IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center

IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center IS-GPS-800A - US Coast Guard Navigation Center
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13.07.2015 Views Ephemeris Parameter CharacteristicsFor each ephemeris parameter contained in subframe 2, the bit lengths, scale factors, ranges, and units are given inTable 3.5-1. See Figure 3.5-1 for complete bit allocation in subframe User Algorithm for Determination of SV PositionThe user shall compute the ECEF coordinates of position for the SV’s antenna phase center (APC) utilizing avariation of the equations shown in Table 3.5-2. The ephemeris parameters are Keplerian in appearance; however,the values of these parameters are produced by the SV via a least squares curve fit of the predicted ephemeris of theSV APC (time-position quadruples: t, x, y, z expressed in ECEF coordinates). Particulars concerning the applicablecoordinate system are given in Sections and of IS-GPS-200.The sensitivity of the SV’s position to small perturbations in most ephemeris parameters is extreme. The sensitivity ofposition to the parameters A, C rc-n , and C rs-n is about one meter/meter. The sensitivity of position to the angularparameters is on the order of 10 8 meters/semi-circle, and to the angular rate parameters is on the order of 10 12meters/semi-circle/second. Because of this extreme sensitivity to angular perturbations, the value of used in the curvefit is given here. is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Here is taken as3.1415926535898.44 IS-GPS-800A8 June 2010

Table 3.5-2. Elements of Coordinate System (part 1 of 2)Element/EquationDescription = 3.986005 x 10 14 meters 3 /sec 2WGS 84 value of the earth’s gravitational constant for GPS user e = 7.2921151467 x 10 -5 rad/secA 0 = A REF + A *A k = A 0 + (A) t kWGS 84 value of the earth’s rotation rateSemi-Major Axis at reference timeSemi-Major Axisn 0 =3A 0Computed Mean Motion (rad/sec)t k = t – t oe **n A = n 0 +½ ∆n 0 t kn A = n 0 + n AM k = M 0 + n A t kM k = E k – e n sin E kTime from ephemeris reference timeMean motion difference from computed valueCorrected Mean MotionMean AnomalyKepler’s equation for Eccentric Anomaly (radians)(may be solved by iteration) k = tan -1 sin coskk True Anomaly 2 = tan -1 1e n sin E k / 1e n cos E k cos E e / 1e cos E knnkE k = cos -1 e n cos 1e n cos kk Eccentric Anomaly* A REF = 26,559,710 meters** t is GPS system time at time of transmission, i.e., GPS time corrected for transit time (range/speed of light).Furthermore, t k shall be the actual total difference between the time t and the epoch time t oe , and must accountfor beginning or end of week crossovers. That is if t k is greater than 302,400 seconds, subtract 604,800seconds from t k . If t k is less than -302,400 seconds, add 604,800 seconds to t k .45 IS-GPS-800A8 June 2010

Table 3.5-2. Elements of Coordinate System (part 1 of 2)Element/EquationDescription = 3.986005 x 10 14 meters 3 /sec 2WGS 84 value of the earth’s gravitational constant for <strong>GPS</strong> user e = 7.2921151467 x 10 -5 rad/secA 0 = A REF + A *A k = A 0 + (A) t kWGS 84 value of the earth’s rotation rateSemi-Major Axis at reference timeSemi-Major Axisn 0 =3A 0Computed Mean Motion (rad/sec)t k = t – t oe **n A = n 0 +½ ∆n 0 t kn A = n 0 + n AM k = M 0 + n A t kM k = E k – e n sin E kTime from ephemeris reference timeMean motion difference from computed valueCorrected Mean MotionMean AnomalyKepler’s equation for Eccentric Anomaly (radians)(may be solved by iteration) k = tan -1 sin coskk True Anomaly 2 = tan -1 1e n sin E k / 1e n cos E k cos E e / 1e cos E knnkE k = cos -1 e n cos 1e n cos kk Eccentric Anomaly* A REF = 26,559,710 meters** t is <strong>GPS</strong> system time at time of transmission, i.e., <strong>GPS</strong> time corrected for transit time (range/speed of light).Furthermore, t k shall be the actual total difference between the time t and the epoch time t oe , and must accountfor beginning or end of week crossovers. That is if t k is greater than 302,400 seconds, subtract 604,800seconds from t k . If t k is less than -302,400 seconds, add 604,800 seconds to t k .45 <strong>IS</strong>-<strong>GPS</strong>-<strong>800A</strong>8 June 2010

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