View Profile - North Maharashtra University

View Profile - North Maharashtra University View Profile - North Maharashtra University


10) P. D. Dhaye, V. D. Gurudasani , G. A. Usmani, “Microwave AssistedEsterification of Benzyl Alcohol with Carboxylic Acid In presence of catalystSulfamic Acid”, International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research,Vol. 6(2), 62-67 (2013).11) R. S. Sirsam , G. A. Usmani , “Kinetic Study for Synthesis of DimethylMaleate over Cation Exchange Resin Indion-730”-International Journal ofChemical Engineering and Applications.,Vol.4 (4),217-220 (2013).12) A. K. Goswami , G. A. Usmani , M. P. Patil. “Methyl Ester Transesterificationof Jatropha , Cottonseed and used cooking oils as an alternative fuel forPetrodiesel”,- Invertis Journal of Renewable Energy., Vol-3 , 89-96 (2013).13) Fakir A. Shah, G. A. Usmani , “ Comparative Kinetic Studies of NimusulideAdsorption onto Activated Carbon of Cordia myxa” National Conference onCurrent Trends in Chemistry , (ISBN:978-93-82528-78-4) 68-73 (2014).14) M. S. Patil, G. A. Usmani , " Performance of Activated Sludge Process inbubble column and Compact Jet Loop Reactor: A comparative Study "International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology,Vol.5 (3),63-73 (2014) Impact Factor 7.83.15) M. S. Patil, G. A. Usmani , “Laboratory Scale Study of Activated SludgeProcess in Jet loop reactor for Waste Water Treatment" International Journalof Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 4(3), 68-74 (2014).16) M. S. Patil, G. A. Usmani , " Treatment of Industrial waste water from PaperIndustry by using Compact Jet Loop Reactor " International Journal ofAdvanced Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol.5 (4),01-08 (2014)Impact Factor 7.83. (Citation-1)17) A. K. Goswami, G. A. Usmani, “Study of linseed oil biodiesel as analternative fuel and its petroleum characterization of various blends withbiodiesel” International Journal of Engineering Technology and ComputerResearch, Vol.2 (4), 77-82 (2014).18) A. K. Goswami, G. A. Usmani , “ Study of process parameters of biodieselproduction from cottonseed oil ”, 2014 3 rd International Conference onInformatics, Environment, Energy and Applications (IPCBEE), Vol. 66 (21),102-105 (2014).

19) M. S. Patil, G. A. Usmani , “Application of Compact Jet Loop Reactor inTreatment of Industrial Waste Water from pharmaceutical industry”,International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4(2),1092-1095 (2014).20) Ishwar T. Gawali, G. A. Usmani “Synthesis, characterization and performanceproperties of glycerol based non-ionic gemini surfactant with 1, 6-dibromohexane as spacer”, International Journal of Advanced Research inEngineering and Technology (IJARET), 5(8), pp. 62-69 (2014).21) Ishwar T. Gawali, G. A. Usmani (2014), “Synthesis, characterization andsome properties of glycerol ester based non-ionic gemini surfactant with 1,2,7, 8–diepoxidoctane as spacer”, International Journal of Science andResearch (IJSR), 3(10), pp. 580-584 (2014).22) Amol S. Patil, G. A. Usmani, Pawan D. Meshram, “Synthesis andCharacterization of Sorbitol based Biosurfactant from renewable sources byusing Candida Antartica Lipase-B Enzyme”, International Journal ofAdvanced Research and Technology (IJAERT), 2(5), pp. 126-132 (2014).23) Prashant S. Patil, G. A. Usmani, Kiran E. Suryawanshi (2014), “Synthesis ofBiodiesel and Purification of glycerin by electrolysis”, International Journal ofScientific Research Engineering and Technology (IJSRET), 3(6), pp. 937-940,(2014).24) A. K. Goswami, G. A. Usmani “Characterization of Biodiesel Obtained fromPure Soybean Oil and Its Various Blends with Petro-Diesel”, InternationalJournal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET), 3(6), pp. 16287-16293 (2014).25) Ishwar T. Gawali, G. A. Usmani, “Study of Physico-Chemical Properties ofGlycerol Ester Based Non-Ionic Gemini Surfactant”, International Journal ofScience and Research (IJSR), 3(11), pp. 794-798 (2014).B) Presented Papers in Conferences :1. G. A. Usmani, H. V. Patil “Lipase Catalyst Esterification for the ProductionofOleochemicals”- 99 th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Seattle WashingtonUSA. 18, 21 May-2008.

19) M. S. Patil, G. A. Usmani , “Application of Compact Jet Loop Reactor inTreatment of Industrial Waste Water from pharmaceutical industry”,International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4(2),1092-1095 (2014).20) Ishwar T. Gawali, G. A. Usmani “Synthesis, characterization and performanceproperties of glycerol based non-ionic gemini surfactant with 1, 6-dibromohexane as spacer”, International Journal of Advanced Research inEngineering and Technology (IJARET), 5(8), pp. 62-69 (2014).21) Ishwar T. Gawali, G. A. Usmani (2014), “Synthesis, characterization andsome properties of glycerol ester based non-ionic gemini surfactant with 1,2,7, 8–diepoxidoctane as spacer”, International Journal of Science andResearch (IJSR), 3(10), pp. 580-584 (2014).22) Amol S. Patil, G. A. Usmani, Pawan D. Meshram, “Synthesis andCharacterization of Sorbitol based Biosurfactant from renewable sources byusing Candida Antartica Lipase-B Enzyme”, International Journal ofAdvanced Research and Technology (IJAERT), 2(5), pp. 126-132 (2014).23) Prashant S. Patil, G. A. Usmani, Kiran E. Suryawanshi (2014), “Synthesis ofBiodiesel and Purification of glycerin by electrolysis”, International Journal ofScientific Research Engineering and Technology (IJSRET), 3(6), pp. 937-940,(2014).24) A. K. Goswami, G. A. Usmani “Characterization of Biodiesel Obtained fromPure Soybean Oil and Its Various Blends with Petro-Diesel”, InternationalJournal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET), 3(6), pp. 16287-16293 (2014).25) Ishwar T. Gawali, G. A. Usmani, “Study of Physico-Chemical Properties ofGlycerol Ester Based Non-Ionic Gemini Surfactant”, International Journal ofScience and Research (IJSR), 3(11), pp. 794-798 (2014).B) Presented Papers in Conferences :1. G. A. Usmani, H. V. Patil “Lipase Catalyst Esterification for the ProductionofOleochemicals”- 99 th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Seattle WashingtonUSA. 18, 21 May-2008.

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