SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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22 Sōtō Zenearlier non-Buddhist meditation, its contents were quite differentin that the serene reflection meditation of the Buddhawas based on the premise of the identity between body andmind and did not recognize the existence of an eternal soul. Itwas an indispensable religious exercise aimed at realizing theperfection of human character in this life.Zen has always served as the foundation for many virtuesesteemed by later generations. Kuei-Feng Tsung-mi (J. Keih‡Sumitsu), a learned priest of the TÕang Dynasty, in the prefaceto his Explanations as to the Origins of Zen distinguishesfive kinds of Zen: 1. Non-Buddhist Zen (J. Ged‡ Zen);2. Popular Zen (J. BompuZen); 3. Hinayna Zen (J. Sh‡j‡Zen); 4. Mahyna Zen (J. Daij‡ Zen); 5. Zen of the HighestVehicle, Serene Reflection Meditation (J. Saij‡j‡ Zen).Non-Buddhist Zen, rejecting this world, has as its objectrebirth in heaven. It is found in the Yoga School, one of the sixschools of Indian philosophy, and was also the type of meditationpracticed by lra Klma and Udraka Rmaputra, twoteachers under whom Siddhartha studied after becoming amonk. They considered Zen meditation itself as their final goal,hoping to be born after death in one of the heavens correspondingto the stage of Zen meditation they had reached during theirlife. They regarded the mind and the body as two separateentities, believed in the existence of an eternal soul and soughtsupernatural powers.

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