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65The third method of diaphragm pump operation is similar to thehydraulic-driven device mentioned above. The only difference is that thepiston is not attached to the diaphragm, but instead is utilized as a typeof secondary pump above the diaphragm. The piston alternately forces the"working fluid" in and out ti the cylinder, pulsating the diaphragm, whichin turn pumps another fluid. This method has the advantage of providingeven pressures across the diaphragm membrane as opposed to mechanicalstroking which produces nonuniform stresses with stretching or fatiguenear the piston (Pumping Manual, 1964) . This type of diaphragm pump isusually confined to small-discharge, industrial uses, however, it ismentioned to illustratethe use of secondary, working fluids.As with power pumps, capacity regulation of diaphragm pumps is normallyaccomplished by varying the driver speed.3.3 Rotary MethodsThe devices in this subclass increase head by displacing (positively)water in a rotary motion. They should not be confused with rotodynamicpumps which also use a rotary motion (see Section 4.2), but utilizeprimarily high-speed, kinetic energy to increase head. Rotary devices,however, can operate even at very slow speeds and still increase head. Aswill readily be seen in several of the early devices, (e.g., noria, paddlewheel),rotary water lifters "trap" the water and push it from one elevation(or head) to a higher one. Although, like reciprocating devices they displaceisolated units of water, rotary methods normally discharge a morecontinuous flow (i.e., at a given speed) because several water pushingcomponents (e.g., blades, buckets, pistons) rotate one behind another.

663.3.1 WheelAfter many of the early reciprocating devices were developed, it waseventually discovered that by mounting several of them on a wheel, a more.continuous flow could be obtained, i.e., less time waiting to return theone (or two) lifter(s) back to the water supply. The first device to bediscussed is a good example of thisdevelopment. Paddle-WheelThis wheel type device utilizes the basic idea of lifting waterby scooping it, just as was done with the water balance (Figure 3.11) .However, instead on one scoop or paddle moving back and forth, severalpaddles are attached to the periphery of a wheel and by rotating the wheel,each paddle pushes a unitof wa:~r up a channel.A typical small-capacity, paddle-wheel is shown in Figure 3.17,operating with manual power. In this example, the operator “pedals” thetips of the paddles, however in other versions, the axis of the wheel isattached to a shaft which can then be turned (often via gearing) by someother prime mover, e.g., a windmill, an animal-powered circular sweep,etc. The device shown in Figure 3.17 has widespread use in low liftapplications such as rice paddies. In order to minimize losses, a woodenchannel is usually provided for the paddle-wheel to rotate inside of.With such a channel, Molenaar (1956) reports the performance of varioussize paddle-wheels as given in Table 3.2.Paddle-wheels are also commonly referred to as paddle-pumps, chackrams(India), kharbauwys, flash-wheels, and scoop-wheels, however, the lattertwo names usually infer large wheels of the size and design used withhigh-power, mechanical drivers. Such sroop-wheels were used extensivelyin low-lying areas, such as Holland, around the turn of the 20th century.

663.3.1 WheelAfter many of the early reciprocating devices were developed, it waseventually discovered that by mounting several of them on a wheel, a more.continuous flow could be obtained, i.e., less time waiting to return theone (or two) lifter(s) back to the water supply. The first device to bediscussed is a good example of thisdevelopment. Paddle-WheelThis wheel type device utilizes the basic idea of lifting waterby scooping it, just as was done with the water balance (Figure 3.11) .However, instead on one scoop or paddle moving back and forth, severalpaddles are attached to the periphery of a wheel and by rotating the wheel,each paddle pushes a unitof wa:~r up a channel.A typical small-capacity, paddle-wheel is shown in Figure 3.17,operating with manual power. In this example, the operator “pedals” thetips of the paddles, however in other versions, the axis of the wheel isattached to a shaft which can then be turned (often via gearing) by someother prime mover, e.g., a windmill, an animal-powered circular sweep,etc. The device shown in Figure 3.17 has widespread use in low liftapplications such as rice paddies. In order to minimize losses, a woodenchannel is usually provided for the paddle-wheel to rotate inside of.With such a channel, Molenaar (1956) reports the performance of varioussize paddle-wheels as given in Table 3.2.Paddle-wheels are also <strong>com</strong>monly referred to as paddle-pumps, chackrams(India), kharbauwys, flash-wheels, and scoop-wheels, however, the lattertwo names usually infer large wheels of the size and design used withhigh-power, mechanical drivers. Such sroop-wheels were used extensivelyin low-lying areas, such as Holland, around the turn of the 20th century.

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