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impossible.load <strong>and</strong> lode are sometimes confused. The first is something carried; the second is the richcentre of an ore body or text.loan/lend ‘Loan’ is the noun, ‘lend’ is the verb. The past tense of the verb is ‘lent’. So a loan iswhat is lent, not ‘loaned’. See verbalised nouns.loath (adj) reluctant, unwilling; loathe (v) hate.local avoid. Instead give the location – town, suburb, state, nation which the person represents.lumber <strong>and</strong> lumbar are often confused. The first is a north American name for timber; thesecond is the lower back, which often requires ‘lumbar support’ in quality car seats.Mmalt <strong>and</strong> moult are often confused. The first is an ingredient of beer, along with hops <strong>and</strong> yeast;the second is what animals do when they lose their winter coats: hair, feathers or skin (snakes).man (v) As a verb it is commonly misused to mean ‘to staff’ or ‘attend’ , viz, ‘to man the pumps’or ‘man the barricades’ represents an old world. Also ‘man hole’ – an access hole in a roador house ceiling – is not exclusively the domain of men. ‘It can be more fairly <strong>and</strong> accuratelydescribed as an ‘access hole’.manscaping current speak for the use of waxing <strong>and</strong> make-up to accentuate muscle shape onmale torsos. See boyzilian waxmany avoid, especially in radio leads. If there is a trend, or quantum making news, specify whatit is.marshal is a rank or role either military or quasi military – ie, track marshals at car <strong>and</strong> horseraces. The verb, to marshal, stems from it, meaning to organise or keep order.Marshall male given name, or family name, Alan Marshall, Australian novelist best known for Ican jump puddles.martial is military or combatory. Hence martial law (military rule in the face of a breakdownin democratic government); martial arts (self defence) or martial music – played by militaryb<strong>and</strong>s.may <strong>and</strong> might Might is the past tense of may. But also, the words meanings are close butdifferent: ‘The boy may still be alive’ <strong>and</strong> ‘The boy might still be alive’. The first suggests apossibility the boy is alive; in the second the possibility is weaker.may <strong>and</strong> can are often confused. Often permission to do something is sought with the followingquestion, ‘Can I do this?’ The corrective reply is: ‘I’m sure you can, but you may not’. That is,permission is not granted, but the questioner’s ability to do it is never questioned.measures Scales of measurement are not part of what they measure. So temperatures cannot behot or cold, only high or low. Similarly, height cannot be tall or short, or prices expensive orcheap. What is measured may be tall or short, expensive or cheap.media (See plurals.) Media is a plural noun (the singular is medium). Although it is nowcommon to treat media as a singular noun, do NOT do so. The media ARE …mediums is the plural of people who claim to contact spirits.PAGE 47 – <strong>2012</strong>UQ <strong>SJC</strong> STYLEBOOK

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