SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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Zen and Oriental Culture 43The architecture and sculpture of the Zen monastery donot have gaudy embellishments, but rather take a simple form,the total effect being graceful and unfettered. This may beregarded as a material expression of the meditative spirit.To quote Life magazine, ÒZen is an austere sect whichseeks truth by meditation and intuition.Ó Zen in its earnestnessis closer to Theravda Buddhism (the form of Buddhism practicedin Southeast Asia) than any other school of MahynaBuddhism. Zen followers attach more importance to practicalactions than to the study of the Scriptures. In Zen all actionsmust be simple and yet have depth. This ideal of simplicityexerted a great influence on Japanese art and life.The chief characteristics of art based on Buddhistmeditation practice are simplicity and strength, a wealth ofvitality, complete union with nature and the ability to breakthrough any confinement which might prove restrictive. Thisart permeated every aspect of Japanese culture and, by aiming atprofundity and simplicity, has made for itself a permanent placein the world of art. Because of the Zen ideals of simplicity andintuitive inspiration, it is now exciting the interest of Europeanand American intellectuals and artists. The famous psychoanalystCarl Jung included Zen in his ÒArchetypes,Ó comparingindividuation and Zen enlightenment. The French modern artistBraque declared that he painted by Òflashes of Zen.Ó Zenpractice has now crossed the sea and is drawing the attention of

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