Leaves are turning - Wise County Messenger

Leaves are turning - Wise County Messenger Leaves are turning - Wise County Messenger

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ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008 3By JIM MILLERDear Savvy Senior,I’m interested in getting <strong>are</strong>verse mortgage but havebeen hearing a lot about thegrowing problem of scamsand abuse happening in theindustry. What can you tellme about this and what canI do to protect myself if I decideto more forward?Cash Poor PaulDear Paul,The reverse mortgage industryhas been booming inrecent years. Unfortunately,the popularity has attractedsome aggressive, greedymortgage brokers and insuranceagents looking totake advantage of unwaryseniors. Here’s what youshould know.While a reverse mortgagecan be a godsend to helpcash-strapped seniors generateextra money to supplementtheir retirementneeds or wants, they’re notfor everyone and you have tobe c<strong>are</strong>ful who you’re dealingwith.As you may already know,a reverse mortgage is a loanthat lets homeowners, age62 and older, convert part ofthe equity in their home intoontinued from 2year. Grassburs have beenreally bad this summerand fall. The burs <strong>are</strong> actuallynext year’s seeds. You’llneed to treat with Betasan,Balan, Dimension or Teamtwo weeks before your averagelast killing freeze datein early spring, then again90 days later. (For readerswho have goatheads withtheir fern-like leaves, usea broadleafed weedkillerspray during the growingseason.)Dear Neil: What can I useto promote better floweringof my hibiscus next year?Use a high-nitrogen fertilizerevery few weeks allspring, summer and earlyfall to keep it growing actively.Full sun brings outthe best blooming.■SAVVY SENIORtax-free income that doesn’thave to be paid back as longas they live there. But reversemortgages <strong>are</strong> complexand expensive so it’s criticalthat you understand whatyou’re getting into. Here <strong>are</strong>some tips to help you protectyourself and avoid making amistake.Do you reallyneed one?While a reverse mortgageis a handy financial tool forgenerating cash it’s not theonly way. The up-front coststo get a reverse mortgagecan exceed 10 percent of theloan making it an expensiveoption if you’re interestedin borrowing only a smallamount or if you plan tomove in a few years. In suchcases, you may be better offtaking out a home-equityline of credit, or you may beable to generate more incomeby selling your homeand moving to a less expensiveplace.Watch the sales pitchIf you think a reversemortgage could benefit you,look out for pushy salespeoplewho try to sell you highpricedfinancial products(usually a deferred annuityor long-term-c<strong>are</strong> policy)GARDENER’S MAILBAGHave a question you’dlike Neil to consider? Mailit to him in c<strong>are</strong> of the <strong>Wise</strong>along with their loan, in attemptto boost their commissions.If this happens,it’s a red flag, bow out, andgo elsewhere. Buying an annuitywith reverse-mortgageproceeds r<strong>are</strong>ly makes sensebecause you’re unlikely toearn more with an annuitythan you <strong>are</strong> being chargedin interest and fees on thereverse mortgage. Purchasinga long-term c<strong>are</strong> policydoesn’t make much sense eitherbecause if you’ve got toborrow money to be able topay for a policy, then you’reprobably not a good candidatefor one.Get helpBefore taking out a reversemortgage, the federalgovernment requires you tofirst talk with an independentcounselor who can helpyou understand the plusesand minuses (it’s free). Howeverthe quality of counselingvaries, so it’s a good ideato talk to a few differentcounselors to get a variety ofviews. To find reverse mortgagecounselors in your <strong>are</strong>ayou have several options –HUD (800-569-4287); AARPReverse Mortgage EducationProgram (800-209-8085); National Foundationfor Credit Counseling (866-698-6322); and Money ManagementInternational (877-908-2227). And if you wanta more rigorous analysis ofwhether a reverse mortgagemakes sense for you, consulta fee-only financial planner.You can search for one atwww.napfa.org or www.garrettplanningnetwork.com.Savvy Tips: The ReverseMortgage Lenders Associationprovides a state by statedirectory of reliable banksand reverse mortgage lenderson their Web site at www.reversemortgage.org. Comp<strong>are</strong>rates and terms fromat least three lenders beforemaking a decision. And tolearn more about reversemortgages, AARP offers agreat consumer resource atwww.aarp.org/money/revmort,or call (800) 209-8085and order their free booklet“Home Made Money.”■Send your senior questionsto: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box5443, Norman, OK 73070, orvisit www.savvysenior.org.Jim Miller is a contributorto the NBC Today show andauthor of “The Savvy Senior”book.<strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, P.O. Box149, Decatur, TX 76234 or e-mail him at mailbag@sperrygardens.com.Neil regretsthat he cannot reply to questionsindividually.Jim Walter Homes makes it affordable to build a new home right now.$699/mo. *SubscribeOnline.www.wcmessenger.com/subscribe• TreatedWood Sheds• Steel Carports• Barns• Hunting Cabins• Cabins• GaragesDelivery available.42with Zero Down . **PORTABLE BUILDINGSDERKSENMany Styles & SizesTo Choose FromOr Custom OrderWe can move your buildingPurchase or Rent To Own3552 South Hwy. 287Decatur TX, (Next to Smith RV)Big D’s Buildings940-627-7934 or 817-994-0826Come learn & grow with us aswe count our blessings inNovember!For more information on ourprogram & themed curriculumvisitwww.pettitprivateschool.com940-627-8393 Decatur or 817-489-2318 AuroraPresented byAmanda P. Lovette, M.D. and StaffBoard Certified in General PediatricsAPPENDICITISAppendicitis is the infl ammation(usually caused by infection) of theappendix, which is a small fi ngerlikeextension of the large intestine.Symptoms of appendicitis includeabdominal pain that starts around thebelly button and migrates down andto the right. One helpful indicator ofinfection is an elevated white bloodcell count, which is a marker ofinfection in the body. Ultrasound testscan also be helpful in diagnosis. It isa challenge to diagnose appendicitis,and especially so with young children.Abdominal pain in children is oneof the most common and vaguestsymptoms, and can suggest anythingfrom innocent constipation to seriousinfections. Pediatricians advisep<strong>are</strong>nts that any abdominal painshould be evaluated for appendicitis.Diagnosing appendicitis requiresspecial knowledge and skill. Speak witha highly trained and compassionatedoctor at LOVETTE PEDIATRICS.We offer comprehensive, coordinatedand family centered clinical c<strong>are</strong>with the goal of supporting familiesin the promotion of children’s health.Please call (940) 627-8044 for anappointment. Our office is locatedat 2014 Ben Merritt Drive, Suite B,Decatur. For your convenience, we’reopen M -Th 8am to 5pm and F 8amto noon. Healthy Futures Start Here.Flu season is here. Call tomake an appointment toget your child vaccinated.P.S. Because no single test or findingis 100 percent accurate and reliable indiagnosing appendicitis, the doctor mustpiece together all available information.www.lovettepediatrics.comThe Arlington ModelLarge Covered Front Porch1-800-944-1604Hurry! This SpecialPrice Available for aLimited Time.Trust America’s largest on your lot builder.www.jimwalterhomes.com*Based on Arlington at $78,000 home purchase including the 100% complete home on standard foundation, basic lot prep and water/sewer line hook-ups in a standard wind zone, built on your level lot/property with water/sewer or well/septicalready available. Does not include options you may select, special code items, impact or TAP fees. Prior sales excluded. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Limited time offer subject to change without notice. **Finance amount of $84,096includes estimated prepaids and closing costs. 30-year fixed rate mortgage financing at 6.50% (7.112% APR) for 30 years with Zero Down Payment (based on rates as of 10/7/08). Assumes sufficient land equity and ability to qualify for FHA-insuredmortgage through 3rd-party lender. Rates subject to change at any time due to market fluctuation. Home photo may include additions, options or modifications not part of our standard offerings. Specifications and plans subject to change andelimination. Shrubs and landscaping added for effect. Room sizes <strong>are</strong> approximate. State license numbers: AL-523, FL-CRC057112, LA-81939, TN-23042, MS-R00356, NC-10840, SC-19514.©2008 Jim Walter Homes, Inc. Copyright strictly enforced.

4 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008SUBVARSITY SPORTSBoysFootballJunior varsityBridgeport 18Decatur 14BHS standouts — JasonMitchell helped save the day forthe Bulls as he had an interception,a fumble recovery and returneda punt 65 yards for thewinning touchdown. Also in defense,Austin Hicks had somecrucial hits in third and fourthdown situations in the secondhalf. Christian Cordova alsostepped up defensively and evensniffed out a screen pass for abig loss. Offensively, Matt Minixfound the end one a 29-yard run,while Dustin Green score fromthree yards out.DHS standouts — Not providedBHS coach’s comments: Astout defense helped achievethe goal of becoming undefeateddistrict champions.BHS records: 10-0, 5-0Decatur 26Vernon 12DHS standouts — AlejandoBeltran rushed for two touchdownsand 112 yards for realstate to lead the Eagles to anothervictory over Vernon. AlecTorres also had his way with theLions as he rushed for 90 yardsand had a TD pass. Zack Fordfinished with 24 yards rushingand one touchdown. The defensewas just as impressive smotheringVernon all night long. PrestonCone led the way for Decaturwith a team-high 11 tackles.Nick Mackenrodt did not take iteasy on the Lions as he rackedup seven tackles. Bobby Byrdwas dominating as well after thefinished with four tackles andthree sacks.DHS coach’s comments: Theoffensive line of Ryan Maxson,Jacob Murphy, Caleb Montez,Rhino Cangley and Dusty Humphreycontrolled the line ofscrimmage all night and helpedthe offense rack up 288 yards.Player highlights were John“Wayne Harris sacking the quarterbackon the last play.FreshmenParadise 6Boyd 18PHS standouts — The Panthersgot a crucial fumble recoveryby Caleb Godin to help setup their only score and avoida shutout. Godin scooped up afumble and returned it 91 yardsbefore he was tackled in from ofthe end zone. Paradise scoredright after that on a 4-yard TDrun by Chase Reynolds.BHS standouts — Not providedBridgeport 48Decatur 49BHS standouts — TrentSchuett accounted for fourtouchdowns in a narrow lossto Decatur. He scored on runsof 25 and 53 yards, and had a53-yard TD pass to Garrett Mullinsand a 56 yarder to CameronKing to lead the offense. Mullinsalso had two touchdown runs of25 and 64 yards. Kicker FernandoDelgadillo was good on sixpoint-after tries.DHS standouts — Not providedBHS coach’s comments:The defense had two four-downstops in the first quarter thatwere huge. Jacob Garcia, ParkerEaton, Blas Hernandez, DaltonBracken and King were big ondefense. This was a great offensiveshowdown. We executedwell on offense all night. Theonly glaring problem was turnovers.BHS records: 7-3, 4-1Paradise 22Ponder 0Panther standouts — ChaseReynolds scored the only touchdownParadise needed when hebroke free for a 54-yard touchdownrun. He then caught theconversion pass. Josh Pewitthauled in a 28-yard TD pass inthe second quarter which wascapped by a conversion run viaKyle Potteiger. The Pantherpounced on a fumble to set uptheir next score. That’s when LoganBailey ran in from 27 yardsout to complete the score.PHS record: 5-5Eighth gradeDecatur A 20Bridgeport A 12BMS standouts — Colby Mahonhad touchdown runs of 38and 5 yards to lead the Bulls inthe season finale. Kyle Meyerand Jake Hulsey recovered fumblesto lead the defense.DMS standouts — Not providedBMS coach’s comments:Bridgeport A 50Kirby A 0BMS standouts —QuarterbackColby Mahon scored fourtouchdowns and the Bull defensepitched a shot out to pick upan easy win. Mahon connectedwith Jacob Kerr on a 20-yard TDpass, while Gage Huerta scoredon a 43-yard catch and BlakeArrington celebrated with a 37-yard scoring catch. Arringtonalso scored the first points ofthe night on an 8-yard run. KyleMeyer added a 20-yard TD runand Mahon blasted into the endDo you have a hearing problem?Do you have an understandingproblem?zone on an 18-yard run. Meyer,Mahon and Huerta were alsosuccessful runs. Dillion Waldrepand Juan Rivera led the defensewith fumble recoveries.BMS coach’s comments: Wewere able to execute proficientlythe whole game. Defensively,we were able to put a lot ofpressure on them with our basedefense.BMS records: 5-2, 3-1Paradise A 36Alvord A 22PJHS — The Panthers gottouchdown runs of 75, 45 andfive yards from Jarrett Roper towin the game and clinch the districtchampionship. Roper alsoran in three, two-point conversions.Dylan Hightower foundthe end zone twice on runs of45 and 20 yards. Defensively,Hightower had an interceptionand Keaton Hickman caused afumble.AJHS standouts — Not providedPJHS record: 7-1Santo A 14Bridgeport B 8BHS standouts — ValentineSan Augistine score this team’sonly touchdown on a 70-yardrun. Blake Thompson score theconversion run for the Bulls.Bridgeport B 26Kirby B 0BMS standouts — Vidal SanAugistine had touchdown runsof 15 and 11 yards to lead theBulls to victory. Scott Trickel,who scored a conversion run,threw a 15-yard TD pass to CesarAmador. Amador also had an11-yard touchdown run. Defensively,Nick Smith recovered afumble and Leonardo Para hadtwo quarterback sacks.BMS records: 2-3-1, 1-1-1Call us to schedule yourhearing examination &consultation.Our promise to you. We promiseOur promise to you. We promise totoprovideprovideyouyouwith outstandingwith outstandingcustomercustomer c<strong>are</strong> and state-of-the-art c<strong>are</strong> and state-of-theartinstruments hearing to instruments help you hear better. to helphearingyou Satisfaction hear better. with your Satisfaction new hearing withyour instruments new hearing is our top instrumentspriority. We willis guide our top you through priority. the We important will guide stepsyou to improve through your the hearing important and get you stepsto back improve to your your daily life. hearing and getyou back to your daily life.Decatur B 6Bridgeport B 14BMS standouts — Scott Trickelhad a 3-yard touchdown runand scored on the conversionin the fourth quarter to lead histeam past Decatur. Vidal SanAugistine scored in the secondquarter on an 80-yard run. TylerRhine had a quarterback sackand Nick Smith recovered afumble.DMS standouts — Not providedBMS coach’s comments: Theteam ended their season on avery positive note. Cyler Stuart,Shawn James, Eddie Viverosand Ethan Hunter did a greatjob blocking at the receiverspots for Vidal. We scored thewinning touchdown on a fourthdownplay. Mark Garrison, LeonardoParra, Jesse Smith, CalebSkarke, Diego Barbosa and TylerRhine all made big plays for usdown the stretch.BMS records: 3-3-1, 2-1-1Seventh gradeParadise A 0Alvord A 30PJHS standout: Tanner Valentinewas the top offensive playeras he coaches praised him forhis running and throwing.AJHS standouts — Not providedPJHS record: 5-3Bridgeport A 0Decatur A 30BMS standouts — Ryan Meyersand Wyatt Day were theleaders for the day as they hadseveral tackles behind the lineof scrimmage.DMS standouts — Not providedBMS coach’s comments:We played a tough team. Wehad some success running theball with Nino Johnson, DerrickJu<strong>are</strong>z, Brayden Garrettand Hunter Gantt. However, wemade too many mistakes tokeep drives alive. On defense,Zack Carstens and BraydenByrd were solid and slowed theDHS running game. We madea lot of progress this year andI’m looking forward to see thesekids have a great season nextyear.BMS records: 2-5-1, 2-2-1GirlsVolleyballJunior varsityBridgeport 18 25 23Burkburnett 25 18 25Sissie standouts — JordynHulsey dished out 21 assists,three digs and two aces in aclose loss. Becky Grinnell ledthe offense with a match-high 10kills, two more than Macey Robinsonwith eight. Madyson Hancockadded six kills and threedigs while Kaleisha Haynes andEmily Price slammed two killseach.Bridgeport coach’s comments:It is hard to end such asuccessful season with a loss.However, it is easy for me to saythat the girls played hard andtogether. It has been a successfulseason and every athlete hadshown a tremendous amountof improvement. The future forvolleyball looks bright with thisgroup.Sissie records: 23-13, 7-3FreshmenBridgeport 26 8 17Get Your Smile Back!Extractions • ReplacementDentures • Crowns • Partials• Bridges • ImplantsGENERAL DENTAL CLINIC/IN-HOUSE LABORATORYsmDENTURESSTARTING AT$395A SETSMThomas John Kennedy of Texas, DDS, P.L.L.C. and AssociatesSMThomas John KennedyGeneralof Thomas Texas,Dentistry John DDS, Kennedy P.L.L.C. of Texas, and DDS, Associates P.L.L.C. and AssociatesJohn F. Bell, DDS • G. A. Ladd, DDS • LaShaun Shaw, DDS940-566-0127Burkburnett 24 25 25Sissie standouts — TaylorHenson and Ann Turlington hadfour assists each but it was notenough to hold off the Bulldogs.Continued on page 11Toll Free 866-940-0127 Toll Free 866-940-0127Toll Free 866-940-01272317 W. University 2317 • W. Denton, University • TX Denton, TX2317 W. University Denton, TXInsurance 2317 Accepted W. University • Financing • Denton, Available (W.A.C.) TXEXTRACTIONSWITHDENTURESSTARTING AT$49 PERTOOTHExtractions • Replacement Dentur esCr owns • Partials • Bridges • ImplantsDentures& Dental ServicesSMWest Boyd Car C<strong>are</strong>Thanksgiving Blow Out SaleSAVE SAVE SAVETire SaleFri., Nov. 21 • 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.Sat., Nov. 22 • 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.Passenger & Light Truck SaleAll SizesCash & CarryWe do alignments, tirebalancing & rotationsCall and ask about ourother services!Manager: Bill Pettis2031 Hwy 114 E. (Between FM 51 S. & Boyd)940-433-2361SAVEmoney with0%Interest0% FINANCING FOR UP TO 60 MONTHSOR CHOOSE CASH BACK! *It’s Value Bonanza, and that means it’s time for 0% financing or choose cashback on these select New Holland tractors:Introducing Zon from Starkey. Where art meets science.With its advanced technology, Zon automatically adjusts to the mostchallenging listening conditions. With its sleek design that contoursthe shape of your ear, Zon provides a comfortable yet discreetsolution for your hearing. Whether you’ve tried wearing a hearingaid or not, you won’t believe the difference. Try on the mostmodern, automatic and reliable hearing aid available today.The technology doesn’t get anybetter than this.Dr. Judy DeMorestBoard Certified AudiologistENT & Allergy Clinic, PAJoanne Pham, M.D.1600 W. US Business 380, Suite ADecatur, Texas 76234940-627-7997 tractors (18-60 hp)Don’t miss these outstanding fall deals! Program ends November 30, 2008,so stop by today or visit www.newholland.com/na for complete details.D.A.C.on FostenFosten is in Mrs. Tracy's Pre-KII class. He enjoys puttingtogether puzzles and learningthrough playing games. Comejoin Fosten and his friends onthis fun learning adventure.For more information on howyour child can have this muchfun, call 940-626-4444.S P OT L I G H T701 Deer Park, Decatur • 940-626-4444WE SERVICE What We SELL!DEALER NAME/LOGO HEREUS Hwy. 287 South, Decatur • 940-627-2198www.mcmasternewholland.comDEALER NAME/LOGO HEREMon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m, Sat., 8 a.m. - Noon*For agricultural use. Offer subject to CNH Capital America LLC credit approval. See your New Holland dealer for details andeligibility requirements. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through November 30, 2008, atparticipating New Holland dealers in the United States. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional optionsor attachments not included in price. © 2008 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital <strong>are</strong> registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.

6 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008CROSSWORD PUZZLECOME JOIN US FOR A THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION!!Friday and Saturday, November 21-228 a.m. - 5 p.m.30% OFF on All Express Washes and Wash and Shines20% OFF on All appointments set through the end of November15% off Gift CertificatesEnter Drawing for the chance to win a free Detail or Gift CertificateFree Hot Dogs, Chips, Popcorn and a drink (Saturday only)Ask us about our Accessories and Tires!**Bring a new, unwrapped toy or any canned good to be donated toWARM for Decatur residents in need**1717 S. Hwy 287 • Decatur940-627-719808 Ford Focus SE‘08 CloseoutWe’ve GotYour Car and aLoan To Match!Submit YOURlocal news...www.wcmessenger.com/submit#11437; MSRP $17,880; FACTORY REBATE $2,500;FORD CREDIT BONUS CASH $500; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $1,54608 Ford Edge SELARRY’S NICE PRICE$13,334LARRY’S NICE PRICE$21,149#11185; MSRP $27,005; FACTORY REBATE $4,000; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $1,85608 Ford Fusion SELARRY’S NICE PRICE$15,880#11425; MSRP $21,370; FACTORY REBATE $3,500; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $1,99009 Ford Flex SELARRY’S NICE PRICE$25,53408 Ford F150 Super Crew#11492; MSRP $30,270; FACTORY REBATE $2,500; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $2,236LARRY’S NICE PRICE$17,9640% FINANCING FOR UP TO 60 MONTHSON CASE IH FARMALL SERIES TRACTORS *CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR TRACTOR PACKAGE DEALS#11198; MSRP $28,920; FACTORY REBATE $6,500;FORD CREDIT BONUS CASH $1,000; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $3,456PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. PRICES ARE BASED ON FACTORY INCENTIVES IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF PRINTING AND CURRENTLY EXPIRE NOVEMBER 18,BUT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.Visit us at thedealership oronline at:larryslack.com

8 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008By TANYA DAVIS<strong>Wise</strong> Co. Extesnion AgentFor those of you in need ofa great dessert made by expertcooks, the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Extension LeadershipAdvisoryBoard has just thesolution.They <strong>are</strong> sponsoringa bake sale onNov. 21 in order toraise funds to supportthe Jim FrankHornback Scholarship.Each year an$1,800 scholarshipis awarded to a deserving<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>FFA or 4-H member whois planning to major in anagriculture related field at aTexas college or university.Pre-orders <strong>are</strong> now beingtaken for homemade pumpkinand pecan pies. Prices<strong>are</strong> $12 for pumpkin and $16for pecan. Pies will be readyfor pick-up at the Extensionoffice on Friday Nov. 21 from8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call the Extensionoffice at (940) 627-WISE NOTES FOR CONSUMERS3341 to place your order.Thanksgiving is justaround the corner, and Iknow many of you <strong>are</strong> alreadyplanning for the bigday. Alice Henneman, fromDAVISNebraska Extension,has somegreat tips for thosewho may be planningto prep<strong>are</strong>their turkey oneday ahead of time.Wait about 20minutes after removingturkeyfrom the oven toallow the juicesto distribute.Slice breast meat;legs and wings may be leftwhole. Place turkey in shallowcontainers; limit depthto less than 2 inches. Metalcontainers cool faster thanglass-type pans.Also, refrigerate any brothsaved for making gravy inshallow containers. Refrigerateturkey loosely covered.You can place loosely coveredfoods in the refrigeratorwhile still warm; covertightly when food is completelycooled. When servingyour turkey the next day,the USDA Meat and PoultryHotline advises that cookedturkey may be eaten coldor reheated. To reheat yourturkey, USDA gives the followingrecommendations:Set the oven temperatureno lower than 325 degrees F.Reheat turkey to an internaltemperature of 165 degreesF. Use a food thermometerto check the internal temperature.To keep the turkeymoist, add a little broth orwater and cover.If you plan to use the microwaveoven, cover yourfood and rotate it for evenheating. Allow standingtime. Check the internaltemperature of your foodwith a food thermometer tomake sure it reaches 165 degreesF.If you’re planning to traveland bring the turkey, it’ssafest and easiest to travelwith it pre-cooked and cold.Carry it in an insulated coolerwith lots of ice or frozengel-packs to keep the coolertemperature under 40 degreesFahrenheit. Then reheatthe turkey at your finaldestination.After your meal, eitherfreeze leftover turkey orplan to eat it within threeor four days of the day itwas originally prep<strong>are</strong>d. Eatgravy within one to two daysof original preparation date.Once removed from theoven, the reheated turkeyshouldn’t set at room temperaturelonger than twohours total time. For bestsafety and quality, avoid reheatingand cooling turkeymultiple times. Discard anyturkey, stuffing and gravyleft out at room temperaturelonger than two hours or onehour in temperatures above90 degrees Fahrenheit.Shift ratesintolowJohn Winder, D.D.S., Inc.F A M I L Y D E N T I S T RY5 0 1 S . W A S H B U R N • D E C A T U R940-627-2514BRIDGEPORTGUNS &AMMODEERPROCESSING• Buy • Sell • TradeConsignments Welcome!• New & Used Guns• Reloading Supplies• Gunsmithing• Bluing• ArcheryLeft to right:John Winder,D.D.S.Paige Winder,D.D.S.Timothy Casey,D.D.S.Travis Caddell,D.D.S.1691 W. US Hwy. 380Bridgeport940-683-1777By ADRIAN ARREDONDO<strong>Wise</strong> Co. Extension AgentIt is my opinion that most livestock shows<strong>are</strong> won during the 48 to 72 hours prior toactual show time.This includes the stress of loading, haulngand unloading of animals at the show.t is very important to make your animalsomfortable and keep them as stress-free asossible.Some people think that all of your works done before you load your animals to goo the show, but one must remember thathere <strong>are</strong> several excellent individuals thatFOCUS ON 4-Hcould be just as good as yours. The secret ishaving your animal look and feel his best atthe time you walk him into the ring.A fresh handling, well-groomed and alertanimal will catch a judge’s eye more than astale, soft, dull and depressed looking animal.It will be beneficial for your animal to beaccustomed to loud and strange noises oncethey <strong>are</strong> at the show. I suggest you leave aradio playing in the barn when you first receiveyour animals. This will get them acquaintedto the sound of human voices andContinued on page 10Cary F Bohn, Agent402 W Walnut StDecatur, TX 76234Bus: 940-627-5616www.carybohn.comState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance CompanyState Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, ILP080125 05/08I’M THERE CALL MYOFFICE FORA QUOTE24/7.•GMC•Buick•Pontiac•Chevrolet•Hyundai•Pre-ownedGOBBLE UPYOURSAVINGS!“OH YES!”MIKEWHEAT“Whatever your vehicle need,I’m here to serve you at ourPre-owned Lot on the southside of US 287.”940.627.2177Pick yourDIRECTVpackage.Lock in your pricefor one year.$MONTH29 99For 12 Months*The CHOICE PackageTHE TV PACKAGE THAT BEATS CABLEOver 150 ChannelsFREE Professional InstallationLocal channels included ††In selectmarkets.$34 99MONTHThe CHOICE XTRA PackageFor 12 Months*MORE CHANNELS, MOVIES AND VALUE!Over 200 ChannelsFREE HD DVR Receiver Upgrade **$199.00 value!FREE Professional InstallationDON’T SETTLE FOR CABLE!LIMITED TIME, FOR 3 MONTHSFREE + +7 Channels 12 Channels 9 ChannelsOnly DIRECTV, America’s #1 SatelliteLocal channels included ††Television Service, offers you all this:In selectmarkets.> Higher customer satisfaction ratings than cableeight years in a row. $39 99†MONTHThe PLUS DVR PackageFor 12 Months*>100% digital picture & sound on every channel.> The undisputed leader in sports.WATCH WHAT YOU WANT. WHEN YOU WANT.Over 200 Channels> Lower cost-per-channel than cable.DVR Service IncludedFREE HD DVR Receiver Upgrade> Over 130 of the best channels in High-Def**$199.00 value!—3 times more than cable! ‡ FREE Professional InstallationFREELIMITED TIME, FOR 3 MONTHS7 Channels+ +12 ChannelsLocal channels included ††In selectmarkets.9 ChannelsAll prices refl ected included an $18 bill credit for 12 months after rebate, plus an additional $5 billcredit for 12 months when you enroll in AUTO BILL pay program. Valid email address required.*NO equipment to buy! NO start-up costs!ANNUAL FALL FARM EQUIPMENTCONSIGNMENT AUCTIONWISE COUNTYPOSSE GROUNDS1 MILE SOUTH OF HWY. 287ON HWY. 51DECATUR, TX 76234FOR CONSIGNMENTINFORMATION:GRADY GRIFFETH AT940-393-2155 CELLSaturday,November 159 a.m.Selling good clean Farm & Industrial Equipment.Consign Early to be included in advertisements.Auction will double in size by sale day - get youritems in early. Not just another Antique Sale!!!ALLIANCE SATELLITE INC817-439-9200 866-605-0015Guaranteed 24 hour installationOffers end 3/03/09 and <strong>are</strong> based on approved credit; credit card required. New customers only (lease required). Lease fee $4.99 /mo. for second and each additional receiver.Credit card not required in MA & PA. †Among the largest national cable & satellite TV providers. 2008 American Customer Satisfaction Index, University of Michigan Business School. ††Eligibility based on service address. ‡Basedon average number of HD channels offered by major cable providers in major metropolitan <strong>are</strong>as. Actual number of HD channels varies by provider and market. *BILL CREDIT/PROGRAMMING OFFER: LIMIT ONE PROGRAMMINGOFFER PER ACCOUNT. Featured package names and prices: CHOICE $52.99/mo.; CHOICE XTRA $57.99/mo.; PLUS DVR $62.99/mo. Visit directv.com to enroll in the DIRECTV Auto Bill Pay program. Requires valid email address.Upon DIRECTV System activation, customer will receive redemption instructions (included in customer’s fi rst DIRECTV bill, a separate mailing, or, in the state of New York, from retailer) and must complywith the terms of the instructions. In order to receive full $23 bill credit customer must enroll in DIRECTV Auto bill pay prior to offer redemption. Rebate begins 6-8 weeks after receipt of rebate form onlineor telephone. Timing of promotional price depends on redemption date. Account must be in “good standing,” as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion, to remain eligible. DIRECTV not responsible for late, lost,illegible, mutilated, incomplete, misdirected or postage-due mail. IF, AFTER 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS (3 MONTHS FOR HBO/STARZ/SHOWTIME), CUSTOMER DOES NOT CONTACT DIRECTV TO CHANGE SERVICE, THEN ALL SERVICESTO WHICH CUSTOMER IS SUBSCRIBING WILL AUTOMATICALLY CONTINUE ON THE 13TH MONTH (4TH MONTH FOR HBO/STARZ/SHOWTIME) AT THE THEN-PREVAILING RATES, INCLUDING THE $4.99/MO. LEASE FEE FOR THE 2ND ANDEACH ADDITIONAL RECEIVER. DIRECTV System has a feature which restricts access to channels. In certain markets, programming/pricing may vary. **INSTANT REBATE: Qualifying programming, DVR and HD Access feecommitments required. Advanced equipment instant rebate requires activation of the CHOICE XTRA package or above; FAMILIAR ULTRA or above; Jadeworld; or any qualifying international service bundle, which shall include thePREFERRED CHOICE program package (valued at $32.99/mo.). DVR service ($5.99/mo.) and HD Access fee ($9.99/mo.) required for HD DVR lease. LIMIT ONE ADVANCED EQUIPMENT REBATE PER DIRECTV ACCOUNT. 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DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design logo,CHOICE, CHOICE XTRA and PLUS DVR <strong>are</strong> trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks <strong>are</strong> the property of their respective owners.NO BuyersPremium ChargedSPONSORED BY:CHISHOLM TRAIL ANTIQUEFARM EQUIPMENT CLUBwww.ahauctions.comHeugatter Auction Service, Allen Heugatter, TX#12304

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008 9Hinkley starts ice,water companyJohn Hinkley has opened Ice by JCGn <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.He has placed Kooler Ice vendingachines at Boyd Pit Stop in Boyd andwik Car Oil & Lube in Decatur, ande provides ice for special events likeonventions, reunions, church socialsnd weddings.He also offers a reverse osmosis waermachine that, in his words, “takesll the junk out of the water,” resultingn pure drinking water. Because of theoor tasting water in Boyd, he said heses the water machine to furnish waerto his ice vending machine at Boydit Stop, resulting in ice that is muchetter than ice made from filtered waer.“The ice tastes good,” said Hinkley.e added that filtered water still tastesad, but water that has been throughhe membrane purification processastes good.He has placed water machines atrimo’s Taqueria and Eagle Stop inecatur and plans about eight moreocations in the county.Hinkley, who lives north of Springownon the <strong>Wise</strong>/Parker <strong>County</strong> line,lso represents Stream gas and elecricservice in the Metroplex and raisesrish Dexter cattle, the smallest of theBUSINESSBRIEFSstandard bovine breed.Hinkley can be reached at (817) 266-9741.King will presenttips on etiquetteDeborah King, owner of Final TouchFinishing School, will present a programon “Business Etiquette,” at theNov. 13 meeting of the Area BusinessWomen’s Network at noon at CatfishO’Harlie’s restaurant in Decatur.Reservations <strong>are</strong> due by Nov. 11 bycalling Tammy Kelly at (940) 627-8777or online at www.abwn.net.DATCU to hostfinancial seminarDATCU Credit Union will host itsfirst free financial seminar at its newDecatur branch office on Tuesday, Nov.18 at 7 p.m.It is intended to help first time homebuyerswith the loan process and procedures,as well as provide answers tomany of their questions and concerns.To RSVP, call Carla McGee at (940)626-4331, ext. 5611, by Wednesday,Nov. 12.Brown namedtop achieverLinda Brown of Decatur has beennamed Top Achiever for September byHome & Garden Party.The designer wasrecognized amongthe company’s top25 Achievers forSponsoring.BROWN“It’s amazingwhat hard work anddetermination willdo,” said Brown. “Iam so appreciativeto the Home & GardenParty team forchoosing me as aTop Sponsor.”Besides its high quality products,like wall decor, home accents, dinngand entertaining pieces, as well asgourmet food, Home & Garden Partyprovides a way for people to grow financiallywhile also giving them flexiblehours, freedom and time with theirfamilies, said Brown.For more information, contact Brownat (580) 512-8708 or lbshomedecor@yahoo.comLAW OFFICES OFSTEVEN M. WILLIAMS• Criminal Law• Family Law• Personal Injury & Accidents• Civil Litigation• Oil & Gas Law• On the Job Injuries802 W. Bus. Hwy 380(Between Dairy Queen and Taco Bell)Decatur, TX 76234940-627-6060“We’ll Fight For Your Rights”28 Years Experience - State Bar of Texas MemberFREE INITIAL CONSULTATIONDon’t waitfor thefirst BigFreeze!Schedule a checkup for yourvehicle now for winterizing.940-627-5121Phillip FluscheAuto Repair802 N. Miller • DecaturQualityServicesince1936CORRECTIONIn the Thursday, Nov. 6,dition of All Around <strong>Wise</strong>,he hours for Gala’s Goodimes were incorrectly reorted.Gala’s, at 2012 Texs114 in Bridgeport, is openonday through Friday, 7.m. to midnight; Saturday,a.m. to 1 a.m.; and Sunday,1 a.m. to midnight.SubscribeOnline.www.wcmessenger.com/subscribeHAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTSIS NOT THE SAMEAS HAVING MORE MONEY.Many investors won’t put all their retirement savingsat a single broker because they believe it’s far too risky.Actually, there may be more risk in having multipleaccounts. Without a single focus, it can be difficult to keeptrack of your investments and to see if you’re properlydiversified. * At the very least, multiple accounts usuallymean multiple fees.Bringing your accounts to Edward Jones could help solveall that. Plus, one statement makes it easier to see if you’removing toward your goals.* Diversification does not guarantee a profit, nor does it protectagainst loss.To learn why consolidating your retirement accountsto Edward Jones makes sense, call your localfinancial advisor today.Randy BowkerRandy Financial Bowker, Advisor AAMS ® CFP ®.Financial Decatur, TX 76234 Advisor1822 Hwy 51 South www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC940-627-16201822 S. FM 51Decatur, TX 76234940-627-1620Thank You...To the voters of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> for their vision inapproving the Branch Campus Maintenance Taxto build a permanent campus for the WeatherfordCollege in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Your vote assures a greatfuture for <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> citizens who will be able tocontinue their education at home.We <strong>are</strong> Very Grateful...To the business fi rms and individuals who donated generously to the publicinformation campaign for the election.Devon Energy CorporationJames Wood MotorsMayor Joe LambertFirst State Bank<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>Karl Klement Ford/Chrysler/Dodge/JeepMeyers AgencyDr. Joe BirminghamFirst Financial BankGarrett Creek RanchGetting the Word Out...A special thank you to the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Committee for Higher Education whoworked tirelessly to inform voters about the election.Angie Tyson, Chairwoman, Bridgeport Main StreetBeverly Lindsey, Treasurer, First Financial BankCyd Bailey, First State BankSusan Miller, James Wood MotorsKim Lawson, <strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health SystemAnd Those with the Vision...The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Weatherford College Steering Committee worked for almost twoyears to bring this Branch Campus Maintenance Tax to the voters of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.They met monthly to study ideas and iron out details of this plan for the future ofhigher education in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>. We owe them our respect and gratitude for a jobwell done.<strong>County</strong> Judge Bill McElhaney<strong>County</strong> Commissioner Kevin BurnsBridgeport Mayor Don MajkaDecatur Mayor Joe LambertBridgeport EDC Director William Myers Decatur City Manager Brett ShannonBridgeport EDC Chairman Fred Meyers Decatur EDC Chairman Roy EatonWeatherford College President Dr. Joe BirminghamPaid for by <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Committee for Higher Education, Beverly Lindsey, Treasurer

10 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008Continued from 8will allow them to rest. Youranimal should also be familiarwith you. He should notbe overly excited when youenter his pen and shouldbe relaxed to some degreewhen you catch him.You should arrive at theshow as early as possible toallow your animal to relaxfrom the trip and to becomefamiliar with the surroundings.After a long haul it is importantto walk your animalfor at least 20 minutes tocalm him down and to speedup metabolism.It is also imperative to feedand water after you arrive.If you have a long trip (overtwo hours) and it is hot youwill need to stop and wateryour animal along the wayFOCUS ON 4-Hso that he doesn’t becomedehydrated.Your animals should neverbe completelycut off water. Youmay decide to handwater which is acceptableand recommended.Then return youranimal to a fresh,clean, well ventilatedpen and leavehim alone.You will need towalk your animalonce every four tofive hours. Walking will increasethe metabolism of theanimal and will keep himfeeling good and hungry.I will stress that walkingonce around the barn is notenough. At least 15 to 20minutes at a time.Do not feed any hay whileat the show as it will tend toenlarge their stomach andmake them appearfull. When it comesto watering andfeeding do not deprivethe animal.If he becomes extremelyhungry orthirsty he will getvery ill-temperedand will start tolook drawn. I suggestthat you usestraight water unlessyou think youranimal is stressed.You might find it beneficialto haul your own waterto the shows as some townshave an excess of chlorine intheir water and your animalmay not drink it.Several people have theirARREDONDOown concoction of electrolytesand some do seem towork, but be advised thatthey may cause your animalto go “off feed.”Another important concernis the temperatureinside the barn. If it is hot,there is good chance youranimal is hot, so, take theblanket and sock off.If the temperature is coldand will get colder duringthe night make sure youranimal will be warm enoughwith blankets and by blockingany direct wind.Waterless-shampoo can beused to clean an animal justbefore entering the showring if he gets dirty.You’ve got it...Somebody wants it.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifi edsWe’re Smokin’Thanksgiving & ChristmasTurkeys & HamsDecatur • Call 940-627-8804SUDOKU SOLUTIONSPREECLAMPSIA INCREASESRISK OF KIDNEY FAILUREPreeclampsia, a rapidly progressing disorder that is characterized byhigh blood pressure and protein in the urine, poses a risk to both motherand unborn child. Consequently, it must be diagnosed and managed aspart of prenatal c<strong>are</strong>. Recently, it has also come to light that preeclampsiacan significantly increase the risk of kidney failure decades later in awoman’s life. Researchers have found that if preeclampsia developsduring the first pregnancy, the risk of end-stage renal failure (ESRF)was 4.7 times higher than normal and 6.4 times higher if preeclampsiadeveloped during each of two pregnancies. For this reason alone, itis more important than ever for pregnant women to have their healthclosely monitored.Though the cause of preeclampsia isn’t known, the risk ofpreeclampsia is higher in women carrying multiple babies, womenover age 40, those with a family history of disorder, and womenwho had high blood pressure or kidney disease before they becamepregnant. If you would like further information about today’s column,call WISE OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY P.A. at940-626-8008. Our office is conveniently located at1713 South Fm 51, Ste. 201, Decatur. New patients <strong>are</strong> welcome.P.S. Preeclampsia affects at least 5%-8% of all pregnancies. Althoughit can occur earlier, it typically occurs after 20 weeks’ gestation (in thelate 2nd or 3rd trimesters or middle to late pregnancy).Free CommunityThanksgiving Dinner!First Baptist Church,DecaturSaturday, November 1510 a.m. - 2 p.m.Family Life CenterReservations appreciated butnot requiredCall the church office withyour reservationor if you need a ride1200 W. Preskitt940-627-3235www.fi rstdecatur.usEveryone Welcome!OF SAVINGSFROM KARL KLEMENT FORD2007 F-350 Crew Cab 4x4 Lariat2007 Grand Marquis 2007 Ford Five Hundred SEL3 tochoose3.9 %* $500 *ORAPR Financing$30,995 *2.9 %* $ 1,000 *APR Financing Or Cash BackDiesel with automatic transmission and much more.Ready to haul, pull or transport just about anything youhave in mind. Whatever the job, this truck can handle it.Cash Back$ 15,500 *OTHER QUALITY PREOWNED CARS AND TRUCKSREDUCED!‘06 Jeep Liberty 4x4Economical diesel, great incity traffic & low mileage......... $ 14,500 *‘06 Eddie Bauer ExplorerLuxuriously trimmed, Certifi edPre-Owned and priced right..... $ 16,995 *‘04 F-250 Crew Cab 4x4King Ranch, Diesel, automatic,and much more........................ $ 18,995 *Only30,000miles.‘08 Ford ExpeditionEddie Bauer with only 18kCertifi ed................................. $ 24,995 *‘07 TaurusV6, automatic, air, power,a great value........................... $ 10,500 *‘07 Ford Ranger Super CabV-6, Automatic, power locks& windows, Certified............... $ 14,500 *All Prices plus Tax, Title and License. 2.9% & 3.9% APR available to qualifi ed customers through Ford Motor Credit.www.klementdecatur.comUS Hwy. 287 South, Decatur, Texas940-627-1101 or 1-800-772-8928

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008 11Continued from 4Audra Hart, Angelica Reyesand Hannah Logan two kills,while Lindsey Walker and Reyesserved up two aces each.Bridgeport coach’s comments:We did not want to endthe season with a loss, but I wasproud that the girls continued toplay hard even when we weredown. We had a winning seasonand had a lot of fun.BMS records: 19-13, 4-4Seventh gradeDecatur A 25 30Bridgeport A 23 28DMS standouts — Serena Estradaand Kirsten Nanny scoredine points each to lead theady Eagles to victory over theiriggest rival.DMS coach’s comments: Thiswas a very exciting match. Bothteams played very well andfought to the end. This was avery good end to a successfulseason. The girls played hardand never game up.DMS record: 10-1Paradise B 6Santo B 14PJHS standouts — The Panthersavoided a shutout thanksto a 60-yard touchdown run byAlejandro Lopez. Coaches werealso pleased with the runningwork of Harden Brown.Decatur B 25 13 26B’port B 14 13 24DMS standouts — Erin Ritterhelped guide the Lady Eagles toa thrilling victory by scoring amatch-high 12 points. Lily Doubravaalso had a solid night asSUBVARSITY SPORTSshe scored nine points of herown.DMS coach’s comments: Thiswas a very hard fought matchbetween two very good teams.The effort and hustle from ourgirls was very good. The girlsfinished the season undefeatedin district play.Cross countryJunior varsityAlvord district finals2. Brittany Cantrell, 14:448. Tabitha Hofsiss 15:269. Robyn Musgrave, 15:2710. Jo Vaughn, 15:2714. Holly Shinpaugh, 16:17* 2nd place in team standingsGot sports?Have a tournament comingup soon? Is registration rightaround the corner and youwant to get the word out? Didyour son, daughter or team dosomething you would like tosh<strong>are</strong> with the community? Letus know by sending informationand/or pictures to sports@wcmessenger.comor simply giveus a call at (940) 627-5987.Coaches submit gamereports for all gradesSubmitting results for highschool and middle school basketballis simple for <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>coaches. Simply log ontowww.wcmessenger.com, go tothe sports tab and click on thecoaches <strong>are</strong>a. Input all detailsand hit submit. There is no needto fax any paperwork as it canall be done online. As always, resultscan also be faxed to (940)627-1004 or by calling sportseditor Robert Morgan at (940)627-5987.The<strong>Messenger</strong>Classifieds...Measuring up to yourexpectations one ad at a time.Decatur Livestock MARKET2473 North FM 51Decatur, TexasSunday Service 10:30 a.m.903-227-7369www.wisecountycowboychurch.comDecatur teacher earns black beltTexas Isshinryu KarateKai’s Denton dojo recentlyproduced its first two blackbelts since opening its doorssix years ago.Michael Strickland of Decaturis the first student to earna black belt from the Dentondojo.Strickland, who had takena long break in training afterstarting at the Coppell dojo inthe 1990s, returned in 2005 asa brown belt and completedhis training for black belt atthe Denton dojo last spring.Even when he tore his ACL,the 33-year-old school teacherwas determined that thistime he would complete theneeded training to earn hisblack belt. He worked hardat rehabbing his knee for sixmonths and was able to teston schedule.Greg Midkiff, a longtimeresident of Krum, becamethe first student from TIKK’sDenton dojo to start out as awhite belt and make it all theway to black belt.Midkiff, who started outtaking a self defense classfrom Sensei Tina Palos in fall2002, was a consistent anddedicated student. Even aftermoving five hours south a fewmonths before being testedfor black belt, he was determinedto finish his trainingand made the trek back oncea month over the summer.Earning a black belt atTIKK is a long process andAWARD CEREMONY — Texas Isshinryu Karate Kai SenseiTina Palos and Sensei Tony Palos award Michael Stricklandof Decatur his black belt as TIKK President Kyoshi RobertKristensen looks on.requires much patience anddedication, said Sensei TonyPalos, who has taught Midkifffrom the beginning.“We want to make surestudents <strong>are</strong> really able toperform techniques they <strong>are</strong>taught,” said Mrs. SenseiPalos, “especially in a self-defensesituation.”The Denton dojo attracts awide variety of people, includingmen, women and childrenof all ages, students withlearning disabilities and evensome with mental and physicalhandicaps.Karate is for everyone whowants to better themselvesand <strong>are</strong> willing to work at it,Mr. Sensei Palos said, addingthat the Denton dojo wouldnot be what it is without theguidance from his teacher,TIKK president Kyoshi RobertKristensen.Kyoshi Kristensen, whohas more than 35 years experiencein the martial arts,opened TIKK in 1991 and inaddition to Denton, he haslocations in Coppell, FlowerMound, Plano and Southlake.The Paloses, nevertheless,have developed a reputationof their own by taking topplaces in worldwide Isshinryutournaments and earningTexas Martial Arts Hallof Fame awards. Earlier thisyear, they organized TIKK’sfirst Traditional Martial ArtsWinter Classic Tournamentin Denton.Nite-ly SpecialsMonday - Fried Shrimp Platter........................... .$10.75Draft by the Pitcher................................ $7.00Tuesday -Pool TournamentplusJalapeno Cheese Nacho Platter.............. $3.50$1.50 DraftsWednesday - Karaoke NiteplusCalf Fry Special.................................... $8.00Refills.................................................. $4.00Thursday -Washer TournamentplusChicken Quesadillas................................ $6.00Friday - All-You-Can-Eat Catfish....................... $11.95Saturday - Steak Nite.............................................$13.95Sunday - All-Day Happy HourLive Entertainment on Weekends!1510 FM 51 South, Decatur • (940) 626-8154Custom Wrought Iron Gates and FencingGate Operators and Entry SystemsEntrance Access Control for Ranch, Residential and Commercial Properties817.740.9449w w w . s w i n g e r g a t e . c o m12775 Bus. 287 N., Ft. Worth, TX 76179Thurs.,Nov.20HolidayGiftBazaarThursday,November 20,4:30-8:30 p.m.Ladies, ever wish you couldget all your shopping donein one place? Look nomore!! The Club would liketo invite you to save somegas and shopping time!Come visit our Holiday GiftBazaar and enjoy tastefulhors d’oeurves, cash bar,and special deals just foryou from your favoritehometown shops!$15 per personIncludes entry andhors d’oeurves.President’sRoom atThe Club atRunaway Bay400 HalfMoon Way,Runaway BayDON’T WAITIN LINE!Contact Angelato pre-purchaseyour tickets!940-575-2225, x18angela@runawaybay.comVisit us atrunawaybay.com

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Bridgeport IntermediateSchoolFirst Six WeeksA Honor RollTHIRD GRADE — JacquelynBailey, Cole Barton, AlyssaCasper, Courtney Cline, StephenCooley, Caleb Cornelison,Alexis Cox, Shelby Edwards,Giselle Garcia, Elizabeth Gardner,Sadyee Herndon, Ethan Herschler,Amanda Hewitt, HaydenHolbrook, Andrew Horton, KatieHudson, Hanna Huya, NayellyIbarra, Zoey James, ShelbieJones, Madison Lenhardt, MeaganLopez, Coalten McGuire,Taylor Oneal, Willie Payne, NathanaelPhillips, Shleby Preston,Angel Reyna, Ryan Roberts,Hunter Rogers, Martin Ruvalcaba,Sheridan Shallene, EastonSkelton, Carli Smith, ShaneSmith, Grace Story, MaddisonStrine, Timothy Tamplen, JacobTaylor, Joshua Thomas, MaryTrammell, Colton Waters, MichaelYoung and Travis Young.FOURTH GRADE — JensenAdair, Shelby Barclay, LexieChapman, Michaela Clarke,Camron Cortez, Dylan Craig,Chloe Cyr, Joseph Davis, HarleyDearing, Marcos DeLuna,Javier Diaz, Mariaisabel Duran,Kaetlyn Flavin, Gabriel Frazier,Alyssa Fry, Laikyn Fry, Julia Garcia,Jenna Grace, Brooke Hager,Toby Hamblin, Kaitlin Hancock,Hailey Hollingsworth, AbrahamHuerta, Martin Huerta, JonathonLambert, Reginald Lane,Alexis Mahon, Meagan McGuire,Justin Meyers, Rachel Peterson,Joshua Pinon, Bryce Powers, AllisonRaby, Shelby Rooker, JulieSalazar, Natalie Smith, AndrewSutherland, Jacob Tibbels, AshtonVanHoose, Shaya Vardas,Holden Walker, Delaina Weaverand Charles Williams.HONOR ROLLSFIFTH GRADE — Anna Arquette,Nikki Barbour, AdrianBocanegra, Madeline Brown,Kenneth Bueto, ConstanceCaraway, Christopher Casey,Iris Castro, Gustavo Cervantes,Corbin Coleman, Felicia Coleman,Christina DeForest, JacobDelAngel, Johnny Fletcher,Spencer Forsyth, MercedesFreeman, Kaitlynn Godwin, YesicaGonzalez, Hannah Horton,William Ince, Graciela Martinez,Jessica Martinez-Ruvalcaba,Joshua Martz, Chelsea Mast,Autumn Milner, Darby Moak, JeffreyMoncada, Stormy Nelson,Victoria Oneal, Elaina Peyton,Luis Prado, Esmeralda Rangel,Maegen Rivera, Jacob Roberts,Deizy Ruvalcaba, Cole Shawn,Nandita Shrestha, Utsav Shrestha,Nicholas Stauffer, TaylorStone, Megan Sturdivant, MatthewSullivan-Green, MakinzeeThomas and Allie Whitsell.Fall Brings ChangesMake those changes “Lasting”Permanent Cosmetic Make-UpA Beautiful Investment in yourselfBarbara FritscheMicrodermabrasion TechnicianLicensed Intradermal Cosmetic TechnicianCertifi ed Instructor for Permanent! Make-Up& ElectrolysisCall today for an appointment!Gift Certifi cates AvailableDecatur, Texas940-626-1516 or Cell: 972-342-1055$50 OFF(with this coupon)A/B Honor RollTHIRD GRADE — Loreli Aguilar,Terence Akard, Jayson Bentley,J<strong>are</strong>d Brazier, Sadie Bryant,Brittny Carroll, CourtneyCathey, Selena Cervantes, BaileyEscobedo, Madalynn Fagan,Makayla Fain, Megan Ford, MoriahAlexis Fraga, Manuel Garcia,Selena Granados, JosephGregg, Angela Guerrero, JayceHardee, Samantha Hernandez,Victor Hernandez, Haley Hicks,Abigail Hill, Skylar Horton, SaraHuitt, Joseph Jackson, CaseyJones, Jayden Long, Estefani Lopez,Jose Lopez, Yarleny Macias-Duran, Jason Mannin-Schwartz,Nancy Martinez Ruvalcaba,Nicholas Masias, Brooke Matta,John Mauk, Seth Mitchell, ReadMitchum, Austin Morrow, TobyNicholas, Jose Ortiz, MalloryOwen, Mason Perkins, ChynaPresley, Brialla Prestidge, JeremiahPuebla, Jacqueline Quezada,Gavin Ramirez, Will Reeves,Jett Reynolds, Dustin Riggs, RolandoRios, Karina Rivera, JoseRosas-Fraga, Ruby Santos, SidneySimmons, Dawson Smith,Noah Smith, Zackery Sparks,Heather Splawn, Micah Taber,Aden Wells, Shannan White,Zackery Winebrinner, HarrisonWood and Gunner Woods.FOURTH GRADE — JordanAdair, Maria Amador, NaomiBaca, Zoe Bennett, MatthewBishop, Brianna Brown, KeeliBurcham, April Coursey, TannerDaugherty, Rachel DeLay, EfrainDeLuna, Katherine Edwards,Parker Emola, Celeste Fraga,Grayson Garrett, Dariana Garza,Leah Gregg, Julia Hancock, DominicHead, Azucena Hernandez,Leslie Hill, Maranda Holloway,Jesus Ibarra, Jamie Isenberg,Denay Johnston, Ananda Kates,Austin Largent, Matthew Marlett,Grasiela Martinez, Karina Martinez,Vanesa Martinez, GraysonMathes, Kellen McCauley, JanethMedina, Alexandra Mindieta,Melissa Monjaraz, Brian Munn,Alexandro Munoz, Eloisa Munoz,Jennifer Nelson, Ian Ogle, LisvetOrtiz, Scott Parrish, Ethan Phifer,Dakota Potter, Adriana Ramirez,Richard Rice, Brittany Roberts,Briana Romero, Marco Salazar,Ryan Sanders, Haden Snodgrass,Allik Stapp, Caleb Stinnett, BrettStuart, Kaci Thurmond, KatelynTorres, Duy Vo, Hailey White, VictoriaWiedemann, Devon Wilsonand Kassi York.FIFTH GRADE — Kristin Baker,New Permanent Cosmetic procedure of your choice!Make an appointment or buy a gift certificateExpires December 31, 2008May not be used with other specials. Limit One Per Procedure. Non-transferableALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008 13Mason Baker, Hayden Barkley,Emily Blair, Blake Boyd, JonathanBreceda, Zane Brown, BarrettBurks, Dalton Castle, RyanCastle, Lilia Cervantes, BriannaCoffman, Brittany Cooke, AshleyCopley, Maria DeLaCerda, JoseDeLuna, Marissa Edwards, AidenFournier, Mavrick Fronterhouse,Rogelio Galicia, Emily Harveson,Collin Hicks, Cody Hollingsworth,Trevor Howell, Jonathon Huerta,Connor Hurd, Philip Jacobs, VanityJohnson, Kaylee Jones, JustinKennedy, Colton Klyce, MariaLara, Hannah Largent, Tyler Littrell,Chance Lockhart, EduardoMacias, Martin Macias, AlexisMartinez, Brett McDaniel, TylerMelton, Elliott Mercer, GabrielleMindieta, Aaron Morrow,Cristian Munoz, Gaitlin Neeper,Hermenegildo Perez, Noah Peterson,Chance Pierce, BriannaPolk, Claudia Ramirez, AlexisRead, William Reed, JenniferReyes, Angel Reyna, Tania Rivera,Anastasia Rodriguez, ArleneRomero, Rosa Salazar, MelissaSanchez, Triston Skinner, HaydenSmith, McKenzie Smith, RichardSplawn, Cameron Starnes, KyleStringer, Jaston Turner, KensleyTurner, Juan Uribe, AgustasWhite, Elizabeth Wiedemann andBritney Wilson.Continued on page 17Medical Center Pharmacy• Prescriptions• Compounding• Drive-Thru• DeliveryAccepting Medic<strong>are</strong> Part Dand Most InsuranceMon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sat., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.1101 Eagle Dr. • Suite CDecatur940-627-5400We’re Smokin’ aThanksgiving Feast115 E. Bypass 287. • Suite BAlvord940-427-2801Come join our family from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. for an authenticrib stickin, Thanksgiving meal with all the fi xins!Decatur2025 Hwy 287 N.1 mi. North of Decatur,Next to Catfish O’Harlie’s940-627-8804Got stuff? Get rid of it quick...<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifi eds • www.wcmessenger.com/classThursday, November 27SERVINGBREAKFAST6:30 - 10:30 a.m.Bowie2606 FM 174Corner of FM 174& Hwy 287 N940-872-8800“ THE SHOPPE ”Doctors’ Hospitalof BridgeportInvites you to a “ Christmas Open House”so spectacular it will last two days!Fri., Nov 14 - Sat., Nov 15 , 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Shop from the following local merchants in this one location:• Always Unique Florist & Gifts • Artful Art Stained Glass• Classic Florists • Country Wood Craft • Je<strong>are</strong>ne’s Cottage• Etc. by Sarah • Judy Carlton Consultant for Avon• Valu-Rite Pharmacy & Gifts • Maria’s Florist & Gifts• Mattie’s Place • Sue Robinson Consultant for Mary Kay & SouthernLiving Home Decor • T & L Antiques • Corinas • Gifts by Marco• Punkydoo Kids • Terra Cotta & Faithful Crossings.Featuring: Decorated Trees • Holiday Wreaths • Ornaments • HomeDecor • Jewelry • Belts • Handbags • Stained Glass • Candles • SilkArrangements • Antiques • the latest in fashions for ladies & teens• Hannah Montana Watches • Bags & Tees • Baby Clothing• Handmade Crocheted Blankets, and so much more.We have exceptional, beautiful merchandise atreasonable prices!Every purchase made will benefit all of these local merchants, and willhelp the Ladies Auxiliary to raise money for scholarships and equipmentfor our new hospital.So join us for refreshments and a lot of fun!You really do not want to miss this!For more information call “ The Shoppe “ at 940-683-0320The Auxiliary Thanks You, The Local Merchants Thank Youand Doctors’ Hospital Thanks You!Senior C<strong>are</strong>H E A L T H & R E H A B I L I T A T I O N C E N T E ROPENING SOON“Experience the Difference”Now Hiringfor all positionsFor more informationplease call 940-626-2800701 West Bennett Road • Decatur, TX.

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008 17Continued from 13Carson Elementary SchoolFirst Six WeeksA Honor RollSECOND GRADE — HalieAskey, Reina Aten, Carsyn Bailey,Armando Benitez, NicolasBishop, Chase Blount, KeilieBryan, Reese Cannon, Nate Carr,Hunter Cole, Loughlin Douglas,Kaity Flake, Blayne Franklin,Wyatt Fuller, Dylan Gindt, ConnorGruszeczka, Zane Heck, TeaganHill, Jaiden Johnson, DaltonLasater, Nancy Martinez, MandiMcCrary, Bryce Monett, KrystenMorgan, Christian Najera, SethPatrick, Garrett Penny, CameronPitts, Justin Pitts-Rhine, ShaelaRaburn, Miguel Rodriguez, MaeganShields, Cameron Smith, Ji-Min Song, Ethan Southard, ShelbyTocquigny, Laiza Vega, ColbyWestbrook, Cami WickerHONOR ROLLSTHIRD GRADE — Emily Boyd,Rose Bryan, Elizabeth Culpepper,Thomas Dvorak, Kara Harper,Paetyn Johnson, Abbi Marion,Marissa McDuff, Hannah Mitchell,Chryslyn Perkins, HaydenPerkins, Travis Rhoades, KayleeRutledge, Mackenzie Tucker,Mariah WhiteFOURTH GRADE — PatrickAugust, Kyle Barnett, FaithBlankenship, Ben Crofford, BriannaCrooks, Allison Dobbs,Hannah Dunning, Braden Gonzales,Kaitlyn Griffin, Colton Hill,Riley Kelton, Jenna Martin, AnaMartinez, Mackenzie Maxson,Maddy Rainey, Kirsten Shaw,Seth Sirman, Raena Slate, TylerTicknorA/B Honor RollSECOND GRADE — Rigo Alv<strong>are</strong>z,Emily August, Kalie Bargar,D’Antae Bible, Matison Blaylock,Brayden Brown, Joseph Calhoun,Jemima Garcia, Tristen Gilliam,Sarah Gregory, Katie GraceHenderson, Trey Klose, YaquelinLobo, Melissa Lozano, AnaMartinez, Bryanna Navarrete,Bryson Oates, Israel Pacheco,Jacqueline Pacheco, Nayeli Pacheco,Oscar Palomo, BrainaPerez, Garret Potter, Jovi Prado,Hannah Rainey, Michael Rhine,Adam Roberts, Caleb Rodriguez,Corin Rodriguez, Mallory Schuring,Madeline Smith, Kalie Stover,Christopher Swatzell, CharlieTrotter, Isacc Vasquez, ZaraWallace, Christian Williamson,Katy YoungTHIRD GRADE — HannahAdkins, Jorge Aguilar, DaltonAnderson, Emily Baker, TamaraBehringer, Cayla Bertron, SavannahCalhoun, Jackeline Camacho,Mirranda Chapman,Kylie Coget, Stone Coston, DelaneyDavid, Yanira Dominguez,Liam Douglas, Lex Fernandez,Lisett Fernandez, John Foster,Rebeca Galindo, Angel Garza,Isabel Gleason, Reagan Green,Holden Hacker, Austin Higgins,Cooper Holland, Emily Hubbard,Katie Huseman, Tia Jones, EmilyKirkelie, Shae-Lynn Kitner,Manuel M<strong>are</strong>s, Carson Martin,Konner Martin, MarisleyzieMartinez, Miranda Martinez,Michala Mason, Lesly Morales,Sylvia Murillo, Faith Myers,Lexi Nivens, Cataliena Ornelas,James Padron, Michelle P<strong>are</strong>des,Lindsey Pena, Sam Perkins,Sebastian Serrano, Grace Short,Jordan Smith, Jonathan Sneed,Levi Stephenson, Caitlinn Stockton,Paige Summerford, GarrettThompson, Celeste VanderbeckFOURTH GRADE --- Brett Bean,Marissia Bias, Justin Bradford,Hunter Brandon, Kale Bronniman,Christopher Bryan, CalebButler, Christian Cantu, MaccrayDel Castillo, Tucker DuBois, JoeyDurbin, Mckenna Flake, CristinaFlores, Eunice Gallegos, EzequielGarcia, Isaac Garza, ClayGillispie, Abby Greiner, ParkerGriffeth, Niles Harlan, JaceyHarris, Kimberleigh Hernandez,Trent Lane, Matt Leaton, MadisonMcCrary, Logan Mitchell,Brisa Ochoa, Gustavo Pacheco,Trey Penny, Erika Perez, ChancePringle, Samantha Pryor, DrewRedwine, Sarah Sanders, MaryElizabeth Shannon, Tanner Terrell,Kyle Wick, Derrien Willis.Who should you trustwith your OB/GYN c<strong>are</strong>?Decatur Women’s Health Centeroffers a full range of obstetrical and gynecologicalc<strong>are</strong> for women at every stage of life.(Left to Right) Melissa Bradley, Dr. Douglas Kyle, Kim Mote, Patricia Ruiz“Friendly, professional and confidential.”Your health and well-being as a woman <strong>are</strong> our concern.We offer a full range of obstetrical and gynecological c<strong>are</strong>.Our emphasis is on making you feel comfortable,confident and reassured.Call today to schedule your next appointment.940-627-42161713 S. FM 51 • Suite 201 • DecaturEDUCATION BRIEFMartinez performing in college productionWest Texas A&M University presentedLaughter on the 23rd Floor,” a productionirected by student Marissa Meritt of Nazaeth,Nov. 6-8 and Nov. 12-15.Cast members include Arturo Martinez ofecatur, a freshman theatre performanceajor, playing the role of Kenny.NEWS BRIEFThe Decatur Eastern Star presented a $50 donation tooyd Elementary for the purchase of CDs for the music proram.“Laughter on the 23rd Floor” takes theaudience behind the scenes of a weekly varietyprogram and exposes the mayhem andantics of the show’s writing team and theirongoing battle with television executives.The play is set in a New York City officebuilding in 1953.Here today...GONEtomorrow.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifi edswww.wcmessenger.com/classYou Are Invited to OurCHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE&Nov. 14 • 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 15 • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Meeting the needs of Medical ProfessionalsBring this ad to qualify for a10% discount and specialin-store sales and gift draws.940-683-80101212 Stevens St., BridgeportALWAYS UNIQUEFLORAL & GIFTSIn-Store SpecialsGoodies to nibble, spirits todrink, music to hear, pretties tolook at, scents to smell.940-683-2025Hope to see you!All of Our 1600 New 2008s& 2009s Wear A Red TagExcept ZR1MSRP–Great Rebate–GM Supplier Price=Red Tag PriceGIGANTICREBATESon BUICKS, CHEVYS,GMCS AND PONTIACSUS 287 DECATUR940.627.2177 ~ 817.430.0600jameswood.com

HOUSINGLENDER18 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, November 13, 2008PECIAL GUEST — Jolietohnson (center), being heldy her grandmother Claudiaawson of Bridgeport, wasspecial guest at the Ourpecial Heroes Golf Classic,enefitting the Downyndrome Partnership ofarrant <strong>County</strong>. On hand forhe event was the Rev. LuciacKee Kremzar (left), pastorf First Presbyterian Churchn Bridgeport.TOURNAMENTCHAMPIONS— A Bridgeportfoursome wonthe Our SpecialHeroes GolfClassic inEuless Sept.29. Joiningthe team <strong>are</strong>NASCAR driverDavid Ragan(right) andhis brother,Adam Ragan(left). Thegolf champs<strong>are</strong> (from left)David Lawson,Jeff Hess,Mart Rileyand DawayneGarrett.Bridgeport team wins tournamentCROSSWORDSOLUTIONJoliet Johnson, the 15-month-old daughter ofTommy and Denae Johnsonof Lake Bridgeport, was onhand for the Seventh AnnualOur Special HeroesGolf Classic Sept. 29 at theTexas Star Golf Course inEuless, benefiting the DownSyndrome Partnership ofTarrant <strong>County</strong>.Joliet’s uncle, David Lawsonof Bridgeport, lead histeam to the championship.Other members of theBridgeport team wereJeff Hess, Mart Riley andDawayne Garrett.Special guest and masterof ceremonies for the eventwas David Ragan, driver ofthe No. 6 AAA Ford in NAS-CAR’s Sprint Cup series andthe Discount Tire Ford inthe Nationwide series. Hisolder brother, Adam, whohas Down syndrome and isa member of David’s racingteam, was also at the tournament.The Down Syndrome Partnershipof Tarrant <strong>County</strong>supports individuals withDown syndrome, their familiesand c<strong>are</strong>givers in achievingthe universally desiredgoals of self-fulfillment,High School Musical 3: Senior Yearpride in one’s achievements,inclusion in the communityand reaching one’s fullestMoviesSTARTFriday, Nov. 14Movies & Times Subject To Change!!!Movie Line 940-627-5522Fri ..................................................................................... 7:00 ........9:30Sat .............................................. 2:00........... 4:30 ........... 7:00 ........9:30Sun ............................................. 2:00........... 4:30 ........... 7:00Mon - Thurs. .................................................................... 7:00Saw VFri ..................................................................................... 7:10 ........9:30Sat .............................................. 2:10........... 4:40 ........... 7:10 ........9:30Sun ............................................. 2:10........... 4:40 ........... 7:10Mon - Thurs. .................................................................... 7:10Madagascar Escape 2 AfricaFri ..................................................................................... 7:15 ........9:30Sat .............................................. 2:15........... 4:45 ........... 7:15 ........9:30Sun ............................................. 2:15........... 4:45 ........... 7:15Mon - Thurs. .................................................................... 7:15Twilight: Midnight showing Nov. 20 - 12:01 a.m.FM 51 South, Decatur • 940-627-5522 • Box Office Opens at 1:30 p.m.$7 Adults ~ $5 Seniors, Children 11 & under & Matinee • www.geocities.com/plazacinema3potential through social andeducational activities.Will your equipment stillwork after Feb. 17, 2009?Analog out. 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SYSTEM LEASE: Purchase of 18 consecutivemonths (24 months for advanced receivers) of any DIRECTV base programming package ($29.99/mo. or above) or qualifying international services bundle required. DVR service commitment ($5.99/mo.) required for DVR and HD DVR lease; HD Access fee ($9.99/mo.) required for HD and HD DVR lease. FAILURE TO ACTIVATE ALL DIRECTV SYSTEM EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE EQUIPMENT LEASE ADDENDUM MAY RESULT IN A CHARGE OF $150 PER RECEIVER NOT ACTIVATED. IF YOU FAIL TO MAINTAIN YOUR PROGRAMMING COMMITMENT, DIRECTV MAY CHARGE A PRORATED FEE OF UP TO $480. RECEIVERS ARE AT ALL TIMES PROPERTY OF DIRECTV AND MUST BE RETURNED UPON CANCELLATION OF SERVICE ORADDITIONAL FEES MAY APPLY. VISIT directv.com OR CALL 1-800-DIRECTV FOR DETAILS. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Pricing residential. Taxes not included. Receipt of DIRECTV programming subject to DIRECTV Customer Agreement; copy provided at directv.com/legal and in fi rst bill. ©2008 DIRECTV, Inc. DIRECTV and theCyclone Design logo <strong>are</strong> registered trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks <strong>are</strong> the property of their respective owners.WEATHER<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s Only TOP-RATEDBank*SUPERIORHOMETOWNBANKINGEARNS 5 STARSWhile we <strong>are</strong> known for ourfriendly, responsive service,THIS RATING IS BASED SOLELYON OUR SOUND FINANCIAL DATA940.627.8767 www.northtxbank.com661 W. Thompson at Hwy. 51 South in DecaturWorking Together to Builda Stronger <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>*Go to www.BauerFinancial.com6-DAY 7-DAY FORECAST FOR WISE COUNTYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFast,Responsive,Helpful,Partly sunnyLocal!www.northtxbank78° 47°RF: 80° RF: .com 44° RF: 72° RF: 37° RF: 76° RF: 40° RF: 70° RF: 21° RF: 50° RF: 22° RF: 56° RF: 24° RF: 63° RF: 42°RF: The exclusive AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature® is an index that combines the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressureand elevation on the human body — everything that affects how warm or cold a person really feels. Shown <strong>are</strong> the highest and lowest values for each day.UV INDEXDaily Highest Forecast4 4 4 4 4 4 4Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon.The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index number,the greater the need for eye and skin protection.0-2 Low 3-5 Moderate 6-7 High8-10 Very High 11+ ExtremeWEEKLY ALMANACDenton through Sunday, November 9TemperatureLast week’s high/low 82°/35°Normal high/low 68°/46°Average temperature 61.1°Normal average temperature 56.9°Precipitation (in inches)Total for the week 0.07”Total for the month 0.07”Total for the year 24.96”Normal for the month 1.03”Normal for the year 33.39”LAKE STAGESAs of 7 a.m. Sunday (in feet)Lake Full Pool Elevation ChangePossum King L. 1000 997.81 +0.02L. Bridgeport 836 829.35 -0.04RIVER LEVELSAs of 7 a.m. Sunday (in feet)River Flood stage Level ChangeWest Fork of the TrinityJacksboro 20 4.08 -0.02near Boyd 16 7.07 -0.03Big Sandy CreekBridgeport 12 1.42 -0.15SUN & MOONMostly sunny69° 47°The Sun Rise SetTuesday 6:58 a.m. 5:30 p.m.Wednesday 6:59 a.m. 5:30 p.m.Thursday 7:00 a.m. 5:29 p.m.Friday 7:01 a.m. 5:29 p.m.Saturday 7:02 a.m. 5:28 p.m.Sunday 7:02 a.m. 5:27 p.m.Monday 7:03 a.m. 5:27 p.m.The Moon Rise SetTuesday 4:09 p.m. 5:05 a.m.Wednesday 4:51 p.m. 6:17 a.m.Thursday 5:41 p.m. 7:32 a.m.Friday 6:40 p.m. 8:46 a.m.Saturday 7:48 p.m. 9:55 a.m.Sunday 9:00 p.m. 10:54 a.m.Monday 10:12 p.m. 11:43 a.m.Full Last New FirstNov 13 Nov 19 Nov 27 Dec 5Forecasts and graphics provided byAccuWeather, Inc. ©2008Brought to you by...Partly sunny78° 46°WICHITA FALLS76/44GRAHAM76/42JACKSBORO76/43Shown is Tuesday’s weather.Temperatures <strong>are</strong> Tuesday’s highs andTuesday night’s lows.NATIONAL OUTLOOKHENRIETTA72/44FRIDAYPartly sunny andpleasant70° 36°SATURDAYPartly sunny, breezyand cooler55° 34°DECATUR78/47MINERAL WELLS76/46FORT WORTH78/50WEATHERFORDPALO PINTO76/4676/47STEPHENVILLE74/43COMANCHE76/44WAURIKA72/43BRIDGEPORT76/45MONTAGUE74/49GLEN ROSE78/49RHOME75/47MERIDIAN77/47627-8767 www.northtxbank.comEQUALCLEBURNE76/48ARDMORE72/47GAINESVILLE74/49DENTON78/47HILLSBORO77/51WACO78/55SUNDAYSunshine against adeep blue sky58° 35°DALLAS77/50SHERMAN72/46MCKINNEY75/46WAXAHACHIE75/51DURANT72/4630MONDAYSunny62° 42°BONHAM71/46KAUFMAN74/52CORSICANA76/53Temperatures 11/11 - 11/17 Precipitation 11/11 - 11/17GREENVILLE72/49ATHENS73/53FAIRFIELD75/55

Carrier RoutePresortBULK RATEU.S. POSTAGEPAIDDecatur, TXPermit No. 88THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2008WISE COUNTY MESSENGERNORTHWESTSpikingsuccessThe Northwest High School volleyballteam made it through one of the mostcompetitive districts in North Texasto make it to the state playoffs onceagain. Left, Brooke Alverson (15) andDaniliz Marrero provide a stingy frontlineof defense for the Lady Texans.Below, Kristen Hatley tries to handlea hard hit by Southlake in postseasonplay.<strong>Messenger</strong> photos by Joe DutyALVORD • AURORA • BOYD • BRIDGEPORT • CHICO • DECATUR • GREENWOOD • NEWARK • NEW FAIRVIEW • PARADISE • RHOME • RUNAWAY BAY •SLIDELL

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