Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page


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activity that makes one heedless towards Allah to be the meaning of:-412(lahw al-hadith). But, even in their view, singing and playing ofinstrumental music are included therein.,,,, '<strong>And</strong> in another verse of the Qur'an: ;I,L&Y (those who do notwitness falsehood - Al-Furqan, 25:72), the word: ... (az-ziir: falsehood, thefalse) has been explained by Imam Abii Hanifah, MujZhid, MuhammadIbn al-Hanafiyyah and others as 'ghina (singing and playing ofinstrumental music).<strong>And</strong> AbE DZiwCd and Ibn MZjah in Sunan and Ibn HibbZn in hisSahih have reported from SayyidnE AbE MElik al-Ash'ari & that theHoly Prophet said:Indeed some people from my community will drink wine givingit a name other than the name it already has. Music will beplayed right on their faces with instruments and singingwomen in attendance. Allah Ta'ala will make the earth sinkwith them, while He will make some of them monkeys and pigs.<strong>And</strong> according to a narration from Sayyidna 'AbdullZh Ibn 'AbbZs&,the Holy Prophet said, "Allah Ta'ZlE has forbidden wine, gambling,drum and sarangi (string instrument like violin) and he said, "Everythingthat intoxicates is haram (forbidden, unlawful) [Reported by Imam Ahmad,Abu Dawiid and Ibn Hibban]It has been reported from SayyidnZ AbE Hurairah & that the HolyProphet $!$ said:When spoils are taken as personal property and trust property

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