Trust Today | October 2007 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS ...

Trust Today | October 2007 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS ...

Trust Today | October 2007 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS ...


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<strong>Trust</strong><strong>Today</strong>CONTENTSWelcome to <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> 2Open Event Week <strong>2007</strong> 2-3Pinboard 4Staff Gym News 5Spotlight on...Darzi Review 5News in Brief 6Say no to Flu! 6Education Day for Patients 6What the Papers Say 7What do Multi-DisciplinaryCoordinators do? 7News in Brief 8Born in <strong>Bradford</strong> Update 8Best Evidence into Practice (BEIP)Newsletter Launch 860 Seconds with...Philip Bartram 9Elizabeth Foundation Success 9Supermarket Tours Expand 9Delivery Suite Assessment Unit Opens 10Infection Control Update 10Foundation <strong>Trust</strong> becomes Bowel CancerScreening Centre 11More about PALS 11Security Awareness Month 12Safer Patients Initiative Update 12OPEN EVENTWEEK <strong>2007</strong>Welcome to<strong>Trust</strong><strong>Today</strong>Welcome to the <strong>October</strong> edition of <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong>.In this issue we have our regular features- such as spotlight and 60 Seconds along withnews and features about the foundation trust.<strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> is written for staff - so your viewsand feedback are very important.If you have any feedback about this edition orwould like to get in touch about somethingyou would like to see in future editions thencontact Leanne Wilson, communicationsofficer, on ext 4022 or by email. You canalso contact her at Leanne Wilson, <strong>Trust</strong> HQ,<strong>Bradford</strong> Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane,<strong>Bradford</strong>, BD9 6RJ.Alternatively you get in touch with a memberof the <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> editorial group - includingnew member Kay Gartland, PA in pharmacywho’s on ext 2661.<strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> DeadlinesAll submissions for the December issue of<strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> must be received by November 2<strong>2007</strong>.Open EventOver 900 people attended this year’sOpen Event on September 19, whichwas held in a marquee at BRI. During theday, there were tours around six differentdepartments, 32 display stands and fourpresentations.Many of the displays were interactive andfeatured quizzes, equipment, chocolatefountains, mannequins, demonstrationsand models.Those attending could get a smileassessment, take psychology quizzes,look at sample blood slides, see how wellthey wash their hands and try out specialglasses to see what having cataracts is like.The governors award for the best clinicalstand went to orthopaedics and theatresjointly. The orthopaedics stand featureda ‘mystic matron’ giving advice aboutbone health, a singing skeleton and staffdressed in special t-shirts. Theatres had amannequin where visitors could try outkeyhole surgery, equipment displays anda quiz to name parts of the body.The governors award for best non-clinicalstand went to dietetics/catering - whofeatured a wonderful array of food!Miles Scott, chief executive said: “Thewhole event - including the AGM - wasvery well attended. Staff from acrossthe foundation trust have put in a hugeamount of work, both in organising andrunning the event and taking part in it.The fact that the day was such a successis testament to their hard work anddedication.“It was wonderful to see the obviouspride that staff have in their work.”Along with the displays, there wereseveral behind-the-scenes tours todepartments - including a demonstrationof a brand-new safety system calledNeurax in medical engineeringand anaesthetics, a look-round thetransitional care unit, estates, radiology,clinical skills lab and the medicaladmissions unit.Presentations on safer patients,investment, equality and diversity andBorn in <strong>Bradford</strong> also took place.Awards EveningDuring the week of events, an awardsevening was held for staff. Winners ofthe Hospital Oscars, Team of the Year andLong Service Awards were announced.Three Oscar winners were chosen- Brenda Hubbert, head of procurement,Joe Krol, portering supervisor andJohn Farrell, theatres porter. All werenominated by members of staff forgoing ‘the extra mile’. They received acertificate, £1,000 and a personal gift,sponsored by Sovereign Healthcare.Nine teams entered the Team of the Yearaward. After presentations, the Team of theYear was declared as the artificial nutritionsupport team. In second place wasorthodontics, followed by the delivery suiteassessment unit. The winners will receive£10,000 to further their work, with thesecond prize £5,000 and third £2,000 - allsponsored by Sovereign Healthcare.All staff with over 30 years <strong>NHS</strong> servicewere also entitled to a Long ServiceAward and many staff attended on theevening to pick up a certificate, lapelbadge and a cheque.David Richardson, chairman, said: “It’s afantastic achievement for everyone whowon an award. The standard of Oscarnominations and Team of the Year wasextremely high and it was difficult topick winners.“It was a great evening and a brilliantway to recognise the commitment andenthusiasm of staff.”Thank You VolunteersA separate event was held to thankvolunteers who work across thefoundation trust.A Volunteer of the Year Award was givenfor the first time and awards were givento 44 volunteers with five, ten and 15years service.Barbara Cawood, friends of St Luke’schairman was awarded Volunteer of theYear. Second and joint-third places werealso given to Chris Hallam, chaplaincyvolunteer in A&E, Alan Hudson, guide inear, nose and throat and Kerry Cawley,who is involved in the education ofmidwives, doctors and other healthprofessionals giving a parent’s perspectiveof having a child with Downs Syndrome.All the volunteers were nominated bymembers of staff.Winners received a certificate and anengraved glass plaque.Miles Scott said: “Volunteers contributea great deal to the foundation trust andmake a real difference to patients, visitorsand staff.“All of our volunteers do valuable workand deciding on the winners was a verydifficult job.”Finance EventA finance procurement event also tookplace in the marquee, with suppliers tothe foundation trust exhibiting.It gave staff the chance to speak tosuppliers and look at products. The eventwas well attended.2<strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2007</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2007</strong>3

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