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EXAMPLE ANSWERS FOR FUNDING APPLICATIONSThe following examples are designed to give you some ideas about how to word your responsesto application questions. You should change them to suit your situation and insert detailsrelevant to your organization where appropriate.MEMBERSHIP INFO• Our existing membership comes from a 5 km radius within the local communitywhich is mainly young families / older adults / indigenous / ethnic etc.• Our membership is made up of 150 junior & 90 senior players, 50 volunteeradministrators and officials.• We attract spectators from the genereral community, usually within 10km radius ofour grounds.• We currently have sponsorship arrangements with (xx) and/or relationships with (xx)local business who also support our club by in kind support or donations.• The potential / future membership will come from local schools, or the surroundingregion, or particular target groups.NEED FOR THE PROJECTConsultation:• Need for the project was established after consultation with:- committee members- parents,- coaches,- officials,- players/ participants,- community groups,- local council,- Qld Cricket,- general community• Affiliated club members were consulted via association meetings, club meeting andsurveys from April 2006 – March 2007.• The Advisor, Sport and Recreation Qld was consulted about the project in Dec 06.• Planning meetings with Qld Cricket’s Regional Coaching Manager were held in June,August and Dec.- 1 -

<strong>EXAMPLE</strong> <strong>ANSWERS</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>FUNDING</strong> <strong>APPLICATIONS</strong>The following examples are designed to give you some ideas about how to word your responsesto application questions. You should change them to suit your situation and insert detailsrelevant to your organization where appropriate.MEMBERSHIP INFO• Our existing membership comes from a 5 km radius within the local communitywhich is mainly young families / older adults / indigenous / ethnic etc.• Our membership is made up of 150 junior & 90 senior players, 50 volunteeradministrators and officials.• We attract spectators from the genereral community, usually within 10km radius ofour grounds.• We currently have sponsorship arrangements with (xx) and/or relationships with (xx)local business who also support our club by in kind support or donations.• The potential / future membership will come from local schools, or the surroundingregion, or particular target groups.NEED <strong>FOR</strong> THE PROJECTConsultation:• Need for the project was established after consultation with:- committee members- parents,- coaches,- officials,- players/ participants,- community groups,- local council,- Qld Cricket,- general community• Affiliated club members were consulted via association meetings, club meeting andsurveys from April 2006 – March 2007.• The Advisor, Sport and Recreation Qld was consulted about the project in Dec 06.• Planning meetings with Qld Cricket’s Regional Coaching Manager were held in June,August and Dec.- 1 -

<strong>EXAMPLE</strong> <strong>ANSWERS</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>FUNDING</strong> <strong>APPLICATIONS</strong>• We conducted a survey of members and the community in March 07 which indicatedthe need to/for _________ (provide details, copy of survey and summary of results)• Held meetings with local Councils, local schools, members of the community, or wehave been directed by members at the AGM to pursue this project and the projectcommittee has prepared the attached project plan to assist the successfulimplementation of the projectEducation & Training:• Members of the board have attended risk education training which stipulated theneed for the organisation to implement training for coaches, committee,administrators to ensure the club’s risk is decreased from its present high rating to amanageable low rating• Our governing body now requires a) all coaches to be _____ (eg. accredited Level 1,attend annual updating workshops etc) or our club may jeopardise its inclusion inthe regional competition or b) to increase the standard of our present volunteers tofill our requirements as a member of our governing body.• Our injury reports (attached is a summary) show our teams need first aid personnelat all trainings and games. This project will allow us to recruit and train morevolunteers to provide first aid personnel were needed throughout our season.Participation:• Currently we only provide participation opportunities for junior players and then theyhave to go to another club. Many players stop playing rather than join another club.Recruiting and training more coaches will enable our club to register senior teams forour junior players to move to and therefore provide better player pathways.• Our local schools have approached us to provide after school programs at theirschool. To support the school and develop strong link s that would lead to childrenjoining our club, we need to recruit, train and pay 5 coaches to deliver a schoolprogram across 3 schools for terms 2 & 3 of the school year. The program isattached with letters of support from the schools, potential coaches, our clubmeeting minutes where we decided this was a high priority for our club to buildmembership and a summary of the survery conducted by the schools to determinetheir need for us to run this program.Planning:- 2 -

<strong>EXAMPLE</strong> <strong>ANSWERS</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>FUNDING</strong> <strong>APPLICATIONS</strong>• The new board and our decline in membership has highlighted the need to plangrowth and development by undertaking a planning processFacilities:• Changes in legislation requires us to upgrade our facility to meet national standardsand we have only one year to comply• The local government plan highlights the need and supports our implementation ofthis project to meet Council’s and community needGeneral:• Feasibility study, facility risk audit, needs analysis, workplace health & safetyassessment - list the findings of these assessments• Analysis of membership and reasons for decline &/or lack of growth has precipitatedthe need• Members have raised this as a key concern at the AGM and after seriousconsideration by the board it was determined to be a priority• During the review of the club’s strategic and operational plans this project washighlighted as key project to ensure the outcomes of the club’s strategic direction(attach plan)• The local government plan highlights the need and supports our implementation ofthis project to meet Council’s and community need• Our strategic plan highlights the need for this project and the outcomes of thisproject will enable the other components of our plan to be successful• The reported inactivity and health issues of this community/age group supports theneed to increase the physical activity opportunities for this target group• State body plan has highlighted this as a key focus area for the whole organisation• The local Council plan highlights this project as key issue or is necessary to maintainour lease• The local Council conducted workshops and committee training and this projectensures that we deliver the expected outcomes of the training that was provided- 3 -

<strong>EXAMPLE</strong> <strong>ANSWERS</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>FUNDING</strong> <strong>APPLICATIONS</strong>• The project (equipment) offers our club the opportunity to increase the numberspresently participating ___________age group/standard and decrease the barriersfor this (age group or target group) to participation in physical activity• Improving and upgrading _____________ and the standard of this facility -ourmembership will be less exposed to risk and membership declines stemmed &/or tomeet the now required minimum national standards.• This project (Facility upgrade) will improve the present standard of our facility andlower our communities exposure to risk and encourage more community physicalactivity participation for _____________age group or the project will address theneeds of this target group or ensure that the organisation can still participatebecause it meets local and national standard or improve on the present performanceof the club by increasing participation opportunities by (target group)- 5 -

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