SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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The Basic Meaning of Sōtō Zen 51so highly evaluated by scholars is because his philosophy,religion and personality are in perfect accord with the idealsheld by humanity throughout history, possess broad objectivityand are universally applicable. D‡genÕs greatness rests on threepoints: the profundity of his thought, its practicality and theloftiness of his character. His principal work, Sh‡b‡genz‡ (TheTreasure House of the Eye of the True Teaching) in ninety-fivechapters, is a true masterpiece clearly revealing his thought andfaith. It is written not in classical Chinese, which was so popularin the period of D‡gen, but in the Japanese language so thatall could read it. Its style is concise and to the point; histhought, noble and profound. His sharp logic and deep thoughtmay not only be regarded as being in the forefront of Japanesephilosophy, but also as occupying an important position inmodern philosophy. Because of this, it is possible that it maysynthesize Oriental and Occidental thought. However, thegreatness of D‡gen is not found merely in the excellence of histheories. It should always be borne in mind that D‡gen does notamuse himself with intellectual speculation and barren phrasesdivorced from reality. In D‡genÕs writings we find theory andpractice, knowledge and action, inseparably entwined. Themeticulous Zen regulations found in D‡genÕs Eihei Daishingiestablish this fact very clearly. Buddhism teaches that we mustgrasp our own body and mind thoroughly and understand themfully. This does not mean mere intellectual knowledge, but

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