Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page


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taking of money on winning or losing, or recreational activities thatimpede the performance of religious duties such as prayers andfasting etc.The reading of Shameless Fiction or Poetry or Writings of theProponents of the False is also Not Permissible.In our time, an alarming number of young people get introduced toshameless fiction, stories and novels based on plots featuring people whofancy and flirt with crimes, and poetry composed of indecent andshameless couplets. All these things are included under this kind ofdistracting amusement which is forbidden 'lahw.' Similarly, the study ofideas dished out by the wayward proponents of the false is also notpermissible for common people, because this could become an active agentin misleading them from the straight path. Should the 'Ulama' who arewell grounded in religious knowledge study them for rebuttal, it does notmatter.3. As for playing games that have neither an element of kufr(infidelity) nor of open sinfulness, they are makruh (repugnant) inthat one would be wasting his energy and time in an activity thatyields no benefit.Buying and Selling of the Equipment used in GamesFrom the details given above, we have also come to know the ruleoperating in the buying and selling of equipment used in games. The ruleis that the trading, buying and selling of equipment used in gamescharacterized by infidelity, error, unlawfulness and sin is also haram(forbidden). <strong>And</strong> that which is used in makruh lahw, its trading is alsomakruh; and the equipment that is used in permissible and exemptedgames, its trading is also permissible; and the equipment that is used inpermissible and impermissible activities both, its trading is permissible.Allowed and Permissible GamesAs already explained in detail, what is blameworthy and prohibited isthat particular 'lahw' or amusement or play or game which has noreligious or worldly benefit in it. Games played to maintain physicalhealth and mobility, or for some other religious or worldly need, or at theleast, are for relief from fatigue without any excessive indulgence to theextent of causing disruption in necessary duties, then, such games are

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