has beenreviewed and the revised procedure for Operation of <strong>ECHS</strong> Cash Assignment at Station HQ isstipulated in the succeeding Paras.Release of Cash Assignment2. Cash Assignment will be released on a quarterly basis by PCsDA /CsDA to the Stn HQ asper the following schedule:-(a) Release of Cash Assignment During the First Quarter of Financial Year. Therequisition for release of Cash Assignment for the amount passed on Vote on Account(VOA) will be raised by the Station and forwarded under a covering letter to the concernedPCDA / CDA with a copy to Controlling Command HQ by 15 Mar of previous Financial Yearin the format placed at Appendix ‘A’ to this letter. The total fund on VOA will be released tothe Station by the PCDA / CDA in the first week of April of every Financial Year. N osooner, the budget is passed by the Parliament; Supplementary Demand for the firstquarter, if any will be raised by the Station and forwarded to the concerned PCDA / CDA forrelease of additional funds at the earliest. The amount demanded in the supplementarydemand will be to the extent of estimated expenditure in the first quarter of the FinancialYear.(b) Release of Cash Assignment During the Second, Third and Fourth Quarter of theFinancial Year. The requisition for fund requirement for second, third and fourth quarter willbe forwarded to the concerned PCDA / CDA with a copy to Controlling Command HQ by 10Jun, 10 Sep and 10 Dec for QE September, December and March of the financial yearrespectively. The requisition for Cash Assignment will be based on the estimated liabilityduring the quarter but will not exceed the total allotment to the Station

in the Financial Year. The Formation HQs allotting funds shall invariably endorseoriginal allotment letters to the concerned PCsDA / CsDA.Instructions to Stn Cdrs / PCsDA/ CsDA.3. The following instructions are to be complied with by all Stations Commanders /PCsDA/CsDA in respect of <strong>ECHS</strong> Cash Assignment:-(a) On receipt of estimated Cash Assignment (including committed liabilities dulysupported by details) Requisition from the Stn HQ, PCsDA/ CsDA will is sue necessaryletter of credit to the SBI /RBI with a copy to concerned Command HQ / Stn HQ in the firstweek of the beginning of each quarter. Command HQ / Stn HQ will e xercise caution inprojecting realistic Cash Assignment. Reasons for short / non release, if any, are to beintimated in writing by the PCsDA/CsDA to the Station HQ with copy to ControllingCommand HQ by fastest means to enable Command HQ /Stn HQ to take correctivemeasures. Caution will be exercised by PCsDA/CsDA before rejecting any CashAssignment Requisition as inadequate / non release of Cash Assignment will adverselyeffect the functioning of the Polyclinics.(b) Each Station HQ will nominate main Cash Assignment Officer, as also a ReserveOfficer, who will assume the charge in the event of the Main Officer being away on longleave, duty or for any other reasons. The PCsDA/CsDA will issue Defence Cheque Booksfor disbursing payments by the Cash Assignment Holder. The names and the designationof the Cash Assignment Holder and the reserve officer who are authorised to sign theDefence Cheques together with their specimen signatures duly attested are to be intimatedby the Stn HQ to the bankers and to the concerned PCDA / CDA. Copy of the intimationwill be endorsed to the concerned Command HQ and SBI/RBI. Subsequent changes, if any,in the operation of Cash Assignment are to be communicated accordingly.(c) Funds likely to remain unutilized or surrendered at RE / MA Stage are not tobe demanded by the Stn HQ.(d) With every demand for cash assignment, a ph oto copy of allotment letter dulyauthenticated by the Station Commander will be enclosed by Station along with CashAssignment Requisition.(e) Supplementary demand for cash assignment can be raised when the available CashAssignment is considered inadequate to meet the liabilities of that quarter or for anyreasons advanced by the Station by enclosing the supporting details and within the totalallotment. If the demands are forwarded by hand, efforts will be made by the PCsDA/CsDAto release the Cash Assignment on priority.(f) Cash Assignment release at any stage is not to exceed the allotted funds to theStation.(g) Cash Assignment not utilized by the Station at the end of the Financial Year, if anywill automatically lapse and balance amount can not be utilized or carried forwarded by theStation.(h) Cash Assignment Officer is to render a monthly statement, in duplicate, of drawalsmade against Cash Assignment in the Cash Assignment Cash Book together with the paidvouchers, details of Cheques issued, duly reconciled with the Monthly Bank Reconciliation

Statement showing utilization during the month, to concerned PCDA / CDA by 7 th of thefollowing month.(j) Provisional Booking of Expenditure. To facilitate timely booking of expenditureduring a month, Stn HQs will ensure that a summary of monthly accounts indicatingheadwise allotment and expenditure is forwarded in the format placed as Appendix‘B’, to the concerned PCDA / CDA on or before the last working day of the month to whichthe account pertains by fax / hand with a copy to the controlling Command HQ. The PCDA/ CDA shall make provisional booking on the basis of this advanced intimation (submittedby the same authority to which cash assignment had been placed). After completion ofpost audit of cash assignment, the provisional booking shall be appropriately amended tofinal booking.(k) Cash Assignment Officer will also maintain a bank passbook which is to beperiodically sent to the Bank / Treasury Officer for updation from the “Register of Chequespaid” maintained by SBI/RBI. The accounts will be expeditiously audited and theexpenditure booked by the PCsDA / CsDA.(l) All high value cheques i.e. in excess of Rs 10 lakh will be signed by two officers,one of whom will be the Station Commander.(m) The irregularities, if any, noticed during the post audit of <strong>ECHS</strong> Cash AssignmentCash Book by the PCsDA/CsDA will be br ought to the notice of the Cash AssignmentHolder and settled expeditiously. No restrictions will be imposed by the PCsDA/CsDA insubsequent release of Cash Assignment on this account. However, quarterly cashassignments shall be released subject to the condition that the Station HQ concerned hassubmitted the monthly expenditure details of the previous quarter.(n) The provisions of Rule(s) 310 to 316 Financial Regulations Part-I Volume-1 RevisedEdition 1983 are to be complied with by all the Station Commander(s) in the Army/ Navy/Air Force for <strong>ECHS</strong> payment out of their Cash Assignment Accounts.4. This letter supersedes letter No. B/49791/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 23 Jan 2004.5. This issue with concurrence of CGDA vide their UO No. AT/IV/4807/<strong>ECHS</strong>/Vol-VI dated 11Sep 07.Auth :B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 13 Sep 07Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>

Appendix AREQUISITION FOR CASH ASSIGNMENT(to B/49797/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>dated 13 Sep 07)Name of the Command HQ_____________________________________________Name of the PCsDA/CsDA_____________________________________________Name of the Station HQ _______________________________________________Address /Location____________________________________________________Name and address of the SBI (having treasury facilities) / RBI__________________Requisition No._______________________________dated___________________(No. to be serial running from 1 st April to 31 March)Ser No Particulars Total Amount (Rs)1. Budget Allotment for the Financial Year (20……...- 20…..) inMajor Head 2076 Minor Head 107 <strong>ECHS</strong>2. Cash Assignment already drawn during the Financial Year3. Balance allotment available in the current Financial Year (Ser1 (-) Ser 2)4. Cash Assignment Required (details attached on a separatesheet including committed liabilities)5. Balance of Cash Assignment Held(likely to remain unexpended in the current quarter)6. Funds now being requisitioned (Ser 4 (-) Ser 5)7. Balance of Allotment after this Requisition(Ser 1 – { Ser 2 (+) Ser 6})Note: Funds under requisition (Ser No. 6) should not exceed the balance allotmentavailable (Ser No 3).(Signature of Cash Assignment Officer)Name:Date:Rank:COUNTERSIGNATURE OF STATION COMMANDERUnit SealSignature of Stn CdrName:Date:Rank:

CLASSIFICATION HAND BOOK DEFENCES SERVICES RECEIPT ANDCHARGES 1992 EDITION1. Refer CS No. 116/2007 (copy enclosed)2. CS No. 88/2004 of Classification Hand Book Defence Services Receipts andCharges 1992 (Edition) has been reconstructed vide CS No. 116/2007 dated01/JUN/07. The CS 116/200/ is info effect from the date of issue.3. A case has been taken up with the office of the CGDA with request that code I lead363/03 and 363/04 may be effective from next financial year 2008-09 as noprojections have been made in the said Code Heads in the current Financial YearAlso. Supply orders for Generators and Air Conditioners have been placed forbooking of expenditure ub the Code Head 363/02.4. The progress on the issue will be intimated: on receipt of reply from the office of theCGDA.5. All other Code Heads are into effect from the date of issue of CS No. 116/2007.6. This is for your information and dissemination to all stn HQs under your AOR.Encl : As Stated(SK Agarwal)Wg & drJt Dir (P&FC)For MDAuth : B/49784/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/III27/JUN/07AMENDMENT TO CLASSIFICATION HAND BOOK DEFENCE SERVICES RECEIPTAND CHARGES 1992 (EDITION)

Page 75Major Head:MINOR Head:Sub Head:2076-DEFRNCE SERVICES ARMY107-Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Schemes (<strong>ECHS</strong>)A to HRe-construct Sub Head A to H (inserted vide C.S No. 88/2004 and further amended videthis offices letter of even No. dated 23 Feb 05 and C.S No. 105/2006) as under.Sub Head A – Pay & Allowances of Employed/Contrasted staff1. Officers 361/012. Para Medical Staff 361/023. Overtime Allowance 361/034. Non Medical Staff 361/04Sub Head B – Tramportation1. Movement of presumed 362/012. Movement of stoves 361/023. Foreign Travel 362/03Sub Head C – Stores1. Medical Stores 363/012. Other Stores 363/023. Furniture & Air conditioners 363/03a. Medical Equipmentb. Balk local and emergent purchase of Medicines, Drugsand Consumsbion.c. Purchase of special medicinesd. Repair and maintenance of Medical equip hear including(ALC)e. Surgical and other implants, hearing aids, intra-ocularleases, cochlear implants, joint replacement implantsetc.f. Special consumable and implants for cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, renal dialysis and surgery etc.a. Clothing Itemsb. FOLc. Non-Medical stores & equipmentd. Repair & Maintenance including AMCe. Expenditure on procurement which has value of less 10lakh each with a life span of less than 7 years is to becompiled to this head.a. Expenditure on procurement of furniture & Airconditionersb. Expenditure on repair and maintenance of furniture & Airconditioners including AMC.

4. Vehicles & Generators 363/04Sub Head D – Information Technology(a) Hardwarea. Expenditure on procurement of vehicles & generatorsb. Expenditure on repair and maintenance of vehicles &generators including AMC.I. Local Purchase 364/01a. Expenditure on procurement of computer and connectedstores.II. Central Purchase 364/02a. Expenditure costing less than Rs. 10 lakh with less than7 years expected life will be compiled to this head.(b) SoftwareI. Local Purchase 364/03a. Caters for expenditure on purchase of software.II. Central Purchase 364/04a. Expenditure costing less than Rs. 10 lakh with less than7 years expected life will be compiled to this head.(c) MaintenanceI. Local Purchase 364/05a. caters for expenditure on maintenance of computers ectincluding AMCII. central Purchase 364/06(d) Computer Stationary and ConsumablesI. Local Purchase 364/07a. Caters for expenditures on procurement of ComputerStationery and Consumable items.II. Central Purchase 364/08(e) Information technology TrainingI. Local Purchase 364/09a. Caters for expenditure on information Technologytraining.II. Central Purchase 364/10

Sub Head E- Medical treatmentRelated Expenditure. 365/00a. Payment to Empanelled Hospitals nursing Homes,Diagnostic Centres and other empanelled facilities.b. Medical advances.c. Re-imbursement to patients for emergent treatment.d. Purchase of specific medical equipment for patients.e. Medical comforts to ex-servicemen Patients.f. Travelling expenditure for patients and Attendants.Sub Head F-Miscellaneous 366/00a. Stationery and consumables.b. Local printing of stationary.c. Service lables (stamps), official postage,telegrams/telex, speed post and registion charges.d. Installation and payment of telephone bills/fax andinternet.e. Cost of law suits/Medico legal cases.f. Cost of photographs and identity cards to polyclinicemployees.g. Annual Contingency Grant.h. Library books.i. Hot weather/Cold weather appliances establishmentcharges.j. Washing of polyclinics lines, bedding and patientclothing.k. Funeral expenses in respect of death while in polyclinic(limited to linen used, preservation of body and mortuarycharges).l. Gardening and area upkeep.m. Other expenses for establishment not covered under anyhead.n. Insurance of vehicle drivers of polyclinic.o. Office equipment and Maintenance of office equipment,including AMC.p. Insurance of ambulance, vehicles and payment forvehical registration and other local charges.q. MACT claims.r. Department conferences and connected expenditure.s. Publicity including expenditure on Web site.t. Installation/de-installation of equipment excludingtransportation.u. Annual Training Grant.

Sub Head G- Revenue Works 367/00a. Minor Works.b. Special Works.c. Special repairs.d. Emergency repairs.e. Hiring of buildings.f. Property tax.g. Water and electricity charges.h. Maintenance of buildings.(To be effective from 2007-08)Authority:Ministry of Defence (Finance/budget I) UO No. 875/B-I/07 dated 25-05-2007DGADS UO No. 54/AA-16/2006-07/CHB 23-05-2007No. A/B/I/13626/XXVIIIOffice of the C.G.D.AWest Block-V, R.K.PuramNew Delhi 110066Dated: 01-06-2007All Pr. C.D.A/C.D.AAll E.D.P/D.D.P centersE.D.P. Center, Office of the CGDAnew Delhi-110066Director General of Audit Defence ServicesL-Block, New DelhiMinistry of Defence (Fin/Budget-I)As per standard listPlease acknowledged receiptA certificate to the effect thatcode file has been updated tothe extent of this C.S mayplease be s ent to computercenter of this Hqrs.for information and necessaryaction.for information.for information.for information.Sr. Accounts Officer (Budget)

REVISION OF PLINTH AREA RATES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF <strong>ECHS</strong>POLYCLINICS1. Please refer this Organisation letter No B/49705-C/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 25 Jul 07.2. The Plinth Area (PA) rates for construction of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinics were fixed at flat rate of Rs.765/- per Sq Ft (excluding external services).3. In view of the inflation and increase of cost of construction since the issue of the abovementioned letter, the maximum PA rates have now been revised to Rs. 1000/- per Sq Ft (excludingexternal services). The external services work will continue to be executed from the normalbudget allotted to the formations as earlier. With the revision in PA rates as above, revisedmonetary ceiling for construction of Polyclinics will now be as under:-(a) Polyclinic Type A - Rs. 50.00 Lakh(b) Polyclinic Type B - Rs. 40.00 Lakh(c ) Polyclinic Type C - Rs. 25.00 Lakh(d) Polyclinic Type D - Rs. 20.00 Lakh4. The revised PA rates of Rs. 1000/- per Sq Ft (Without external services) will apply from thedate of issue of this letter. No increase will be accepted in cases where construction is already inprogress.5. The procedure for sanction of additional cost, if any will remain as per existing instructions.Sd/Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>Auth : B/49705-C/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 13 Aug 2008

CLARIFICATION: MAINTENANCE OF <strong>ECHS</strong> BUILDINGS1. The policy on maintenance of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinic buildings was issued by the Dte of Wks, E-in-C’s Branch for action by all concerned vide letter No A/37696/12-1/Pol/E2W (PPC) dated 30 Sep2008 and was also circulated by this Organisation vide letter of even reference dated 17 Oct 2008.2. It has been observed at a few places that the requirement of maintenance funds forPolyclinic buildings had not been included in the Maintenance Plan of the Stations resulting intopoor maintenance.3. It is reiterated that after a Polyclinic is constructed by the MES and handed over to theStation, the building thereafter is to be treated like any other building of the Station and maintainedaccordingly.4. It is therefore necessary that the Polyclinic building should be included in the MaintenancePlan of the Station and related fund requirements should be projected accordingly. Theexpenditure should be debited to the relevant Minor Heads of the Army, Navy and Air Force.Auth B/4783/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 25 Aug 2009Dte of Wks, E-in-C BranchSd/Jt Dir (P&FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

POLICY ON RECOVERY OF MAINT CHARGES. ELECT/WATER SUPPLY BILLS:<strong>ECHS</strong> POLYCLNICSPolicy on recovery of maint charges, Elect/water supply bills in respect of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinicsissued by Central Organisation EHS AG’s Branch letter No B/49783/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 23 Sep 08enclosed herewith for information and necessary action please.Auth A/37696/12-1/Pol/E2W(PPC) 30 Sep 2008sd/(Pradeep Agrawal, IDSE)EE(SG)JT. Dir /E2W (PPC)For E-in-C

POLICY ON RECOVERY OF MAINT CHARGES/ELECTRICWATER SUPPLY BILLS : <strong>ECHS</strong> POLYCLINIC1. Please refer :-GOI MoD letter No. 22(1)/01/US(WE)(Res) dated 30 Dec 2002.GOI MoD letter No. 24(7)/03/US(WE)(Res) dated 17 Sep 03.GOI MoD letter No. 22(26)/06/US(WE)(Res) dated 22 Sep 06.2. The <strong>ECHS</strong> was sanctioned vide letter dated 30 Dec 2002 referred above and wasimplemented with effect from 01 Apr 2003. After a period of five years, the Scheme has now beenreviewed by the MoD team.3. On the subject of construction of Polyclinics in Military and Non-Military Stations and theirmaintenance, the following have been recommended for implementation:-(a) Construction of Polyclinics. One time expenditure on construction of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinics willbe incurred out of the capital budget of <strong>ECHS</strong> (Major Head 4076, Sub Major Head 01-Army,MinorHead 107, Code Head 907/39 (Construction).(b) Enhancements and Maintenance of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinic Buildings. The alternations,additions, further enhancements and maintenance of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinic Buildings will be carried outfrom the budget estimates and related Code Heads of the concerned Service (Army, Navy and AirForce).(c ) Payment of Water & Electricity Charges. To ensure uninterrupted supply of electricityand water in Polyclinics functioning in Non-Military Stations and to avoid disconnections which mayarise due to untimely payments, the expenditure on account of water & electricity charges inrespect of Polyclinics in non-military Stations will be met out of the <strong>ECHS</strong> revenue budget(Major Head 2076, Sub Major Head 01-Army, Minor Head 107, Code Head 367/00) for which<strong>ECHS</strong> funds will be provided to the Stn Cdr for payment as being followed presently. Theexpenditure however, on account of water & electricity charges in military Stations will beincurred from the budget estimates and related Code Heads of the concerned Service (Army,Navy and Air Force).4. You are requested to issue necessary policy/guidelines accordingly for compliance by allconcerned.ADG LW&ESd/Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>Auth :B/49783/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 23 Sep 2008

REVISION OF PLINTH AREA RATES FORCONSTRUCTION OF <strong>ECHS</strong> POLYCLINICS1. Please refer this Organisation letter No B/49705-C/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 25 Jul 07.2. The Plinth Area (PA) rates for construction of <strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinics were fixed at flat rate of Rs.765/- per Sq Ft (excluding external services).3. In view of the inflation and increase of cost of construction since the issue of the abovementioned letter, the maximum PA rates have now been revised to Rs. 1000/- per Sq Ft (excludingexternal services). The external services work will continue to be executed from the normal budgetallotted to the formations as earlier. With the revision in PA rates as above, revised monetary ceilingfor construction of Polyclinics will now be as under:-(a) Polyclinic Type A - Rs. 50.00 Lakh(b) Polyclinic Type B - Rs. 40.00 Lakh(c ) Polyclinic Type C - Rs. 25.00 Lakh(d) Polyclinic Type D - Rs. 20.00 Lakh4. The revised PA rates of Rs. 1000/- per Sq Ft (Without external services) will apply from thedate of issue of this letter. No increase will be accepted in cases where construction is already inprogress.5. The procedure for sanction of additional cost, if any will remain as per existing instructions.Sd/(A Srivastava)Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>

TIREVISED RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION OF <strong>ECHS</strong>1. Refer GOI MoD letter No. 22D(04)/10/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 29 Sep 10.2. The subscription rates for <strong>ECHS</strong> have been revised wef 01 Jun 2009 as under:-Grade Pay drawn at the time of retirementContributionRs. 1800/-, Rs. 1900/-, Rs. 2000/-, Rs. 2400/- and Rs. 2800/- per month `15,000Rs. 4200/- per month ` 27,000Rs. 4600/-, Rs. 4800/-, Rs. 5400/-, and Rs. 6600/- per month ` 39,000Rs. 7600/- and above per month ` 60,0003. The contribution amount has now been linked with the grade pay drawn at the time ofretirement instead of uncommitted basic pension / family pension. The features/ conditions of therevised rates in <strong>ECHS</strong> would be as follows:-(a) Contribution made by the ESM pensioner would be as applicable in the Grade pay at thetime of retirement.(b) Any ESM pensioner / family pensioners who is entitled to avail <strong>ECHS</strong> facility and has notbecome member of <strong>ECHS</strong>, the rate of contribution in such cases will be with reference to theGrade Pay that the ESM pensioner would have drawn in the rank / post held by him (at the time ofhis retirement / death) had he continued to be in service now but for his retirement / death.4. You are requested to disseminate to all concerned under your AOR.Auth :B/49784/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 05 Oct 10Jt Dir (Fin)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

REVISED RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION OF <strong>ECHS</strong>1. Refer our letters of even reference on the subject dated 05 Oct 10 and 04 Nov 10.2. For ease of understanding, the ESM have been divided into 4 different categories, namely:-(a) ESM who retired prior to 01 Jan 1996. These ESM who wish to join thescheme do not have to pay any subscription as per the prevailing GoI orders.(b) ESM who retired from 01 Jan 1996 to 31 Mar 2004. Though the scheme was madecompulsory w.e.f. 01 Apr 03, the CsDA Pension started deducting the contribution from PPO for allESM only w.e.f. 01 Apr 04. These ESM who retired between 01 Jan 1996 to 31 Mar 2004 andjoined the scheme on or after 01 Jun 2009 will have to pay revised rate of subscription. If they havealready applied but not yet collected their cards, they will have to pay the difference of subscriptionat the time of receipt of card.(c) ESM who retired from 01 Apr 2004 to 31 May 2009. Subscription as applicable has beendeducted from the PPO of these ESM hence they do not have to pay additional amount even whenthe application for membership is submitted by the ESM after 31 May 2009.(d) ESM who retired on or after 01 Jun 2009. Office of the CGDA was approached to recoverthe difference of subscription from the pension of ESM who have retired after 31 May 2009. CGDAoffice has however expressed its inability to recover the difference of subscription from the pensionof ESM. These ESM will therefore have to pay the difference of subscription through MRO.4. A number of queries are being received from various formations on the applicability of theserates. The detailed clarifications on these queries are as under:-

Sl No. Query Clarification01 In case of ESM who have retired between 01 Jan 96and 01 Apr 04 and who have not yet collected theircards / who have not yet applied for membership, willthey have to pay as per the revised rates?Such ESM will have to pay the revised rate ofsubscription before the <strong>ECHS</strong> card is handed overto them.Sl No. Query Clarification02 Are the ESM permitted to pay the subscription ininstallments?03 Why revised rates are not applicable to ESMwho have retired between 01 Apr 2004 and 31May 2009?The option of paying the subscription in installmentshas to be exercised at the time of filling the applicationform.The revised rates are applicable for ESM who join thescheme on or after 01 Jun 2009.04 Since the revised rates of subscription for JCOsand Officers who are in receipt of Grade Pay of`4600/-, `4800/-, `5400/- and `6600/- is`39000/-, will all these categories of ESM beentitled to Private wards?05 The revised rates are based on Grade pay. Howis the subscription fixed for the ESM retired preVI Pay Commission?06 Will the ESM, who retired after o1 Apr 04 and<strong>ECHS</strong> contribution was deducted through PPO,but did not submit <strong>ECHS</strong> Application form, haveto pay the difference of subscription?The entitlement to wards is governed by GoI MoDletter No. 24(8)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 19 Dec 2003as amended vide 22(16)/05/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 19Jul 2005 which remains unchanged.The rates of contribution in such cases would be withreference to the Grade Pay that the ESM pensionerwould have drawn in the rank/post held by him (at thetime of retirement/death) had he continued to be inservice now but for his retirement/death. e.g. Anofficer of the rank of Major retired in 2000 but did notjoin the scheme. If the officer desires to join the schemeat this stage, his contribution will be based on the gradepay now of a Major i.e. ` 6,600/-.For all practical purposes, once the subscription is paid,the ESM will be deemed to be a member of the scheme.He therefore does not have to pay the revised rate.4. The instructions on the recovery of difference of subscription from the ESM who are eligibleto pay the revised rate but have already collected their cards will follow in due course.5. This supersedes our letter of even reference dated 04 Nov 2010.Auth B/49784/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 20 Dec 10Jt Dir (Fin)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

APPLICABILITY OF CERTIFICATE ON STOPPAGE OF FIXED MEDICALALLOWANCES (FMA) FOR TAKING <strong>ECHS</strong> MEMBERSHIP1. The <strong>ECHS</strong> scheme has been made compulsory for all the ESM wef 01 Apr 2003 and isoptional for the ESM retired prior to 01 Apr 2003. Accordingly, the contribution is deducted throughPPO by all CsDA (Pension) wef 01 Apr 2004 and these ESM retired on or after 01 Apr 2004 arenot being paid FMA. In some cases, CsDA (Pension) has not deducted the contribution throughPPO in respect of the ESM retired from 01 Apr 2003 to 31 Mar 2004. Therefore, the followingprocedure is advised ;-(a) The ESM retired on or after 01 Apr 2004 are not to be asked to produce the certificate onstoppage of fixed medical allowances (FMA) for taking <strong>ECHS</strong> membership since they are not beingpaid FMA.(b). The ESM retired before 01 Apr 2004 are to provide the existing certificate on stoppage offixed medical allowances by PDA (respective Banker) for taking <strong>ECHS</strong> membership.2. This may be disseminated to all concerned under your AOR.Auth : B/49791-FMA/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 16 Jun 11(Dir (Fin)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

DETAILMENT OF CHT FOR <strong>ECHS</strong> DUTIES1. Enclosed please find DGOL letter No 76354/SC/ADG Mov (Budget) dated 28 Sep 10regarding clarification on detailment of CHT for <strong>ECHS</strong> duties.2. This is for your information please.Auth :B/49791-Gen/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 05 Oct 10Jt Dir (P & FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

PROCUREMENT OF FURNITURE AND NON-MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FORPOLYCLINICS OF <strong>ECHS</strong>1. Reference:-(a) GOI MoD letter No 24(5) /04/US(WEW)/D(Res) dt 26 Aug 04.(b)P & FC Accounting Note No 2/2004 issued vide Central Org letter NoB/49787/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dt 02 Nov 04.(c) Central Org letter No B/49787/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dt 08 Jul 05.(d)Amendment to <strong>ECHS</strong> accounting Note No 2/2004 issued vide Central Org letter NoB/49787/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dt 09 Dec 05.(e) Central Org letter No B/49795/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dt 02 Aug 07.2. The scales for furniture and non-medical equipments are divided into three parts asmentioned below:-(a) List of furniture items which are of MES origin. - Appendix A(b) List of items which are to be procured through local - Appendix Bpurchase under code head 363/02.(c) List of items which are to be procured through Local - Appendix C purchaseunder code head 366/00.3. The procedure to be followed for procurement of furniture and non-medical equipment for<strong>ECHS</strong> Polyclinics is given below:-

(a) Items at Appendix A are to be supplied by MES as per works procedure for which budgethas been placed/being placed with Command Q of respective Command HQ under code head363/03. In case of non-availability, local purchase may be carried out by the station HQ under codehead 366/00 after obtaining NA certificate from MES.(b) Items at Appendix B & C are to be procured by Station HQ through local purchase as perexisting local purchase procedure under code head 363/02 and 366/00 respectively.(c) Quality items only be purchased to ensure durability. Items which are available fromCSD be purchased as per existing procedure.4. Our letters mentioned at para 1 (b) to (e) are hereby superseded. You are requested todisseminate these instructions down the chain of command for early action.Appendices :- A - List of furniture items which are of MES origin.B - List of items which are to be procured through local purchase undercode head 363/02.C - List of items which are to be procured through local purchase under codehead 366/00.(A Srivastava)Maj GenMD <strong>ECHS</strong>Auth :B/49795/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 23 May 11

Appendix ALIST OF FURNITURE ITEMS WHICH ARE OF MES ORIGINSl Nomenclature Type A Type B Type C Type DNo1 Bed stead Iron Hospital 1 1 1 12 Bead Stead Fowler 1 1 0 03 Table Bed Side II 2 2 2 14 Stool Steel 3 3 1 15 Step Two Tier 5 5 3 26 Invalid Chair Non Folding 2 3 1 17 Table 90 cms x 60 CMS stailless steel on castors 2 2 1 18 Screen movable 2 2 2 29 Patient Trolley stretcher 2 2 2 210 Revolving Stool 14 14 9 711 Respectable Large75 Ltrs 6 6 4 412 Respectable Large 35 Ltrs 24 24 16 1013 IV Fluid stand 2 2 2 214 Examination Cough 5 5 4 315 Examination Cough Obstetric 1 1 0 016 Cylinder Trolley 1 1 1 117 Board Notice 3 3 2 218 Lateral Filing Cabinet 3 drawer 3 2 2 219 Rack Adjustable closed on 3 sides 6 tiers 9 7 5 220 Rack Adjustable open 8 5 4 221 Side Rack with 3 trays wooden ,3 sides 7 7 4 322 Chair CB (without arms)-stackable visitor 5 5 2 123 Chair CBA(visitor) with padded arm 12 8 6 424 Chair CB elevated and Rotating 2 2 2 225 Chair Executive Revolving Low back with 8 8 5 526 Computer chair with Arm on casters 3 3 2 227 Computer chair without Arm on casters 1 1 1 128 Chair folding Multiseater set of 3 15 12 10 829 Table 150cms X 75cms X 75cms 9 9 5 430 Table 100cms X 75cms X 75cms 2 2 2 231 Almirah Large 3 3 2 132 Almirah medium 6 6 3 233 Computer table set 6 6 3 334 Cash safe Iron Small 1 1 1 135 Trolley Mobile (Waste management) 1 1 1 136 Form post with Back and Arms 6 6 4 4

Appendix BLIST OF ITEMS WHICH ARE TO BE PROCURED THROUGHLOCAL PURCHASE UNDER CODE HEAD 363/02No Nomenclature Type A Type B Type C Type D1 Refrigerator 300 Ltrs 1 1 1 12 Refrigerator 165 Ltrs 1 1 0 03 Hot Case 1 1 1 14 Gas Double Burner 1 1 0 05 Gas single Burner 1 1 2 26 Tool kit for minor repairs constituting Hammer, 1 1 1 1Wrench, Pliers, Screw Drivers7 Water cooler with Aqua Guard 2 2 1 18 Thermos 1 Ltr 1 1 1 19 Stretcher Folding Lt Wt 1 1 1 110 Standard Measuring height 1 1 1 111 Weighing Machine 5 5 3 312 Blanket Hospital 4 4 2 213 Matress Hospital 2 2 1 114 Pillow Hospital 4 4 4 415 Pillow Slip 8 8 8 816 Bed Sheet Hospital 6 6 6 617 Towel Hand 24 24 16 1618 Table Cloth 24 24 16 1619 Vaccuum Cleaner 1 1 1 120 Torch Hand 5 5 3 321 Gown operating 2 2 2 222 Aprons water proof 1 1 1 123 Inverter 5 KVA 1 1 1 124 White Gowns As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd25 White Caps As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd26 Face Masks As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd

Appendix CLIST OF ITEMS WHICH ARE TO BE PROCURED THROUGHLOCAL PURCHASE UNDER CODE HEAD 366/00No Nomenclature Type A Type B Type C Type D1 Soap Tray 12 12 8 82 Mat Door 12 12 8 63 Bucket Plastic with Mug 5 5 3 34 Tape measuring 5 5 3 35 Safety Razor and Blade 2 2 2 26 Slipper Rubber 2 2 2 27 Spray Hand Anti Insect 1 1 1 18 Brooms Sweeping 4 4 3 39 Ice Box 1 1 1 110 Wall Clock 5 5 3 311 Rechargeable Light 2 2 2 212 Torch cells 4 per torch 4 per torch 4 per torch 4 per torch13 Water glass As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd14 Floor mops As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd15 Phenyl As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd16 Odonil As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd17 Soap Toilet As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd18 Soap Laundry As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd19 Soap Woolen As reqd As reqd As reqd As reqd

REFUND OF <strong>ECHS</strong> CONTRIBUTION1. The following clarification was sought from the Office of CGDA for the categories ofpersonnel given below. In view of the queries raised by a few station HQ on the issue ofrefund of excess contribution.(a) Personnel retiring on 01 Apr 2004, as they had been born on 01 Apr anddeemed members of the scheme wef 02 Apr 2004.(b) Personnel retiring on 31 Mar 2004 (AN) whose deduction for contribution isrecovered through PPO on 01 Apr 04 and deemed members of the scheme wef 01 Apr2004.3. It was requested to clarify the rate of contribution i/r/o cases cited above whetherthey would need to pay at the old rate of the contribution or the new rate. It was furtherrequested to intimate whether or not, the above categories of personnel would be entitledto refund of excess contribution.4. Clarification has been received on the above issue from office of CGDA vide their letter NoAT/IV/4807/EHS/VI dated 08 Jul 07 and contents of the letter is reproduced below.“This has reference to HQs office letter No AT/IV/4807/EHS-IV dated 25/27 -4-05 regarding thesubject matter.In this connection following amendments are made in the abovementionedletter:-(a)In para 2 (c)Replace“Those who became members after 1 st Apr 2004 and deduction was made through PPO”.

With“Those who became members on or after 1 st Apr 2004 and deduction was made through PPO”.(a)In para 2 (d)Replace“Those who became members after 1 st Apr 2004 and paid contribution through MRO”.With“Those who became members on or after 1 st Apr 2004 and paid contribution through MRO”.5. You are requested to disseminate this clarification to all concerned under your AOR andintimate the affected ESM accordingly.Auth : B/49787-Ref/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 29 Jun 07Sd/--(SK Agrawal)Wg CdrJt Dir (P&FC)For MD

REFUND OF <strong>ECHS</strong> CONTRIBUTION 11. Reference is made to CGDA letter No AT/IV/4807/<strong>ECHS</strong>-IV dated 25 Apr 2005(Copy enclosed).2. It has been reported by environment that ESMs are asking for refund of Contributionwhich has been erroneously paid by them while becoming members due to variousreasons. In this regard the policy as issued by CGDA is to be taken into cognizance andrefund cases dealt with accordingly.3. All dealing staff be apprised of the same.Auth : B/49787/Ref/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 16 Oct 09Dir (P&FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

No.AT/IV/4807/<strong>ECHS</strong>-IVOffice of theController General of Defence AccountsWest Block-V, R.K. PuramNew Delhi-110066Dated 25.4.2005ToAll Regional CsDA / PCsDAPCDA (Navy) Mumbai, PCDA (Pensions) AllahabadCDA (O) Pune and CDA (AF) New DelhiSub: Revised rate of <strong>ECHS</strong> contributionA copy of Army HQs. AG’s Branch, Central Organisation <strong>ECHS</strong> letter No.B/49787/4/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 15.1.2005 regarding revision of rates of <strong>ECHS</strong>contributions wef 1.4.2004 is enclosed.2. As per Para-4 of the AHQrs above mentioned letter dated 15.1.2005 issuedby MD <strong>ECHS</strong>, excess remittance of <strong>ECHS</strong> subscription over and above thesubscription paid should be refunded as per procedure mentioned at Para-27 of thisOffice Most Important Circular letter No. AT/IV/4807/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 29.10.2003. Inthis connection, the following guidelines/instructions are issued for regulating theclaims for refund of excess contributions.(a)(b)Those who became members prior to 01 Apr 2004 and deductionof contribution was made from their PPO – Norefund will be made.Those who became members prior to 01 Apr 2004 and paidcontribution through MRO.(i) Paid in one installment - No refund will be made(ii) Paid in installments - No refund will be made. Allsubsequent installments will be based on contribution rates as wereapplicable prior to 01 April 2004.(c)Those who became members after 01 Apr 2004 and deduction wasmade from their PPO.Refund, if due, will be made by PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad, PCDA (Navy)Mumbai or CDA (AF) New Delhi as the case may be who made thedeductions through PPOs and not by Regional CsDA / PCsDA, nor will suchcases be handeled by Station HQs. or Regional Centres.

(d)Those who became members after 01 Apr 2004 and paid contributionthrough MRO The refund of excess remittance of <strong>ECHS</strong> subscriptions will beafforded by the concerned PCDA/CDA to the beneficiaries on receipt of apre-receipt Contingent Bill duly countersigned by the <strong>ECHS</strong> authorities(Station HQs/Regional Centre) along with a copy of MRO as already providedfor vide Para-27 of this HQrs. Office above quoted Most Important Circularletter dated 29.10.2003.For PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad,PCDA (Navy) Mumbai, andCDA (AF) New DelhiIt is requested that suo-moto actionto issue Corr. PPOs for refund,wherever due, against excessdeductions of <strong>ECHS</strong> contribution made through PPOs in respect of ServicePersonnel and Officers retired after 01 April 2004 may please be takenimmediately. Addl CGDA (Insp) desires that the requisite action to issue the corr.PPOs may kindly be completed by 25 th May 2005 and completion report sent so asto reach this HQrs. Office by 25 th May 2005.Copy to:-Sd/-(Anoop Srivastava)Dy. CGDA (Audit)1. CDA (PD) Meerut2. CDA Chennai It is requested that Suitable instructions toThe DPDOs to afford refund immediatelyon receipt of Corr. PPOS from the PSAs may please be issued and completionaction closely monitored. Considering the fact that the requisite Corr. PPOSconcerning refund will be received by the DPDOs by the end of May 2005, action toafford refund based on such Corr. PPOS may be taken in the monthly pensionschedules for the month of Jun 2005 and completion report sent to this HQrs. Officeindicating the total number of such corr. PPOs received and refund afforded.3. MD, <strong>ECHS</strong>, AHQrs.New Delhi : For information.Sd/-(Anoop Srivastava)Dy. CGDA (Audit)

P&FC ACCOUNTNG NOTE-1/2004 REFUND OF <strong>ECHS</strong> CONTRIBUTION1. Please refer this Organisation letter of even reference No dated 17 Dec 2003.2. A number of queries are still being received by this Organisation for refund of <strong>ECHS</strong>contribution either in respect of withdrawal of membership from the scheme or contributionpaid in excess or refund of contribution in respect of war widows. These three conditionswill be addressed as follows:-(a)Withdrawal of Membership.(i)(ii)Once a contribution has been made, withdrawals from the schemeand seeking refund is not permitted.Those who were not eligible and become members by default may berefunded their contribution as per the procedure given in paragraph 3.(b)Those who have paid in excess. This would have happened due to lack ofunderstanding of the rules and regulations. Procedure as given in paragraph3 will be followed.(c) Refund of contribution paid by war widows. Procedure as given inparagraph 3 would have to be followed.3. The refund of excess remittance of <strong>ECHS</strong> contribution will be afforded by theconcerned PCDA/CDA to the beneficiary on receipt of pre-receipted contingent bill dulycountersigned by Dir Regional Centre/ Station Commander along with Xerox copy of MRO.A copy of CGDA Most Important Circular No.AT/IV/4807/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 29 Oct 2003 isenclosed for your ready reference.

4. You are requested to disseminate the information down the chain of command up to StationHQ level.Auth : B/49784/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> 13 Oct 04Sd/--MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

OBSERVATION AND GUIDELINES : RECONCILIATION OF HOSPITAL BILLS,CODE HEAD : 365/001. Further to this Org letter No. B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> dated 06 Mar 09, 06 Nov 09 and14 Jan 10.2. Annexed herewith is the list of common errors observed while scrutinising theReconciliation data. The guidelines to prepare the same in the correct manner are mentionedagainst each observation.3. All Regional Centres are to submit the reconciliation of hospital bills strictly as per guidelines issued by this Organisation. Allotment of fund is directly related to receipt ofreconciliation data in time, as it effects budgetary projections and allotment of fund by MoD.Auth : B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/ 02 Feb 10Sd/--(KK Krishnia)Gp CaptDir (P&FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

COMMON ERRORS AND GUIDELINES : RECONCILIATION RETURNSl ERRORSNo01 The sequence of listedhospitals is different ineach month02 Balance of Bills/Amount isnot carried forwardcorrectly in the nextmonth/Quarter03 The data forwarded bysome Regional Centresare not complete04 Stn HQ is directlyforwarding data to thisOrganisation including softcopy05 Arithmetical errors arereflected in the subjectreturn06 Hard copy of Appx ‘A’ isforwarded to thisOrganisation by someRegional Centres07 Font size used for thesubject return is too small08 Return forwarded is in “MsWord” in soft copy09 Each column is not totaledat the bottom of each page10 Separate summary fortotaling of each page ofeach month is not attached11 Some Regional Centresare not including datapertaining to all polyclinicsunder their AORGUIDELINESThe same sequence of hospitals is to be maintained for eachmonth and also carried forward to next month /quarter. The nameof the hospital should not be deleted from the return even if theamount is ‘nil’ for any hospital or the hospital has been deempanelledin any month. The remark “de-empanelled”/etc bementioned.Balance of Bills/Amount reflected in the last two columns of eachmonth (10 & 11, 21 & 22 and 32 & 33 ) is to be brought forwardedcorrectly to the first two columns of next month(12 &13, 23 & 24and 01 &02 of next quarter).The data in r/o each Stn HQ is to be collected and compiled bythe Regional Centre well in advance. The same has to beforwarded to this Organisation well in time for onwardsubmission to MoD by due date. Name of the Stn HQ, fromwhere data has not been received, and the detailed reason fordelay in submission is to be mentioned in covering letter forperusal of Managing Director.Stn HQ is to be instructed not to send any data directly to thisOrganisation and all correspondence to this Organisation,including soft copy, should be through Regional Centre onlyArithmetical correctness should be confirmed while totalingvertically and horizontallySoft copy of Appx ‘A’ & ‘B’, in a single CD, is to be forwarded tothis Org along with hard copy of Appx ‘B’, by Regional Centreonly. Appx ‘A’ should not be forwarded to this organisationdirectly by Stn HQ.The font size must be twelveThe return is to be made in ‘MS Excel’ only in soft copyEach Column of each page is to be totaled at the bottom of thepageSeparate Month wise summary table sheet should be made inthe last page of the month. (Sample for the same is shown in thelast page).Regional Centres are to mandatorily include the data pertainingto all polyclinics under their AOR, irrespective of funds beingallotted by Army, Navy or Air Force.

SlERRORSNo12 Some polyclinics are notincluding all the billsreceived by themGUIDELINESIt is mandatory that all bills received at polyclinics are to beaccounted for, in column No. 03 & 04 every month. ACertificate should be rendered on the last page of thequarterly return, that all bills have been accounted for, and isto be signed by Director Regional Centre.FOR DIRECTOR REGIONAL CENTRE ONLY(a) Certificate required from Regional Centre that all bills have been paid up to previous Quarter(i.e. 31 March, 31 Jun, 31 Oct & 31 Dec) as applicable.(b) Certified that reconciliation has been carried out at the end of the month and that polyclinicsand empanelled hospitals are in agreement (Month wise certificate may be obtained every monthfrom OIC Polyclinic/Stn HQ) on the reconciliation.Signature by RCPage No0102030405Grand TotalOCT 09C/F FrompreviousMonthTABLE FOR MAKING MONTH WISE SUMMARYSUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF OCT 09ReceivedAmountduring the Total DisallowedmonthBills Paidduring themonthSAMPLEBalanceBills Amt Bills Amt Bills Amt Bills Amt Bills Amt1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Signature by RCSimiliarly for Nov 09Signature by RCSimiliarly for Dec 09Signature by RC

Regional Centre <strong>ECHS</strong>OBSERVATIONS AND GUIDELINES : PROCESSING OF MEDICAL CLAIMS1. Refer various previous correspondences on the subject.2. Annexed herewith is the list of common errors observed while scrutinising the MedicalClaims at various levels. The guidelines to process the same in the correct manner are mentionedagainst each observation.3. All Regional Centres are to scrutinise the Medical Claim thoroughly and forward the sameto this HQ only after confirming that all required documents are attached along with claims.Forwarding of claims to this HQ with out proper scrutiny results into undue delay in processing ofbills.Auth :B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/Gen Corres 08 Jun 10Sd/--Dir (P&FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

COMMON ERRORS AND GUIDELINES: PROCESSING OF MEDICAL CLAIMSSl ERRORSNo01 Time Check Sheet notcompleted and authenticated byOIC PC / Dir RC.02 Certificate of OIC PC is notDuly Completed and notauthenticated properlly.03 Copy of Smart Card / Proof ofMembership is not legible andDOM not mentioned separatelyby PC and not authenticatedwith Stamp.04 HQ Command / Stn HQ / PCare directly forwarding claims tothis HQ.05 Date of Admission is prior toReferral but “Emergency” notmentioned and super scribed inred color in Referral Form / Billsand Emergency Certificate notattached.06 Diagnosis mentioned inDischarge Summary is differentfrom Work Sheet.07 Justification for not obtainingPrior Approval not attached.08 Drug Certificate on MRP is notattached.09 MOA and Annexure – II notfound attached.10 Authentication made by PC /RC is with out Stamp and Date.GUIDELINESDuly Completed Time Check Sheet is to be attached along withall claims. Each movement of file is to be mentioned andauthenticated by OIC PC / Dir RC with their Rubber Stamp. Inthis regard pl refer our signal dated 24 Feb 10. Justification fordelay for more than two weeks after receipt of claim in any officeis to be mentioned in appropriate column and is to beauthenticated by OIC / PC / RC properly.Certificate of OIC Polyclinic is to be attached with all Med Claimsirrespective of Emp Hosp / Non Emp Hosp Claim. If it is EmpHosp Claim it is to be mentioned clearly that “EmpanelledHospital Bill” and Date of Empanelment to be mentioned in thecertificate. If it is Non Emp Hosp Claim then it is to be mentionedthat “Non Emp Hosp Claim” in the certificate. It is also to bementioned clearly that whether the claim is Emergency orReferral. The Certificate should be authenticated with RubberStamp and date.Copy of Smart Card / Proof of Membership (Preferably enlargedcopy of Smart Card) should be legible. DOM is to be mentionedseparately and authenticated with Rubber Stamp and Date.All Med Claims (including Not Recommended claims andrepresentations received) to be forwarded to this HQ through RConly. RC is to scrutinise the case and forward to this HQ withproper Remarks / Check List and Work Sheet as applicable. AllConcerned to be instructed not to send any Claim directly to thisOrganisation.If Date of Admission is prior to Referral (Emergency Cases) AllBills & Referral Form should be clearly superscribed as“Emergency” in Red Colour. An Emergency Certificate is to beattached by Hospital and authenticated by PC / RC.Diagnosis mentioned in Discharge Summary and Work Sheetshould be the same.If Prior Approval is not obtained for any case and it needs PriorApproval, then justification for not obtaining the same is to beattached and authenticated by PC/RC.Drug Certificate on MRP as per the format issued by this HQletter dated 17 Sep 09 is to be attached with all claimsirrespective of Emp Hosp / Non Emp Hosp claims and to beCountersigned by OIC PC/ Dir RC.A copy of MOA along with relevant Annexure (Annexure–II)giving details of rates charged is to be attached along with allEmp Hosp Claims.All Authentications are to be made properly with Date andRubber Stamp.

11 It is not clearly mentioned inWork Sheet that whether theclaim pertaining to Emp Hosp /Non Emp Hosp & Emergency/ Referral.In Sl No 6 (a) of Work Sheet it is to be clearly mentioned as“Emp Hosp Bill” / Non Emp Hosp Bill” and in Sl No 6 (b) as“Emergency” / “Referral”.12 Emergency Certificate byHospital and EmergencyInformation Report by PC arenot attached for Non EmpHosp Claims.13 Covering Letter is mentionedas Emp Hosp Claim but theclaim pertains to Non EmpHosp.14 All Documents issued byHosp are not authenticated byPC / RC15 All Pages are not numberedand documents not kept inorder of occurrence.16 Duplicate Claims areforwarded to this HQ.17 Medical Claims are forwardedto this HQ in Shabby conditionand documents are notFlagged.18 Claims returned forrectification of observationsare not rectified and returned indue time.19 Amendments made in thedocuments are notauthenticated properly.20 While returning the claim afterrectification of observations,Para wise / point wise reply isnot furnished and this HQletter reference is not referredproperly.Emergency Certificate issued by Hospital and EmergencyInformation Report issued by Poly Clinic are mandatory alongwith all Non Emp Hosp Claims.It is mandatory to mention in the Covering Letter that the claimpertaining to Emp Hosp or Non Emp Hosp correctly.All documents, i.e, Bills, Discharge Summary, EmergencyCertificate, Drug Certificate etc are to be authenticated by PC /RC.All Pages are to be numbered and Documents are to be keptin the order of occurrence, i.e. starting from Referral Form/Emergency Certificate to Discharge Summary etc. All thedocuments placed on the file should be in Original andComplete in all respect.Despite repeated reminders Duplicate Claims are stillforwarded to this HQ. Duplicate Claims are not required at thisOrg and are not to be forwarded to this HQ.All documents in the file are to be properly Flagged. FileCover is to be neat and in Good Condition and ProperlyLabeled.Claims returned for rectification of observation are not rectifiedand returned to this HQ in due time. If the observation is notrectified with in two weeks of receipt of claim at your office,then the present position of the claim and reason for delay tobe intimated to this office with out waiting for this HQ’sintervention.The Amendments / Corrections / cuttings made in thedocuments to be authenticated properly with Rubber stampand date.While returning the claims to this HQ after rectification ofobservations, Para wise / point wise reply to this HQ letter is tobe furnished and this HQ letter Number (Ref No) is also to becross referred properly.*** Dir RC is to ensure that guide lines issued by this HQ are adhered strictly by RC / StnHQ / PC etc. before forwarding the claims to this HQ.

PRIORITY FOR PAYMENT OF HOSPITAL BILLS1. During the examination of accounts by the Rep of this Organisation at a few Station HQ andPolyclinics, it was observed that bills received later had been paid while older bills were found lyingun-actioned / unpaid at the Polyclinics / Station HQ.2. No reasonable or justifiable explanation could be given either by the OsIC Polyclinic or theOsIC <strong>ECHS</strong>, Stn HQ. It needs to be emphasized that unless the bills are under observation wherethe hospital authorities are required to clarify certain issues raised or if there is other genuinereason, the holding of such bills across various levels of processing is questionable. It isimperative that bills which have been received first have to be paid first.3. It is therefore requested that suitable instructions at various levels of processing of bills,especially at the Polyclinic and the Stn HQ level, may please be issued for immediate compliance.Dy MDFor MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

POLICY ON PROCESSING OF BILLS RELATED TO CONSULTATION FEES1. The bills on consultation constitute a large percentage of hospital bills. While the amountsof such bills are low and fixed across the Country, the processing procedure being followed is thesame as in case of high value bills. For example, the approved rate in Delhi is Rs. 61/- perconsultation. It is considered that the unnecessary paperwork and delay in processing of claimtowards consultation charges, when referred to any empanelled hospital, can be considerablyreduced by raising hospital wise composite claims. This will also provide more time to theprocessing officials in carrying out quality check of high value bills leading to reduction in costs.2. Procedure. The procedure to be followed for raising and payment of composite billstowards CONSULTATION FEES is as follows:-(a) Raising of bills by Hospitals. The hospitals may be asked to raise composite billsfor the referrals made towards OPD consultation during the month. These would includecases where only consultation charges are involved and no further investigation / treatmentprocedures were carried in the hospital. Each of the hospital bills including the compositeconsultation bills should be serially numbered throughout the year in the usual manner foreasy identification. A specimen of the Bill to be raised by the Hospital is placed at AppendixA.(b) The hospitals while forwarding the composite consultation bill to the Polyclinics willensure that each entry of the bill is enclosed with original referral forms of the patientssupporting the outcome of consultation.(c) Action at the Polyclinic. On receipt of composite consultation bills from theempanelled hospitals, the OIC Polyclinic will register the claims and verify the correctnessof the bill and the referral forms enclosed. The OIC Polyclinic will then prepare acontingent bill cum cover note. The specimen of the contingent bill cum cover note isplaced as Appendix B. The contingent bill cum cover note enclosed with the originalcomposite consultation bill received from hospital and the original referral forms in originalwill be forwarded to Stn HQ for further action.

(d) Action at the Stn HQ. The Cash Assignment Officer / OIC <strong>ECHS</strong> Cell will obtainCFA sanction and make the payment to the concerned hospital in the usual manner and willendorse a copy of the covering letter to the OIC Polyclinic for necessary reconciliation. Theoriginal contingent bill cum cover note alongwith the original composite consultation bill andreferral forms will be forwarded to the concerned PCDA / CDA for post audit. A photocopyof the contingent bill cum cover note alongwith the composite bill will be retained as record.3. You are requested to circulate this policy to all concerned under your AOR for necessarycompliance.Sd/--Dy MDFor MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

RECONCILIATION OF HOSPITAL BILLS CODE HEAD : 365/001. Further to this Organisation letter of even reference dated 03 Mar 2009.2. It has come to notice that a few hospitals are intimating higher amounts and number of billsoutstanding for payment as compared to the figures provided by the Station HQ on outstandingamounts with respect to a particular hospital.3. The reasons for the disparity could be as follows:-(a) Civil hospitals are not amending their outstanding figures with respect to theamounts disallowed by the Station Commanders / SEMOs.(b) There are bills in process with the OsIC Polyclinic and the SEMOs which are notknown by the Station HQ.4. A need has been felt to reconcile the outstanding bill numbers and amounts with the civilempanelled facilities on a regular basis. It is intimated that the point for receipt of hospital claims isthe Polyclinics where the claim is registered and a unique identification code number is allotted toeach bill. After scrutiny, these bills are forwarded to the SEMOs who inturn forward the bills to theStation HQ after making their recommendations. The bills are returned to the Polyclinics in case ofobservations and bills forwarded to Station HQ are paid by the Cash Assignment Officer afterobtaining CFA sanction.5. The details of payment and the amounts disallowed are not endorsed to the Polyclinics.Hence, the Polyclinics do not get to know the total number of bills pending for payment against thetotal number of bills received.6. It has been decided that in future the copy of the forwarding letter of the cheque with detailof payments to the empanelled hospital should also be provided to the Polyclinics. ThePolyclinics will maintain bill-wise claimed and paid amount in respect of each of the empanelledhospitals in the format appended below:-

Name of the Civil Empanelled Facility…………………PLACE …………Date of Billraised &detailsDate of billreceivedParticularsof claimUniqueIdentificationNumberAmountClaimedDateforwardedto SEMOAmountpaid byStn HQwith detailsAmountDisallowed7. A hospital wise monthly summary will be prepared as under:-(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Outstanding no. of Bills and amount carried forward from previous monthNumber of Bills received during the month and total amountTotal Amount disallowedTotal numbers & amount paid during the monthBalance numbers & amount outstandingSignature of OIC Polyclinic Signature of Reps of Hospital8. A reconciliation will be carried out in the first week of each quarter ending with therepresentatives of the hospitals and signatures would be obtained on the reconciliation statement /register to confirm that the Polyclinics and the empanelled hospitals are in agreement. OICPolyclinics shall forward the reconciliation statement to Stn HQ and Regional Centre <strong>ECHS</strong>.9. Since the Polyclinics would know the exact details of the outstanding bills and the trend ofits receipt, all budgetary projections will be made by the OIC Polyclinics to the concerned StationHQ which in turn will compile, analyse and forward budget estimates in the laid down periodicity tohigher formations. This will ensure correct assessment of the <strong>ECHS</strong> liability and will avoidembarrassments towards non payment of bills due to paucity of funds. The Polyclinics will forwardcopy of the summary every month to the concerned Station HQ for keeping them up to date.10. This may be forwarded to all concerned within your AOR for strict compliance and the firstreconciliation should be carried out as on close of 31 Mar 2009.Sd/----Dir (P&FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

Tele: 28636834ASCON : 36834RECONCILIATION OF HOSPITAL BILLS CODE HEAD : 365/001. Further to this Organisation letter of even reference dated 06 Mar 09 (Para 07).2. Policy for Reconciliation of Hospital bills was to be implemented with effect from 31 Mar09. By now the teething problems of monthly reconciliation would have been resolved and thereconciliation process would be firmly in place.3. MoD has been insisting on various data regarding medical bills, hospital wise, polyclinicwise and Stn HQ wise. This HQ does not have the requisite data. The same can be obtained fromthe Reconciliation Statements being generated by the polyclinics functioning under the Stn HQ.Thus a ‘Reconciliation Return’ is being instituted at this stage. ‘Reconciliation return’ is to be sentto this HQ once in three months (quarterly). The return will have all data month wise pertaining tothe previous three months. The return should be submitted as per the format attached at Appx ‘A’.The return is to be forwarded by respective Stn HQ to concerned Regional Centres and HQCommands. The hard copy of the return should be accompanied by a soft copy on a CD.4. Regional Centres are to compile all data pertaining to their AOR and forward the same tothis HQ in form of a CD along with a hard copy of Appx ‘B’. Copy of the same should also beforwarded to respective HQ Command. This CD should contain all data as received from Stn HQplus the compiled data as per Appx ‘B’.5. The first such Return for the month of Jul, Aug and Sep 09 should be compiled andforwarded so as to reach this HQ and HQ Command by 15 Nov 09. Subsequently thisReconciliation return should reach on or before 15 Jan, 15 Apr, 15 Jul and 15 Oct for therespective quarters.6. All Command HQ are requested to issue instructions to Stn HQ under their AOR for strictcompliance.Sd/--(SP Patil)BrigDy MDFor MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

BY REGD SDS/ POST0POLICY ON PROCESSING OF BILLSRELATED TO CONSULTATION FEES1. Further to our letter of even number dated 17 Sep 09.2. The following amendment may please be made in Column No. 07 of Appx ‘A’ & ‘B’ to this HQletter quoted above.‘FOR’ - “ Diagnosis”‘READ’ - “ Diagnosis / Treatment / Procedure “3. This is for your information and further dissemination to all concerned under your AoR.Sd/-Dir (P & FC)for MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

5. At the appropriate place on the covering Note of the bill / claim, the designated Officershould countersign on behalf of CFA. Thus, the CFAs are required to approve the payment on thefile only and the designated Officers are required to issue sanction and countersign claim on theCFA’s behalf.6. Forwarding of Bills / Claims to Higher CFAs /Formations. After a bill has beenscrutinized by the Polyclinic and the SEMO and is established that it would require sanction of thehigher CFA / formation, the claim can be recommended for approval by the OIC <strong>ECHS</strong> on behalf ofthe lower CFA (Stn Cdr). It may not be essential that the Stn Cdr himself recommends approval ofthe claim / bill by the higher CFA / formation.7. The above procedure will enable speedy processing of the medical bills / claims and will notoverburden the CFAs towards signing routine communications. Considering the requirement ofreducing the load and unnecessary repetitive work by the CFAs who have a larger role to play,provisions have been made in Rule 65, FR Part-I which needs to be extensively utilized. Part-I,Para 17 of the <strong>ECHS</strong> policy letter issued vide GOI MoD letter No. 24(3)/03/US(WE)/D(Res)(ii) dated 09 Sep 03 is also referred in this regard.8. This may be circulated to all concerned under your AOR for immediate implementation.Sd/---Dy MDFor MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

Appendix A(Refer Para 3 ofB/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>dated 09 Sep 2009]SPECIMEN COPYTele :File ReferenceStation HQDelhi AreaNew Delhi- 10DatePCDA (WC)ChandigarhAUTHORISATION TO COUNTERSIGN CLAIMS AND SIGN COMMUNICATIONAND DOCUMENTS OF A FINANCIAL CHARACTER1. Under the provisions of Rule 65, Financial Regulations Part-I, Vol-I andfinancial powers delegated vide GOI MoD letter No. 24(3)/03 /US(WE)/D(Res) (i) dated 08Sep 2003, I hereby authorize ………………………………………….. (Name & Appointment) witheffect from…………….. (date) to countersign claims and sign communications and documents of afinancial character on my behalf after financial sanction has been accorded by me.2. The specimen signatures of the Officer are appended below:------------------------ ----------------------- -----------------------(ABC)BrigStn Cdr

SPECIMEN COPY(Note to CFA)Appendix B(Refer Para 4 ofB/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>dated 09 Sep 2009]File Reference………………….Sheet No…………SANCTION OF THE COMPETENT FINANCIAL AUTHORITYFOR INDIVIDUAL / HOSPITAL CLAIM DEBITABLE TOMAJOR HEAD 2076 MINOR HEAD 107 SUB HEAD E, CODE HEAD 365/0011. Enclosed with this file, please find the following individual / hospital claims as per thedetails given below for your sanction under the powers vested vide GOI MoD letter No.24(3)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) (i) dated 08 Sep 2003.SlNo.<strong>ECHS</strong>Card No.1.KC00057Name ofthe ESM /MemberSubSingh2. KC01152 Nk DKumar3.4.KName ofPatient withRelationMamta Devi(Mother)SelfName &Place oftheHospitalAppolloHospital,DelhiFortisHospital,MohalliPeriod ofHospitalisationFrom To01/01/0915/06/0915/01/0921/06/09DiagnosisliverdiseaseRTAinjuryAmountRecommended(In Rs)9,514/-10,154/-40.2. The claim has been vetted by the concerned authorities as per the procedure stipulatedvide GOI MoD letter No. 24(8)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 19 Dec 2003 and found to be in order.3. Put up for your approval please.MD <strong>ECHS</strong>VCOASNov 2009

SPECIMEN COPYAppendix C(Refer Para 4 ofB/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>dated 09 Sep 2009]SANCTION OF THE COMPETENT FINANCIAL AUTHORITYFOR INDIVIDUAL / HOSPITAL CLAIM DEBITABLE TOMAJOR HEAD 2076 MINOR HEAD 107 SUB HEAD E, CODE HEAD 365/00Under the provisions of Rule 65, FR Part-I, the undersigned has been directed to convey the sanction accorded by…………………………………………. (CFA) vide File Reference ……………………………………… dated………………., in exercise ofpowers delegated vide GOI MoD letter No. 24(3)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) (i) dated 08 Sep 2003 in respect of the following claims:-SlNo.<strong>ECHS</strong> CardNo.Name of the ESM /MemberName of Patientwith RelationName & Place ofthe Hospital1. KC00057 Sub K Singh Mamta Devi(Mother)Apollo Hospital,Delhi2. KC01152 Nk D Kumar Self Fortis Hospital,MohalliPeriod of Hospitalization Diagnosis AmountFrom ToSanctioned(In Rs)01/01/09 15/01/09 Decompensate liver disease with 9,514/-complication15/06/09 21/06/09 RTA Chest injury 10,154/-40.File Reference:Station / Sub Area / Area/ Command (XYZ)RankAppointment of Officer DesignatedDate:

POLICY ON PROCESSING OF BILLSRELATED TO CONSULTATION FEES1. Further to our letter of even number dated 17 Sep 09.2. The following amendment may please be made in Column No. 07 of Appx ‘A’ & ‘B’ to this HQletter quoted above.‘FOR’ - “ Diagnosis”‘READ’ - “ Diagnosis / Treatment / Procedure “3. This is for your information and further dissemination to all concerned under your AoR.Sd/-Dir (P & FC)for MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

In lieu of msg fromOP IMMEDIATEDTGFrom : INDARMY (CENTRAL ORG <strong>ECHS</strong>) UNCLASTo : REGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, PATNA A-333025/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>REGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, LUCKNOWREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, JABALPURREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, CHANDIMANDIRREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, DELHI CANTT (BY ORIG)Info : HQ CENTRAL COMMAND (A/<strong>ECHS</strong>)HQ WESTERN COMMAND (A/<strong>ECHS</strong>)- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------GUIDE LINES FOR PROCESSING MED CLAIMS (.) FURTHER TO OUR LETTER NO.B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> JUN 08 (.) CONFIRM RECEIPT AND STRICT COMPLIANCE OF SAME (.)HENCE FORTH DIR RC TO ATTACH A CERTIFICATE ALONG WITH ALL MED CLAIM STATINGTHAT CLAIM CHECKED AS PER GUIDE LINES ISSUE BY CENTRAL ORG AND FOUNDCORRECT (.) NO MED CLAIM WILL BE ACCEPTED WITH OUT SUBJECT CERTIFICATE HENCEFORTH (.) SIXTH AND SEVENTH ADDRESSEES REQ INTERVENE (.) REQ ACK (.)////-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -SQN LDR JT DIR (P&FC) TELE : 36834FILE NO : B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/GEN CORRES SQN LDRDATED : 25 JUN 10 TOR : ________ HRS

In lieu of msg fromOP IMMEDIATEDTGFrom : INDARMY (CENTRAL ORG <strong>ECHS</strong>) UNCLASTo : REGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, JAIPUR A-333026/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>REGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, JAMMUREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, KOLKATAREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, GUWAHATIInfo : HQ SOUTH WESTERN COMMAND (A/<strong>ECHS</strong>)HQ NORTHERN COMMAND (A/<strong>ECHS</strong>)HQ EASTERN COMMAND (A/<strong>ECHS</strong>)- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------GUIDE LINES FOR PROCESSING MED CLAIMS (.) FURTHER TO OUR LETTER NO.B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> JUN 08 (.) CONFIRM RECEIPT AND STRICT COMPLIANCE OF SAME (.)HENCE FORTH DIR RC TO ATTACH A CERTIFICATE ALONG WITH ALL MED CLAIM STATINGTHAT CLAIM CHECKED AS PER GUIDE LINES ISSUE BY CENTRAL ORG AND FOUNDCORRECT (.) NO MED CLAIM WILL BE ACCEPTED WITH OUT SUBJECT CERTIFICATE HENCEFORTH (.) FIFTH COMMA SIXTH AND SEVENTH ADDRESSEES REQ INTERVENE (.) REQ ACK(.)////-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -SQN LDR JT DIR (P&FC) TELE : 36834FILE NO : B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/GEN CORRES SQN LDRDATED : 25 JUN 10 TOR : ________ HRS

In lieu of msg fromOP IMMEDIATEDTGFrom : INDARMY (CENTRAL ORG <strong>ECHS</strong>) UNCLASTo : REGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, PUNE A-333024/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>REGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, CHENNAIREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, HYDERABADREGIONAL CENTRE <strong>ECHS</strong>, KOCHI (BY ORIG)Info : HQ SOUTHERN COMMAND (A/<strong>ECHS</strong>)IHQ OF MOD (NAVY) / DIR <strong>ECHS</strong> (N) (BY ORIG)AIR HQ VB / DPS (BY ORIG)HQ NAVAL COMMAND (<strong>ECHS</strong>)HQ ANDAMAN & NICOBAR COMMAND (<strong>ECHS</strong>)- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------GUIDE LINES FOR PROCESSING MED CLAIMS (.) FURTHER TO OUR LETTER NO.B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong> JUN 08 (.) CONFIRM RECEIPT AND STRICT COMPLIANCE OF SAME (.)HENCE FORTH DIR RC TO ATTACH A CERTIFICATE ALONG WITH ALL MED CLAIM STATINGTHAT CLAIM CHECKED AS PER GUIDE LINES ISSUE BY CENTRAL ORG AND FOUNDCORRECT (.) NO MED CLAIM WILL BE ACCEPTED WITH OUT SUBJECT CERTIFICATE HENCEFORTH (.) SIXTH AND SEVENTH ADDRESSEES REQ INTERVENE (.) REQ ACK (.)////-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -SQN LDR JT DIR (P&FC) TELE : 36834FILE NO : B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/GEN CORRES SQN LDRDATED : 25 JUN 10 TOR : ________ HRS

RECONCILIATION OF HOSPITAL BILLSCODE HEAD : 365/001. Ref our letter of even reference dt 06 Nov 09.2. Further to the guidelines mentioned in the letter the following points be implemented whileforwarding the above return with immediate effect :-(a)(b)(c)Font size must be twelve.Return is to be made in MS Excel only.Each column and each page of the return are to be totalled at the bottom.(d) Concerned Regional Centre are to attach one separate summary sheet, of each column of allpages.3. All Regional Centres are to submit the return strictly as per Appx ‘A’ and ‘B’ circulated videour ibid letter.Auth :B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/ 14 Jan 10Sd/-(KK Krishnia)Gp CaptDir (P&FC)For MD <strong>ECHS</strong>

SCRUTINY OF HOSPITAL BILLS:DRUG CERTIFICATE ON MRP1. Ref this Organisation letter No B/49779/AG/<strong>ECHS</strong>/Policy dt 17 Sep 2009.2. It is intimated that a revised certificate as per attached Appx is to be rendered by the concernedhospital that all drugs/medicines/consumables costing Rupees one thousand or above for unit itemhave been billed at rates which are not more than MRP. This certificate has to be countersigned by OICpolyclinic and Regional Centre for bills above 2 lakh. The same is to be attached along with billsummary.3. This Organisation letter cited at para 1 above stands superseded.Sd/-Dir (P & FC)for MD <strong>ECHS</strong>________

CERTIFICATE BY HOSPITALIt is certified that all drugs / Medicines / Consumables costing Rs. 1000/- or above forunit item have been billed at rates which are not more thatn MRP.Date :Authorised SignatoryHospital StampCOUNTERSIGNEDScrutinised all bills in the claim and verified correct.Signature of MO PC / OIC PCSignature of Jt Dir (Med) RC / Dir RC(For bills above 2 Lakh)Date : Date :

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