SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED <strong>TO</strong> THEBUDDHIST SANGHA.The Sangha is one of the Three Treasures of Buddhism. The first isthe Buddha, which can be understood as the historical Buddha,Shakyamuni, and the Unborn, Undying Buddha Nature which wasrealized by the Buddha at the time of his Enlightenment. The secondTreasure is the Dharma, which can be understood as the teachings thathave flowed from the realization of the Unborn. The third is the SanghaTreasure. In its narrowest sense it is the Buddhist priesthood, and in itswider sense it is all those beings, lay and monastic, who are sincerelytraining themselves to realize the same Truth as was realized by theBuddha. The initial harmonization of body and mind was realized byShakyamuni Buddha, who exclaimed ÒI was, am and will be enlightenedsimultaneously with the Universe,Ó and therefore the Sangha can be seenas the harmony that exists throughout the universe as a result of the trainingand realization or actualization of the Truth when beings learn towork in harmony within themselves and with all living things. TheSangha Treasure also represents Harmony in its widest sense, theharmony of all living things. Being human we sometimes focus so muchon the differences that we forget the underlying harmony that unites andflows through all living things. Homage to the Sangha.Every morning in Buddhist temples throughout the world, monksput on their kesas and say a small verse. It is a reminder that every day amonk needs to focus on his or her spiritual purpose and renew the vowstaken at ordination. In the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives we say thatverse in this manner: ÒHow great and wondrous are the clothes ofenlightenment, formless and embracing every treasure, I wish to unfoldthe BuddhaÕs teaching that I may help all living things.Ó

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