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course at the Army Command and General St .,,iCollege, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas . Garrison is amajor and assistant chief <strong>of</strong> staff for intelligence<strong>of</strong> the 45th Infantry Division, <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City nationalguard unit. Garrison is regularly employedas a geologist by Amerada Petroleum Corporationand he and his wife live in Norman .Major Charles R. Roberts, '50eng, completedthe regular course at the Army Command andGeneral Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas .The class contained 666 U.S . <strong>of</strong>ficers and 84 <strong>of</strong>ficersfrom 43 allied nations . Major Roberts entered theArmy in 1950 and was stationed in Korea . He alsohold a degree from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois .Robert True, '50eng, drilling manager and vicepresident <strong>of</strong> Big Chief Bolivian Drilling Company<strong>of</strong> La Paz, Bolivia, has moved from La Paz to thecompany's major field camp in Yacuiba. True andhis wife have five children, Charles, Gene, Loretta,Jeaneatte and Diane .BIRTH: Morton B. Stone, '50journ, and Mrs .Stone are the parents <strong>of</strong> a son, Matthew Laurance.born April 14 .1951Charles L. Pugsley, '51Law, and Mrs . Pugsley(Geraldine Wrinkle, '46h .ec) live in Okmulgeewhere Pugsley is in private law practice. He wasformerly with Shell Oil Company at Houston,Texas . The couple has three children, Janet, 9, Carolyn,7, and Chuck, 5 .Melvin H. Vaughn, '51geol, has joined MonsantoChemical Company's Lion Oil Companydivision as a senior geologist in the southwesternexploration region at Midland, Texas. He formerlywas with Kerr McGee Oil Industries, <strong>Oklahoma</strong>CityWilliam C. Majors, '51bus, is an accountantwith Pan American Petroleum Corporation in <strong>Oklahoma</strong>City . He is highly active in Masonic activities.James L . Layton, '51cng, has been transferredfrom Los Angeles to San Francisco as regionalmanager <strong>of</strong> transportation for Alco Products, Inc .George W. Price, '51eng, has recently acceptedemployment as a geologist for lake L. Hamon, independentoil producer in Dallas, Texas . Price hadformerly spent seven years with Sohio PetroleumCompany, and three years with the U.S . GeologicalSurvey . Price and his wife, Marilyn, '52soc.wk .have three children, Wayne, 11, Steve, 7, andKaren, 4.BIRTH : James W. Smith, '516us, and his wife,Susan, are the parents <strong>of</strong> a girl, Candace Louise,born May 8 . Smith is district sales manager forAmerican Steel Foundries . The Smiths reside inScarsdale, New York ..1952Capt . Frederick D. Whiting, '526us, completedthe regular course at the Army Command andGeneral Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas .The 31-year-old <strong>of</strong>ficer has been assigned to theSouthern European Task Force in Italy, and willdepart after completing the Army helicopter pilottraining course at Fort Wolters, Texas .Charles D. Ablard, '526us, '54Law in privatelaw practice in Washington, D.C ., is the author <strong>of</strong>the article "Ex Parte Contracts with Federal AdministrationAgencies" which appeared in the Mayissue <strong>of</strong> the American Bar Association Journal, amonthly magazine published in Chicago. Duringthe past year, Ablard has served as special counselto the American Bar Association's special committeeon legal services and procedure . He is alsopast-president <strong>of</strong> the O.U Alumni Club <strong>of</strong> Washington,D.C .Oliver F. Guinn, '52bus, '53m .bu,, has 1,,-,nappointed assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> economics at Wash-burn <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Topeka, Kansas . Guinn recentlyreceived his doctor's degree from the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Texas . Since 1958 he has taught economics atWest Texas State College, Canyon .William H. McPherson, '52Law, former attorneywith the Phillips Petroleum Company, hasrecently become associated with the <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Citylaw firm <strong>of</strong> Fuller, Smith, Mosburg and Davis .BIRTH : Martin L. Tanzer, '52pharm, and Mrs .Tanzer (Peggy Hollis '51journ) arc the parents <strong>of</strong>a son, Bradley Craig, born April 3 .1953-54James C. Daugherty, '53Law, completed theassociate <strong>of</strong>ficer career course at the Infantry School,Fort Benning, Georgia . Daugherty is a captain inthe National Guard, serving with the 180th Infantry'scompany B, Okemah . He is an attorneywith Sandlin fSc Daugherty in Holdenville .Bill G. Fowler, '546a, is pastor <strong>of</strong> the RiversideBaptist Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico .Dr . Harry Mcrigis, '54d .ed, has been nameddirector <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong> Elementary and JuniorHigh School Teaching for Eastern Illinois <strong>University</strong>,Charleston, Illinois . He was formerly director<strong>of</strong> the laboratory school at that institution .John Watson, '54bs, '59ms, received his M.S .in geology from the California Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology,Pasadena, California . He is a native <strong>of</strong> Hollywood,California .BIRTH : Charles Richard Andes, '546us, '57m .bus, and his wife (Joyclee Davidson, '52-'55) arethe parents <strong>of</strong> a son, Richard Charles, born April 16in Albuquerque, New Mexico .Paul E. Clark, '53geol, and Mrs . Clark arc theparents <strong>of</strong> a son born May 26 in Norman .1955Jason H. Cain, Jr., '556us, recently completedthe <strong>of</strong>ficer career course at the TransportationSchool, Fort Eustis, Virginia . Cain is a captain inthe national guard and is regularly employed asgeneral manager <strong>of</strong> Ewing's Department Store,Madill .Dr. J. R. Betson, Jr ., '55med, recently authoredtwo scientific articles which appeared in medicaljournals . One article appeared in the American Surgeonwhile the other was used in the Journal <strong>of</strong>Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Betson lives in Albuquerque,New Mexico.William Eugene Crews, '556a, is assistant rector<strong>of</strong> Episcopal Church <strong>of</strong> the Holy Faith, SantaFe, New Mexico. For the past two years Crews hasbeen associate secretary <strong>of</strong> the National StudentChristian Federation, New York City, workingwith graduate students in the pr<strong>of</strong>essions.BIRTH : Louis B. Isaacson, Jr ., '55bus, andMrs . Isaacson, are the parents <strong>of</strong> a son born May 13in Norman .1956J . O. Gammill, '56bus, and Mrs . Norma JeanGammill, '54ed, are now living in La Puente, California,where Gammill is attending the AmericanSavings and Loan Institute School in Los Angeles .He is assistant secretary for Republic Federal Savingsand Loan Association in Los Angeles. Thecouple has three children, John, 5, Juliana, 3, andSusan, 1 .John H. Haynes, '56eng, has received his M.S .in civil engineering from Purdue <strong>University</strong> . He ispresently employed as soils engineer with the OhioDepartment <strong>of</strong> Highways, Columbus, Ohio.MARRIAGE : Delores Marie Crosthwait andKenneth E. Mitchell, '56bus, were married May 13in the Southminstcr Presbyterian Church, <strong>Oklahoma</strong>City. The couple now resides in <strong>Oklahoma</strong> CityBIRTHS : Barney M. Paris, Jr ., '56bus, and Mrs .Paris are the parents <strong>of</strong> a (laughter, Cynthia Eliza-AVZ'OW&MWI> AACAIN'SCOFFEEthen my other hreadAN OKLAHOMA U RINGI" cqfa" 01 aWear always the distinctive ring whichtells the world you are proud <strong>of</strong> your college,proud <strong>of</strong> your class-with your classyear on the sides and school name encirclingthe stone.STONES AVAILABLEOnyx (black)-Sardonyx (red)Synthetic Ruby (red)-Synthetic Sapphire (blue)Topaz (yellow)-Amethyst (purple)Tourmaline (green)Massive 1OK gold $48.00+Standard IOK gold $36.00Ladies IOK miniature $29.50"'Plus 10',yc federal tax .State name <strong>of</strong> school, fingersize, class year, stone desired .COLLEGE SEAL and CREST CO .236A Broadway, Cambridge 39, Mass.Manufacturers <strong>of</strong> College Jewelry Since 1875September, 19612 1

Cret Your(_A0IlyNoiv!V 12You'll W(int This Complete History<strong>of</strong> the Bier Red in :4f~tionCompiled and Ed i tt "d barV olney Meeee and Bill BryanPopular, roundish sports columnistfor the <strong>Oklahoma</strong>n and Timesand follower <strong>of</strong> OLT football sincethe start <strong>of</strong> the Wilkinson regime .\o writer knows the more intimatedetails <strong>of</strong>.__ . . .__OU football bet-, " _I____The golden voice <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong>sports announcers, Bill Bryan hasbroadcast OU games for the BigIced network and has been MC atcountless OU press meetings andquarterback luncheons. A great<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Association<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong>Norman, <strong>Oklahoma</strong>Please send _ copies <strong>of</strong> "Thirteen Years <strong>of</strong>Winning <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Football" to :NameAddress__

eth, born December 7 . They have another ~'ter, Donna Katherine, 2 . Paris is a district s .~!, srepresentative for Continental Oil Company inHouston, Texas .Lynn Donald Foreman, '55bus, and Mrs . Foreman(Barbara Brendle, '56ed) are the parents <strong>of</strong> ason born May 13 in Norman .Phil Albertson and Mrs . Albertson (Mona Griffin,'56pharm) are the parents <strong>of</strong> a daughter, AmyLouise, born April 7 in Perry . Albertson is a productionengineer for Charles Machine Works inPerry..1957NN'endcll E. McCarty, '57ba, was recently commi-i,meda second lieutenant in the Army in Germany,while serving with the 15th chemical group .The new <strong>of</strong>ficer participated in April Shower, acommand post exercise in Germany, held last June .Lieutenant McCarty is personnel supervisor in thechemical group's headquarter detachment, <strong>of</strong> theSeventh Army, which is regularly located in Mannheim,Germany He entered the Army in 1957. Hiswife, Jean, is with him in Germany.Roy Gant, '57eng, and Mrs . Gant (Cristina Nagel,'58) are now living in Houston, Texas, whereGant is a compressor engineer for the ChicagoPneumatic Tool Company . They have two daughters,Lesley Gayle, 3, and Mary Cheryl, 1 %z .William R. Martin, '57ma, a native <strong>of</strong> Ardmore,has been named instructor in political science inthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati's McMicken College <strong>of</strong>Arts and Sciences . Martin, a doctoral candidateand previously a graduate assistant at O.U ., has hisbachelor's degree from Princeton <strong>University</strong>, andhas clone work at the Graduate Institute <strong>of</strong> InternationalStudies, Geneva, Switzerland . He has attendedLund <strong>University</strong>, Sweden, and has contributedto European publications . Martin has beenteaching American government at Texas Tech,Lubbock, Texas. He is a member <strong>of</strong> the Americanand <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Political Science Associations .BIRTHS : Don Alexander, '57eng, and Mrs .Alexander arc the parents <strong>of</strong> a son born June 1 inNorman .Gilbert Denison, '57eng, '58m .eng, and Mrs .Denison are the parents <strong>of</strong> a daughter born June 9in Norman .1958Robert L. Hays, '58ed, completed two weeks<strong>of</strong> annual active duty training at Fort Carson, Colorado. He is a specialist-fourth with the NationalGuard, serving as parts clerk in service battery <strong>of</strong>the 157th artillery, an Army Guard unit in FortMorgan, Colorado. He is regularly employed as ateacher at Brush, Colorado, High School .Dr. Wayman J . Thompson, Jr ., '586s, '60med,.1V interning in Highland-Alamedo Countyi i-spital in Oakland, California . His parents arealso graduates <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> ; they arc Dr . Wayman J . Thompson, Sr ., '276s, '29mcd, <strong>Oklahoma</strong>City, and Mrs . Thompson (Ruth Vaught . '316a) .Their daughter, Mary, '60bs, and her husband,Rowland Denman, '586a, reside in <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City .Army Private Frank E. Outhier, '56-'58, attendedthe five-week integrated accounting courseat the Finance School, Fort Benjamin Harrison,Indiana . Outhier completed basic training at FortJackson, South Carolina . He graduated from DavidLipscomb College, Nashville, Tennessee.Edmund C. Root, '58eng, is working for Mc-Donnell Aircraft Corporation, St . Louis, Missouri,as a test engineer on Project Mercury . Mr . and Mrs .Root, Berkeley, Missouri, have a daughter, Kathy .M. Charles Gilbert, '58bs, '61ms, is currentlyworking toward his doctor's in geology at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles, on a NationalScience Foundation Fellowship. His wife(Mary Carol Leonard, '58fa) is working in themain library at U.C.L .A .BIRTH : Byron B . Searcy, '586us, and Mrs .Searcy (Lynn Overlecs, '59) are the parents <strong>of</strong> ason, Cole, born January 16 . Searcy is an independentreal estate appraiser in Fort Worth, Texas .1959Army 2nd Lt. Monte D. Witte, Dallas, hascompleted the eight-week <strong>of</strong>ficer orientation courseat the Chemical Corps School, Fort McClellan,Alabama. Before entering the Army, LieutenantWitte was employed as a chemical engineer forProctor and Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio .Robert W. Dupuich, '59ed, is now teaching inAlbuquerque, New Mexico .Richard A. Silver, '59m .ed, is counselor atHighland High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico,and has also been teaching mathematics .Leon M. Magill, '59eng, was recently employedas an associate engineer in the microwave tube researchengineering department <strong>of</strong> Sperry GyroscopeCompany, Great Neck, New York . Magill receivedhis master's in engineering from Columbia <strong>University</strong>and prior to joining Sperry was a teachingassistant at Columbia.Michael E. Lord, '59eng, has received his M.S .from the California Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, Pasadena,California . Lord majored in aeronautics atCaltech . He is a native <strong>of</strong> Fort Worth, Texas .Second Lt . John V. Melcher, '59geol, recentlyparticipated in Army training tests in Korea withthe Ist Cavalry Division's 82nd artillery. The testswere conducted under realistic combat conditons .The 1st Cavalry is the only U.S. division presentlymanning a front-line position in Korea . LieutenantMelcher is a field observer in the artillery's batteryA. He entered the Army in 1959 .MARRIAGE : Carol Lynn Conley, '596us, Norman,and Theodore William Thomas, Winfield,Missouri, were married May 20 at McFarlin MethodistChurch, Norman . Their home is in ColoradoSprings, Colorado .BIRTHS : James E. Irvin, '59eng, '60bs, andMrs . Irvin, Norman, are the parents <strong>of</strong> a son bornMay 17 .Dan L. Tucker, '59eng, and Mrs . Tucker arethe parents <strong>of</strong> a daughter horn May 24 in Norman-Verlan W. Harrell, '59geol, and Mrs . Harrellare the parents <strong>of</strong> a daughter born May 26 in Norman.1960John 1'. Burns, '60gcol, has been employed bythe Rogers Geophysical Company as a trainee computer. He has been working on a survey crew inThomasville, Alabama. Burns recently completedsix months duty in the Army. His home is in AItus.Second Lt . Carroll T. Science, '60eng, completedthe eight-week field artillery <strong>of</strong>ficer orientationcourse at the artillery and missile school, Fort Sill,<strong>Oklahoma</strong> . The school is designed for young<strong>of</strong>ficers, and trains them in communications, artillerytransport, tactics and target acquisition.Ensign George N. Keyser, '606s, is on leave <strong>of</strong>absence from Southwestern Bell Telephone Companywhile he serves as C.I .C . <strong>of</strong>ficer aboard theU.S .S . Preston. He and his wife (Doris Mounts,'596a) have one daughter, Georgann Collette .Ray A. Howell, '60eng, has been transferredfrom the Corps <strong>of</strong> Engineers' Ballistic Missile construction<strong>of</strong>fice at Altus A.F .B ., to Tinker A .F .B .,<strong>Oklahoma</strong> City .MARRIAGES: Richard R. Lembcke, '60eng,and Caroline Schmidt, Schulenberg, Texas, weremarried May 27 in St. Mary's Catholic Church,High Hill, Texas . They reside in Abbeville, Louisiana,where Lcmbcke is working for Union Oil<strong>of</strong> California .John T. Lembcke, '60eng, and Loretta Schmidt,Schluenberg, Texas, were married January 28 inSaint Ambrose Catholic Church, Houston, Texas.Lembcke is now working for Baker Oil 8c Toolin Houston.Sheridan Brandon, '60ed, Lawton, and ErnestM. Drowatsky, '616s, Wichita, Kansas, were marriedMay 20 at Centenary Methodist Church, Lawton.The couple now reside in Wichita . Drowatsky"Was a member <strong>of</strong> the O.U . swimming team andwas named to the N.C .A .A . All-Americ a swimteam .Patricia Flood, '60journ, and Michael W.Brown were married June 11 in Nobel Chapel <strong>of</strong>the First Presbyterian Church, Ardmore . Thecouple is residing in St. Louis, Missouri, where heis a senior in Washington <strong>University</strong> School <strong>of</strong>Medicine.1961Second Lt . Larry G. Padget, '61ed, completedthe <strong>of</strong>ficer orientation course at the QuartermasterSchool, Fort Lee, Virginia .Louis F. Goza, '616us, Camden, Arkansas, wasthe 1961 winner <strong>of</strong> the Julian J . Rothbaurn Award,which is presented annually to the outstandingsenior majoring in petroleum land management atO.U. Rothbaum, '36ba, '38Law, is a Tulsa oilmanand member <strong>of</strong> the O.U . Board <strong>of</strong> Regents .Second Lt . John R. Ward, '6 led, completed theeight-week <strong>of</strong>ficer orientation course under the ReserveForces Act program at Brooke Army MedicalCenter, Fort Sam Houston, Texas . LieutenantWard received instruction in the treatment <strong>of</strong>battle injuries, supply, administration and preventivemedicine techniques used to detect healthhazards.Donald Craig Kirkpatrick, '57-'61, has beenemployed by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California's Los AlamosScientific Laboratory . He is formerly <strong>of</strong> Normanand is a veteran <strong>of</strong> the Air Force . He is marriedand has two daughters .Merrily Adams, '61fa, won the Ellsworth Duganaward as outstanding member <strong>of</strong> Mu Phi Epsilon,O.U . honorary music sorority, at the May 26annual School <strong>of</strong> Music student-alumni-facultyawards banquet.Dale B. Sherrod, 'filmed, <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City, wasawarded the Onis George Hazel memorial awardat the O.U . School <strong>of</strong> Medicine spring commencement. Sherrod, former president <strong>of</strong> his senior class,ceived the annual award for "most nearly approachingthe ideal doctor-patient relationship ."He is serving his internship at Presbyterian Hospital,Denver, Colorado.September, 196123

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