S&P - Public Finance Criteria (2007). - The Global Clearinghouse

S&P - Public Finance Criteria (2007). - The Global Clearinghouse

S&P - Public Finance Criteria (2007). - The Global Clearinghouse


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Municipal Structured <strong>Finance</strong>Introduction To Structured <strong>Finance</strong>Structured municipal financings are an integralpart of the municipal debt market. Structureddebt includes conventional transactions—such asbonds, notes, and commercial paper (CP)—securedby various types of credit and liquidity facilities,and secondary-market derivative products—such asprincipal and interest strips, custodial receipts, andtender option bonds.Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services rates primarymarket structured debt on the basis of third-partycredit or liquidity support without regard to theissuer’s underlying rating. To substitute the thirdpartycredit provider’s rating for that of the issuer,the credit provider must secure debt service payments,and/or, in the case of bonds with demandoptions, guarantee payment of tenders.In the secondary market, a municipal trust structureis used to issue receipts and act as a conduit forthe payment of principal, interest, and premiums, ifany, from the underlying obligation to the derivativereceipt holder. <strong>The</strong> rating of the derivative is determinedby the rating on the underlying bonds, whichmust have a current Standard & Poor’s rating.However, the rating on the derivative may also beenhanced by using credit and/or liquidity support.Standard & Poor’s assigns a long-term or noterating to fixed-rate municipal bonds and notes. Adual rating (for example, ‘AAA/A-1+’) is assignedto municipal variable-rate demand obligations(VRDOs) and generally benefit from credit and/orliquidity enhancment. <strong>The</strong> first component of thedual rating reflects the likelihood of payment ofprincipal and interest when due. <strong>The</strong> second componentaddresses the demand feature of the bondand the likelihood of payment of the purchase priceof tendered bonds. In the case of short-term variable-ratenotes, Standard & Poor’s note rating symbols(for example, ‘SP-1+/A-1+’) are used for thefirst component of the rating instead of long-termsymbols. For municipal commercial paper programs,Standard & Poor’s commercial paper symbolsare used (for example, ‘A-1+’).Documentation Requirements<strong>The</strong> primary documents needed to rate structured issuesare listed below. While the list is fairly standard, additionaldocuments may be requested in order to complete a rating.Primary market issues■ Rating request.■ Trust indenture.■ Letter of credit or SBPA as applicable.■ Authorizing resolution.■ Remarketing agreement.■ Paying/tender agent agreement.■ Depository agreement (commercial paper issues only).■ Preference opinion, if requested.■ Enforceability opinion(s), if requested.■ Offering memorandum.Secondary market issues■ Rating request.■ Custody/trust agreement.■ Offering memorandum, if requested.■ Cash flow verification, if requested.■ Offering memorandum for underlying security.■ Tender option agreement, if applicable.■ Broker-dealer agreement, if applicable.■ Auction agent agreement, if applicable.■ Market agent agreement, if applicable.■ Credit or liquidity support documents.■ Tax opinion.■ Enforceability opinion(s), if applicable.■ True sale opinion, if applicable.Outlooks are generally placed on VRDOs thathave credit provided by other than an LOC bank.<strong>The</strong> outlook will reflect the outlook of the obligoror bond insurer as applicable. Commercial paperratings, due to the tenor of the security do notreceive outlooks. ■www.standardandpoors.com207

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