Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 7 - Intro And Page


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S.No Subject <strong>Page</strong>An advice to avoid bad company 443Wondering about not having to die anymore 443Verses 62 - 74 : Translation and Commentary 444The reality of Zaqqiim 445Verses 75 - 82 : Translation and Commentary 446Verses 8398 : Translation and Commentary 449The purpose of casting a glance at the stars 451Astrology: Its status in Islam 453How to explain the 'indisposition' of SayyidnZ Ibrairn (Wl)? 456The Islamic legal ruling on (equivocation) 458Verses 99 - 113 : Translation and Commentary 459The sacrifice of a son 460Explanatory notes on the verses 460The proof of 'revelation not recited' (wahy ghayr maluww) - 463Which son was to be slaughtered? Was it SayyidnZ IsmZfl (Wl)?Or, was it SayyidnZ IshZq (%!3\)? 466Verses 114 - 122 : Translation and Commentary 472Verses 123 - 132 : Translation and Commentary 473Sayyidnii IlyZs (3491) 473When and where did he appear? 474SayyidnZ IlyZs (MI): The struggle with his people 474Is SayyidnZIlyZs (Wl) alive? 476Ascribing the attribute of creation to anyone other than Allahis not permissible 479Verses 133 - 138 : Translation and Commentary 480Verses 139 - 148 : Translation and Commentary 480The injunction of drawing lots 482Distress is removed by tasbih (remembrance) andistighfar (repentance) 483Exposing the fraud of the QZdyZni imposter 485Verses 149 - 166 : Translation and Commentary 485An ilzami answer (based on adversary's assumption) is moreappropriate for the obstinate 488Verses 167 - 179 : Translation and Commentary 489The sense of 'the victory of the people of Allah' 490Verses 180 - 182 : Translation and Commentary 492- -SU<strong>RA</strong>H SAD1. Verses 1 - 16 : Translation and Commentary 497

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