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Engineering Equipment Users Association, Guide to the Selection ofRotodynamic Pumps (EEUA Handbook No. 30), Constable, London, 1972.Engineering News, “The Air-lift Pump,” Vol. 29, June 8, 1893,pp. 541-544.Engineering News Record, “Inexpensive Solar Power Drives W,ater PumpingPlant,” Vol. 195, No. 16, October 16, 1975.Escritt, L. B., Water Supply and Building Sanitation, 4th ed., Vol. 1,MacDonald and Evans, London, 1972.Eubanks, B. M., The Story of the Pump and Its Relatives, Eubanks,406 Evans Ave. NE, Salem, Oregon, 97303, 1971.Ewbank, T., Hydraulics, 16th ed., Scribner, Armstrong and Co.,New York, 1876.Fabrin, A. O., “Selecting Deep Well Centrifugal Pumps,” Water Works andSewage, October/November, 1944, pp. 348-352, 371e.376.Fannon, R. D., and Frink, D. W., “The Continued Development and FieldEvaluation of the AID Hand-Operated Water Pump,” BattelleMemorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, August 28, 1970.Fateyev, Y. M., Wind Engines and Wind Installations, State PublishingHouse of Agricultural Literature, Moscow, 1948 (NASA TechnicalTranslation, Washington, D.C., 1975).Fetters, J., ‘Windmills--Phenomena in the Atomic Age,” Water WellJournal, February 1972.Finch, V. C., Pump Handbook, National Press, Millbrae, California, 1948.Fleming, B. P., Practical Irrigation and Pumping, Wiley, New York, 1915.Flettner, A,, The Story of the Rotor, F. 0. Willhoft , New York, 1926.Framji, K. K., and Mahajan, I. K., Irrigation and Drainage in the’World, Vols. 1 and 2, International Commission on Irrigation andDrainage, New Delhi, 1969.Gallagher, D. L., “Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of WaterPumps ,I’ Journal of American Water Works Association, Vol. 50,March 1958, pp. 441-448.Garg, S. S., Development of Low Head and Iligh Discharge Water Lift--Manually Operated Turbo-pump, Unpublished M. Tech. Thesis, 1967,Agricultural Engineering Department, I.I.T., Kharagpur, India.Garg, S. S. and Lal, R., “Manually Operated Turbo-Pump--A NewDevelopment for Developing Countries,” American Society ofAgricultural Engineers Paper No. 71-A557, December 1971.

Gatz, C. A., Johnston Vertical Pump Application Manual, Johnston Pumpco., Glendora, California, 1974.Gerhard ’ W. P . , ‘*The Water Supply of Country Buildings,**Magazine, Vol. 28, May-October, 1905, pp. 63-76.CassiersGolding, E. W., The Generation of Electricity by Wind Power,Philosophical Library, New York, 1956, pp. 6-7, 18-19.Golding, E. W., **Windmills for Water Lifting and the Generation ofElectricity on the Farm,” U.N. Food and Agricultural OrganizationInformal Working Bulletin No. 17, Rome, 1961.Golding E. W. , “Water Pumping and ElectricityAgriculture, Vol. 69, 1962, pp. 19-24.from Windmills,”Goldthorpe, J. C., “Better Pump Installation ,” Journal of AmericanWater Works Association, Vol. 65, No. 8, 1973, pp. 571-574.Goulds Pumps, Goulds Pump Manual, Goulds Pumps, Inc.,New York, 1973.Seneca Falls,Graham, F. D., Audel’s Pumps, Hydraulics, Air Compressors, Audel,New York, 1963.Greene, A. M., Pumping Machinery, Wiley, New York, 1913.Hadeckel, R., "A History of Rotary Engines and Pumps,” The Engineer(London), Vols. 157 and 158, 1939.Hamilton, R., “Can We Harness the Wind?,” National Geographic, Vol. 148,No. 6, December 1975, pp. 812-828.Harris, L. E., “Early Development of the Centrifugal Pump,” Engineering(London), Vol. 175, 1953, pp. 41-42, 91-93.Henderson, G. E., Planning Water Systems for Farm and Home, SouthernAssociation for Agricultural Engineering and VocationalAgriculture, Athens, Georgia, May 1963.Hicks, T. G., Pump Selection and Application, Ist ed., McGraw Hill,New York, 1957.Hicks, T. G., and Edwards, T. W., Pump Application Engineering,McGraw Hill, New York, 1971.Holland, F. A., and Chapman, F. S., Pumping of Liquids, Reinhold,New York, 1966.Humphrey, H. A., ‘*An Internal-Combustion Pump and, Other Applicationsof a New Principle,‘* The Engineer (London), Vol. 88, November 26,1909, pp. 737-740, 772-774.

Gatz, C. A., Johnston Vertical Pump Application Manual, Johnston Pumpco., Glendora, California, 1974.Gerhard ’ W. P . , ‘*The Water Supply of Country Buildings,**Magazine, Vol. 28, May-October, 1905, pp. 63-76.CassiersGolding, E. W., The Generation of Electricity by Wind Power,Philosophical Library, New York, 1956, pp. 6-7, 18-19.Golding, E. W., **Windmills for Water Lifting and the Generation ofElectricity on the Farm,” U.N. Food and Agricultural OrganizationInformal Working Bulletin No. 17, Rome, 1961.Golding E. W. , “Water Pumping and ElectricityAgriculture, Vol. 69, 1962, pp. 19-24.from Windmills,”Goldthorpe, J. C., “Better Pump Installation ,” Journal of AmericanWater Works Association, Vol. 65, No. 8, 1973, pp. 571-574.Goulds Pumps, Goulds Pump Manual, Goulds Pumps, Inc.,New York, 1973.Seneca Falls,Graham, F. D., Audel’s Pumps, Hydraulics, Air Compressors, Audel,New York, 1963.Greene, A. M., Pumping Machinery, Wiley, New York, 1913.Hadeckel, R., "A History of Rotary Engines and Pumps,” The Engineer(London), Vols. 157 and 158, 1939.Hamilton, R., “Can We Harness the Wind?,” National Geographic, Vol. 148,No. 6, December 1975, pp. 812-828.Harris, L. E., “Early Development of the Centrifugal Pump,” Engineering(London), Vol. 175, 1953, pp. 41-42, 91-93.Henderson, G. E., Planning Water Systems for Farm and Home, SouthernAssociation for Agricultural Engineering and VocationalAgriculture, Athens, Georgia, May 1963.Hicks, T. G., Pump Selection and Application, Ist ed., McGraw Hill,New York, 1957.Hicks, T. G., and Edwards, T. W., Pump Application Engineering,McGraw Hill, New York, 1971.Holland, F. A., and Chapman, F. S., Pumping of Liquids, Reinhold,New York, 1966.Humphrey, H. A., ‘*An Internal-Combustion Pump and, Other Applicationsof a New Principle,‘* The Engineer (London), Vol. 88, November 26,1909, pp. 737-740, 772-774.

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