SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey

SO TO ZEN - Shasta Abbey


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Zen Buddhism and the West 87States for some fifty years and recently published a book titledZen, in which may be found a free translation of D‡genÕsÒRules for MeditationÓ (J. ÒFukanzazengiÓ). At present he isworking on an English translation of the Mumonkan.Several years ago, A Buddhist Bible, edited by DwightGoddard, was published in America. Saih‡ Lowe of LosAngeles who collaborated in this undertaking came to Japan.Despite his age, he has a deep interest in Buddhism and is anordained Buddhist priest. Furthermore, Robert Stuart Clifton,Ven. Sumangalo, also a Buddhist priest, is very active in teachingAmericans. Both men are S‡t‡ priests. The Rev. Cliftonvisited Japan this year and is now in Laos where he was againordained.Mr. John Blofeld, an Englishman, translated The Path toSudden Attainment by Ta-chu Hui-hai (J. Daishu Ekai). TheLondon Buddhist Society undertook its publication in 1948.Zen, a book in German written by Ohazama-Faust, waspublished many years ago. It contains a translation of theÒSh‡d‡-kaÓ or ÒSong of Enlightenment.Ó A former president ofKomazawa University, Tachibana Shund‡, who died this yearat the age of 79, was an expert Pali scholar. While at Oxford hewrote The Ethics of Buddhism which the University Press published.This book contains many references to Zen. In recentyears the S‡t‡ Church has published several works on Zen inEnglish, including What Is Zen? and two pamphlets entitled Zen

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