SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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. Development in ZenAlthough the word ÒZenÓ appears to have but one meaning,in reality it embraces many different forms. Tsung-mi(J. Sh‰mitsu) of the Tang Dynasty (618Ð907 C.E.) in Chinadivided it into five groups: first, Non-Buddhist Zen (J. Ged‡-Zen); second, popular Zen (J. Bompu-Zen); third, Hinayna Zen(J. Sh‡j‡-Zen); fourth, Mahyna Zen (J. Daij‡-Zen); fifth, Zenof the Highest Vehicle (J. Saij‡j‡-Zen). Non-Buddhist Zencomprises the dhyna (meditation) of Brahmanism, the YogaPhilosophy (one of the six schools of ÒunorthodoxÓ philosophyin India), and non-Buddhist meditation in general like that oflra Kalama and Udraka Rmaputra. Popular Zen is anamateurish type of meditation practiced by Buddhists withinthe framework of Buddhism. ÒHinaynaÓ means an abandonedor discarded vehicle and indicates a teaching which is no longerusable. Naturally those who belong to this school do not use thisappellation because of its obvious bias, but call their schoolTheravda, i.e., the Way of the Elders. Observance of thePrecepts and practice of meditation constitute the essence of theTheravda. Those who mainly practiced meditation were calledyogins and were distinguished from those who emphasizedscholarship. The former were particularly respected. MahynaZen is that form of Zen which is practiced by members of the116

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