Trust Today | October 2007 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS ...

Trust Today | October 2007 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS ... Trust Today | October 2007 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS ...
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News in BriefScores on the DoorsThe kitchens and dining rooms at bothBRI and St Luke’s have recently beenallocated a five star award for theirhygiene standards.Scores on the Doors, run by the localauthority, rates all food premises - withfive being the highest score.Check out more information contact AndreaDalton, non-clinical support servicesgeneral manager, on ext 4762.CongratulationsCongratulations to seniorphysiotherapists Tom Hughes and AbigailKetley, who have both achieved an MScwith distinction from Bradford University.Jodie Marsden, senior physiotherapistshas achieved a post-graduate certificatewith distinction.Managing theStress of CancerA new self-help booklet for people withcancer is now available. Colin Sloanefrom Bradford Cancer Support, JanHelbert, consultant clinical psychologistand Merry Womphrey, clinicalpsychologist at St Luke’s.It is based on feedback from patientsand research in the field of cancer. Itlooks at some of the main feelings andthoughts people may have in response tocancer, shares ideas on how changes andchallenges can be approached and givesinformation about local support services.Copies are available from the cancerinformation centre, Bradford CancerSupport and clinical nurse specialists.For more information contact Jan on323511.Born inbradfordupdateThe Born in Bradford projectcontinues to progress well. Around2,000 mums-to-be have now beenrecruited and over 1,000 babies havenow been born. Over 80 per cent ofmums who access our maternity servicesare signing up to the study.In recent months, a string of high-profilevisits has boosted the project.Sir Ken Morrison officially openedthe Born in Bradford project officein July, where he met staff andtoured the maternity unit.Environment secretary HilaryBenn MP spent time learningabout the project, meeting staffand taking a tour of the neonatalunit at Bradford Royal Infirmary,also in July. Four of Bradford’sMPs followed suit, when theycame for a visit, learning moreabout the study, meeting staffand patients and touring thematernity unit.The newly formed Evidence intoPractice group have recentlylaunched a new foundation trustwidenewsletter BEIP (Bradford Evidenceinto Practice) to support practitioners toget evidence into practice.There is a mountain of clinical evidenceout there and the challenge is how to getthis evidence into practice to ensure thatpatients receive the best possible carebased upon up-to-date evidence. The aimof this new newsletter is to introduce onealternative approach to help staff keepabreast of the latest evidence to supportclinical practice.In September, Lord Hunt, ministry ofjustice parliamentary under secretary ofstate, also visited the maternity unit andmet project team members.The project was also featured on theBBC 6 O’ Clock national news over thesummer.For more information contact PaulineRaynor, project manager, on ext 3173.Sir Ken Morrison and chairman David RichardsonBest Evidence intopractice (BEIP)Newsletter LaunchThe newsletter will be produced everytwo months around a specific theme.Each issue will include a guest editorial,information on the latest evidenceto support clinical practice, researchupdate, libraries update and PromotingAction through Clinical Effectiveness(PACE) update pages. There will also bea calendar of evidence-based practiceevents. The newsletter can be found would welcome your comments onthis newsletter and any information thatyou would like to be included. Pleaseemail the editorial team onbeip.newsletter@bradfordhospitals.nhs.ukElizabeth foundationsuccessThe Elizabeth Foundation, a familycentre for deaf children and theirfamilies, received an excellentreport from school inspectors Ofsted.Ofsted said that the school was‘outstanding in helping deaf childrenmake a positive contribution.’ They alsopraised staff, behaviour and work withchildren with English as an additionallanguage.60 Seconds With...PHilip bartramEach edition, we will be asking adifferent member of staff to takepart in 60 Seconds. This time weput the questions to senior theatrepractitioner, Philip Bartram.If you want to take part in 60 Seconds orhave any suggestions for who you wouldlike interviewed, or questions you wouldlike to see then please get in touch withLeanne Wilson, ext 4022.If you could have chosen a differentcareer, what would it have been?A concert pianist, but I don’t have theskills or the single-mindedness.What is your proudest achievement?Getting a honours award in my finalpiano performance exam.Name three things you would do ifyou were Prime Minister.• Bring in legislation bring back thedeath penalty for drug traffickersParents also praised the school, with onemum saying that she cannot speak highlyenough of the Elizabeth Foundation.The Elizabeth Foundation is a charity thatworks closely with the foundation trustand the Ear Trust.For more information about theFoundation go to or contact MargaretSouthern, senior teacher of the deafand head of services for Yorkshire atmargaret@elizabeth-foundation.orgTeacher of the deafJoanne with childrenPhoebe, Owasis,Maariyah and Thomas.• Encourage countries, such as the USA,to spend as much money on peacefulinitiatives as they currently spend onmilitary ones• Feed the world. We have the resources- we just the lack the will.Who do you most admire?North Vietnam’s General Vo NguyenGiap who almost single-handedlymasterminded the defeat of the armies ofJapan, France, USA and China to free hiscountry and his people from foreign rule.Where’s your favourite place in theworld and why?Nowhere and everywhere. I thinkanywhere can be special if you chooseto make it so. It depends on the peopleyou’re with.What’s your most embarrassingmoment?I don’t wish to say!Supermarkettours expandThe supermarket tours offered bydiabetes dieticians have expanded andSainsbury’s at Greengates will nowbe taking apart along with Morrisons, Asdaand Tesco.The tours offer people with diabetes adviceabout food choices and help to bust somediet myths.The tours are taken by experienced diabetesdieticians and have been very popular sincethey were launched in September 2004.For more information contact HannahCohen, diabetes dietician, on ext 5108.What is your biggest regret?I don’t regret anything I’ve done. I doregret several things I haven’t done.What would your friends say is yourbest/worst trait?My best trait in probably myhonesty. My worst isprobably my honestytoo! And I have anevil temper but Ihide it well!Philip Bartram8 Trust Today | October 2007Trust Today | October 20079

News in BriefScores on the DoorsThe kitchens and dining rooms at bothBRI and St Luke’s have recently beenallocated a five star award for theirhygiene standards.Scores on the Doors, run by the localauthority, rates all food premises - withfive being the highest score.Check out more information contact AndreaDalton, non-clinical support servicesgeneral manager, on ext 4762.CongratulationsCongratulations to seniorphysiotherapists Tom Hughes and AbigailKetley, who have both achieved an MScwith distinction from <strong>Bradford</strong> University.Jodie Marsden, senior physiotherapistshas achieved a post-graduate certificatewith distinction.Managing theStress of CancerA new self-help booklet for people withcancer is now available. Colin Sloanefrom <strong>Bradford</strong> Cancer Support, JanHelbert, consultant clinical psychologistand Merry Womphrey, clinicalpsychologist at St Luke’s.It is based on feedback from patientsand research in the field of cancer. Itlooks at some of the main feelings andthoughts people may have in response tocancer, shares ideas on how changes andchallenges can be approached and givesinformation about local support services.Copies are available from the cancerinformation centre, <strong>Bradford</strong> CancerSupport and clinical nurse specialists.For more information contact Jan on323511.Born inbradfordupdateThe Born in <strong>Bradford</strong> projectcontinues to progress well. Around2,000 mums-to-be have now beenrecruited and over 1,000 babies havenow been born. Over 80 per cent ofmums who access our maternity servicesare signing up to the study.In recent months, a string of high-profilevisits has boosted the project.Sir Ken Morrison officially openedthe Born in <strong>Bradford</strong> project officein July, where he met staff andtoured the maternity unit.Environment secretary HilaryBenn MP spent time learningabout the project, meeting staffand taking a tour of the neonatalunit at <strong>Bradford</strong> Royal Infirmary,also in July. Four of <strong>Bradford</strong>’sMPs followed suit, when theycame for a visit, learning moreabout the study, meeting staffand patients and touring thematernity unit.The newly formed Evidence intoPractice group have recentlylaunched a new foundation trustwidenewsletter BEIP (<strong>Bradford</strong> Evidenceinto Practice) to support practitioners toget evidence into practice.There is a mountain of clinical evidenceout there and the challenge is how to getthis evidence into practice to ensure thatpatients receive the best possible carebased upon up-to-date evidence. The aimof this new newsletter is to introduce onealternative approach to help staff keepabreast of the latest evidence to supportclinical practice.In September, Lord Hunt, ministry ofjustice parliamentary under secretary ofstate, also visited the maternity unit andmet project team members.The project was also featured on theBBC 6 O’ Clock national news over thesummer.For more information contact PaulineRaynor, project manager, on ext 3173.Sir Ken Morrison and chairman David RichardsonBest Evidence intopractice (BEIP)Newsletter LaunchThe newsletter will be produced everytwo months around a specific theme.Each issue will include a guest editorial,information on the latest evidenceto support clinical practice, researchupdate, libraries update and PromotingAction through Clinical Effectiveness(PACE) update pages. There will also bea calendar of evidence-based practiceevents. The newsletter can be found would welcome your comments onthis newsletter and any information thatyou would like to be included. Pleaseemail the editorial team onbeip.newsletter@bradfordhospitals.nhs.ukElizabeth foundationsuccessThe Elizabeth Foundation, a familycentre for deaf children and theirfamilies, received an excellentreport from school inspectors Ofsted.Ofsted said that the school was‘outstanding in helping deaf childrenmake a positive contribution.’ They alsopraised staff, behaviour and work withchildren with English as an additionallanguage.60 Seconds With...PHilip bartramEach edition, we will be asking adifferent member of staff to takepart in 60 Seconds. This time weput the questions to senior theatrepractitioner, Philip Bartram.If you want to take part in 60 Seconds orhave any suggestions for who you wouldlike interviewed, or questions you wouldlike to see then please get in touch withLeanne Wilson, ext 4022.If you could have chosen a differentcareer, what would it have been?A concert pianist, but I don’t have theskills or the single-mindedness.What is your proudest achievement?Getting a honours award in my finalpiano performance exam.Name three things you would do ifyou were Prime Minister.• Bring in legislation bring back thedeath penalty for drug traffickersParents also praised the school, with onemum saying that she cannot speak highlyenough of the Elizabeth Foundation.The Elizabeth Foundation is a charity thatworks closely with the foundation trustand the Ear <strong>Trust</strong>.For more information about theFoundation go to or contact MargaretSouthern, senior teacher of the deafand head of services for Yorkshire atmargaret@elizabeth-foundation.orgTeacher of the deafJoanne with childrenPhoebe, Owasis,Maariyah and Thomas.• Encourage countries, such as the USA,to spend as much money on peacefulinitiatives as they currently spend onmilitary ones• Feed the world. We have the resources- we just the lack the will.Who do you most admire?North Vietnam’s General Vo NguyenGiap who almost single-handedlymasterminded the defeat of the armies ofJapan, France, USA and China to free hiscountry and his people from foreign rule.Where’s your favourite place in theworld and why?Nowhere and everywhere. I thinkanywhere can be special if you chooseto make it so. It depends on the peopleyou’re with.What’s your most embarrassingmoment?I don’t wish to say!Supermarkettours expandThe supermarket tours offered bydiabetes dieticians have expanded andSainsbury’s at Greengates will nowbe taking apart along with Morrisons, Asdaand Tesco.The tours offer people with diabetes adviceabout food choices and help to bust somediet myths.The tours are taken by experienced diabetesdieticians and have been very popular sincethey were launched in September 2004.For more information contact HannahCohen, diabetes dietician, on ext 5108.What is your biggest regret?I don’t regret anything I’ve done. I doregret several things I haven’t done.What would your friends say is yourbest/worst trait?My best trait in probably myhonesty. My worst isprobably my honestytoo! And I have anevil temper but Ihide it well!Philip Bartram8 <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2007</strong><strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2007</strong>9

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