SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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38 Sōtō Zenliterary decline throughout the country) was also a productof the close relationship between Confucianism and Zen.Throughout the Kamakura, Yoshino and Muromachi Periodspriests of the Zen School were actively engaged in publishingthe sayings of their masters (J. goroku), biographies of famouspriests, works on the genealogical succession of priests, poetry,works on poetical rhyme, etc., thereby making a great contributionto Japanese culture. The so-called Gosan Editions arerepresentative of this. These Editions were produced in largeZen monasteries in Ky‡to and Kamakura from the beginning ofthe Kamakura Period to the end of the Ashikaga Period.There are many different styles of architecture observablein the construction of Zen temples. In its early stages the Zentemple consisted of the meditation hall (J. s‡d‡), lecture hall (J.hatt‡), priestsÕ dormitory (J. sh‰ryo), masterÕs room (J. h‡j‡),etc., but later a hall dedicated to the Buddha (J. Butsuden)was added, resulting in the emergence of the ÒSeven-hallmonasteryÓ (J. shichid‡ garan). Japanese architecture belongslargely to the style called shoin-zukuri whose origin is to befound in the Buddhist monastery. The characteristic entrance ofthe Japanese house (J. genkan) is copied from the gateway ofthe guest house (J. kakuden) of the Zen monastery. The ShariHall of the Enkaku Temple in Kamakura is a representativework of the pure Karay‡ style and as such is very important. TheManpuku Temple at Uji presents a most interesting blend of

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