IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center

IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center
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where, ISC L1CD is provided to the user as subframe 2 data.The values of ISC L1CP and ISC L1CD are measured values that represent the mean SV group delay differential betweenthe L1 P(Y)-code and the L1C P -code or L1C D -code respectively as follows,ISC L1CP = t L1P(Y) - t L1CPISC L1CD = t L1P(Y) - t L1CD ,where t L1x is the GPS time of the L1 frequency x signal (a specific epoch of the signal) transmitted from the SVantenna phase center. L1/L2 Ionospheric CorrectionThe two frequency (L1C P and L2C) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PR L2C 12 PR L1CP ) c (ISC L2C PR 12 ISC L1CP ) c T1 GD .12The two frequency (L1C D and L2C) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PR L2C 12 PR L1CD ) c (ISC L2C PR 12 ISC L1CD ) c T1 GD .12For the preceding equations, the following definitions apply:PR = pseudorange corrected for ionospheric effects,PR i = pseudorange measured on the channel indicated by the subscript,ISC i = inter-signal correction for the channel indicated by the subscript (see paragraph3., see paragraph of IS-GPS-200 for ISC L2C ),T GD = see paragraph of IS-GPS-200,c = speed of light,and, denoting the nominal center frequencies of L1 and L2 as f L1 and f L2 respectively, 12 = (f L1 /f L2 ) 2 = (1575.42/1227.6) 2 = (77/60) 2 .50 IS-GPS-800A8 June 2010 L1/L5 Ionospheric CorrectionThe two frequency (L1C P and L5 Q5) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PRL5Q5 15PRL1CP) c (ISCL5Q5 15ISCL1CP)PR c T1 GD.15The two frequency (L1C D and L5 Q5) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PRL5Q5 15PRL1CD) c (ISCL5Q5 15ISCL1CD)PR c T1 GD.15The two frequency (L1C P and L5 I5) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PRL5I5 15PRL1CP) c (ISCL5I5 15ISCL1CP)PR c T .1 GD15The two frequency (L1C D and L5 I5) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PRL5I5 15PRL1CD) c (ISCL5I5 15ISCL1CD)PR c T .1 GD15For the preceding equations, the following definitions apply:PR = pseudorange corrected for ionospheric effects,PR i = pseudorange measured on the channel indicated by the subscript,ISC i = inter-signal correction for the channel indicated by the subscript (see paragraph,see paragraph of IS-GPS-705 for ISC L5Q5 and ISC L5I5 ),T GD = see paragraph of IS-GPS-200,c = speed of light,and, denoting the nominal center frequencies of L1 and L5 as f L1 and f L5 respectively, 15 = (f L1 /f L5 ) 2 = (1575.42/1176.45) 2 = (154/115) 2 . Integrity AssuranceThe L1C message will contain information that allows users to operate when integrity is assured. This isaccomplished using an integrity assured URA value in conjunction with an integrity status flag. The URA value isthe RSS of URAoe and URAoc; URA is integrity assured to the enhanced level only when the integrity status flag is“1”.51 IS-GPS-800A8 June 2010

where, <strong>IS</strong>C L1CD is provided to the user as subframe 2 data.The values of <strong>IS</strong>C L1CP and <strong>IS</strong>C L1CD are measured values that represent the mean SV group delay differential betweenthe L1 P(Y)-code and the L1C P -code or L1C D -code respectively as follows,<strong>IS</strong>C L1CP = t L1P(Y) - t L1CP<strong>IS</strong>C L1CD = t L1P(Y) - t L1CD ,where t L1x is the <strong>GPS</strong> time of the L1 frequency x signal (a specific epoch of the signal) transmitted from the SVantenna phase center. L1/L2 Ionospheric CorrectionThe two frequency (L1C P and L2C) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PR L2C 12 PR L1CP ) c (<strong>IS</strong>C L2C PR 12 <strong>IS</strong>C L1CP ) c T1 GD .12The two frequency (L1C D and L2C) user shall correct for the group delay and ionospheric effects by applying therelationship(PR L2C 12 PR L1CD ) c (<strong>IS</strong>C L2C PR 12 <strong>IS</strong>C L1CD ) c T1 GD .12For the preceding equations, the following definitions apply:PR = pseudorange corrected for ionospheric effects,PR i = pseudorange measured on the channel indicated by the subscript,<strong>IS</strong>C i = inter-signal correction for the channel indicated by the subscript (see paragraph3., see paragraph of <strong>IS</strong>-<strong>GPS</strong>-200 for <strong>IS</strong>C L2C ),T GD = see paragraph of <strong>IS</strong>-<strong>GPS</strong>-200,c = speed of light,and, denoting the nominal center frequencies of L1 and L2 as f L1 and f L2 respectively, 12 = (f L1 /f L2 ) 2 = (1575.42/1227.6) 2 = (77/60) 2 .50 <strong>IS</strong>-<strong>GPS</strong>-<strong>800A</strong>8 June 2010

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