Dr Wendy Harcourt: Curriculum Vitae May 2008 - ERD

Dr Wendy Harcourt: Curriculum Vitae May 2008 - ERD

Dr Wendy Harcourt: Curriculum Vitae May 2008 - ERD


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<strong>Dr</strong> <strong>Wendy</strong> <strong>Harcourt</strong>: <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> <strong>May</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Since receiving my PhD from the Australian National University in 1987, I have had 20 yearsof professional experience in research, editing and programme management and direction ininternational development. The Society for International Development (www.sidint.org)(SID) founded in 1957 is the oldest international civil society network engaged indevelopment cooperation. In 1988 I was appointed both as associate editor of the journalDevelopment, the quarterly journal of SID and as programme coordinator of the SID womenin development programme. I was then appointed in 1995 Editor and Director of Programmesand in 2004 as Editor and Senior Advisor for the Society. In addition to my employment withSID where I have produced and edited well over 100 journals, reports and newsletters,organized numerous regional and international workshops and conferences and workedclosely with leading development policy makers who make up the membership of SID, I haveparticipated in research projects on various aspects of gender and development withuniversities, UN agencies and civil society organizations, edited four books, written one bookand contributed to many scholarly books and journals. I have also been an active boardmember of key women’s networks and journals. I am currently in my second term as Chair ofWomen in Development Europe (WIDE), a member of the European Feminist ForumSteering Committee, The Feminist Dialogues Coordinating Group, the Gender working groupof the European Association for Research Development Institutes (EADI), Life Member ofClare Hall, University of Cambridge and on the board of the International Feminist Journal ofPolitics and International Women’s Association for Human Rights, The Great TransitionInitiative and the International Feminist Working Group on Biotechnologies. My main focushas been to undertake research and analysis of development policy from a rights and genderperspective with a special interest in sustainable development, development alternatives,globalization, communication, culture, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.The quarterly journal Development has been a crucial avenue for me to explore severalresearch interests. Through my editorials and reviews for the journal, I have publishedregularly on international development. In addition I have been called on to give workshops,speeches and lectures in gender and development and undertaken research in collaborationwith research and development institutes. The highlights of these activities include: From 1992 to 1995 I was co-coordinator of the research project Sustainability forFuture Generations: gender relations in social reproduction and sustainable resourcemanagement at the University of Zurich published as Power: Reproduction andGender: the intergenerational transfer of knowledge, Zed Books, 1997. From 1992 to 2007 I led a series of global research projects funded by UNFPA andthe Macarthur Foundation examining facets of gender, population and development(the inter-linkages among women, environment and development; young women andreproductive choice; gender, rights and reproductive health; and public-privatepartnerships). My research on environment globalization and gender since 1993 has taken severalstrands, particularly looking at sustainable development (published as FeministPerspectives on Sustainable Development: shifting knowledge boundaries, ZedBooks, 1994) a course at the Schumacher College in 1996 and on going work onwomen and biotechnologies. In 2007 I contributed to the EU research projectWONBIT on women and biotechnologies and I continue to work in that field as partof the management team of the What Next Project on convergence technologies andas guest lecturer to the Food, Globalization and Gender Course of the TulaneUniversity at Bolsena, Italy. In 1994 and 1995 I undertook collaborative research work for WIDE on alternativeeconomics from a feminist perspective leading to various policy briefs andmonographs, and I continue to write in that field contributing papers to the IAFFE1

conferences the latest being in Torino <strong>2008</strong> and as a member of a newly constitutedWIDE feminist alternatives working group.From 1997 to 2001 I worked with the World Health Organization on globalizationand health, private-public partnerships and poverty and health resulting in two reportsand three special journal issues.In 1998 I was one of a team of gender trainers for the UN Staff Centre in Torino.From 1997 to 2003 I have worked on a series of studies funded by UNESCO and theRockefeller Foundation on women and the new communication technologies,producing three reports and the book Women@Internet: creating new cultures incyberspace (Zed Books, 1999). I have contributed to several publications on thesubject and given a two week course at the University of Hamburg, workshops inAustralia, Kenya, India, Mexico, Tanzania and USA as part of the internationalWomen on the Net project.From 2001 to 2005 with Professor Arturo Escobar in a 5-year research project fundedby Rockefeller Foundation, leading to two journal issues and a book Women and thePolitics of Place (Kumarian Press, 2005).In 2002 and 2004 I have collaborated in two long-distance learning courses on genderand health for the Open University and have contributed to text books and collectededitions in that area for Global Health Watch, Yale University and the OpenUniversity.From December 2003 to the present I have been Chair of Women in DevelopmentEurope leading the network’s programme of work, including designing the next fouryears of work expanding the focus on economic development and trade to includework on migration and alternatives.From 2004 to 2007 I have coordinated a South Asia research project on PoliticalConflict in South Asia, now in production as a book Political Conflicts and Women inSouth Asia to be published by Zubaan Press 2009.From 2005 to <strong>2008</strong> I have been a member of the steering group establishing theEuropean Feminist Forum and I am now editing the results of the first phase of thatproject.In 2005 I worked as a member of the Expert Group to prepare the backgroundpaper for the UN Division of the Advancement of Women on the BeijingPlatform for Action and the Millennium Declaration and MillenniumDevelopment GoalsIn 2006 I worked on a collaborative research project on gender and social movementsfor UNRISD a policy paper in the series on global social movementsFrom 2006 to the present I have worked as part of the coordinating group of theFeminist Dialogues linked to the World Social Forum Process organising twointernational meetings and editing the final report on radical democracies.In 2007/<strong>2008</strong> I was visiting fellow at Clare Hall Cambridge working on a bookGlobal Body Politics in gender and development to be published by Zed Books in20092

BIODATADate of Birth: 16 April 1959Dual Nationality: Australian/ItalianMarital Status Married, two childrenAddress Via Livorno, 36, 00162, Rome, ItalyCurrent Employer Society for International DevelopmentCurrent Positions: Editor Development and Senior AdvisorChair Women in Development EuropeEDUCATION AND ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS1987Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, The Australian NationalUniversity, Canberra, Australia (thesis title: ‘Medical Discourse Relating to the FemaleBody’)1981Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in History, The Faculty of Arts University ofAdelaide, Adelaide, Australia (thesis title: ‘Tyranny of the Uterus’)PRIZES AND AWARDS2007-8Visiting Fellow Clare Hall University of Cambridge2004Visiting Fellow at WHO Key Centre for Women’s Health, University of Melbourne1982-86Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholarship (held at the Australian National University)1981Tinsdale Scholarship Prize for Honours History1977James Gartrell Prize for Classical Studies ILIST OF PUBLICATIONS<strong>2008</strong>‘Boundary crossing: feminists on transnational migration’, Review Essay, InternationalFeminist Journal of Politics (Summer <strong>2008</strong> in production)‘Women, gender and technology’, Review Essay, SIGNS, Summer, <strong>2008</strong> (in production)‘Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources,and Mobilization’, Review Essay Feminist Economics Summer <strong>2008</strong> (in production)‘Global Women’s Rights Movements: Feminists in Transformation’ in What Next VolumeTwo, Uppsala, Dag Hamarksjold Foundation (in production)‘Heading Blithely down the Garden Path? Some Entry Points into Current Debates onWomen and Biotechnologies’ Chapter One in Women and Biotechnology SpringerPublications (in production)‘In Hot Water: The ecological politics of development’ Editorial Development Volume 51.1Water for People‘Whatever Happened to women, environment and development?’ Editorial DevelopmentVolume 51.2 Gender and Fisheries2007‘The Global Women’s Rights Movement: Power Politics around the UN and WSF’Global Social Movements Policy Paper No 25 Geneva UNRISD‘Trade liberalization, women’s employment and reproductive health: what are the linkages forpolicy and action’?, Euromed Magazine Mediterranean Centre for Women’s Studies, Cyprus3

‘Beyond Us and Them: Migration and global economic development’ Editorial DevelopmentVolume 50.4 Migration‘The Power of Ideas’ Editorial Development Volume 50 Special Issue The Power of Ideas‘Following the Vision of Barbara Ward’ Development Volume 50 Special Issue The Power ofIdeas‘Negotiating Thorny Paths: SID in the 1990s and early 2000s’ Development Volume 50Special Issue The Power of Ideas‘Fifty Titles from the International Development Review and Development – 1959-2006Development’ Volume 50 Special Issue The Power of Ideas‘China: An Emerging power, with a difference’ Editorial Development Volume 50.3 China‘At the Halfway House: Ending Poverty in 2015?’ Editorial Development 50.2 Poverty‘Transforming Democracy’ Editorial Development Volume 50 no 1 Democracy‘Development Celebrating 50 Years’ Development Volume 50 no 1 Democracy‘Beyond Mere Poverty: Thirty Years of North-South Development Cooperation’ Editorial,Sviluppo (Special Issue of Development in Italian).2006‘Big Science: individual hopes, collective risks’ Editorial Development Volume 49 no 4 NewTechnologies and Development‘Ecological justice and rights’ Editorial Development Volume 49 no 3 Conflicts over NaturalResources‘The Politics of Funding’ Editorial Development Volume 49 no 2 Funding Social Change‘Making Change Happen’ Editorial Development Volume 49 no 1 Women’s Rights andDevelopment (also in French and Spanish)Feminist Praxis: Women’s Transnational and Place-Based Struggles for Change, Boston, GTIPaper Series, Frontiers of a Great Transition, no 11‘Cyberfeminism and the body politic’ in Weaving the information society: a gender andmulticultural perspective, Know How Conference Report, PUEG-UNAM-MEXICO‘Transnational Women’s Movements: Power Politics around the UN and the World SocialForum’ in ‘Dehegemonization: The U.S. & Transnational Democracy’, Center for GlobalStudies and the Center for Global Ethics George Mason University2005Background paper ‘Achievements, gaps and challenges in linking the implementation of theBeijing Platform for Action and the Millennium Declaration and Millennium DevelopmentGoals for Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) Expert Group Meeting,EGM/Beijing Platform for Action-MD-MDG/2005/WP.1‘Poverty, Inequality and Insecurity: The Feminist Perspective’ WIDE Annual ConferenceReport WIDE: Brussels‘Gender and Economic Justice: trends, contradictions and dilemmas’, Brussels: VrijeUniversiteit http://www.eurosur.org/wide/Globalisation/<strong>Harcourt</strong>_171005.htm‘Cyberspace as a networking tool for feminists’ labrys, estudos feministas / étudesfeminists,janeiro / julho 2005 - janvier /juillet 2005 (available at:http://www.unb.br/ih/his/gefem/labrys7/cyber/wendy.htm)‘Upping the Stakes’, Editorial, Development 48.4 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights‘Holding Ground: the Challenges for Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health: InDialogue with Sonia Corrêa’, Development 48.4‘Refuting Security Demographics: In Dialogue with Betsy Hartmann’, Development 48.4‘The Culture and Context of Peace’, Editorial, Development 48.3 Peacebuilding throughJustice‘Where the Action is’, Editorial, Development 48.2 The Movement of Movements‘The Millennium Development Goals: A Missed Opportunity?’ Editorial Development 48.1The Millennium Development Goals‘The Global Women’s Rights Movement: Body Politics around the UN and WSF’, WorkingPaper, Geneva, UNRISD4

‘Gender, Globalization and Health’ in Kelley Lee and Collins Jeff (eds) Globalization andHealth: An Introduction, Milton Keynes, Open University‘Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ in Global Health Watch 2005-6, London,Medact‘Gender, Health and Globalization: An International NGO Perspective’ in Iona Kickbuschand Kari Hartwig (eds) Globalization, Gender, and Health in the Twenty-first Century,London, Macmillan Palgrave2004‘What Next?’ (with Arthur Muliro), Development 47.4 Surviving Uncertainty‘Is Corporate Social Responsibility Rewriting Development?’, Development 47.3 CorporateSocial Responsibility‘Health Politics: Taking up the Challenge’, Development 47.2 The Politics of Health‘Develop your Thinking’ Development 47.1 The Violence of Development‘The Road to the UN Millennium Development Goals: Some Insights into the InternationalDebate’, The Hague, NCDO‘Women’s Networking for Change: New Regional and Global Configurations’, Journal ofInterdisciplinary Gender Studies (special issue on Feminist organisations and networks in aglobalising age), Vol 8 Nos 1-2, June 2004‘The Violence of Development’ (with Smitu Kothari), Development 47.12003‘Women on the Net. The Internet as a Tool for Social Transformation’ in Agents of ChangeVirtuality, Gender and the Challenge to the Traditional University, Gabriele Kreutzner andHeidi Schelhowe (eds), Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 2003Poverty Development and Health: A Gender Perspective’, Jijibisha, Journal of PSRN, Vol 4no 1 August 2003, pp. 25-9‘How Can NGOs Build Strategic Alliances for Sexual and Reproductive Rights? A Point ofView by <strong>Wendy</strong> <strong>Harcourt</strong>’, Brussels: Choices, IPPF-EN Autumn 2003, pp27-8The Impact of Transnational Discourses on Local Community Organizing, Development 46.1Building Alliances for Women’s Empowerment, Reproductive Rights and Health,Development 46.2‘Women and the WWW’ in ‘Web Studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age’ DavidGauntlett (ed.), London, Arnold, (second edition)‘Clearing the Path for Collective Compassion’, Editorial, Development 46.4 Development andReligions‘The Changing Face of Migration’, Editorial, Development 46.3 Migration: Citizenship,identity and rightsReproductive Health and Rights Agenda under Attack’, Editorial Development 46.2Globalization, reproductive rights and health (also in Italian)The Global Network Society: New freedoms or old limitations Editorial Development 46.1Mediating Citizenship in the Global Network2002‘In Search of a Democratic Information Age’, Editorial, Development 45.4 Creating GlobalCommunication (also available in French and Spanish)‘Sustainable Development: Who Cares?’ Editorial, Development 45.3 Health and SustainableDevelopment‘From Uncertainty to Transformation: Civil Society Responses to September 11’, Editorial,Development 45.2 Is Another World Possible?‘Social Justice at the Crossroads’, Editorial, Development 45.1 Place, Politics and Justice,women negotiating globalization.‘Politische Frauenorganizationen: Neuen Kulturen im Cyberspace Schaffen’ Feminist SpacesFrauen im Netz, Ulrike Helmer Verlag (ed.), Berlin: Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, pp 11-275

‘Women on the Net: The Internet as a Tool for Social Transformation’ in ‘Designed forInnovation: Virtual Gender-Focused Projects’, Heide‘Body politics: Revisiting the Population Question’ in Kriemild Saunders (ed.), Developmentor Post Development, London: Zed Books‘Strategies for Empowering Women on the Internet’ in Feminist Challenges in theInformation Age, Christiane Floyd Govind Kelkar, Silvie Klein-Franke, Cheris Kramarae(eds) Berlin, University of Berlin‘Conversations: Visions for the Future’ with Arturo Escobar, Women, Culture andDevelopment: Tracing a Field,Eenvisioning the Future, John Foran, Kum-kum Bhavnani andPriya Kurian (eds), London: Zed BooksGuest editor of special edition on Food Security of Politica Internazionale, no 3 June 2002‘Women and the Politics of Place’ with Arturo Escobar, Development 45.1‘Fleshly Politics: Women’s Bodies, Politics and Globalization, with Khawar Mumtaz,Development 45.1‘Women’s Networking and Alliance Building: The Politics of Organizing in and aroundPlace’, with Lila Rabinovich and Fatma Alloo, Development 45.12001‘Globalization’, La Enciclopedia Italiana Rome, Mondiale‘Civil Society Responds to Globalization’, Politica Internazionale 1/2, Jan/April 2001, pp.47-51‘Women on the Net’: Strategies for Empowering Women on the Internet in ‘Situated Strategyand Networking: Creating Global Communication Projects’ Silvie Klein (ed.) IFU‘The Personal and the Political: Women using the Internet’, Kommunikation Global 14,February 2001 pp. 30-3‘Politics of Place and Racism in Australia: a Personal Exploration’, Meridians, vol 1 no 2, pp.194-207‘Women on the Net: the Internet as a Tool for Social Transformation’ in ‘Designed forInnovation: Virtual Gender-Focussed Projects’, Berlin: Heinrich-Bol-Stiftung undFeministiches Institute‘The Capabilities Approach for Poor Women: empowerment strategies towards genderequality, health and well-being’ in Justice and Poverty: Examining Sen’s CapabilityApproach http://www.hdca.org‘Women and the Politics of Place: An Introduction’, with Arturo Escobar and MichalOsterweil, a paper written for the Society for International Development Research Project‘Power Culture and Justice: Women and the Politics of Place’‘Women’s Health, Poverty and Globalization’, Development 44.1 Partnership in Health andPoverty‘People not Commodities: The Political Challenge of Food Security’, with Elena Mancusi-Materi, Editorial, Development 44.4 Food Security and Livelihoods‘At the Heart of Body Politics’, Editorial, Development 44,3 Violence against women and theculture of masculinity‘The Intersection of Child Rights and Women’s Rights’, Editorial, Development 44.2Women’s rights and child rights‘Freedom for the Poor’, Editorial, Development 44.1(also available in French and Spanish)Partnership in Health and Poverty2000‘Social Justice: The On-going Challenge’, Editorial, Development 43. 4 Past, Post and FutureDevelopment‘Peoples’ Movements: The Unsung Peace Negotiators’, Editorial, Development volume 43 no3 People’s Peace Movements‘From Seattle to Geneva’, Editorial, Development 43. 2 Commitments and Challenges:Reviewing Social Development6

‘In partnership with children’, Editorial, Development 43.1 A Children’s Agenda for a NewMillennium‘‘Bringing Women's Voices into the Dialogue on Technology Policy and Globalization inAsia’ by Swasti Mitter and Sheila Rowbotham Comments by <strong>Wendy</strong> <strong>Harcourt</strong>’, InternationalFeminist Journal of Politics, Autumn 2:3 402-4‘Creating Cultures in Cyberspace: Women on the Net’ Das Argument no 238, December 2000Brief Annotated Bibliography on Gender, Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health withPamela Marchucci-Nichols, Rome: AIDOS‘Women, Gender and the Internet’ CyberPsychology and Behavior3. 5, 2000, pp.693-7‘World Wide Women and the Web’, Web.Studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the DigitalAge, David Gauntlett (ed.), London, Arnold‘Revisiting ‘Five Years After Beijing’’ Frauen solidaritat Magazine‘NGO Activities on Gender Equity’, UNFPA State of the World Population 2000, New York,UNFPA‘Women’s Empowerment through the Internet’ Asian Women Vol 10, 2000, pp. 19-31‘Rethinking Difference and Equality: Women and the Politics of Place’ Afterword in ArifDirlik and Roxann Prazniak (eds) Places, Identities and Politics in an Age of GlobalizationNew York, Rowan and Littlefield‘Women and the Politics of Place: Rethinking Cultural Diversity, Equity and Difference inResponse to Globalization’, Lourdes Arizpe (ed.), Third World Report on Culture andDevelopment, Paris, UNESCO1999‘Cyborg Melody: An Introduction to Women on the Net (WoN)’ in <strong>Harcourt</strong>, W. (ed.)Women@Internet: Creating New Cultures in Cyberspace, London, Zed Books‘Weaving together the Virtual and the Actual’ in <strong>Harcourt</strong>, W. (ed.) Women@Internet:Creating New Cultures in Cyberspace, London, Zed Books‘Linking Up: Moving Centre Stage’, Connections, Vrouwenberaad number 13/14, MarchWomen in the Digital Age: Using Technology for Empowerment’ SID/UNESCO OccasionalPapers (available in French and English)‘On the Road to Social Justice: Assessing Cairo’ Development 42.1, pp.100-3‘Women on the Net: Women Crossing Boundaries through ICTs’ Development Education ,5.3, June, pp.9-12‘Spotlight on SID-WID: Opening Up Spaces’, Connections, Vrouwenberaad number 16,DecemberLinking Up Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing+5 Reviews Towards the 21st Century, Brussels/Rome, WIDE/Vrouwenberaad/SID-WID‘Reproductive Health and Rights in Context: Five Years after the Cairo Conference onPopulation and Development’, SID Occasional Paper‘Partnership for Health Equity’, Editorial, Development 42.4 Responses to Globalization:Rethinking Development and Equity‘The Politics of Aid in the Age of Globalization’, Editorial, Development 42.3 The Politics ofAid: A New Framework for Development Cooperation‘Greening Development: The Politics of the 1990s’, Editorial, Development 42.2Environmental Politics‘Reproductive Health and Rights and the Quest for Social Justice’ Editorial, Development42.1 Reproductive Rights and Health (available in English, French, Kiswahili, Italian,Spanish, Urdu, Portuguese)1998Editorial Development Volume 41 .4 Europe and Africa the Search for a New Partnership‘Sustainable Livelihoods and Governance: Our Role as Intermediaries in Local/GlobalEncounters’, Editorial, Development 41.3 Sustainable Livelihoods Communities Negotiatingfor Social Change7

‘Creating ‘Glocality’ (with Arturo Escobar), Editorial Development 41.2 Globalism and thePolitics of Place‘Strategies for Social Justice’, Editorial, Development 41.1 Consumption, Civil Action andSustainable Development‘Women and Cyberculture: Communication Transgressions’ Futures 30.213, pp. 248-58‘Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development: A Journey into the Future’, FutureGenerations Journal 24, pp. 13-22‘Women and Globalization: The Making of the Second Class Citizens’, Women’s StudiesJournal 20.2‘An International Annotated Guide to Women Working on the Net’ SID/UNESCOOccasional Papers (reprinted 1999)1997‘An Analysis of Reproductive Health: Myths, Resistance and New Knowledge’ in <strong>Harcourt</strong>,W. (ed.) Power: Reproduction and Gender. The Intergenerational Transfer of Knowledge,London, Zed Books‘Moving from the Private to the Public Domain’ in <strong>Harcourt</strong>, W. (ed.) Power: Reproductionand Gender:The Intergenerational Transfer of knowledge, London, Zed Books‘Five Years After Beijing: A Fantasy for a Just and Enabling Economy’, Church and SocietyJan/Feb pp. 78-88‘Women in the Age of Economic Transformation’ Review of Political Economy 9.3, pp.358-60‘From the South to the North: Evolving Perspectives on Gender and Poverty’ (with FatmaAlloo) Gender and Development 5.3, pp.9 –17‘The Search for Social Justice’, lead article, Development 40.1 Forty years in Development‘Bringing Marginal Voices to the Centre’, Editorial Development 40.4 A Global Crisis ofImagination Responses from Santiago‘Of Politics and Institutions’, Development 40.3 Globalization New institutions, newpartnerships, new lives‘Coming to Terms with Globalization’ (with Franck Almaric), Development 40.2Globalization Opening Up Spaces for Civic Engagement1996‘Global Perspective or an Information Divide?’ The Women of Europe Dossier, August-October Vol X no 44, pp. 20-3‘Defying Marginalization, On the Road from Beijing’, WIDE Background Paper, Brussels‘Food Security: Finding a Collective Political Will’, Editorial, Development 1996.4‘The Role of Civil Society: Negotiating New Relations between Market and State’, Editorial,Development 1996.3‘Which Way for Africa?’, Editorial, Development 1996.21995‘Five Years After Beijing: A Fantasy for a Just and Enabling Economy’, Afterword to ACommitment to the World’s Women, Noeleen Heyzer (ed.), New York, UNIFEM‘Globalization of the Economy: A European Perspective’, Brussels, CREW‘Biography of the Bemoth: The World Bank Observed’, Ceres: The FAO Review 153.27‘Cultural Changes in Women’s Life Stages: Issues in Culture and Development,’UNESCO/SID Special Monograph for UN Fourth Conference on Women‘Towards Alternative Economics from a European Perspective’, (with Lois Woestman andLouise Grogan), WIDE Background Paper, Brussels‘Beijing: Some Hard Challenges Ahead’, Editorial, Development 1995.1‘The People’s Economy’, Editorial, Development 1995.319948

‘Introduction’ in <strong>Harcourt</strong>, W. (ed.) Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development:Shifting Knowledge Boundaries, London, Zed Books‘Negotiating Positions in the Sustainable Development Debate: Situating the FeministPerspective’ in <strong>Harcourt</strong>, W. (ed.) Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development:Shifting Knowledge Boundaries, London, Zed Books‘Feminism, Body, Self: Third Generation Feminism’ in Psychoanalysis and Feminism, andthe Future of Gender, Joseph H. Smith and Afaf Mahfouz (eds), Baltimore, John HopkinsUniversity PressThe European NGDO Debate on Population and Development, Monograph, Brussels (Frenchand English)‘From Rio to Cairo’ Focus Issue 50, Summer‘A People-Centred Agenda for Cairo’ The Network no 39, August‘Dangerous Liaisons: Population and Development Dialogues’, Development 1994.1, pp. 10-13‘Le Donne Vittime del Liberalisom Economico’ Il futuro Che Ci Unisce, Bologna EMI‘The Globalization of the Economy: An International Gender Perspective’ A Wider VisionBrussels, IRIS, pp. 55-60‘Five Years After Beijing: A Fantasy for a Just and Enabling Economy’, Development1994.4, pp. 39-45‘The Globalization of an Economy: An International Gender Perspective’, Focus on Gender2.3, pp.6-14‘Women, Sexuality and the Family’ in Women and the Family prepared by Helen O’ConnellLondon, Zed Books‘Ecofeminism’, Development 1994.3‘Is Population Growth the Issue?’, Editorial, Development 1994.31993‘Alternative Economics from a Gender Perspective’, Vena, University of Leiden, October‘Negotiating Positions beyond the Nature/Culture Split’, Development 1993:4‘Women, Sexuality and the Family’, Development 1993.41992‘Paradigm Shifts: Reflections on the World Women's Congress’ Development 1992:1 (alsoavailable in Spanish)‘Sex, Lies and Population Control: A View from the North’, Power, Population and theEnvironment: Women Speak, compiled by Gillian Phillips, Toronto, WEED Foundation(translated into Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French)WIDE Bulletin Volume three n 7-9‘Women, Environment and Development from a Northern Perspective’ Women in Action ISISInternational 4/92 and 1/931991‘The Gender Response to the Gulf War’, Development 1991:1‘Young Women and Life Choices’, Rome SID Occasional Papers‘Europe in Transition: Views from the South’, Rome SID Occasional PapersWIDE Bulletin Volume two n 4-61990‘Bio-Medical Interventions Young Women's Choice or Control’, Development 1990:1‘Popular Communication: Four Case Studies’, Development 1990:2 (in Spanish)‘World Without Borders: East Asia and Pacific Region’, Rome SID Occasional PapersWIDE Bulletin Volume one n 1-31989‘Biotechnology and Women: Control or Choice?’ Development 1989:1/29

1988‘Gender, Culture and Reproduction, North and South’, Development 1988:2/310

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