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38The vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Mr. H. M.Fitzpatrick, who expressed the Society's appreciation of the great honourdone to it by Mr. Cameron who had come specially from Rome toaddress us. Mr. Cameron's previous visit had been on the ForestryMission to Ireland for F.A.O. and his report was at present beingconsidered by the Government. He hoped the report would be adoptedand would form the basis of Irish forest policy.Referring to Appendix I of 'the report Mr. Fitzpatrick said theFaustmann formula was not applicable to Irish forestry. Its use in thereport was to justify an increase in the ceiling price for land forafforestation, and as such it was a telling argument and one which mightbe expected to appeal to the Central Bank directors. But this was notthe way for a nation to consider the position. We cannot exist withouttrees; a country without trees was like a house without furniture, butlet us furnish it as best we can in accordance with our means.Mr. McElligott, seconding the vote of thanks, said that in the mainState forestry seemed to be concentrated in Leinster and the better classlands and he made a plea for the development of the waste areas of theWest. He also expressed the hope that the Government would nowdefine a forest policy as the first important step. But then as forestrywas essentially a long term investment it was generally put on the longfinger. This, he said, was a very poor approach indeed, a million acresof forest would mean as much to us as coal does to England.=

SOCIETY OF IRISH FORESTERSStatement of Accounts for Year ended 31st December, 1951.INCOME.To Balance from last Accountfn Bank on Current A/c.Less. Amount due toSecretary ......... ... ...To Subscriptions received :-41st Grade Tech. 195036 " 19512 "1 2nd195219498 " 195048 " 19513 ,," 19521 Associate 19491081195019514 1952£ s. d.318 10 823 3 04 0 036 0 02 0 010 040024 0 01 1015007 10 060 15 03 0 0£ s. d.295 7 8144 0 n" Donation- Mrs. A. Henry ... ... ... .. . 15 0 0" Donation (Mf. Clear) towards expensesof member attending Annual excursion 15 0 0" Journals sold and advertisements .. . ... 103 18 8EXPENDITURE£ s. d.By Stationery and Printing" Printing of Journal ..." Postages ... ......" Expenses re Meetings" Bank Charges ... ..." Excursion expenses" Secretary's Honorarium ... ..." Cost of Memorial to the lateA . Henry and expensesre dedication ..... ." Sundries ... .. .........." BalanceTn Bank on Current A/c. 241 2 4Less. Am 0 u n t due toSecretary ... ... .. . ... ... 4 16 5£ s. d.33 6 0191 18 113 7 103 5 01 5 25115408026 16 217 6236 5 11W\0£573 6 4£573 6 4I have examined the above Account, have compared same with vouchers and certify it to be correct, the balance to creditbeing £236 5s. 11 d. which is on Current Account at the Ulster Bank Ltd. Credit has not been taken for Subscriptions for1949, £6 Os. Od. for 1950, £10 lOs. Od. and for 1951 , £48 15s. Od. which were outstanding at 31st December, 1951.D . M. CRAIG, Hon. Auditor,28th January, 1952.85, Harcourt Street, Dublin.

SOCIETY OF IRISH FORESTERSStatement <strong>of</strong> Accounts for Year ended 31st December, 1951.INCOME.To Balance from last Accountfn Bank on Current A/c.Less. Amount due toSecretary ......... ... ...To Subscriptions received :-41st Grade Tech. 195036 " 19512 "1 2nd195219498 " 195048 " 19513 ,," 19521 Associate 19491081195019514 1952£ s. d.318 10 823 3 04 0 036 0 02 0 010 040024 0 01 1015007 10 060 15 03 0 0£ s. d.295 7 8144 0 n" Donation- Mrs. A. Henry ... ... ... .. . 15 0 0" Donation (Mf. Clear) towards expenses<strong>of</strong> member attending Annual excursion 15 0 0" Journals sold and advertisements .. . ... 103 18 8EXPENDITURE£ s. d.By Stationery and Printing" Printing <strong>of</strong> Journal ..." Postages ... ......" Expenses re Meetings" Bank Charges ... ..." Excursion expenses" Secretary's Honorarium ... ..." Cost <strong>of</strong> Memorial to the lateA . Henry and expensesre dedication ..... ." Sundries ... .. .........." BalanceTn Bank on Current A/c. 241 2 4Less. Am 0 u n t due toSecretary ... ... .. . ... ... 4 16 5£ s. d.33 6 0191 18 113 7 103 5 01 5 25115408026 16 217 6236 5 11W\0£573 6 4£573 6 4I have examined the above Account, have compared same with vouchers and certify it to be correct, the balance to creditbeing £236 5s. 11 d. which is on Current Account at the Ulster Bank Ltd. Credit has not been taken for Subscriptions for1949, £6 Os. Od. for 1950, £10 lOs. Od. and for 1951 , £48 15s. Od. which were outstanding at 31st December, 1951.D . M. CRAIG, Hon. Auditor,28th January, 1952.85, Harcourt Street, Dublin.

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