Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page


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words from far and wide?' LuqmZn w1, said: 'The reason lies in twoihings I do: (1) Always telling the truth and (2) avoiding the uselessthings. It appears in another report that he said: 'I tell you about a fewthings that have given me this station in life. If you were to take to these,you too will have the same rank and status. These are as follow: (1) Loweryour gaze and hold your tongue. (2) Stay content with lawful sustenance.(3) Guard your private parts. (4) Tell the truth and uphold it. (5) Fulfillthe pledge. (6) Honor the guest. (7)\Protect the neighbor. (8) Observesilence against wasteful speech and leave off all useless indulgences.' (Ibn~athir)What does the 'hikmah' given to LuqmZn actually mean?The word: & (hikmah) has been used in the Qur'Zn (20 times)conveying several meanings such as wisdom, knowledge, reason,forbearance, patience, prophethood, and correctness of opinion.Commentator Abii Hayyan has said: 'Hikmah means a statement inwords, a statement that teaches people a lesson, a lesson that goes downtheir hearts and which they conserve and communicate to others.'<strong>And</strong> the famous SahZbT, SayyidnZ 'AbdullZh Ibn 'AbbZs & said:'Hikmah means intellect, understanding and intelligence' while someothers have said that acting in accordance with knowledge is whatHikmah is. In reality, there is no contradiction here. All these ingredientsare included under the purview of Hikmah. Those who have seen theabridged Tafsir of moulana Ashraf Ali ThZnavi in the original Urduversion of the present Tafsb will notice that he has translated Hikmah inthe sense of prudence and wisdom and explained it as being knowledgethat has been put into practice. This is very comprehensive and veryclear.After having mentioned the giving of Hikmah to LuqmZn, on whombe peace, in this verse (12), it was said: "Be grateful to Allah." Here, thefirst probability is to take the word: (qulnE: We said) as understood.The sense would be that 'We gave Hikmah to LuqmZn and commandedhim to be grateful to Allah.' Then, there are others who have also saidthat the statement: 4 $1 > (anishkur lillah: Be grateful to Allah) is initself an explanation of ~[kmah. In other words, the Hikmah given toLuqmEn was that 'We gave him the command to be grateful which he

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