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123an overall gear ratio of 1 to 120, increases the first driving gear’s lo-20rpm to a final 1200-2400 rpm which is usable for a centrifugal pump. Fora range of lifts from 3.3 ft to 7.5 ft, the small centrifugal used suppliedfrom 330 to 25 cfh, respectively. The use of worm gears and/or fewergears with higher ratios to reduce friction are among the recommendationsmade to increase efficiency. (A detailed description of this work isgiven in a 1967 thesisby Garg.)Table 5.1 outlines the basic motions which can be provided by manualpower and some of the typical water lifter/transmission combinationswith which they can be utilized.5.3 AnimalLike manual power, animals provide a relatively mobile source ofdriving energy which can be utilized for several duties, e.g., plowing,transportation, water lifting. Thus, if an animal can be used for tasksother than just water lifting, the price and maintenance costs of thatanimal can be tltime-shared’lby each task for economic purposes.Although draft animals constitute a common and vital source of powerin many developing countries, their upkeep can be particularly difficultin areas where water is scarce, rainfall is variable, or livestock diseaseis common (Merrill, 1976). If an operator does not want to, or cannot,provide for the care and feeding of an animal, or he only needs theanimal(s) for a short period of time, be can rent or lease the animals.In this case his prime movers cost for water lifting will be the rent(time-shared if used for other duties). However, when an operator awns hisown animal(s), he will have an initial purchase cost plus maintenance.Initial costs will vary greatly depending on the type, size, and conditionof the animal, and the geographic area.

Table 5.1Manual power appl icat i ansA. Rcciprocnt ina mot ionsPerformed wiCh \c’;rtrr l i ftrr-.-arms and/orupper torsoro:v (my n!so includepull”ys, MC.)roperoperopehandlehandlehnndlcrodand poleand poleand connrccingRcmerhshuchrt frfiurc 3.0swiiipuntcrbnskcchaI;1ncccountcrpoiscshovelliftmay require 50meI rg movcmcn: ; for ? personsfi~urr 3 .(j can also.opcratcWI th one person and counterweightfigure 3.3fi~urc .3.5 mav require some1 cp tnovcmcntflgurc3 ~ 7afigures 3.16fijiurc 3.1 acan also incorporatercw~tc~wcight or spring rerurndcviccscranh and rocher mccha- cent r i fuga I lwmjs see Carl: (1067)nism. tear train------------------------------------------------------lcps and IOUCP connt-zt ing rod, font 1’ i 9 ton purnllsee Schiolcr (19751, p. 10torso prd.al nnd rrlurn dc-vice (c..g., spring orcountcrwcipht) : -pedal and spring return d i nphrajim pump nd:ytation of figure 3. 16pedal air dinplaccmrnt figure 3.31pumprocking foot rests Iw I lows pump figure 3.15direct doons fiwrw 3.3a and ‘3.10arms and/orupper torsocrnnhIl. Circular morious---screwcrnnh wittrr laddercrank and small gear rotarytrainlcvcrsemi-rotar)crank and windlass huchctcrnnh nnd shaft ch:ii n pumpcrank and cam piston Iwmp-----------------------------~----legs and loucr horizontal axis trcad- paddle wheelto-so mill or pedals (on noriolifter or scperatc I’crriw wheelwith conocct ing shaft)’ tympanumhoriaoncal axist rrntlmi I I or pcda I sconncctcd via shafthnriront;tl nris Crcadmilland windlassscrewwater I;Mcrchn i n pumprope and hut hcthorizoiitnl axis trend- pi ston pumpmill (or pedals) and camhorixntal axis pedals cent r i fuga I pumpnnd ccar trnin1‘i~urcS. 18 small capacitiesLCC Cuhanhs (Igil),IladccI.cl (1930)fiwc 3.25andfigure 3.19utilircs ccccncric tvoe fearing--- -&--------------single unit (i.e., lifter andmi 11) cut transmission losses;SW Schiolcr (1!)75) pp. 5-G; for9t:lnding support, rcuui ro armrest as in figurc3.17 pedalingusually done in slttlng positionsee figure 3.25aas aboveneeds human abi I icy~11 turn and rcvcrsc rotationwith ccccntric gearSimilar to Cnrg’s (1967) device*Vertical axis mi I Is and pcd:~ls cnn bc t&cd, hut rcquirc pinion grnrs to cnuvrrt to vcrticnl rotation.

Table 5.1Manual power appl icat i ansA. Rcciprocnt ina mot ionsPerformed wiCh \c’;rtrr l i ftrr-.-arms and/orupper torsoro:v (my n!so includepull”ys, MC.)roperoperopehandlehandlehnndlcrodand poleand poleand connrccingRcmerhshuchrt frfiurc 3.0swiiipuntcrbnskcchaI;1ncccountcrpoiscshovelliftmay require 50meI rg movcmcn: ; for ? personsfi~urr 3 .(j can also.opcratcWI th one person and counterweightfigure 3.3fi~urc .3.5 mav require some1 cp tnovcmcntflgurc3 ~ 7afigures 3.16fijiurc 3.1 acan also incorporatercw~tc~wcight or spring rerurndcviccscranh and rocher mccha- cent r i fuga I lwmjs see Carl: (1067)nism. tear train------------------------------------------------------lcps and IOUCP connt-zt ing rod, font 1’ i 9 ton purnllsee Schiolcr (19751, p. 10torso prd.al nnd rrlurn dc-vice (c..g., spring orcountcrwcipht) : -pedal and spring return d i nphrajim pump nd:ytation of figure 3. 16pedal air dinplaccmrnt figure 3.31pumprocking foot rests Iw I lows pump figure 3.15direct doons fiwrw 3.3a and ‘3.10arms and/orupper torsocrnnhIl. Circular morious---screwcrnnh wittrr laddercrank and small gear rotarytrainlcvcrsemi-rotar)crank and windlass huchctcrnnh nnd shaft ch:ii n pumpcrank and cam piston Iwmp-----------------------------~----legs and loucr horizontal axis trcad- paddle wheelto-so mill or pedals (on noriolifter or scperatc I’crriw wheelwith conocct ing shaft)’ tympanumhoriaoncal axist rrntlmi I I or pcda I sconncctcd via shafthnriront;tl nris Crcadmilland windlassscrewwater I;Mcrchn i n pumprope and hut hcthorizoiitnl axis trend- pi ston pumpmill (or pedals) and camhorixntal axis pedals cent r i fuga I pumpnnd ccar trnin1‘i~urcS. 18 small capacitiesLCC Cuhanhs (Igil),IladccI.cl (1930)fiwc 3.25andfigure 3.19utilircs ccccncric tvoe fearing--- -&--------------single unit (i.e., lifter andmi 11) cut transmission losses;SW Schiolcr (1!)75) pp. 5-G; for9t:lnding support, rcuui ro armrest as in figurc3.17 pedalingusually done in slttlng positionsee figure 3.25aas aboveneeds human abi I icy~11 turn and rcvcrsc rotationwith ccccntric gearSimilar to Cnrg’s (1967) device*Vertical axis mi I Is and pcd:~ls cnn bc t&cd, hut rcquirc pinion grnrs to cnuvrrt to vcrticnl rotation.

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