SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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a. Reasons for Western Interest in Buddhist Meditation 105Buddha Nature includes manÕs religious nature and truehumanity. It is deeply involved in human dignity. Thinkers inEurope and America have sensed this. Zen, with its emphasison oneÕs True Self, has given them new insights into humanpotentiality. Christianity talks about a future kingdom ofheaven and makes it the dwelling place of the soul. But Zenconsiders this too far removed from the actual world.The practice of Zen helps man live fully in this world.This is called the expression of full function. It stresses thepresent rather than future, this place rather than heaven. It aimsat making the Pure Land come alive in the present moment. Inreligion the most important thing is not miracles or the supernatural.Religion of course transcends the world of science, butit should not conflict with science.Any religion that hopes to appeal to modern man mustembrace science as well as transcend it. Zen does this. Inconclusion, the practice of Zen: 1) frees man from enslavementto machines and re-establishes his humanity, 2) eases mentaltension and brings peace of mind and 3) enables man to use hisfull potentialities in daily life. From these grow the characteristicsof simplicity, profundity and vitality that have attracted somany Westerners to Zen Buddhism.

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