UF-IFAS Nitrogen Fertilization and Management ... - Florida Ag Expo

UF-IFAS Nitrogen Fertilization and Management ... - Florida Ag Expo UF-IFAS Nitrogen Fertilization and Management ... - Florida Ag Expo

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VarietySpring 2008FirstHarvestMarketable Yield three Harvest(boxes/acre)XL XL Culls Marketable TotalBHN 745 957ab 1,593ab 1,092ab 2,706BHN 765 972ab 1,580ab 1,151ab 2,752FLA 8579 624cd 889d 657cde 2,373FLA 8632 141e 171e 557def 2,185FLA 8633 464d 848d 842bcd 2,286HA 3074 (Inbar) 782abc 1,091cd 516def 2,202HA 3075 (Ofri) 972ab 1,365abc 681cde 2,532HA 3091 1,027ab 1,635a 1,332a 2,444Sak 5421 884abc 1,249bc 1,320a 2,432Sak 5443 823abc 1,571ab 1,010abc 2,613Security 28 1,059a 1,667a 991abc 2,389Tygress 1,019ab 1,262bc 231f 2,580Sebring 721bcd 1,279abc 487def 2,880FL 47 (control) 922abc 1,627a 448ef 2,761Sig. ** ** ** ns

VarietySpring 2009First HarvestMarketable Yield Three Harvest(Boxes/acre)XL XL Culls MarketableBHN 765 1,031c 1,457bcd 2,524a 2,675abcFLA 8577575def863efg 2,012abc 2,148cdeFLA 8578 336f 462g 2,007abc 1,549eHA 3075 (Ofri) 390f 757efg 1,725abcd 2,339bcdHA 3095 457ef 801efg 1,578bcd 1,945deHA 3096 684cdef 1,070def 2,222ab 2,022deHM 8845 965c 1,417bcd 1,301cd 2,810abSak 5230 520ef 663fg 2,130ab 1,639eSak 5443 812cde 1,106def 1,695bcd 2,509bcdSVR 200 1,369b 1,876ab 928d 2,763abcTycoon 922cd 1,233cde 1,634bcd 2,144cdeTygress 1,733a 2,165a 1,023d 2,903abTygress on FL 47 1,422ab 1,920ab 928d 3,162aFL 47 on Tygress 963c 1,697abc 1,232cd 3,173aFL 47 (control) 985c 1,568bcd 1,140d 2,947abSebring (control) 407f 1,247cde 1,098d 3,210aSig. ** ** ** **

VarietySpring 2009First HarvestMarketable Yield Three Harvest(Boxes/acre)XL XL Culls MarketableBHN 765 1,031c 1,457bcd 2,524a 2,675abcFLA 8577575def863efg 2,012abc 2,148cdeFLA 8578 336f 462g 2,007abc 1,549eHA 3075 (Ofri) 390f 757efg 1,725abcd 2,339bcdHA 3095 457ef 801efg 1,578bcd 1,945deHA 3096 684cdef 1,070def 2,222ab 2,022deHM 8845 965c 1,417bcd 1,301cd 2,810abSak 5230 520ef 663fg 2,130ab 1,639eSak 5443 812cde 1,106def 1,695bcd 2,509bcdSVR 200 1,369b 1,876ab 928d 2,763abcTycoon 922cd 1,233cde 1,634bcd 2,144cdeTygress 1,733a 2,165a 1,023d 2,903abTygress on FL 47 1,422ab 1,920ab 928d 3,162aFL 47 on Tygress 963c 1,697abc 1,232cd 3,173aFL 47 (control) 985c 1,568bcd 1,140d 2,947abSebring (control) 407f 1,247cde 1,098d 3,210aSig. ** ** ** **

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