SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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32 Sōtō Zencourt. The Yun-men School together with the Lin-chi Schoolwere the most popular in China. The Fa-yen School (J. H‡gen)was derived from the teaching style of ChÕing-liang Wen-i(J. Shoryo BunÕeki), who is third in the line descending fromHsueh-feng, the intervening two being Hsuan-sha Shih-pei(J. Gensha Shibi) and Lo-han Kuei-chÕen (J. Rakan Keichin).Following Wen-iÕs enlightenment under his master, KueichÕen,he moved to Lin-chÕuan-chou (J. Rinsen-sh‰). Subsequentlyhe was invited by the magistrate of the area to settle inthe ChÕung-shou Temple (J. Chuji) where he gathered abouthim no less than a thousand disciples. Later he moved to thePao-en ChÕan Temple (J. H‡on Zen) in Chin-ling (J. Kinry‡) atthe invitation of Lieh-tsu (J. Resso). Still later he became thechief abbot of the ChÕing-liang Temple to which manyBuddhist priests were drawn by his lectures. His school ofBuddhism, known as the Fa-yen School, is a blend of S‡t‡ andHua-yen (J. Kegon) thought. Unfortunately, few of the priestsof this School were able to exert a far-reaching influence.In summary, Lin-chi is characterized by a sternness ofspirit and complete freedom; Wei-yang, by a sudden identity ofminds between master and disciple engaged in a seriousexchange of questions and answers; TsÕao-Tung (J. S‡t‡), byan absolute unity between practice and understanding andthe wholehearted use of ceremonial as devotional service;Yun-men, by the use of unique phrases to get rid of delusions;

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