Management of Art Galleries – Business Models - Universität St.Gallen

Management of Art Galleries – Business Models - Universität St.Gallen

Management of Art Galleries – Business Models - Universität St.Gallen


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Introduction 9 / 22567). This paper sets out to cover these objectives. While the Identification/Description and theExplanation strive to describe reality, it is the Evaluation that uses these findings to elaborate onthem and derive results (Popper, 1984; Schön, 1983).To sum up, based on a practical observation and the identified research gaps in literature, thisaim <strong>of</strong> this dissertation is to generate knowledge on an appropriate configuration <strong>of</strong> businessmodels for art galleries.This research aim is supported by several supplementary aims:- Identify and describe the status quo (Identification/Description)- Explain and discuss existing statistics to identify success factors in art gallery businessmodels (Explanation)- Evaluate a possible new business model for art galleries (Evaluation)On the basis <strong>of</strong> this research objective the research question evolves as follows:RQ: How can art galleries in Western European markets configure their businessmodels in order to achieve sustainable pr<strong>of</strong>its?To answer this research question the author aligns his approach with the three identified researchobjectives: Identification/Description, Explanation, and Evaluation (Tomczak & Dyllick, 2007, p.67). This leads to several supplementary questions which will eventually structure our thoughts:- Identify and describe the status quo: Analysiso What are the most relevant statistics to describe the business model <strong>of</strong> art galleries?o What are the predominant business models for art galleries?- Explain and discuss existing statistics to identify success factors: Analysiso What are the existing and potential success factors?- Evaluate a possible new business model for art galleries: Implicationo What could a new business model for art galleries look like?Since this dissertation project combines three closely connected, consecutive research objectivesand because the Identification/Description and Explanation can be regarded as a pre-phase to theEvaluation, the research will be separated into two parts: the Analysis and the Implication.The Analysis deals with the examination <strong>of</strong> current business models <strong>of</strong> art galleries in a samplegroup (Identification/Description, Explanation). It maps the status quo <strong>of</strong> art galleries bydescribing relevant industry statistics, identifying existing business models and finally discussingsuccess factors.The Implication is based on the findings <strong>of</strong> the Analysis (Evaluation). It evaluates a possible newbusiness model for art galleries.

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