IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center

IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center
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The user shall use the broadcast URA oc Index to derive URA ocb . The index is a two’s complement representation ofa signed integer in the range of +15 to –16 and has the following relationship to the clock-related user derivedURA ocb :URA oc IndexURA ocb (meters)15 6144.00 < URA ocb14 3072.00 < URA ocb 6144.0013 1536.00 < URA ocb 3072.0012 768.00 < URA ocb 1536.0011 384.00 < URA ocb 768.0010 192.00 < URA ocb 384.009 96.00 < URA ocb 192.008 48.00 < URA ocb 96.007 24.00 < URA ocb 48.006 13.65 < URA ocb 24.005 9.65 < URA ocb 13.654 6.85 < URA ocb 9.653 4.85 < URA ocb 6.852 3.40 < URA ocb 4.851 2.40 < URA ocb 3.400 1.70 < URA ocb 2.40-1 1.20 < URA ocb 1.70-2 0.85 < URA ocb 1.20-3 0.60 < URA ocb 0.85-4 0.43 < URA ocb 0.60-5 0.30 < URA ocb 0.43-6 0.21 < URA ocb 0.30-7 0.15 < URA ocb 0.21-8 0.11 < URA ocb 0.15-9 0.08 < URA ocb 0.11-10 0.06 < URA ocb 0.08-11 0.04 < URA ocb 0.06-12 0.03 < URA ocb 0.04-13 0.02 < URA ocb 0.03-14 0.01 < URA ocb 0.02-15 URA ocb 0.01-16 No accuracy prediction available—use at own riskThe user may use the upper bound value in the URA ocb range corresponding to the broadcast index, therebycalculating the maximum URA oc that is equal to or greater than the CS predicted URA oc , or the user may use thelower bound value in the range which will provide the minimum URA oc that is equal to or less than the CS predictedURA oc .48 IS-GPS-800A8 June 2010

The transmitted URA oc1 Index is an integer value in the range 0 to 7. URA oc1 Index has the following relationship tothe URA oc1 :whereURA oc1 =1N (meters/second)2N = 4 + URA oc1 Index.The transmitted URA oc2 Index is an integer value in the range 0 to 7. URA oc2 Index has the following relationship tothe URA oc2 :whereURA oc2 =1N (meters/second 2 )2N = 25 + URA oc2 Index. Group Delay Correction ParametersBits 527 through 565 of subframe 2 provide the group delay differential correction terms for L1C signal users. Thefollowing algorithms shall apply when interpreting the correction parameters in the message. The bit lengths, scalefactors, ranges, and units of these parameters are given in Table 3.5-1. The bit string of “1000000000000” shallindicate that the group delay value is not available. The related algorithm is given in paragraphs and3. Inter-Signal CorrectionThe correction terms, T GD , ISC L1CP , and ISC L1CD , are initially provided by the CS to account for the effect of SVinter-signal biases between L1 P(Y) and L2 P(Y), between L1 P(Y) and L1C P , and between L1 P(Y) and L1C D ,respectively, based on measurements made by the SV contractor during SV manufacture. The values of T GD andISCs for each SV may be subsequently updated to reflect the actual on-orbit group delay differential. For maximumaccuracy, the single frequency L1C P user must use the correction terms to make further modifications to the codephase offset in paragraph of IS-GPS-200 with the equation:(t SV ) L1CP = t SV - T GD + ISC L1CPwhere T GD (see paragraph of IS-GPS-200) and ISC L1CP are provided to the user as subframe 2 data. Formaximum accuracy, the single frequency L1C D user must use the correction terms to make further modifications tothe code phase offset given by:(t SV ) L1CD = t SV - T GD + ISC L1CD49 IS-GPS-800A8 June 2010

The user shall use the broadcast URA oc Index to derive URA ocb . The index is a two’s complement representation ofa signed integer in the range of +15 to –16 and has the following relationship to the clock-related user derivedURA ocb :URA oc IndexURA ocb (meters)15 6144.00 < URA ocb14 3072.00 < URA ocb 6144.0013 1536.00 < URA ocb 3072.0012 768.00 < URA ocb 1536.0011 384.00 < URA ocb 768.0010 192.00 < URA ocb 384.009 96.00 < URA ocb 192.008 48.00 < URA ocb 96.007 24.00 < URA ocb 48.006 13.65 < URA ocb 24.005 9.65 < URA ocb 13.654 6.85 < URA ocb 9.653 4.85 < URA ocb 6.852 3.40 < URA ocb 4.851 2.40 < URA ocb 3.400 1.70 < URA ocb 2.40-1 1.20 < URA ocb 1.70-2 0.85 < URA ocb 1.20-3 0.60 < URA ocb 0.85-4 0.43 < URA ocb 0.60-5 0.30 < URA ocb 0.43-6 0.21 < URA ocb 0.30-7 0.15 < URA ocb 0.21-8 0.11 < URA ocb 0.15-9 0.08 < URA ocb 0.11-10 0.06 < URA ocb 0.08-11 0.04 < URA ocb 0.06-12 0.03 < URA ocb 0.04-13 0.02 < URA ocb 0.03-14 0.01 < URA ocb 0.02-15 URA ocb 0.01-16 No accuracy prediction available—use at own riskThe user may use the upper bound value in the URA ocb range corresponding to the broadcast index, therebycalculating the maximum URA oc that is equal to or greater than the CS predicted URA oc , or the user may use thelower bound value in the range which will provide the minimum URA oc that is equal to or less than the CS predictedURA oc .48 <strong>IS</strong>-<strong>GPS</strong>-<strong>800A</strong>8 June 2010

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