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See also numbers.time shifting is the recording of programming to a storage medium to be viewed or listened toat a time more convenient to the consumer. Typically, this refers to TV programming but canalso refer to radio shows via podcaststire <strong>and</strong> tyre are often confused. To tire of something is to become sick of it. Whereas a tyre isthe pneumatic rubber device on vehicle <strong>and</strong> bicycle wheels used to soften the ride <strong>and</strong> improveroad holding. The confusion arises perhaps out of the American spelling of the pneumaticdevice, which is tire.tiresome Means ‘tedious’ or ‘boring’, not ‘tiring’.titles, ranks use Mr <strong>and</strong> Ms (not Mrs), as well as Professor, Associate Professor, Dr, Sir, Lady,Princess, Constable, Captain, Colonel, etc. At second <strong>and</strong> subsequent references Professor <strong>and</strong>Associate Professor are both written as ‘Professor’ (then ‘Prof’ in subsequent uses, but not inbroadcast).Give the person’s full name at first mention, <strong>and</strong> thereafter their title <strong>and</strong> surname: ‘FredSmith . . . Mr Smith’. Similarly, ‘Professor Fred Smith … Professor Smith’, <strong>and</strong> ‘Dr FredSmith … Dr Smith’ Note that in the case of knights, the first name <strong>and</strong> not the surname isused: ‘Sir Fred Smith . . . Sir Fred’.Only Mr, Ms, Dr, Br, Sr <strong>and</strong> the Rev should be used as contractions. Note that ‘the Rev’requires a given name as in, for instance, ‘the Rev Fred Smith’. Thereafter, the reference is‘Mr Smith’, not ‘Rev Smith’. Roman Catholic priests are normally referred to as Fr, althoughsome have the title Monsignor. Some Anglican priests prefer to be referred to as Fr <strong>and</strong>Anglican priests should be consulted about this, as should female priests about their preferredtitle. Bishops should be referred to formally at first reference <strong>and</strong> thereafter as ‘Bishop . ..’: ‘The Bishop of Boolaroola, the Rt Rev Fred Smith’ or ‘the Most Rev Fred Smith’ at firstmention, then ‘Bishop Smith’.Titles in sport often look strange: ‘Mr Langer’, ‘Mr Mundine’, ‘Mr Rafter’. To avoid thisawkwardness, avoid honorifics for all names involved in sport, whether they are the names ofsports competitors or officials. Imperial titles <strong>and</strong> police or military ranks may occasionallyintrude on sports pages <strong>and</strong> are the exceptions to this rule.Court reporting presents a dilemma that must be resolved fairly. Although it may appear oddthat a criminal should be referred to as ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’, many people who face charges in courtare not criminals, even if found guilty. It is appropriate, then, to refer to all people involved incourt proceedings in the normal way.Police should be given their full title at first reference, <strong>and</strong> thereafter an abbreviated title:‘Senior Constable Brown . . . Sen Const Brown’, ‘Sergeant Hobbs . . . Sgt Hobbs’. Note thatpolice ranks refer to rank, not division of activity. So Detective Sergeant Mary O’Leary is ‘SgtO’Leary’ at second mention, not ‘Det O’Leary’. Similarly, Detective Inspector Jones becomesInsp Jones.Titles should normally be as brief as possible. Such honorifics as ‘the Hon’, ‘the Right Hon’,‘His Highness’, ‘His Excellency’, ‘the Worshipful’, ‘His Grace’ are not used.See decorations.toddler use only once the age range of toddler has been specified. Strictly speaking there is nosuch word – toddle describes walking with difficulty, whether young or elderly.UQ <strong>SJC</strong> STYLEBOOK <strong>2012</strong> – PAGE 60

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