Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page


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SZrah LuqmZn : 31 : 12 - 19 45-knowledge and power of Allah Ta'ZlZ is, in its own place, a basic belief ofIslZm - and certainly, a great proof of Tauhid, the belief in the Onenessof Allah.The Third Bequest of LuqmZn about the Correction of DeedThere are many obligatory deeds, but the greatest and the mostimportant of these is SalZh - and not simply that it is important by itself,it also happens to be the master deed that becomes the catalyst changingother deeds towards the better as was pointed out in the Holy Qur'Zn>, ,about it: Ql;-1 (Surely SalZh restrains from,-aly, &- b& 1 5,shamelessness and evil - Al-'Ankabut, 29:45). Therefore, out of theobligatory good deeds, the mention of SalZh was considered sufficientwhen it was-said: ~7 3- (My dear son, establish SalZh - 17). <strong>And</strong> as ithas been explained earlier, the expression denoting the 'iqamah' of salahdoes not simply suggest the 'making' or 'saying' or 'doing' it. Instead ofthat, this term translated as 'establish' (in the absence of an exactequivalent) includes all attending considerations, such as performing itwith due respect to its essentials and manners fully and faithfully,observing punctuality in its timings and being consistent in fulfilling itsrequisites.The Fourth Bequest of LuqmZn about the Betterment of PeopleIslZm is a collective religion. Betterment of the community, along withthe betterment of the individual, is an important part of its social system.Therefore, the duty of Bidding the Fair and Forbidding the Unfair (amrbi 'I-ma'ruf and nahy 'ani 'I-munkar) was mentioned along with asimportant a duty as the SalZh. It was said: GI ;j $1; +;g& ;ij (and bidthe Fair and forbid the Unfair -17). Here ard two duties: (1) ~ a kyourselfebetter and (2) make others better. Both need a lot of restraint and hardwork. Facing these difficulties and remaining firm is no easy task.Particularly so, when those who stand to serve people by telling themwhat is good for them receive nothing but opposition and hostility inreturn. Therefore, while making this recommendation, it was alsorecommended: $31 (/ A,) ;! xdi L j; 21; (and observe patience onwhat befalls you. Surely, this is among the matters of determination - 17).The Fifth Bequest of LuqmZin about Social Manners>#,',In verse 18, it was said: Jk v-Yj (<strong>And</strong> do not turn your cheek,, ,' 'away from people). The expression: w-Y (la tusa"ir) is a derivation from:

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