SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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6.The True Spirit of the Two AncestorsThe Japanese S‡t‡ School was firmly established withthe Highest Ancestor Great Master D‡gen as its dignifiedfather and the Greatest Ancestor Great Master Keizan as itscompassionate mother. The Transmission of the Dharma frommaster to disciple in the S‡t‡ School is a matter of extremeimportance. It has two aspects: the horizontal and the vertical.The former emphasizes the sameness between master and disciple,and the latter recognizes their respective individualities.D‡gen received the Dharma Transmission from hismaster, Ju-ching (J. Tend‡ Nyoj‡), yet he revealed his own individualityand opened up a new field of thought in Buddhism.D‡gen selected what was best in Buddhism regardless of schooland tried to return to the basic spirit of the Buddha. He cast asideworldly honors and wealth, avoided the powerful, prosperouspeople of his day and never wore any elegant robes, but onlyones made of coarse material. He worked diligently to train thefew monks around him. He denied the theory that Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism are in essence the same and rejectedthe idea which holds that there are five schools of Zen,57

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