SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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The Origin and Development of Zen 31(J. Ungan Donj‡). The disciple of Yun-yen was Tung-shanLiang-chieh (J. T‡zan Ry‡kai, 807Ð 869) who early in hiscareer lived on Mt. Hsin-feng (J. Shimpo) where he propagatedZen meditation. Later he moved to Tung-shan in Yun-chou(J. Ensh‰) where he gathered around himself several hundreddisciples. His disciple TsÕao-shan Pen-chi (J. S‡zan Honjaku,807Ð 883) taught Buddhism first on Mt. Chi-shui (J. Kissui) inFu-chou (J. Fush‰). Later he moved to Mt. TsÕao (J. S‡), hencehis name TsÕao-shan Pen-chi. His pupils were exceedinglynumerous, always filling the lecture hall. The TsÕao-TungSchool (J. S‡t‡) derives its name from this TsÕao-shan and hismaster, Tung-shan. However, the line of TsÕao-Tung (J. S‡t‡)coming from another of Tung-shanÕs disciples, Yun-chu Taoying(J. Ungo D‡y‡, died 902), flourished most.The Yun-men School (J. Ummon) was founded by YunmenWen-yen (J. Ummon BunÕen, 864Ð949), who is the fifthdisciple in direct line from Shih-tÕou. The names of the interveningfour disciples are TÕien-huang Tao-wu (J. Tenn‡ D‡g‡),Lung-tÕan ChÕung-hsin (J. Ry‰tan S‰shin), Te-shan Hsuanchien(J. Tokusan Senkan) and Hsueh-feng I-tsÕun (J. Sepp‡Gison). Wen-yen visited all of the famous monasteries after hehad been chosen successor of I-tsÕun, his master, and revealedhis own distinctive style of teaching. Later he converted thegovernor of Kuang-chou, Liu Kung (J. Ry‰ Kyo), and hadmany occasions to lecture on Buddhist meditation before the

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