Visual Arts - Caribbean Examinations Council

Visual Arts - Caribbean Examinations Council Visual Arts - Caribbean Examinations Council


FORM: VARTS – 2C A R I B B E A N E X A M I N A T I O N S C O U N C I LSECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATEGUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENTFOR VISUAL ARTSI. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENTA. OVERVIEWEach Centre is required to submit the School-Based Assessment of ONE sample of FIVEcandidates for EACH option. The candidates are selected from a ranked list as describedat B below. ALL candidates entered for the examination must produce THREE pieces(Piece 1, Piece 2 and Piece 3) of work for which marks are to be recorded on the recordsheet. Only ONE sample for EACH option must be submitted to the Council. It isrecommended that ALL teachers preparing candidates for the SAME OPTION collaboratein(i)(ii)setting the assignments, criteria and mark schemesstandardizing the marking of the assignments.B. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PULLING THE SAMPLE(i)After the candidates’ SBA scores have been entered electronically, the sample forthe Centre will be automatically selected by the e-SBA system using the followingprocedure:* The total SBA scores for all candidates will be arranged in order ofperformance, from highest to lowest score(ii)(iii)(iv)* The e-SBA system will then select the candidate who gained the• highest score• middle (median) score• lowest score• score that is midway between the highest score and middle score• score that is midway between the lowest score and the middle scoreThe Centre MUST submit, by the stipulated deadline, ONLY the pieces that hasbeen selected by the e-SBA system.Where the number of candidates is less than five, the assignments of ALL candidatesmust be submitted.Since resit candidates are not expected to undertake the School-Based Assessment,they should not be included in the ranked list and their assignments should not besubmitted.. . . . ./2

FORM: VARTS – 2C A R I B B E A N E X A M I N A T I O N S C O U N C I LSECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATEGUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENTFOR VISUAL ARTSI. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENTA. OVERVIEWEach Centre is required to submit the School-Based Assessment of ONE sample of FIVEcandidates for EACH option. The candidates are selected from a ranked list as describedat B below. ALL candidates entered for the examination must produce THREE pieces(Piece 1, Piece 2 and Piece 3) of work for which marks are to be recorded on the recordsheet. Only ONE sample for EACH option must be submitted to the <strong>Council</strong>. It isrecommended that ALL teachers preparing candidates for the SAME OPTION collaboratein(i)(ii)setting the assignments, criteria and mark schemesstandardizing the marking of the assignments.B. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PULLING THE SAMPLE(i)After the candidates’ SBA scores have been entered electronically, the sample forthe Centre will be automatically selected by the e-SBA system using the followingprocedure:* The total SBA scores for all candidates will be arranged in order ofperformance, from highest to lowest score(ii)(iii)(iv)* The e-SBA system will then select the candidate who gained the• highest score• middle (median) score• lowest score• score that is midway between the highest score and middle score• score that is midway between the lowest score and the middle scoreThe Centre MUST submit, by the stipulated deadline, ONLY the pieces that hasbeen selected by the e-SBA system.Where the number of candidates is less than five, the assignments of ALL candidatesmust be submitted.Since resit candidates are not expected to undertake the School-Based Assessment,they should not be included in the ranked list and their assignments should not besubmitted.. . . . ./2

C. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED TO CXCThe centre (team of teachers) must submit to CXC:(i)- 2 -The projects/assignments of the FIVE candidates selected for EACH option doneat the centre. For each candidate the centre must submit the last project/assignment(Piece 3). The project/assignment must be labelled Piece 3. Hence, for EACHoption which is taken by FIVE or MORE candidates, each centre is required tosubmit a sample comprising a total of FIVE assignments.(ii)(iii)(iv)ONE completed RECORD OF MARKS FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENTfor ALL candidates at the centre (electronically)ONE completed MODERATION OF SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT FORMThe list of assignments completed by the candidates for School-Based AssessmentII.GUIDELINES FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE PRODUCTION EXAMINATIONTeachers should ensure that:1. The candidates receive the examination papers TWO WEEKS in advance of the examinationdate.2. The candidates obtain in time for the examination whatever materials and equipment arenecessary for the selected options.3. Wherever required, preliminary studies and preparation of materials are to be the unaidedwork of the candidates.4. Within TWO WEEKS after the examination, ALL ceramic pieces are(a)(b)(c)photographedbisque firedlabelled and packed for despatch, including the photographs and all fragments ifpieces were damaged during the firing process.5. The candidates should be informed of the rules and regulations pertaining to misconductand the consequences of such misconduct.6. The labelled paper provided for the examination by CXC be used. If candidates wish touse other surfaces specially suited to their selected media, then these papers should beattached to the CXC labelled paper, so that the label remains at the front. No informationshould be written on the work itself.7. The labels for the expressive forms are securely attached to the pieces in order to avoidmisplacement during packaging and transportation.8. The dimensions of the work DO NOT exceed CXC’s stipulation.9. Candidates consider the placement of their composition in relation to the size of the paperprovided.. . . . ./3

- 3 -10. Candidates DO NOT take preliminary sketches to be finished in the examination room forsubmission as their final examination piece.11. Candidates DO NOT take preliminary sketches into the examination room for the Drawingoption.12. No candidate takes into the examination room a finished piece of work for substitution asan examination piece.13. Candidates DO NOT copy directly from books, magazines, calendars or other existingpictorial works for submission as their final examination work.14. Proper care is taken to ensure that ceramics or other fragile works are closely packed tominimise breakage.15. Candidates DO NOT copy information verbatim and submit as their own material.16. Candidates DO NOT submit identical copies of the Reflective Journal.17. Candidates state the total number of words contained in the Reflective Journal.18. They indicate on the AB 7 form which is to be included in the Reflective Journal whateverassistance they gave. If no assistance was given, teachers should provide some explanation.19. Stencils and blocks for printing done for Expressive forms – Printmaking and TextileDesign and Manipulation MUST be prepared in the examination room. The only preparedscreens/blocks with designs that may be brought into the room are those done using thephotographic method or any method that would not be completed within a 6-hour sitting.In these cases, preliminary sketches and colour separations should be submitted.20. If blocks or stencils (Expressive form – Printmaking) are complex, the candidate may beallowed additional time for the examination.21. Stretched screens and prepared blocks (without design) may be brought into the examinationroom.III.NATURE OF ASSISTANCE TO BE GIVEN BY TEACHERS FOR THE PREPARATIONOF THE REFLECTIVE JOURNALThe following is a list of the types of assistance which teachers are required to give to candidates:1. Guidance in the selection of the content of the Reflective Journal.2. Assistance with the structure, format and layout of the Reflective Journal.3. Instructions about the correct method of acquiring relevant material and research (forexample, library, interviews, internet search, archival research) as well as the appropriateuse of such information.4. Instructions about the proper way to conduct interviews, the types of questions to ask andthe way in which facts should be recorded.5. Assistance with the review of candidates’ work for any errors, omissions.Revised 29-09-2010

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