Technical Report - AUTO21

Technical Report - AUTO21 Technical Report - AUTO21


3.3 Descriptive Statistics for the sample of drivers in the Parkinglot dataTable 3.3.1 provides driver’s restraint status along with some demographic andsocio-economic characteristics. Of the 1668 drivers whose restraint status wasrecorded, close to 98% were observed using a seat belt. 50% of the drivers were30-39 years old, about 62% were females, 91% were either married or hadcommon law partner and 86.1% were Caucasian. English was the languagespoken by 80.7% of the drivers observed in this parking lot. Education andincome levels were reported as followis: 36.4% had University level educationand 43.2% had income $40000-$80000. About 40% of the drivers reported livingin large cities.Driver’s restraint status according to age, gender, marital status, education level,income, and city size are reported in Tables 3.3.2 to 3.3.7. It seems thatpercentage of seat belted drivers was high among females, older age groups,higher education groups, higher incomes brackets and drivers in larger cities.Table-3.3.1: Driver’s information.Category Frequency PercentSeat Belt Status 1668Belted 1637 98.1%Unbelted 31 1.9%Age 167320-29 Years 246 14.7%30-39 Years 838 50.1%40-49 Years 448 26.8%50-60 Years 96 5.7%Over 60 Years 45 2.7%Gender 1672Male 632 37.8%Female 1037 62.0%Unsure 3 0.2%Marital Status 1607Married/common law 1460 91%Separated/divorced 131 8%widowed 16 1.0%22

Race/Ethnicity 1652First Nations 39 2.4%Asian 45 2.7%Arabic 11 .7%Indo-Canadian 22 1.3%Caucasian 1423 86.1%African Canadian 7 .4%Hispanic 15 .9%Other 90 5.4%Missing 45Language 1672English 1350 80.7%French 170 10.2%Other 152 9.1%Missing 25Education Level 1645Elementary school 10 .6%Some high school 82 5.0%High school graduate 325 19.8%Some college/university 264 16.0%College graduate 404 24.6%University 560 34.0%Missing 52Income 1554Under $40,000 318 20.5%$40,000 - $80,000 671 43.2%Over $80,000 565 36.4%Missing 143Living Status 1668Large city(over 100,000) 666 39.9%Large town or small city(10,000-100,000) 544 32.6%Small town(under 10,000) 458 27.5%Missing 2923

Race/Ethnicity 1652First Nations 39 2.4%Asian 45 2.7%Arabic 11 .7%Indo-Canadian 22 1.3%Caucasian 1423 86.1%African Canadian 7 .4%Hispanic 15 .9%Other 90 5.4%Missing 45Language 1672English 1350 80.7%French 170 10.2%Other 152 9.1%Missing 25Education Level 1645Elementary school 10 .6%Some high school 82 5.0%High school graduate 325 19.8%Some college/university 264 16.0%College graduate 404 24.6%University 560 34.0%Missing 52Income 1554Under $40,000 318 20.5%$40,000 - $80,000 671 43.2%Over $80,000 565 36.4%Missing 143Living Status 1668Large city(over 100,000) 666 39.9%Large town or small city(10,000-100,000) 544 32.6%Small town(under 10,000) 458 27.5%Missing 2923

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