Prices and knowledge: A market-process perspective

Prices and knowledge: A market-process perspective

Prices and knowledge: A market-process perspective


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Index 145disequilibrium <strong>market</strong> failures 26,101disequilibrium prices 2–4; <strong>and</strong>Austrian school 55; <strong>and</strong>complexity 80–2; <strong>and</strong>entrepreneurial discovery 43–7,82–3; feedback mechanism of 3,58; Hayek on 87; informationalrole of 29–30, 44–7, 55–60, 118,119–20; as <strong>knowledge</strong> surrogates41, 121; as misinformationsurrogates 55, 57; <strong>and</strong> priceaccepting 57, 60; <strong>and</strong> pricetaking 55–7; <strong>and</strong> profitopportunities55–6, 58–60, 105, 119; assignals 48, 121; see also pricesdispersed information 30–1, 82Dreyfus, H.L. 79economic systems: <strong>and</strong> centralplanning 36–7; compared 36–7,104–6; decentralized 105;evaluation of 7, 36, 52–5;incentives in 19–20; <strong>and</strong><strong>knowledge</strong> problem 7, 105–6;mixed 104; <strong>and</strong> Pareto optimality52–5economics of information 38, 117,119, 121; <strong>and</strong> ignorance 22–4, 29economics, mathematical approach to5, 18, 22, 40, 102–3economy: household 84; regulation of96; socialist 85–8entrepreneurial discovery 4, 5; ofchange 105; <strong>and</strong> disequilibriumprices 43–7, 82–3, 119–20; <strong>and</strong>ignorance 38, 76–8; incentives for47; <strong>and</strong> inflation 122; <strong>and</strong><strong>knowledge</strong> 104, 105, 119; <strong>and</strong>profit opportunities 27, 47;research on 121entrepreneurs: <strong>and</strong> Austrian school49–50; co-ordinating role of 58–9,90, 91, 114; defined 17–18;Kirzner defines 17–18; <strong>and</strong><strong>market</strong>s 114; mistakes of 12, 21,27, 91, 107, 122entrepreneurship 2, 5; <strong>and</strong>equilibrium 22; in <strong>market</strong>economy 83, 86–8; Misesdescribes 18; <strong>and</strong> organizations108–15; <strong>and</strong> profits 17–20; <strong>and</strong>role of money 121–2equilibration 51–2, 122equilibrium: arbitrage in 38; <strong>and</strong>change 98; <strong>and</strong> co-ordination9–10, 11; defining 8–10; <strong>and</strong>disequilibrium 37–40; Hahn’sconcept of sloppy 9; as‘imaginary construction’ 21–2;modelling38–9; as negative description 21;prices 40–3, 117–18; <strong>and</strong> profitopportunities 9–10; role of 20–2;<strong>and</strong> stability analysis 102experimentation 110externalities: <strong>and</strong> central planning81; <strong>and</strong> hierarchies 75; <strong>and</strong>information 38–9; <strong>and</strong> perfectcompetition 55; <strong>and</strong> price systemparadoxes 33Fama, E. 30feedback mechanism of prices 3, 58‘filters’ 69–70firms 72–3, 76, 108Fisher, F.M. 8, 11–12, 24, 102, 103Fisher, R.A. 48foresight 28free entry 114‘free lunch’ fallacy 26, 53free-riding, <strong>and</strong> information 33Fundamental Welfare Theorem 42Frydman, R. 103Garrison, R. 48–9, 52, 58Gordon, D.F. 13government hierarchies 109–11;decentralized 112government intervention 26, 81,107–8government planning 96; <strong>and</strong>discovery procedure 54; <strong>and</strong><strong>knowledge</strong> problem 110–11‘grass-is-greener’ fallacy 26, 53Grossman <strong>and</strong> Stiglitz 2, 6, 29–50,

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