online course descriptions - Lake Erie College

online course descriptions - Lake Erie College

online course descriptions - Lake Erie College


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TABLE OF CONTENTSONLINE COURSESWITH MARK BARNESED 5000 Paperless Classroom I: Teaching and Learning inCyberspace pg 9ED 5000W1 Paperless Classroom I: Teaching and Learning inCyberspace pg 9ED 5001 Paperless Classroom II: Advanced WebsiteStrategies pg 10ED 5038 Web 2.0 and the K-12 Classroom pg 9ED 5703 Plugged In: How Twitter Can Transform YourTeaching Both In and Out of the Classroom pg 9ED 5714 Tweet, Glog, and Roll: Social Media for the K-12Classroom pg 9WITH JOELLE WARSHED 5715 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part One pg 10ED 5715W1 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part One pg 11ED 5716 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part Two pg 10ED 5716W1 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part Two pg 11ED 5717 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part Three pg 10ED 5717W1 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part Three pg 11ED 5718 Edmodo: It’s Facebook for Education pg 10ED 5718W1 Edmodo: It’s Facebook for Education pg 11ED 5719 Let’s Get Googling: Google Doc andGoogle Sites pg 10ED 5719W1 Let’s Get Googling: Google Doc and GoogleSites pg 11WITH KNOWLEDGE DELIVERY SYSTEMS (KDS)ED 5017 Effective Classroom Discipline: Anger Management,Part I pg 12ED 5019 Aiding Students with Learning Disabilities pg 12ED 5035 Character Education, Part I: Communityand Cultural Change pg 12ED 5036 Character Education, Part II: Positive Role Modelsand Proactive Educators pg 12ED 5037 Motivating Underachievers: Using Response toIntervention and Differentiated Instruction pg 12ED 5701 Manage It All: Students, Curriculum and Time pg 12ED 5702 Improving Instruction through Strategic Conversationswith Teachers pg 13ED 5704 Assessment and Grading For StudentAchievement pg 13ED 5705 Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework forTeaching pg 13ED 5706 Data, Data Everywhere pg 13ED 5707 Technology Applications for Teaching andSupporting the Struggling Reader pg 13ED 5708 Teaching, Learning, and Leading in theDigital Age pg 14ED 5709 Using Digital Media to Enhance Learning pg 14ED 5710 Making the Most of Teacher Evaluation pg 14ED 5711 Authentic Innovation in the 21st Century pg 14ED 5712 Data-Driven Decision Making: ImplementingStrategies for Student Achievement pg 14ED 5720 Teaching ELLs across the Curriculum: ShelteredInstruction, ESL, and Culturally Responsive Instruction,Part 1 pg 14ED 5721 Teaching ELLs across the Curriculum: ShelteredInstruction, ESL, and Culturally Responsive Instruction,Part 2 pg 15ED 5722 Understanding Culture and Race pg 15ED 5723 Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching andLearning in the New Digital Landscape pg 15ED 5724 Challenging Gifted and All Students with the ClusterGrouping Model pg 16ED 5725 Discovery-Based Mathematics, Part I pg 16ED 5726 Discovery-Based Mathematics, Part II pg 16ED 5727 Enhancing Your Curriculum with Art pg 17ED 5728 POWERful Coaching pg 17ED 5729 Grading and Reporting for all Students pg 17ED 5730 Best Practices for Teaching African AmericanBoys pg 18ED 5731 Assessment and the Common Core StateStandards pg 18ED 5732 Transforming School Culture pg 18ED 5733 Pyramid Response to Intervention:How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn pg 18ED 5734 Common Core State Standards in Mathematics,Grades 3-8 pg 19ED 5735 Becoming a Reflective Teacher pg 19ED 5736 Formative Assessment and Standards-BasedGrading pg 19ED 5737 Teaching Reading and Comprehension to EnglishLanguage Learners, K-5 pg 19ED 5738 Differentiation and the Brain pg 19ED 5739 Grading: A Guide to Effective Practice pg 19ED 5740 Motivating and Engaging Students pg 20ED 5741 Elementary Reading Intervention Strategies pg 20register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.49963

COURSE DESCRIPTIONSFACE TO FACE ON CAMPUS COURSESNEW! ED 7006 Google Drive: Using Google Docs,Presentation and FormsFriday, January 25th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, January 26th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Michael PenningtonGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Do you have a website or blog and don’t know what to do withit? Do you want to communicate more effectively with parents,teachers and students? Have you ever considered more effectivemethods for student collaboration? Ever forgotten your flashdrivewith today’s lesson? If you answered yes to any of these questions,then you need to learn and utilize Google Drive. GoogleDrive is a FREE, cloud based system that allows you to createdocuments, questionnaire/assessment and presentations. Youcan access and edit information on any computer with an Internetconnection, including your smart phone! In this class participantswill learn how to use Google Drive to enhance their instruction inthree distinct ways: (1) manage and organize files including worddocuments, handouts, PowerPoints; (2) collaborate and communicatewith other teachers and students more effectively; (3) allowstudents to communicate and collaborate with each other.ED 1152 Integrating Phonics with Movement andTheme: Part IIFriday, January 25th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, January 26th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B11Instructors: Sally Maher and Dr. Terry KindervaterGrade Levels: PreK-3The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.In this class, participants will be introduced to the LanguageCalendar, a key component of the Phonics in Motion program.Entries will be modeled and discussion will focus on the use ofthe Language Calendar to teach different indicators. Use of theLanguage Calendar to model the writing process on a daily basiswill be shared. Stories for the handwriting of all the letters of thealphabet will also be shared with participants, along with “stories”that teach some phonic rules. Integrating Phonics with Movementand Theme Part I is a prerequisite for this class.ED 1065 Successful Strategies: Helping Children withAutism & Unique Learning Needs in Your Classroom*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Friday, February 1st from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 2nd from 8 am to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructors: Debbie Munson-Kennedy, Jenny Adams, AnneRodgersGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.This class will identify the learning styles of students with autismand other unique learners that you have in your classroom.Educators will gain practical interventions to be able to makeaccommodations for unique learners within the regular classroom.Strategies for success will target the following areas: communication/socialskills, educational modifications and sensory ideas thatcan be easily included within the classroom. This class will betaught by a speech/language pathologist, an intervention specialistand an occupational therapist.ED 1607 Getting Smarter with SMART Boards*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Friday, February 1st from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 2nd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Laura BogushGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Explore using interactive whiteboard technology with InteractiveWhiteboards to motivate students and enhance the teaching-learningprocess for large and small group instruction. Discover numerousinstructional presentations and interactive resources already createdand available <strong>online</strong> that will enable you to immediately implementwhiteboard technology in your classroom. A basic overview of Notebooksoftware, as well as how to integrate PowerPoint and Word withSMART Board technology will be presented. Class time will includedemonstration of the Interactive Whiteboard with an opportunity forsmall groups to interact with the technology and time in a computerlab to explore and create presentations that can be used with InteractiveWhiteboards. This seminar is designed for those with beginningto intermediate skills in using an Interactive Whiteboard 2009 SmartTechnologies, LLC.4LAKE ERIE COLLEGE Professional Development Seminars Spring Semester

FACE TO FACE ON CAMPUS COURSESED 7014 Dollar Store Science (Supporting STEMLearning Experiences)Friday, February 8th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 9th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructor: Cathy PlatanoGrade Levels: 2-6The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Cheap science? Yes, you read that correctly! Keeping up with theOhio Revised Science Education Standards and Model Curriculumfor teaching science strands can be made easier through a simpletrip to local “dollar” stores. This seminar will enable participantsto capture student interest and stimulate their imaginations witheasily accessible materials and activities. Teaching students to bescientists by incorporating science skills and processes involvingengineering and design will be covered through project-based curricularactivities. Using the science strategies presented can alsobe integrated into the other content areas of math, social studies,and language arts. “Toying” with science, kitchen chemistry, andoutdoor activities that cover life and earth science concepts will presentedthrough hands-on demonstrations with active participationof teachers. Participants will also engage in STEM projects that willenhance their students’ achievements and learning experiences.NEW! ED 7010 Understanding Teacher Evaluation inOhioFriday, February 8th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 9th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B11Instructor: Dr. Scott HuntGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.The goal of this seminar is for participants to have a thoroughunderstanding of both the OTES model (including teacher performanceand how to incorporate student growth measures) andthe Teacher Performance Rubric. While this training is meant asan introduction to the framework itself, it must be noted that themajority of time will be spent on helping participants understand,practice and finally implement the Teacher Performance EvaluationRubric. Therefore, it is essential for participants to understandthe Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric and how it fits withinthe overall framework to support teacher instruction and, mostimportantly, student achievement.ED 7005 Classroom Management & Discipline in a K-5ClassroomFriday, February 15th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 16th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructor: Michael SoderquistGrade Levels: K-5The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.How children learn is as important as what they learn. Keepingthis belief in mind, did you know that what teachers do during thefirst six weeks of school sets a tone for the entire school year?Did you know that teachers can build trust and community whenthey work collaboratively with their students to create classroomrules? Did you know that an effective classroom managementand discipline plan can greatly impact both the academic andsocial achievement for students? This <strong>course</strong> will get you readyfor managing today’s demanding primary grade classroom. Areyou up for the challenge?ED 1603 Creating Lessons with SMARTNotebook Software*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Friday, February 15th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 16th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Laura BogushGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.SMART Notebook software enables you to create and organizeinteractive lessons for use with SMART Boards. We will digdeeper into using drawing tools, text features, and the gallery clipart to make your lessons come alive. Adding sound, film clips,and hyperlinks to the internet will also be covered. Learn how toimport Word documents and PowerPoint presentations into SmartNotebook software. Bring your standards, manuals, and resourcesto help you create lessons specific to your needs. Prerequisite:“Getting Smarter with SMART Boards” or some experience withusing SMART Boards. This class is for the intermediate to advancedlevel user. SMART 2009 Smart Technologies, LLC.NEW! ED 7004 Digital Back PacksFriday, February 22nd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 23rd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Dr. Linda SiegelGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225What is a Digital Back Pack?Is it a collection of hardware and software that supports studentlearning. Many schools are beginning to implement this acrossthe curriculum. Researchers Basham, Perry, and Meyer (2010)have published their findings on the use of Digital Back Packsand indicate that organizing the content using this method impactsstudent achievement, motivation, and success.What is in the Back Pack?HARDWARE laptop - computer - iPad2 - digital camera - memorystick - GPSSOFTWARE MS Office - Google Earth - Skype - Web 2.0 resourcesNEW! ED 7011 Special Education for the ClassroomTeacher IFriday, February 22nd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, February 23rd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B11Instructors: Carol Alaqua and Sheri WeilandGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.All regular education teachers have students with special needs intheir classroom. Are you curious about your responsibilities as aregular education teacher with students with special needs in yourclassroom? Want to learn more about the 13 disabilities as identifiedby the IDEIA and how to help these students succeed. Wantto know more about the co-teaching models and how to implementthem successfully? If you are a regular education teacher whowants to find out how to effectively help students with various learningchallenges this is the seminar for you.register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.4996COURSE DESCRIPTIONS5

COURSE DESCRIPTIONSFACE TO FACE ON CAMPUS COURSESED 1153 Integrating Phonics with Movement andTheme: Part IIIFriday, March 1st from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 2nd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructors: Sally Maher and Dr. Terry KindervaterGrade Levels: PreK-3The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.In this class, participants will utilize the Vowel House, a graphic organizerthat helps students learn the primary and secondary spellingsof the vowels of our language. Students will participate in word sortsthat utilize the Vowel House. Integrating Phonics with Movementand Theme Part I and II are prerequisites for this class.ED 1624 Using PowerPoint with SMART Boards*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Friday, March 1st from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 2nd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructors: Laura BogushGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.PowerPoint presentations can become more dynamic when presentedon a SMART Board. Learn tips and tricks for using PowerPointwith a SMART Board. Discover how to make PowerPoint presentationsmore interactive to take advantage of SMART Board features.Resources for finding existing PowerPoint presentations that areavailable on the internet will be shared. A basic understand of howto use a SMART Board and Microsoft PowerPoint is helpful, but notrequired.NEW! ED 7007 Savvy Searching: Why Google WhenYou Can Grok and Diigo?Friday, March 8th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 9th from 8 am to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Michael PenningtonGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Ever wonder why students “Google” everything? Did you ever noticethat those same students never read past the third or fourth entry intheir search results? Ever wish you could look at a student’s searchhistory to help them become more savvy researchers? Do you wantstudents to highlight and add notes to webpages that they can sharewith each other? In this class students will learn skills they can takeback to their classroom and use instantly. Move beyond Google andlearn how to use simple and free search engines like Google Advanced,Wolfram Alpha, Spotify and Instagrok. Journal your searches,specify your reading level for instant differentiation and use visualsearches to show connections. Don’t just streamline your searching,but learn how to analyze your results. I will even show you how tocreate your own custom Google Search engine! We will also discussintegrating social bookmarking via Diigo in your classrooms. Track theresources and readings of your students, then share those resourceswith all your students and even other schools.NEW! ED 7012 Special Education for the ClassroomTeacher IIFriday, March 8th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 9th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B11Instructors: Carol Alaqua and Sheri WeilandGrade Levels: PreK-12Cost for this 1 SH <strong>course</strong> is $225.This <strong>course</strong> is recommended for regular education teachers tobecome familiar with the entire IEP process. The process will bedeveloped from beginning to end. Teachers will recognize how toidentify a struggling student and take them through the entire process.Topics will include RTI, MFE, ETR and progress monitoring,data collection. Special Education for the Classroom Teacher Iis NOT a prerequisite for this class.ED 7000 A Teacher’s Guide to Mind/Body/Soul Connection:An Owner’s ManualFriday, March 15th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 16th from 8 am to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B11Instructor: Dr. Linda SiegelGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Keeping quality teachers and addressing teacher retention is a focusof school communities. But what can a teacher do, personally,to sustain a healthy, engaged, peaceful life? What personal choicesand behaviors can contribute to maintaining a balance in the busy,stress filled career field of teaching? This seminar brings togethera cadre of professionals that will provide both information and experientialopportunities that provide the teacher with a guide to stepsfor body/mind/soul balance. Licensed professionals from fields ofphysical therapy, dance, bodywork, Yoga, education (academics),leadership, healthcare/medicine, and nutrition will each contributeto the participant’s understanding and experiences in achieving andmaintaining balance.6LAKE ERIE COLLEGE Professional Development Seminars Spring Semester

ED 7009 Awesome Free Teaching Tools: The Power ofthe Cloud and Portable SoftwareFriday, March 15th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 16th from 8 am to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Jim DiPofiGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Looking for a great way to enhance your classroom with freesoftware? Software that has the ability to make life easier and addexcitement to your lessons? Here is a <strong>course</strong> specifically designedfor that purpose. You will understand and learn how to make useof portable software that can be saved on your flash drive andtransported to any computer and application, including Skype, forthe classroom.Learn how to make great use of the “Cloud” as you harness thepower of Google Docs. Learn to generate self-grading quizzes thatprovide instant feedback, how to import your existing files, includingMS Office documents, how to generate presentations as assignmentsstudents can add slides to according to your directions andwhere you can see data entered and saved automatically to onefile. Watch as each student submits his or her data and how it automaticallyand instantly changes and saves your work. Imagine thebeauty of one polished presentation document sent directly to you.Students should bring a flash drive to create their own personalportable drive.ED 1551 Hands-On Math ActivitiesFriday, March 22nd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 23rd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructor: Kathleen DoyleGrade Levels: 1-8The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Participants will learn the importance of using hands-on math activitiesto enhance their teaching. They will learn how to search outlesson plans to supplement their teaching from the Internet. Theywill gain insight in using food and other non-traditional classroomsupplies to study math. Participants will learn methods to incorporatereading, writing and content area subjects into the teaching ofmath. Students will create and demonstrate math activities.ED 7001 Using the Internet to Support Instructionwith Common Core StandardsFriday, March 22nd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, March 23rd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Laura BogushGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Discover how the internet can support your instruction with the newcommon core standards. We will explore the new standards usingresources on the web, websites with lesson plans and instructionalresources directly connected to the Common Core Standards.Learn how to find activities and resources <strong>online</strong> that are specific toyour grade level, subject area, and topics of study. Lab time will beprovided to explore <strong>online</strong> resources specific to your needs. Cometo this seminar with a wish list for enhancing your instructionalprogram, and leave with lesson plans ready to implement in yourclassroom. If you do not teach a common core subject area, youmay use current academic content standards or school curriculumfor this <strong>course</strong>. This seminar is designed for participants with beginning,intermediate, or advanced experience with computers and theInternet.FACE TO FACE ON CAMPUS COURSESED 1952 School Law for Educators and How it Relatesto their WorkFriday, April 12th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday,April 13th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B11Instructor: Thomas StupicaGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Most educators are taught how to teach. Few are instructed orknowledgeable in how school law affects their work in areas of contract,liability, negotiations, curricular responsibilities, the collectivebargaining agreement and rights, workers compensation and manyother areas. This class will give the educator background knowledgeto understand the legal aspects of these topics and how theyrelate to the classroom and daily work.ED 7002 Teaching English Language Arts with aSMART Board and Common Core StandardsFriday, April 12th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. andSaturday, April 13th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Laura BogushGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Take reading and language arts instruction to the next level withyour Smart Board. This seminar will focus on how the interactivefeatures of a Smart Board and Notebook Software can enhancereading and language arts instruction in the pre-K to grade 12classroom. We will explore <strong>online</strong> activities and multi-mediaresources specific to reading and language arts instruction as wellas PowerPoint lessons that are already created. We will learn howto create a variety of interactive pages in Smart Notebook Softwareto enhance student learning and participation. Participants willput it all together by creating a lesson in Smart Notebook softwarerelated to the new common core state standards that incorporatesthe world-wide web, multi-media, and interactive features of theSmart Board. Prior participation in the <strong>course</strong> “Creating Lessonswith Smart Notebook Software” is recommended, but not required.Some experience with a Smart Board and ability to create alesson with Notebook software is a necessary prerequisite forthis <strong>course</strong>. This seminar is designed for participants with intermediateto advanced experience with using interactive whiteboards.NEW! ED 7008 Autonomous Mastery Learning: Creatinga 21st Century WebQuestFriday, April 19th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, April 20th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Michael PenningtonGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.How can essential questions, digitized lectures, student research,collaboration, student blogging, historical fiction, self paced, andmastery learning come together to change teaching and learning inyour classroom? Using constructivist methodology, flipped teachingand free applications, you can provide students with the opportunityto guide their own learning. During this class, participants willlearn techniques, ideas and strategies of how to create 21st centuryassignments. Using your Common Core standards, create a selfpacedmastery learning experience to take back to your students thisyear.register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.4996COURSE DESCRIPTIONS7

COURSE DESCRIPTIONSFACE TO FACE ON CAMPUS COURSESED 7013 Modern Literacy: How to Incorporate aBalanceFriday, April 19th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, April 20th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructors: Meredith Galloway and Melissa SchultzGrade Levels: 6-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Want to sustain students’ interests in reading and strengthen theiroverall literacy development? After completing our <strong>course</strong>, you willleave with strategies that you can use tomorrow, and they are allfree! You will examine your reading and writing curriculum practicesand learn new strategies to employ, enhancing your instruction andstudent interest.Common core standards are it, and that means: Reading is everywhere!Be prepared and join our interactive <strong>course</strong> in which we willemphasize practical and immediate implementation of interdisciplinarystrategies in the middle and/or high school classroom. Aftercompleting our <strong>course</strong>, you will leave with an enhanced “tool box”that will be a wicked addition to your classroom practices.ED 7003 Playing Around with a SMART Board:Creating Educational Games in Notebook Softwareand PowerPointFriday, April 26th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, April 27th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room D10Instructor: Laura BogushGrade Levels: PreK-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Games are motivating way for your students to practice skills, learnfacts, and review concepts. Games can also be used as an informaltool for formative assessment. Research provides evidence that theuse of games in the classroom enhances student achievement. Explorethe variety of free games available <strong>online</strong> for your Smart Boardusing Notebook Software and PowerPoint. Participants will alsolearn how to modify game templates to include your own questionsand graphics. Templates for a wide variety of games will be providedPowerPoint and Notebook software, including Jeopardy, Smarterthan a 5th Grader, Deal or No Deal and more. Bring your ideas forquestions so that you can create your own game content. Some experiencewith a Smart Board, Notebook Software, and/or PowerPointis recommended but not a required prerequisite for this class. Thisseminar is designed for participants with beginning to intermediateexperience with using interactive whiteboards.ED 7015 Viva Vocabulary: : Best Practices forTeaching Vocabulary in the English Language ArtsClassroomFriday, April 26th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.Saturday, April 27th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Garfield Center Room B13Instructor: Keith ManosGrade Levels: 3-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.The Viva Vocabulary seminar will expose participants who teach ingrades 3-12 to the instructional strategies for developing students’personal vocabularies in a best practices approach. Participants willleave knowing how to connect vocabulary development to the newnational standards for English/Language Arts and how to designeffective and engaging lessons that make vocabulary relevant andmeaningful to students. They will also learn how to prepare studentsfor the vocabulary they might confront on standardized tests and touse vocabulary creatively to make strong cross-curricular connectionsin their schools.The Ultramission <strong>course</strong>s are custom designed for educators to discoverthe basic components of experiential learning in an experientialway. Participants will engage in off-campus learning missions torediscover “beginner’s mind” and reconnect with passionate learning.Participants will engage in various problem solving activities highlightinglearning style differences and the learning process. Theseactivities implemented in your class (K-12+) will identify, reveal andchallenge all types of learning. This series of four separate 3 SemesterHour classes can be taken individually or in any sequence. Classcontent and schedule can be personalized based upon the needsand expectations of the group.ED 1809 Ultramission I - Experiential LearningTheory & PracticeRolling registration for Ultramission I is available fromFriday, January 11-Sunday, February 10, 2013Instructor: Dr. Lynne NagyThe cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This <strong>course</strong> will introduce experiential theory and provide applicationand practice opportunities. Participants will engage in various problemsolving activities highlighting learning style differences and thelearning process. These activities implemented in your class (K-12+)will identify, reveal and challenge all types of learning.*There are no prerequisites for any of the Ultramission offerings.Courses may be taken in any order.ED 1810 Ultramission II - Experiential LearningPractice & ImplementationRolling registration for Ultramission I1 is available fromMonday, February 11-Sunday, March 10, 2013.Instructor: Dr. Lynne NagyThe cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This <strong>course</strong> will provide further experiential practice and implementationopportunities while introducing the Outward Bound approachto teaching and learning. These active learning experiences can beimplemented to build community, cultivate compassion, nurture leadership,teach academics and equip students with skills to be life-longlearners.*There are no prerequisites for any of the Ultramission offerings.Courses may be taken in any order.ED 1811 Ultramission III - Experiential LearningDesign & ImplementationRolling registration for Ultramission I11 is availablefrom Monday, March 11-Wednesday, April 10, 2013.The cost for this 3 Semester Hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This <strong>course</strong> will offer experiential design and implementation opportunitiesby incorporating the learning from the two previous classes.Participants will engage in designing and implementing activities tomeet the specific needs of their student population. Creativity, senseof adventure, wonder and good times are welcome!*There are no prerequisites for any of the Ultramission offerings.Courses may be taken in any order.ED 1812 Ultramission IV - Experiential Learning &Development: Self Directed LearningRolling registration for Ultramission IV is availablefrom Thursday, April 11-Friday, May 10, 2013.The cost for this 3 Semester Hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This <strong>course</strong> will focus on the experiential learning and developmentprocess. Participants will be challenged to create their own learningadventure, criteria and alternative assessments while further developingfacilitation skills.*There are no prerequisites for any of the Ultramission offerings.Courses may be taken in any order.8LAKE ERIE COLLEGE Professional Development Seminars Spring Semester8

Online Courses with Mark BarnesCourses begin Friday, January 11, 2013 and end Friday, February1, 2013. All <strong>course</strong>work will be completed within the threeweek timeframe.ED 5000 Paperless Classroom I: Teaching andLearning In Cyberspace*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Instructor: Mark BarnesGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This <strong>course</strong> will vault K-12 students into the <strong>online</strong> world, as you willlearn how to create a classroom web site, complete with secure privateweb sites for each individual student in your class. Never collectanother paper, as students can finish virtually any task, upload anyproject, import pictures, graphics, videos, podcasts and more on theirown web sites - all contained in your organized, <strong>online</strong> content managementsystem. Learn how to create fascinating web-based lessonsthat can be viewed from any computer or beamed onto a screen orInteractive Whiteboards, using an LCD projector. When this <strong>course</strong>is complete, you will have an amazing <strong>online</strong> classroom that willforever change the way you teach, and your students will love it. Seewww.barnesclass.com for an example. No HTML or java experiencerequired. For more details regarding this <strong>course</strong>, please visit www.thepaperlessclassroom.com.ED 5038 Web 2.0 and The K-12 Classroom*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Instructor: Mark BarnesGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.Tired of watching students put their heads down in class? It’s time towake them up and vault them into the 21st century with the power ofWeb 2.0. In one remarkable <strong>course</strong>, participants will learn how to usepodcasting, screencasting, blogging, <strong>online</strong> communities and moreto enhance any classroom in any subject area. Get students racingto your activities with internet-based podcasts, screencasts and theirown blogs. Learn how to shake students from their boredom with yourown lesson on TeacherTube or with a VoiceThread presentation, withpictures or video you choose and narrate. Web 2.0 will make yourstudents love you and better yet, love your class. Only internet accessis needed for this class. No additional books or fees. For more detailsregarding this <strong>course</strong>, please visit www.thepaperlessclassroom.com.Courses begin Friday, February 8, 2013 and end Friday, March1, 2013. All <strong>course</strong>work will be completed within the threeweek timeframe.ED 5714 Tweet, Glog, and Roll: Social Media for TheK-12 ClassroomInstructor: Mark BarnesGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.Tell your students to take out pencil and paper and they’ll sigh inagony. Tell them to log on to Glogster, create a web-based projectwith multimedia, then upload it to Twitter or Diigo, and they’ll bejumping out of their seats in anticipation. Nine out of ten teens areon the Internet daily. Seven of them are on Facebook and othersocial media. So why not join them there, while teaching your subject?In this <strong>course</strong> you will experience 21st century social mediatools that will astonish your students and have them completingevery assignment. You’ll learn how to create remarkable activitiesusing Twitter, Glogster, Diigo, Drop.io, Flickr, Edmodo, Wallwisherand more. Learn the true value of social media when you createsomething amazing with one application and share it using another.All writing, project creation and communication is done on ourONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5714 Tweet, Glog, and Roll: Social Media for TheK-12 Classroom (continued)<strong>course</strong> web site, message board, chat room and via e-mail. You willreceive a welcome e-mail the day the <strong>course</strong> begins will all instruction<strong>course</strong> web address. No additional costs are required. Internetaccess and some knowledge of the Internet are required. See www.barnesclass.com for an example. No HTML or java experiencerequired. For more details regarding this <strong>course</strong>, please visit www.thepaperlessclassroom.com.ED 5703 Plugged In: How Twitter Can TransformYour Teaching Both In And Out Of The ClassroomInstructor: Mark BarnesGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.In this unique <strong>course</strong>, from Day 1, you will learn from dozens of thebest, nationally-recognized educators, researchers and authors inthe world - all from the comforts of home or from your Smart Phone.All you’ll need is a free Twitter account and the powerful knowledgeprovided in this 3-semester hour <strong>course</strong>. Twitter is no longer for tellingfollowers that you’re enjoying a latte at Starbucks. This incrediblesocial media tool is gaining users at a Facebook-like pace, andsavvy educators are tweeting themselves into 21st century digitallearning. Now, you can join them. Get ready to be plugged into thekind of professional development you’ve never experienced duringteacher work day. This <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong> will teach you to easily createa Twitter account, both for your classroom and for your own ProfessionalLearning Network (PLN). In a matter of days, you’ll beginlearning from a remarkable network of some of the best educatorsin the world. Each time one of these power teachers shares somethingnew, you’ll have it at your fingertips, and you can share it withyour friends and colleagues, if you wish. Learn how to use Twitterand other Twitter-like applications in your classroom, so yourstudents can enjoy the same kind of opportunities you have, alongwith 24/7 communication that is completely safe and appropriate.You’ll learn how to teach with Twitter, even if it’s blocked by yourschool’s firewalls. You’ll learn how to use third-party applications,like HootSuite and TweetDeck, to maximize your Twitter experience.(As a bonus, you’ll learn how to run your Facebook and Twitteraccounts from one place!) If you’re not a Twitter pro, this <strong>course</strong>is a must and will forever change your life as a teacher. There areno books and no additional costs. All <strong>course</strong> communication will bedone through a <strong>course</strong> website and via Twitter. For more details regardingthis <strong>course</strong>, please visit www.thepaperlessclassroom.com.Course begins Friday, March 8, 2013 and ends Friday, March29, 2013. All <strong>course</strong>work will be completed within the threeweek timeframe.ED 5000 W1 Paperless Classroom I: Teaching andLearning in Cyberspace*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Instructor: Mark BarnesGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This <strong>course</strong> will vault K-12 students into the <strong>online</strong> world, as youwill learn how to create a classroom web site, complete with secureprivate web sites for each individual student in your class. Nevercollect another paper, as students can finish virtually any task,upload any project, import pictures, graphics, videos, podcastsand more on their own web sites - all contained in your organized,<strong>online</strong> content management system. Learn how to create fascinatingweb-based lessons that can be viewed from any computer orbeamed onto a screen or Interactive Whiteboards, using an LCDprojector. When this <strong>course</strong> is complete, you will have an amazing<strong>online</strong> classroom that will forever change the way you teach,and your students will love it. See www.barnesclass.com for anexample. No HTML or java experience required. For more detailsregarding this <strong>course</strong>, please visit www.thepaperlessclassroom.com.register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.49969COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSCOURSE DESCRIPTIONSCourse begins Friday, April 5, 2013 and ends Friday, April 26,2013. All <strong>course</strong>work will be completed within the three weektimeframe.ED 5001 Paperless Classroom II: Advanced WebSite Strategies*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Instructor: Mark BarnesGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.This second <strong>course</strong> will teach you how to take your classroom website to the next level. You will learn advanced strategies for using pageversions, multiple student pages and presenting class material usingyour site, with assistive hardware such as Interactive Whiteboards,projectors and computer labs. Other techniques are using EditMe’smessage board, using Voice Thread, integrating Java, Google, variousmedia and other applications directly into your class site, podcasting,using anchors, blogging and more. EditMe membership is required.No additional fees. The Paperless Classroom I is a prerequisite forthe class. For more details regarding this <strong>course</strong>, please visit www.thepaperlessclassroom.com.Online Courses with Joelle WarshThe following <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong>s offer “rolling registration”.Registration is open Friday, January 11, 2013 through Friday,February 15, 2013. Coursework must be completed by Friday,March 1, 2013.ED 5715 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part IInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $450.If you think www just stands for the World Wide Web, register forthis class and discover Wacky Wonderful Websites. Want to find aplace where you can access your favorites list from any computerin the world? Would you like to discover websites that help you findlessons connected with the state standards? How about placeswhere you can design your own <strong>online</strong> quizzes or find Internetscavenger hunts for all different curricular topics? This class isdesigned to introduce you to a plethora of useful websites that willhelp make your job easier and your curriculum more fun for yourkids. All assignments will be posted from the start of the class,and you can work ahead if you would like. Come and explore theInternet with us.ED 5716 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part IIInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $450.If you had the pleasure of taking Wacky Wonderful Websites Part Iyou already know how much the class helped you find useful websites to help you enhance your teaching. Now you are ready forPart II. If you didn’t take Part I but would like to discover great siteswith category directories that cover all subjects and grade levels,find a place where you can access your favorites list from any computerin the world, come join the fun. How about places where youcan design your own <strong>online</strong> test or create surveys you can use withyour students or parents? Looking for free power point presentationsor interactive web sites on hundreds of subjects? How abouta site that is organized by themes that you can search through foryou specific grade level? This class is designed to expose you to aplethora of useful websites that will help make your job easier andyour curriculum more fun for your kids.ED 5717 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part IIIInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.If you had the pleasure of taking Wacky Wonderful Websites Part Iand II you already know how much the class helped you find usefulweb sites to help you enhance your teaching. Now you are readyfor Part III. If you didn’t take Part I or II but would like to discovergreat sites that can add interactivity with the web to your classroom,cover digital storytelling, interactive posters, that can help makeyou more productive, come join the fun. This class is designed toexpose you to a plethora of useful websites that will help make yourjob easier and your curriculum more fun for your kids. This as anasynchronous class meaning you work when you want and at yourown pace. There is never a certain time you have to be <strong>online</strong>.ED 5719 Let’s Get Googling: Google Doc andGoogle SitesInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.Everyone is talking about Google Docs and you would like to usethem but you’re not sure how or where to start. This class can solvethat problem for you! Learn how to create edit and share, word processing,spreadsheets, presentations, forms and surveys in Googledocs. You will also be directed to web sites with ideas for helpingyou use Google Docs to help you improve your own productivityand for integration into your curriculum.What about web sites! You want to have one but think it’s too hardto create and maintain. If you can word process you can createa Google site. Come learn how easy it is to create a Google site.This class will teach you how to create a site, insert pictures, andvideos, upload documents to the site, embed a calendar and adduseful and fun gadgets to make your site look cool.The following <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong> offers “rolling registration”.Registration is open Friday, January 11, 2013 through Friday,February 22, 2013. Coursework must be completed by Friday,March 1, 2013.ED 5718 Edmodo: It’s Facebook for EducationInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.Do you love Facebook? Even if you don’t, probably some or allof your students do. Do you want to harness the power of socialmedia in your classroom in a safe and secure way? Do you wantto see how student engagement can skyrocket by using a verysimple-to- use free interface? Edmodo is a secure, social learningplatform for teachers, students, schools and districts. It provides asafe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, sharecontent and access homework, grades and school notices. You’lllearn how to harness the power of social media to promote engagementand teamwork in your classroom and how to connect withother educators in the Edmodo community that will help improveyour teaching.10LAKE ERIE COLLEGEProfessional Development SeminarsSpring Semester

Online Courses with Joelle WarshThe following <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong>s offer “rolling registration”.Registration is open Friday, March 8, 2013 through Friday,April 12, 2013. Coursework must be completed by Friday, April26, 2013.ED 5715W1 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part IInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $450.If you think www just stands for the World Wide Web, register forthis class and discover Wacky Wonderful Websites. Want to find aplace where you can access your favorites list from any computerin the world? Would you like to discover websites that help you findlessons connected with the state standards? How about placeswhere you can design your own <strong>online</strong> quizzes or find Internetscavenger hunts for all different curricular topics? This class isdesigned to introduce you to a plethora of useful websites that willhelp make your job easier and your curriculum more fun for yourkids. All assignments will be posted from the start of the class,and you can work ahead if you would like. Come and explore theInternet with us.ED 5716 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part IIED 5717W1 Wacky Wonderful Websites, Part IIIInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5719W1 Let’s Get Googling: Google Doc andGoogle SitesInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $500.Instructor: Joelle WarshInstructor: Joelle WarshGrade Levels: K-12 Grade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $450. The cost of this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $225.If you had the pleasure of taking Wacky Wonderful Websites Part Iyou already know how much the class helped you find useful web Do you love Facebook? Even if you don’t, probably some or allsites to help you enhance your teaching. Now you are ready for Part of your students do. Do you want to harness the power of socialII. If you didn’t take Part I but would like to discover great sites with media in your classroom in a safe and secure way? Do you wantcategory directories that cover all subjects and grade levels, find a to see how student engagement can skyrocket by using a veryplace where you can access your favorites list from any computer in simple-to- use free interface? Edmodo is a secure, social learningthe world, come join the fun. How about places where you can design platform for teachers, students, schools and districts. It provides ayour own <strong>online</strong> test or create surveys you can use with your students safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, shareor parents? Looking for free power point presentations or interactive content and access homework, grades and school notices. You’llweb sites on hundreds of subjects? How about a site that is organized learn how to harness the power of social media to promote engagementby themes that you can search through for you specific grade level?and teamwork in your classroom and how to connect withThis class is designed to expose you to a plethora of useful websites other educators in the Edmodo community that will help improvethat will help make your job easier and your curriculum more fun for your teaching.your kids.If you had the pleasure of taking Wacky Wonderful Websites Part Iand II you already know how much the class helped you find usefulweb sites to help you enhance your teaching. Now you are ready forPart III. If you didn’t take Part I or II but would like to discover greatsites that can add interactivity with the web to your classroom, coverdigital storytelling, interactive posters, that can help make you moreproductive, come join the fun. This class is designed to expose you toa plethora of useful websites that will help make your job easier andyour curriculum more fun for your kids. This as an asynchronous classmeaning you work when you want and at your own pace. There isnever a certain time you have to be <strong>online</strong>.Everyone is talking about Google Docs and you would like to use thembut you’re not sure how or where to start. This class can solve thatproblem for you! Learn how to create edit and share, word processing,spreadsheets, presentations, forms and surveys in Google docs. Youwill also be directed to web sites with ideas for helping you use GoogleDocs to help you improve your own productivity and for integration intoyour curriculum.What about web sites! You want to have one but think it’s too hardto create and maintain. If you can word process you can create aGoogle site. Come learn how easy it is to create a Google site. Thisclass will teach you how to create a site, insert pictures, and videos,upload documents to the site, embed a calendar and add useful andfun gadgets to make your site look cool.The following <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong> offer “rolling registration”.Registration is open Friday, March 8, 2013 through Friday,April 19, 2013. Coursework must be completed by Friday, April26, 2013.ED 5718W1 Edmodo: It’s Facebook for Educationregister <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.499611COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS quizzesONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSOnline Courses with KnowledgeDelivery Systems (KDS)The following <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong>s offer “rolling registration”.Registration is open from Sunday, December 2, 2012 throughWednesday, May 1, 2013. Coursework must be completed byWednesday, May 15, 2013.Courses provided by Knowledge Delivery Systems utilize aneClassroom platform, a series of videos (8-12 depending onsemester hour) with accompanying PowerPoint, learning activities,journaling, discussion forums, reflective questions, <strong>course</strong> portfolio,and final exams.ED 5017 Effective Classroom Discipline: AngerManagement, Part I*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Grade Levels: K-12The cost of this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.The expression of anger at school can disrupt instruction, create ahostile environment and make students and teachers feel unsafe.This <strong>course</strong> explores the relationship between anger, violenceprevention and effective discipline in schools. Participants studyhow to better manage and respond to anger—their own and others’—andthereby enrich their classrooms and schools. Participantsalso learn to support calm brain states for students and to promoteemotionally safe climates in which students’ productivity can thrive.Adopting a healthy philosophy of anger will make participants adeptmanagers of that unruly emotion.ED 5019 Aiding Students with Learning Disabilities*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Grade Levels: K-12The cost of this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.The typical classroom can be as diverse in learning disabilities anddifficulties, as it can be in general learning differences. This <strong>course</strong>,founded on a systems approach, illustrates best practices for teachingall students. Teachers learn to identify basic brain functions anddifferences and to appreciate neurobiology’s effects on learning.They study innovative strategies to facilitate the accommodationacross the curriculum of attention disorders, emotional and behavioraldisorders, autism, speech and language disorders, readingdisorders and learning disabilities.ED 5035 Character Education, Part I: Community andCultural Change*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Grade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $400.Cultural changes in the family structure, the shifting role of parentsand the glorification of violence, drugs and gang activity in popularculture have all contributed to changes in the behavior dynamics thatimpact students, schools, classrooms and teachers. Negative socialbehaviors in classrooms and schools affect students’ ability to learn.To help educators create a positive moral community, this <strong>course</strong> introduceshistorical and modern concepts of character and considers howto foreground those concepts for students’ learning sake. Participantswill study how to identify character issues in their own classrooms andhow to mobilize resources from parents and community members.Integrating character education into the core curriculum through problem–solvingand conflict-resolution activities will help educators focuson the notion of character with their students as they improve relationshipsin their communities within and beyond the school.12LAKE ERIE COLLEGEProfessional Development SeminarsED 5036 Character Education, Part II: Positive RoleModels and Proactive Educators*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Grade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $400.Students are impressionable. They emulate both positive andnegative behaviors that they see; therefore, observing positive rolemodels in action at school, at home or in the community can impactstudents’ behavior, learning and academic success. This <strong>course</strong> encouragesparticipants to create an environment conducive to learningby helping students take personal responsibility for their actions andby creating a positive moral climate for solving conflicts. Participantsstudy not only how to become role models themselves, but how toinvite the participation of family and community into the modeling ofgood character and the creation of a school-wide character educationprogram that leverages involvement from businesses, faith communities,parents and coaches. Participants explore both their ownand their students’ roles as leaders as they pursue the “eight habitsof the heart”; a nurturing attitude, responsibility, dependability, friendship,brotherhood, high expectations, courage and hope.ED 5037 Motivating Underachievers Using Responseto Intervention and Differentiated Instruction*M.Ed. credit available for the M.Ed. program at <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong> with a letter grade. A pass/fail grade will not beaccepted as an elective or transfer credit.Grade Levels: K-12The cost of this 2 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $400.Assisting underachievers before a pattern of failure becomes engrainedcan lead to student success. Educators learn the prototypicalcauses of underachievement--including fear of failure, low selfesteem,negative peer pressure, and lack of motivation--and thento locate their underachievers, including gifted students and thoseeventually identified for special education. Educators select specificresearch-based interventions to target those students, using thethree-tier Response to Intervention (RTI) system to reverse patterns.Through differentiated instruction (DI) and RTI, educators becomeflexible planners who supply their students with plentiful choices andfrequently monitor their students’ progress. Educators explore flexiblegroupings, compacting, scaffolding and tiering strategies. Theylearn to accommodate a range of learning preferences and then tomonitor students’ progress within and beyond those preferences.This <strong>course</strong> prepares teachers to intervene for underachievers,helping them to experience success in the classroom and the worldbeyond.ED 5701 Manage It All: Students, Curriculumand TimeGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.Effective teachers successfully navigate their students’often-unpredictable classroom behavior; establish a classroomenvironment that facilitates learning; differentiate instruction andassessment, facilitate learning through cooperative groups and findtime to meet their personal goals. Veteran teacher Dr. Silver sharesher classroom management techniques and strategies to achievethese goals. She then shifts her focus to designing high-qualitycurriculum, integrating standards, using backwards design principlesand developing activities suited to different learning styles. Sheexplains her use of discrepant events, zone of proximaldevelopment strategies, cooperative learning and intrinsic rewardsystems. Finally, because teachers never have enough time, theylearn how to evaluate and prioritize their own activities, delegate andmake time to reach their personal and professional goals. Designedfor new and veteran teachers this <strong>course</strong> provides timesavingstrategies, practical tips and great ideas for all teachers to create aneffective learning environment for their students.Spring Semester

Online Courses with KnowledgeDelivery Systems (KDS)ED 5702 Improving Instruction Through StrategicConversations With TeachersGrade Levels: K-12 and AdministratorsThe cost of this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.How do teachers begin talking about teaching? In this <strong>course</strong>,instructional leaders, team leaders, teacher mentors, educationalcoaches and administrators learn the delicate art of conversingabout teaching to improve instruction. Educational leaders learn tocollaborate and communicate with teachers to improveteaching practices and to increase student achievement. Theylearn a new model of strategic conversations designed to help themquickly assess and understand teachers’ needs,strategically apply their leadership skills to motivate and supportteachers and help teachers make connections betweeninstructional techniques and student performance. The fourconversational types—reflective, facilitative, coaching anddirective—modeled by the presenter with guests, help teachersrecognize the impact of their teaching behaviors on students,thereby assisting teachers in making any necessary connections,commitments, corrections or changes to their teaching practices.ED 5704 Assessment and Grading For StudentAchievementGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.Expert educational consultants Damian Cooper and Ken O’Connorargue the necessity of rethinking assessment practices to help allstudents learn and to become more efficient. Participants will analyzetheir current practice and begin to implement improvementsbased on careful distinction between assessment for learning vs.assessment of learning.Mr. Cooper’s strategies will facilitate for teachers such criticaltasks as routinely sharing learning goals with students, providingexamples of excellence (e.g., through rubrics), promoting collaborativework and self-and peer-assessment, and providing feedbackthat both informs students how to improve and allows them the timeand space to do so.Ken O’Connor joins Mr. Cooper in the final two units of the <strong>course</strong>to explore the critical distinctions between formative assessmentand summative grades and to ask and answer such questions aswhether grades promote learning at all; when, what, and how tograde; and what functions grades can serve in a standards-basedsystem. Interviews with teachers and classroom footage punctuatethe presenters’ key points throughout and provide examples of theirtheories in practice.ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5705 Enhancing Professional Practice: AFramework for TeachingGrade Levels: K-12The cost of this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.This <strong>course</strong> defines teachers’ responsibilities, which for educationconsultant and expert presenter Danielson fall into four domains:planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction, andprofessional responsibilities. Through lectures, classroom observations,and vigorous panel discussions, educators work throughhow to use the Framework to scrutinize and strengthen classroomteaching practices to improve student learning. Danielson and herpanel assess classroom footage for strengths and weaknesses ineach domain. At various intervals, participants pause to considertheir experiences before and after they hear the panel members describetheirs. Educators then begin to assess their practice throughDanielson’s detailed levels of performance and through the ongoingtask of self-reflection. Punctuated by worksheets, activities, andstudy guides, the <strong>course</strong> prepares educators to use the Frameworkto become their best professional selves.ED 5706 Data, Data EverywhereGrade Levels: Administration/Teacher LeadersThe cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200 plus a $30 book fee.In her book Data, Data Everywhere and in this <strong>course</strong>, presenterVictoria Bernhardt describes what one school did to improvestudent achievement at every grade level, in every subject area,and with every student group. Through interviews, workshopfootage and lectures, participants learn how to engage in theEducation for the Future Institute’s Continuous SchoolImprovement process. As they trace one school’s progress,participants also engage in the stages of data collection andanalysis, self-assessment, identification of specific problems andpathways to solutions, articulation of a vision and design andimplementation of a plan to implement that vision.ED 5707 Technology Applications for Teaching andSupporting the Struggling ReaderGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.Too many students are entering middle and high schools withdeficits in literacy skills that prevent them from participating ingrade-level learning. Students with low-literacy skills quickly fallinto a cycle of failure, often resulting in dropping out of school. Thisneed not be the case. Over the past forty years, research in thecognitive and neurological sciences has helped us to betterunderstand how the human brain is restructured during the processof learning to read. In this <strong>course</strong>, Drs. Hasselbring and Bauschdiscuss how to leverage this knowledge to facilitate the use oftechnology to enhance literacy instruction for all readers andespecially struggling readers. They provide specific examples oftechnology that teaches and supports literacy skills. The <strong>course</strong> isenhanced by screen shots, product walkthroughs, interviews andfootage of students at computers and in the classroom. The <strong>course</strong>also includes a panel discussion among experts in the field.register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.499613COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

COURSE DESCRIPTIONSONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5708 Teaching, Learning, and Leading in theDigital AgeGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.Raised on technology, students today thrive on media, both in andoutside the classroom. In this <strong>course</strong>, teachers andadministrators learn to engage and educate the millennial learnerusing still images, video and audio clips, assorted technological softand hardware and Web 2.0 collaborative tools to augmentinstruction and assessment. They will also learn particularinterventions for students with learning differences and strugglingstudents. Aided by panel discussions, interviews and screencapture sessions, educators will investigate new projects andresources to replace textbook-driven instruction and to motivateand edify their “powered-up” students.ED 5709 Using Digital Media to Enhance LearningGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.Digital media can provide highly engaging access toknowledge--particularly when students are the makers of thatmedia. Research suggests that incorporating multimedia intoinstruction extends students’ critical and creative thinking skillsand increases their motivation and self-esteem. Concurrently, theydevelop skills essential to the 21st century, includingtechnological expertise and productive collaboration. Participantswill learn why and how to use a range of tools and strategies toempower their students to express themselves through digitalmedia and to develop their learning of curriculum through suchprojects as creating slideshows, screen casts, audio and videoprojects. Presenter Ruston Hurley’s screen casts walk participantsstep-by-step through the essential stages of such projects; studentprojects provide models of good practice; and, interviews withteachers who have incorporated these projects into their curriculumhighlight the benefits for students and provide inspiration forparticipants ready to embark on their own.ED 5710 Making the Most of Teacher EvaluationGrade Levels: K-12 and AdministratorsThe cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.Schools and districts across the country have found in CharlotteDanielson’s Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework forTeaching a tool to promote and assure quality in teaching andcontinual professional learning for educators. Danielson offers anevaluation system that compels its users to address thefundamental questions of how good is good enough in teaching andgood enough at what exactly? How do we know and who shoulddecide? Educators will learn a range of functions for theFramework, from supporting self-assessment and reflection toproviding formative assessment of teachers’ practice toproviding support for improving their practice. A panel ofadministrators with experience implementing the Framework intheir schools and districts detail necessary steps to implementationand guidelines to facilitate the process. Karyn Wright and her paneladd to the discussion considerable detail about what constitutesevidence of teaching practice, where and how to locate relevantdata, and how to read that data. They also augment the <strong>course</strong>’sconsideration of professional learning’s role in teacherevaluation, returning to the Framework itself and scrutinizing therole of mentoring and inducting. Educators will come away preparedto instigate and utilize this evaluation system that has beenadopted and touted by so many—teachers and administrators alike.14LAKE ERIE COLLEGEProfessional Development SeminarsED 5711 Authentic Innovation in The 21st CenturyGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.Today’s global high-tech world requires instruction andassessment that incorporate the latest social, learning andneuroscience researchon critical thinking, multi-tasking, multimodallearning, collaboration and engagement. Educators will learn fromclassroom footage and lecture how to use technologicallyadvanced tools that extend students’ thinking by serving as ameans to explore ideas, research questions, test hypotheses,compose thoughts and come to conclusions. Educators will learnto teach their students to use these tools as vehicles for exploringrigorous academic concepts in authentic environments (i.e., in theworld around them). They will help their students become genuineinnovators who will thrive in the 21st Century culture ofcollaboration.ED 5712 Data-Driven Decision Making: ImplementingStrategies for Student AchievementGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 1 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $200.In this <strong>course</strong>, educators learn how to make data-driven decisionsusing classroom data to inform their instructional practice, resultingin higher student academic achievement. How many teachers striveto reach a bell curve by the end of a term? While this may be commonpractice, teachers will learn that the bell curve actually representsteachers’ failure to teach and students’ failure to learn. Bycapturing and analyzing student data in the form of graphs, charts,and diagrams, educators learn to adapt and focus their instructionalstrategies to achieve greater student academic achievement. Furthermore,educators learn how to use the tools to make data-drivendecisions so that students can achieve higher academic success inless time. Jenkins presents lively graphic examples in a workshopsetting, modeling for <strong>online</strong> participants the processes of chartingand reading data.ED 5720 Teaching ELLs across the Curriculum: ShelteredInstruction, ESL, and Culturally ResponsiveInstruction, Part 1Grade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.How can academic content be delivered in the classroom so thatEnglish language learners succeed in all subjects? This <strong>course</strong>provides participants with model instructional and assessment practicesthat enhance English language learners’ understanding andachievement across all content areas. Participants first learn thefoundations of language development and language acquisition,which prepares them to design and modify activities for their ELL’sdifferent English proficiency levels. Presenter Elizabeth Jiménezdemonstrates strategies for assessing student knowledge, identifyinglanguage learning objectives, and developing differentiatedinstructional lessons. She introduces research-based pedagogicalpractices that promote comprehension, such as background building;frontloading vocabulary; using graphic organizers to enhancehigher order thinking; leveraging the primary language to facilitatelearning; using culturally responsive materials; and employingmedia, technology and other visual supports to enhance learning.Participants learn how to preview their textbooks for idiomaticexpressions and multiple meaning words and to plan lessons thatincorporate academic language development and utilize primarylanguage cognates.Spring Semester

Online Courses with KnowledgeDelivery Systems (KDS)ED 5721 Teaching ELLs across the Curriculum: ShelteredInstruction, ESL, and Culturally ResponsiveInstruction, Part 2Grade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.In part 2 of this <strong>course</strong>, Jiménez shifts her focus to shelteredinstruction (or SDAIE). Participants observe several classrooms whereEnglish language learners are engaged in content-based ESL lessons,with Jiménez commenting on how to plan for and address taskdifficulty through sheltered instruction techniques. She surveys anumber of ESL techniques and presents the benefits of variousinstructional supports, such as team teaching, peer tutoring,educational technology, and working with bilingual paraprofessionalsto support student learning. Participants explore the importance ofstudents’ culture, how to organize lessons around meaningful themes,how to communicate effectively with families, and how to engagefamilies and communities in student learning. Throughdemonstrations, classroom observations, anecdotal examples, andinterviews with students and educators, participants learn to apply ELLstrategies to their own classrooms in all four domains of language:reading, writing, speaking, and listening.ED 5722 Understanding Culture and RaceGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.Interactions in classrooms and schools that recognize and respond tothe cultures that shape the student and teacher are crucial to studentlearning and teaching success. In Understanding Culture and Race,participants study the building blocks of culture and why culturaldifferences can obstruct effective interactions between studentsand teachers. They learn how acknowledging cultural behavior andexpectations should inform curriculum development, instructional andassessment strategies, and classroom management.Participants learn how culture shapes both the student and theeducator. They learn to interpret, understand, and incorporate cultureinto the education setting and study how culture shock can affect ateacher’s interpretations of behavior, discipline decisions, andassessment of a student’s ability to learn. The <strong>course</strong> provides aframework that participants can use to pursue their learning aboutculture, behaviors, and expectations in their classrooms and schoolenvironments. Participants will also increase their capacity to developtheir students’ awareness of these issues and their skills at negotiatingthem.ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5723 Understanding the Digital Generation: Teachingand Learning in the New Digital LandscapeGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.Because of digital bombardment and the emergence of the newdigital landscape, “digital natives” process information, interact,and communicate in fundamentally different ways than any previousgenerations. In this <strong>course</strong>, Ian Jukes introduces neuroscientificand psychological research that explains how the use oftechnology, including frequent interruptions and shifts in attention,impacts the functions of the brain. These experiences arere-wiring and re-shaping students’ cognitive processes. Consequently,in order to adapt, a fundamental shift in teaching isrequired to prepare teachers and students for the InformationAge. Educators will learn to identify and challenge unconsciousand outdatedassumptions about schools and learning. They will analyze andrevise their beliefs about what constitutes knowledge, criticalthinking, and problem solving as they adapt their instructionalpractices and assessment strategies to the requirements of thedigitized 21st century. Educators will focus on the eight corelearning attributes of their digital learners and the eight coreteaching and assessment strategies that appeal to millenniallearners. They will learn to develop research-based constructivistmodels that will enable students to think, explore, and developtheir own learning—to succeed not only in high-stakes testingbut also in the real world. Finally, educators will learn that informational,technological, and media fluency can and should betaught in a structured manner, embedded at every grade level, inevery subject area, the responsibility of every teacher throughoutthe entire school experience.register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.499615COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSCOURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5724 Challenging Gifted and All Students with theCluster Grouping ModelGrade Levels: K-8The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455 plus a $30materials fee.Required Text: Winebrenner, S., Brulles, D. (2008) TheCluster Grouping Handbook: How to Challenge Gifted Studentsand Improve Achievement for All. New York; Free Spirit Publishing(Included in <strong>course</strong> fee, allow 2-4 weeks for delivery)Gifted students and struggling learners have much in common.Both ends of the academic bell curve deserve to have theirspecial learning needs met. Attending to the needs of gifted studentsthrough the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM)techniques in the classroom—at all grade levels—can providechallenging curriculum options for advanced learners, lead toimproved classroom behavior and, perhaps surprisingly, raise theperformance of all students. Susan Winebrenner and Dina Brullesintroduce <strong>course</strong> participants to a variety of teaching strategies,classroom management techniques, alternative assignmentsincluding extension menus, and differentiated instructional optionsthat help teachers meet the needs of their gifted students in theheterogeneous classroom. Participants also view classroom segmentsof teachers utilizing essential components of the SchoolwideCluster Grouping Model. The presenters cover placement of all students,emotional issues, teacher support issues, relevant research,and how to communicate with all stakeholders. Winebrenner andDulles take viewers step-by-step through the process of beginningthe SCGM using a two to three year plan for initial implementation.They also review aspects of flexible groupings, curriculum differentiation,and monitoring progress so that all students have theopportunity to experience continuous growth.ED 5725 Discovery-Based Mathematics, Part 1Grade Levels: 2-6The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455 plus a $69 materialsfee.Required eBook: Discovery-Based Math Manipulatives Kit(included in $69 materials fee) and Discovery-Based Mathematics:Teaching Elementary Mathematics, Part 1These numbers don’t lie: test scores soar when students have atrue understanding of number sense. Discovery-Based Mathematicsis a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to math that grounds studentknowledge firmly in number sense and then develops conceptualunderstanding, so that students can do double-digit computation …in their heads! Presenter Paul Lawrence leads educators througheasy-to-implement, well-sequenced activities that build foundationaland conceptual understanding in real, whole, and negativenumbers and addition and subtraction of whole numbers. Using avariety of manipulatives, Lawrence demonstrates the importanceof using hands-on discovery-based learning to move students fromconcrete to iconic to symbolic representations, before introducingprocedures. His methods address kinesthetic and visual as well asabstract learning styles. Educators follow along, using thematerials in the Discovery-Based Math Manipulatives Kit, as they dothe same activities workshop participants do. Educators learn techniques,activities, and games to assess students’ skills and conceptunderstanding.ED 5726 Discovery-Based Mathematics, Part IIGrade Levels: 2-6The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.These numbers don’t lie. Test scores soar when students have atrue understanding of number sense. Discovery-BasedMathematics, Part 2 is the second hands-on, inquiry-based approachto math presented by Paul Lawrence. In this <strong>course</strong>, Lawrencefocuses on fractions and decimals. Through discovery-basedexperiences, students develop true conceptual understanding,rather than learning procedures without a basis inunderstanding. Paul Lawrence leads educators through easy-toimplementwell-sequenced activities that build foundational andconceptual understanding of fractions and decimals. Using a varietyof manipulatives, Lawrence demonstrates the importance ofhands-on discovery-based learning to move students fromconcrete to iconic to symbolic representations, before introducingprocedures. His methods address differentiated instruction throughkinesthetic and visual as well as abstract learning styles and bypresenting multiple strategies for concepts. Educators follow along,using the materials in the Discovery-Based Math Manipulatives Kit,as they do the same activities workshop participants do. Educatorslearn techniques, activities, and games to assess students’ skillsand concept understanding so that lessons can be adjusted to meetthe needs of all learners.16LAKE ERIE COLLEGEProfessional Development SeminarsSpring Semester

ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSED 5727 Enhancing Your Curriculum with ArtGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.Nica Lalli, artist, teacher and writer, brings compelling works ofart into the general education classroom-- making students’ betterobservers and thinkers in all their subjects. She demonstrates waysthat classroom teachers K-12 can use art to illuminate conceptsof history, literature, science and even math and inspire insightsthat will add depth and dimension to standard teaching practices.Lalli introduces many paths to access art—through reproductions,the Internet, and museums, and local exhibits. She demonstratestechniques for using art in the classroom for a variety of purposes: tointroduce diverse cultures and points-of-view; to enhance languagearts, social studies, and math curricula; to animate the past andpresent; and to inspire creative writing and art-making. Lalli makesparticipants comfortable with art and gives them an opportunity tohave fun with their students using creative observation and handsonactivities. Participants become adept at asking basic questionsof art—from ‘how is it made?’ to ‘what does it say?’—all of which willhelp their students to improve observation, inference, and interpretationskills. The <strong>course</strong> features classroom footage of Lalli modelingthe surprisingly simple and rewarding tasks of looking at art withstudents and engaging with them in hands-on projects that reinforcelessons. A final activity-based unit gives participants the opportunityto create innovative lessons and to bring art into their ownclassrooms to enhance and deepen their students’ understanding ofcontent.ED 5728 POWERful CoachingGrade Levels: K-12 and AdministratorsThe cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.This <strong>course</strong> explores coaching as a process, a relationship, aspecific set of skills, and a powerful strategy for creating change inpeople and organizations. With the growing presence of coaches inour schools, it is essential that educators understand the skillsnecessary for successful coaching that promotes change. KarlaReiss clarifies the coach’s roles and responsibilities in facilitatingpersonal and organizational change. Participants learn about theInternational Coaching Federation (ICF), a professional organizationthat sets standards for the coaching profession. The ICF’s standardsand skills, the Professional Coaching Core Competencies, areexplored and practiced in this <strong>course</strong>. Reiss also introduces her5-step POWERful Coaching Framework as a rubric for practicecoaching sessions. Workshop participants will observe teachers,superintendents, and other educators role-play coaching skillsin model scenarios, and in practice sessions with fellow seminarparticipants.ED 5729 Grading and Reporting for All StudentsGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.While educational objectives and strategies have changeddramatically over the last century, grading practices have not keptup. Many experts in the field and practitioners find that currentsystems result in grades that are inaccurate, unfair, and oftenmeaningless in what they communicate to their audiences. This<strong>course</strong> will help educators assess their grading practices and makemodifications based on standards-based grading that provide students,their parents, and their teachers with preciseinformation about where the student is succeeding and wherehe or she is struggling and what the teacher and student need todo differently to facilitate that student’s continued achievement.Expert presenters Thomas Guskey and Lee Ann Jung look closelyat tradition systems like percentages and letter grades, averaging,and assigning zeros that they argue fail students. They detail anInclusive Grading Model that will enable educators to assess alltheir students—including such exceptional students as studentswith learning disabilities, English language learners, and giftedstudents—in a manner that serves those whom they should servemost: the students themselves.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSregister <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.499617

COURSE DESCRIPTIONSONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSOnline Courses with KnowledgeDelivery Systems (KDS)ED 5730 Best Practices for Teaching African AmericanBoysGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $455.According to the most recent statistics, the dropout rate for AfricanAmerican males in US schools is over 50%. Dr. Jawanza Kunfuju linksthis trend with the disproportionate placement of these students inspecial education classes, a dearth of African American maleteachers, and a failure to teach to African American boys’ learningstyles. In Best Practices for Teaching African American Boys, Dr.Kunjufu prepares educators to implement solutions to these problemsin their classrooms and schools. He offers strategies for preventingthe referral of students to special education that include constructingAfro-centric classrooms, integrating black male role models,supporting students’ transitions through school and boyhood,accommodating these students’ needs for curriculum that appeals totheir interests and other characteristics, and designing instruction thatexploits the best of their energy and intelligence. The <strong>course</strong> ispunctuated by workshop discussions and classroom footage thatillustrate the complexity of and solutions to the issues at hand, so thatAfrican American boys have the same opportunities for success as allof their peers.ED 5731 Assessment and the Common Core State StandardsGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $499.Required eBook: Balanced Assessment: From Formative toSummative (Kay Burke, Solution Tree Press, 2010) included your<strong>course</strong> fee.In this practical <strong>course</strong>, Dr. Kay Burke shows how to create and useassessment tools that improve instruction (formative assessments)as well as gauge its success (summative assessments), and how toarrive at an effective balance of the two. Dr. Burke demonstrates howto plan instruction as part of a collaborative team, repacking the CommonCore standards and sharing meaningful instructional objectiveswith students. She provides examples of performance tasks that willmotivate students in every grade. Teachers taking this <strong>course</strong> will geta first-hand look at checklists, rubrics, and informal assessments inuse in actual classrooms -- from second-graders studying shapes tohigh-school juniors investigating global human rights abuses. Educatorswill come away with tools and strategies that they can use immediately,making balanced assessment an integral part of their owninstruction.ED 5732 Transforming School CultureGrade Levels: K-12 and AdministratorsThe cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $499.Required eBook: Transforming School Culture: How to OvercomeStaff Division (Anthony Muhammad, Solution Tree Press, 2009)included in your <strong>course</strong> fee.School improvement cannot happen in a toxic culture, one whereteachers are in conflict and a negative attitude prevails.In this <strong>course</strong>, Dr. Anthony Muhammad sheds new light on the diverseissues of resistant staff, with an emphasis on developing a cohesive,positive culture. Teachers and administrators alike will recognize theircolleagues as Dr. Muhammad describes them:• The Believers – who believe that all students can learn, and thatwhat they do in the classroom can and will make a difference• The Tweeners – the idealistic new teachers just learning the ropes• The Survivors – staff members who suffer from burnout, and whoseprimary mission is to make it through the school year• The Fundamentalists – who are heavily invested in the status quoand a force to be reckoned with.Throughout the <strong>course</strong>, educators explore the root causes of staffresistance to change, and leave with immediate, accessible strategiesthat improve school culture. Dr. Muhammad provides the frameworkfor understanding dynamic relationships within a school culture andensuring a positive environment that supports the changes necessaryto improve learning for all students.ED 5733 Pyramid Response to Intervention: How toRespond When Kids Don’t LearnGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $499.Required eBook: Pyramid Response to Intervention: RTI, ProfessionalLearning Communities, and How to Respond When KidsDon’t Learn is included in your <strong>course</strong> fee.Students who don’t get the education they need run higher risks notonly of dropping out of school, but of incarceration, homelessness,and early death. Pyramid response to intervention (PRTI) seeks toremedy that situation—and has met with remarkable success—bysystematically identifying students’ needs, providing targetedinterventions, monitoring students’ progress, modifying interventionsas necessary, and thereby enabling all of a school’s or district’s studentsto learn at high levels. In this <strong>course</strong>, expert presenters AustinBuffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber share their experienceimplementing PRTI. They take participants through the critical stagesof establishing professional learning communities (PLCs) withinschools and districts, using universal screening tools to ascertainstudents’ learning needs, and devising interventions for students atthree tiers. In Tier 1, the classroom teacher differentiates instructionto meet all of his or her students’ needs; in Tier 2, teachers begintargeting their interventions to meet the needs of those students notmet in Tier 1 (e.g., through small group work and systematic push-inand pull-out strategies); and in Tier 3, teachers call on the expertiseof others and practice one-on-one interventions for the remainingfew. The presenters emphasize the role of collaborative teamworkand instruct participants on how to make their meetingspurposeful and effective. Interviews and classroom footage illustratehow constructive PLCs and PRTI has been for all parties investedin the mission of helping all students achieve at the highest levelspossible.18LAKE ERIE COLLEGEProfessional Development SeminarsSpring Semester

ONLINE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSOnline Courses with KnowledgeDelivery Systems (KDS)ED 5740 Motivating and Engaging StudentsGrade Levels: K-12The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $499.Required eBook: The Highly Engaged Classroom (Marzano andPickering, Marzano Research Lab, 2011) included in your <strong>course</strong>fee.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSIf students are not engaged, there is little if any chance formeaningful achievement. But student engagement is not chance,especially for students disinclined to be engaged; it requires ateacher’s careful planning and execution of specific strategies. Inthis <strong>course</strong>, educators will learn to create classroom environments inwhich engagement is the norm. Interviews with teachers and students,classroom footage, workshop activities, lecture, and theaccompanying eBook bring to life this critical subject for the educatorwho aspires to engage all of his or her students in all of their learning.Implicitly—and sometimes explicitly—students ask themselves fourquestions that determine how engaged they are in the classroom:• How do I feel?• Am I interested?• Is this important?• Can I do this?Educators will learn to facilitate such emotions for students asenthusiasm, interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, and pride, so that thosestudents can answer, “how do I feel?” in the affirmative. They will learnto raise their students’ energy levels, demonstrate a positivedemeanor, express their own enthusiasm, and use humor to create aclassroom culture in which all students are accepted and challenged.To promote their students’ authentic interest, educators will learnto use games, inconsequential competitions, friendly controversy,unusual information, and effective questioning strategies. To help theirstudents embrace what they’re learning as important, educators willstudy how to engage their students in setting goals, one of the primarymotivators for academic achievement. They’ll learn to incorporatecognitively demanding, real-world tasks into instruction that clarifythe relevance of what students are learning. Educators will also beprepared to help their students develop strong feelings of self-efficacy,not through superfluous praise, but through making students aware oftheir potential futures which they can affect through their own efforts.ED 5741 Elementary Reading Intervention StrategiesGrade Levels: K-6The cost for this 3 semester hour <strong>course</strong> is $499.Required eBook: 40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K-6Students (McEwan-Adkins, Solution Tree Press, 2010) included inyour <strong>course</strong> fee.Proactive reading instruction—in everything from phonics tocomprehension—is required both to prevent problems with and topromote authentic literacy. This <strong>course</strong> offers elementary educators aresearch-based menu of reading intervention strategies that prepareeducators to intervene immediately and effectively at the first signs ofstudents’ struggles. The <strong>course</strong> equips educators with routines andactivities that will make confident, able readers of all their students20LAKE ERIE COLLEGEProfessional Development SeminarsSpring Semester

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURESSCHEDULE AND REGISTRATIONFace to Face <strong>course</strong>s on campus begin the weekend of January25th and 26th and the final <strong>course</strong> will be the weekend of April26th and 27th. Courses are scheduled for Friday evenings from5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.You may register for <strong>course</strong>s through our <strong>online</strong> registrationwww.lec.edu/professional/ed , email us at torlando@lec.eduor call our office at (440) 375-7366. Courses may be taken forGraduate Credit: for a Letter Grade or Pass/Fail. In addition,Face to Face <strong>course</strong>s may be taken as an Audit. However,when taking a class as an Audit it will not count towards licensure.GRADES & FINAL PROJECTSParticipants in Face to Face <strong>course</strong>s may indicate a LetterGrade or Pass/Fail grade on the sign-in sheet on the first dayof class. Requests for change of status from Audit to GraduateCredit (Letter Grade or Pass/Fail) must be emailed to prodel@lec.edu by the Monday 8:30 am after class. Requests for changesafter this date will NOT be permitted. Payment modificationfrom this change of status will be processed on Monday.Participants taking these <strong>course</strong>s for Graduate Credit mustcomplete an outside project in order to receive a grade. Theassigned project may include (1) a critique, summary or observationsof the implementation of the strategies taught in anauthentic teaching/learning environment, (2) further research onthe <strong>course</strong> topic, (3) article critiques, (4) a lesson plan incorporatingthe new learning (5) a hands-on project, model or artsample. Students have two weeks from the completion of the<strong>course</strong> to complete the assignment and submit it directly to theinstructor. Instructors have two weeks to grade the assignment.PAYMENT INFORMATIONWe can accommodate payment via credit card (Visa, MasterCardand Discover) or check. If mailing a check please make it payableto <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>, indicate your confirmation number (whichwill be included in your registration confirmation) in the memo lineof your check and mail to:<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Center for Leadership andProfessional Development,391 West Washington Street, Campus Box 372Painesville, OH 44077.Checks should be mailed within 5 days after registration. Anychecks returned for non-sufficient funds are subject to a $30return payment charge. Some Face to Face <strong>course</strong>s do require anadditional materials fee which is stated in the <strong>course</strong> descriptionand is payable directly to the instructor the first day of class.Spring 2013 Tuition Rates1 SH Graduate Level Credit $2252 SH Graduate Level Credit $4503 SH Graduate Level Credit $5001 SH Non-Credit, No Grade, Audit Only $150KDS <strong>course</strong>s have separate tuition, see indiv. <strong>course</strong> descriptionCONFIRMATIONA confirmation will be emailed to you immediately from prodel@lec.edu (please check your spam folder) upon payment to theemail listed on your registration. The Wednesday prior to a Faceto Face class you will receive a reminder notice from the Centerof Leadership and Professional Development sent from torlando@lec.edu(please check your spam folder) reminding you ofthe location of class.In addition:1) If you have registered for an Ultramission <strong>course</strong> Dr.Lynne Nagy will contact you via email.2) If you have registered for a Joelle Warsh <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong>she will contact you via email.3) If you have registered for Knowledge Delivery Systems(KDS) <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong>s you will be emailed a link and a passwordin 2-3 business days.4) If you have registered for a Mark Barnes <strong>online</strong> <strong>course</strong> hewill contact you via email on the first day of the class.TRANSCRIPTSThe Registrar’s Office will automatically mail an officialtranscript to the student without any additional fee(even if the seminar is taken as an Audit). The transcriptwill be mailed after completion of all enrolled classesfor the semester are completed and graded. Pleaseallow four to six weeks from the end of the class toreceive your transcript in hand. For additional copies,transcript request forms can be found at www.lec.eduunder Alumni - After Graduation - Request Transcript.Each official copy is $5 or $7.25 if you utilize the NationalStudent Clearinghouse. Any additional questionscan be directed to the Registrar’s Office at registrar@lec.edu or (440) 375-7010.LAKE ERIE COLLEGE IS WAIVING GENERAL LATEREGISTRATION FEES FOR SPRNG 2013However, if you need to register the day of the <strong>course</strong> a $50Manual Registration Fee will be applied. The only way toregister the day of a <strong>course</strong> is to call the office (440) 375-7366.STUDENT INITIATED CANCELLATIONA student may withdraw from a <strong>course</strong> ONLY due to anemergency or scheduling issue. The Center for Leadershipand Professional Development must be contacted to modifyyour registration before the seminar begins.Online Courses: Once <strong>course</strong>work has begun (which willneed to be confirmed with the instructor by our office) arefund will not be issued. However, if the <strong>course</strong>work hasnot begun a student may contact our office and transfer toanother <strong>course</strong> offered during the SAME semester (eitherOnline or Face to Face).Face to Face Courses: We will be happy to re-register youfor another <strong>course</strong> offered the SAME semester without anyadditional fee assessed. However, if you need your registrationto be canceled various fees will be applied. For withdrawalsat least two weeks (14 days) prior to the beginningof class, a $25 service fee will be incurred. For withdrawalsthirteen (13) days or less before class start date, a $50 processingcharge will be incurred. No refunds will be made onor after the first day of class. If you paid via credit card wewill promptly credit your card. If you chose to pay via checkthen you may expect your reimbursement check to arrive inapproximately one month.Non-attendance of a Face to Face <strong>course</strong> without notifyingthe office will result in the grade of an F.COLLEGE INITIATED CANCELLATIONIn the rare instance we must cancel a <strong>course</strong> due to lowenrollment or an issue beyond our control (power outage,server down, weather) we will be happy to enroll you inanother <strong>course</strong> offered the SAME semester by ProfessionalDevelopment or issue you a refund (see turnaround datesabove).register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.499621COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

RETURNREGISTRATIONFORM TO:<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong>Center forLeadership &ProfessionalDevelopmentCENTER FOR LEADERSHIP &PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTNAMEREGISTRATION391 W. Washington St.ADDRESS / CITY / STATE / ZIP CODEPainesville, Ohio44077HOME PHONEWORK / CELL PHONE440.375.7366440.375.7379E-MAIL SOC SEC # DATE OF BIRTHEMAIL:prodel@lec.eduEMPLOYER/DISTRICTGRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT DEGREEwww.lec.eduRegistering for: Graduate credit (Please indicate Letter Grade Pass/Fail)Non-creditSEMINAR(S) REQUESTEDTry our newconvenient,secure andstreamlined<strong>online</strong>registration andconfirmationsystem. Visa,MasterCard,Discover andchecks accepted.Visit lec.edu/EDEDEDEDEDEDPay with: CheckVISA MasterCard DiscoverMAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO LAKE ERIE COLLEGENAME AS IT APPEARS ON CREDIT CARDCREDIT CARD # CVC CODE (last three digits above signature) EXP. DATEAMOUNT AUTHORIZEDSIGNATURE/DATEprofessional andregister today.register <strong>online</strong> at www.lec.edu/professional prodel@lec.edu 440.375.7366 1.800.533.4996REGISTRATION FORM23

COLLEGE:800.533.4996PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT:440.375.7144CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP &PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT391 West Washington Street Painesville, Ohio 44077Jana HolwickVice President forAcademic Affairs andChief Academic Officer440.375.7252jholwick@lec.eduFORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTEDLisa Strausbaugh,Director, Centerfor Leadership andProfessionalDevelopment440.375.7379lstrausbaugh@lec.eduTerri Orlando,Registration Support,Center for Leadershipand ProfessionalDevelopment440.375.7366torlando@lec.eduDIRECTIONS TO MAIN CAMPUSwww.lec.eduFrom the West – Drive east on Route 90 to the Route 44 exit (#200). Turn north onto Route 44. The next exit is Route 84.Take this exit. At the exit, turn right, then take the immediate left onto Chestnut Street. Chestnut Street ends at Route 20.Turn right (heading east). <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is 0.5 mile on the right.lec.edu/professionalFrom the East – Drive west on Route 90 to the Route 44 exit (#200). Turn north onto Route 44. The next exit is Route 84.Take this exit. At the exit, turn right, then take the immediate left onto Chestnut Street. Chestnut Street ends at Route 20.Turn right (heading east). <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is 0.5 mile on the right.From the South – Drive north on Route 44. Take the Route 84 exit. At the exit, turn right, then take the immediate left ontoChestnut Street. Chestnut Street ends at Route 20. Turn right (heading east). <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is 0.5 mile on the right.From the West - Route 2 – Drive east on Route 2 to the Route 44 exit south.Follow Route 44 south to the first exit (Jackson Street). At the exit, continuestraight three blocks until you reach Route 20. At the light, turn left ontoRoute 20. <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>College</strong> is one mile on the right.To Cleveland90271290CUYA. CO.LAKE CO.Painesville<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong><strong>College</strong>446528MadisonGEUGA CO.ASHTABULA CO.534Geneva45209011AshtabulaTo PA

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