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Table 4.1 Typical rotodymmic pimp installationsA. RADIAL FLOW A~:D Lo\V ss MIXED ~LOIV ~ulitf5Positionof s!ulftInstallation Figure Hcmnrks1.1 011 shnrc with pipr suction 2.2 Ilsnnl ly for pcrmuncnt installntion1 inc un fnundnt ion ; with suet ion heador lift.21 Ott cltorc with flcxilllvsuet inn linr3) On ground surface oversh~lllow well41 tn pit nvcr shallow well5) On float or hoat in watersul:pIy with pipe orflcxihlc suet iouCl) In <strong>com</strong>hinat ion with rjcrtor 4.8Ilsu:~lly for port:tble use on frame.Ikptb to water lcvcl limited byNI’SIIR .Allows incrcasc of NPSIIA.tkod for grc;lt ly fluctuating waterI rrcl in pond, river, drainageditch, etc.10r 4l;lllow or dcrp VCIIS.71 fin trai Icr, sulimrrscd inwrrr supplyllvcr ucll with pipc orflrxililc suctioti lintIn dry pitSulimc rsrdvo I utc on C ramcI.iphtrcipht , portnblcsuhmcrs ihlrSingle stitt:e. mixed flnwhowl ;i~armhlyllult i-stqtc. mixed flowIro*l rsscmhly14) Flult i-st;r$c. mdiul.flow assembly4.;III hr nui tli rrct ly from tractor’sI’ III.Snmc its forhorizontal.Allows suction hcnd to prime.Smc as in dry fit. hut ollcn tow’;ltcr: long slutft or close-coupled.t:icrs;c-coupled with submcrsihlemar ur .11~5 di:~goiial imilcl Icrs; <strong>com</strong>monlyc:, I lctl ucrtiCW.! 04rline &‘wq’.Swc as (I?): drivcti from ahovc’via*hart or by sulvt~crsilrlc motor; fordrrp water snurccs uhcrc well istoo narrow for vcrticnl volutc(d0wn to 0 in. dinmcter); water orni I Iuhrir-atcd.Ilscd for drcpwt wells (up totltous:wJs of feet); used withsuhmcrsihlc cicctric or hydraulicmtitors; sizes down to 4 in.tlinmctcr.1’0s i t ionof shaftI~. ARIAI. I~LOIV AHI1 lllt~ll NS MI XI:11 1: LOIV I’I’MI’SInst:tllntion I igurc HcmarksI) In siphon nrranpcncnt lI+ctl in large pumping stations--3not iimctical for small anriculis’8turn1 uses due to low eff&iency2and priming difficulties.0”x 2) At vertical wall of pit ~clf priming; for high discharges.u.5PG3) Fixed on short Good for instnllation on levee orC.lllill hank.4) On portahlc franc on shore4.6cAI lows for use at various heads andlocat ions.S) On portniilc fr:imc on bent 4.6b 111 i Ii tcs boat motor and propeller.VI) Llnuntcd in ucl I Only for sluillow wells.J (:;III Iw used with siphon, DS.4 7) Fixed OII shoreshown,to dccrcase power consumption.t:f 8) On fiort:rlilc frame S;tmc ns inclined (4) (5).

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