Management of Art Galleries – Business Models - Universität St.Gallen

Management of Art Galleries – Business Models - Universität St.Gallen

Management of Art Galleries – Business Models - Universität St.Gallen


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Conceptual Basis 19 / 225Impact <strong>of</strong> SFinterviewees- SF (if known) can easily becopied and lose their impact- Using average values is notuseful in achieving greaterimpact- SF can describe only onecomponent in the success <strong>of</strong> afirmbut is secured as far as possiblethrough transparency and controlmechanisms- SF represent only potentialcompetitive advantages- SF develop their own dynamicSource: Adapted from Bauer & Sauer (2004), Fritz (2004), Ghematwat (1991), Homburg & Krohmer (2004) andNicolai & Kieser (2002a)The discussion above illustrates that most criticism <strong>of</strong> success factor research revolves aroundmethodological flaws. Although each researcher highlights the practical usage <strong>of</strong> the successfactor approach, the limitations are obvious. Success factor research maps several factors thatdescribe the success <strong>of</strong> a company. However, by reducing the complexity <strong>of</strong> the success formula,key components might be left out <strong>of</strong> the equation. Furthermore, there are severe doubtsconcerning validity, generalisability and reliability.2.1.4 Relevance and Application <strong>of</strong> Success Factor Research for This DissertationThe identification <strong>of</strong> success factors in art galleries is part <strong>of</strong> the research question <strong>of</strong> this study.As indicated above, the success factor concept is a valuable tool in identifying the core features<strong>of</strong> success in art galleries. However, in order to avoid potential errors that might bias theoutcome, we must heed the issues mentioned above.In order to avoid error, three safeguards are applied: (1) The scientific research approach must besound and refer to most common standards. This responds to criticism from the scientificcommunity concerning methodological faults when applying the success factor approach.(2) Success factor research is applied in combination with the business model concept. Asliterature suggests, the business model concept has proved to be a valuable tool for analysingbusinesses (Baden-Fuller & Morgan, 2010; Boehnke, 2007; Chesbrough, 2010; Teece, 2010).This combination <strong>of</strong> two theoretical constructs helps to identify those factors that are mostrelevant. (3) Through the unique combination <strong>of</strong> qualitative and quantitative research, theidentification <strong>of</strong> success factors will be double-checked. This ensures that critical factors arespotted and interdependencies discovered.2.2 The <strong>Business</strong> Model ConceptThe concept <strong>of</strong> the business model is the unit <strong>of</strong> analysis in this dissertation and is introduced inthis section.The following part is divided into four: (1) A brief overview <strong>of</strong> the evolution <strong>of</strong> analysisperspective in management science is given. (2) Several business model definitions are

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