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TABLE OF CONTENTS:.LIST OF FIGURES ...........................LIST OF TABLES. ...........................PageiiiivChapter 1 Introduction ........... ............ 11.1 Objectives ............ ............ 11.2 Historical Review of Water Lifting ............ 21.3 Current Trends .......... ............ 10Chapter 2 Water Lifting Principles . . . . . ............ 132.1 Classification of Methods. . . . . ............ 132.2 General Terminology and Theory ; . ............ 14Chapter 3 Positive Displacement Methods. .. ............ 283.1 Introduction ........... ............ 283.2 Reciprocating Methods. ...... ............ 283.3 Rotary Methods .......... ............ 653.4 Miscellaneous Methods. ...... ........... 91Chapter 4 Kinetic Methods. ......... ............ 1034.1 Introduction ........... ............ 103'4.2 Rotodynamic P.umps. ........ ............ 1034.3 Jet Pumps. ............ ............ 117.Chapter 5 Prime Movers ........... ............ 1215.1 Introduction ........... ............ 1215.2 Manual .............. ............ 1215.3 Animal .............. ............ 1235.4 Natural. ............. ............. 1265.5 Mechanical ............ ............ 147Chapter 6 Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............1526.1 Introduction ; . . . . . . . . . . ............ 1526.2 Availability and Adaptability. . . ............ 1526.3 Water Requirements . . . . . . . . ............ 1546.4 cost ._ . * . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ; 156Chapter and Research Needs. .Introduction . . . . . . , . . . .Modifications to Existing Methods.Technological Gaps . . . . . . . .............161............ 161............ 161............ 164BIBLIOGRAPHY.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167APPENDIX- English-Metric Conversion Factors and Abbreviations . . . . 17gii

LIST OF FIGURESFigure1. ......................... 7Demour's Centrifugal Pump .................. 7PageExample system head curve showing the changeof TDH components with Q. ................. 21Net positive suction head (NPSH). .............. 23Example H-Q curve (not based on actual data). ........ 26Self-emptying mot with inclined tow path. .......... 32Circular mot utilizing two buckets with flap-valvesinbottom ......................... 34(a) Counterpoise lift, and (b) with roller for narrow well. . 37Picottah, using man as moveable counterweight ........ 39Scoop (a) used as shovel, and (b) with tripod ........ 42Water balance with flap-valve: scoop ............. 44(a) Single gutter with handle, (b) "see-saw" gutter,and (c) modifications to increase gutter capacity ...... 45Double gutters (a) with lever, and (b) as baldeo balti. ... 47Doon with flap-valve for aiding submergence ......... 48Picottah-style doon with flap-valve ............. 49Recent modifications of the doon. .............. 50Direct-acting, double-acting, piston pump .......... 53"Hand pump" with single-acting, bucket-piston ........ 55Q-T curves for (a) simplex, single-acting power, (b) simplex,double-acting power, (c) simples, double-acting steam, (d)duplex, double-acting steam, and (e) duples double-actingpowerpumps ........................ 573.14Pump head for mechanical or manual power withbucket-pump. .......................59double-acting,3.15Foot-operated bellows pump (Courtesy of IRRI) ........ 62-iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS:.LIST OF FIGURES ...........................LIST OF TABLES. ...........................PageiiiivChapter 1 Introduction ........... ............ 11.1 Objectives ............ ............ 11.2 Historical Review of Water Lifting ............ 21.3 Current Trends .......... ............ 10Chapter 2 Water Lifting Principles . . . . . ............ 132.1 Classification of Methods. . . . . ............ 132.2 General Terminology and Theory ; . ............ 14Chapter 3 Positive Displacement Methods. .. ............ 283.1 Introduction ........... ............ 283.2 Reciprocating Methods. ...... ............ 283.3 Rotary Methods .......... ............ 653.4 Miscellaneous Methods. ...... ........... 91Chapter 4 Kinetic Methods. ......... ............ 1034.1 Introduction ........... ............ 103'4.2 Rotodynamic P.umps. ........ ............ 1034.3 Jet Pumps. ............ ............ 117.Chapter 5 Prime Movers ........... ............ 1215.1 Introduction ........... ............ 1215.2 Manual .............. ............ 1215.3 Animal .............. ............ 1235.4 Natural. ............. ............. 1265.5 Mechanical ............ ............ 147Chapter 6 Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............1526.1 Introduction ; . . . . . . . . . . ............ 1526.2 Availability and Adaptability. . . ............ 1526.3 Water Requirements . . . . . . . . ............ 1546.4 cost ._ . * . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ; 156Chapter and Research Needs. .Introduction . . . . . . , . . . .Modifications to Existing Methods.Technological Gaps . . . . . . . .............161............ 161............ 161............ 164BIBLIOGRAPHY.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167APPENDIX- English-Metric Conversion Factors and Abbreviations . . . . 17gii

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