Course Syllabus and Expectations Math 2

Course Syllabus and Expectations Math 2

Course Syllabus and Expectations Math 2


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<strong>Math</strong> 2: Algebra 2, Geometry <strong>and</strong> StatisticsMs. Sheppard-Brick 617.596.4133http://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/2434<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong>Name:Date:My Contact Information:My name is Ms. Laura Sheppard-Brick. You can contact me out of class via• Email at lsheppard@sch.ci.lexington.ma.us• Phone or text at 617.596.4133 (do not call or text after 10 pm or before 6am)• Office Hours Z-block on Wednesday <strong>and</strong> Thursdays <strong>and</strong> by appointment.Grading:This course will be graded using assignment weights <strong>and</strong> category weights. This means that eachassignment has a value based on how long or difficult it is, <strong>and</strong> each category contributes apercentage of your final grade. Category weights are as detailed below.Homework (HW) 10%Class Participation <strong>and</strong> Behavior (CP) 10%Mini-Quizzes, Graded Do Nows, <strong>and</strong> Classwork (CW) 20%Weekly or Bi-Weekly Quizzes (QZ) 30%Unit Tests <strong>and</strong> Unit Projects (T/P) 30%As you can probably tell from these weights (above) this is a mastery based class. Tests, projects,<strong>and</strong> quizzes comprise (make up) sixty percent (60%) of your grade. That might seem a bit harsh,so here are some ways that I make sure you can succeed <strong>and</strong> master the content.Dropped Scores/Help/Retakes:In each of the first three categories (HW, CP, <strong>and</strong> CW) I will drop the lowest score eachsemester. This means you can have a bad day <strong>and</strong> not have it ruin your grade.Each semester, you may choose to retake up to two weekly quizzes. Before you retake aquiz you must see me for extra help. During this extra help session, you should come preparedto ask about the specific topics on the quiz that you found difficult.Extra help is available during Z block on Wednesday <strong>and</strong> Thursdays <strong>and</strong> byappointment. You can also call or text me if you have questions about homework <strong>and</strong> I will try toget back to you the same day.Honor CodeYou will have an opportunity to discuss the Lexington Honor Code <strong>and</strong> related Reporting <strong>and</strong>Awareness Bill in your homeroom. I expect that you adhere to the guidelines outlined in thesedocuments <strong>and</strong> that you maintain the highest academic integrity at all times. I will make it veryclear if any form of collaboration or use of outside resources is permissible on assignments,projects, <strong>and</strong> assessments. If you are unsure, then it is your responsibility to seek clarificationfrom me.

<strong>Math</strong> 2: Algebra 2, Geometry <strong>and</strong> StatisticsMs. Sheppard-Brick 617.596.4133http://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/2434<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong>Name:Date:Homework:Homework1. Use pencil2. Copy all problems3. Show work4. All answers in ananswer column5. Use lined or graphpaper6. Okay to worktogether or gethelp7. Written work mustbe your own8. Lowest score eachsemester droppedHomework will be assigned each night except for long weekends <strong>and</strong>vacations. You may ask for help from me or others, <strong>and</strong> you may workwith one or more partners, but what you write on your assignmentshould be your own original mathematics work. Most homeworkassignments will be graded for completion but no credit will be givenfor problems that are not copied/summarized or for problems wherework is not shown. The lowest homework grade each semester will bedropped.Homework is due at the beginning of class; students should take outtheir completed homework paper before starting the do now.Complete your homework neatly on lined or graph paper, label <strong>and</strong>copy each problem, show your work, <strong>and</strong> put your final answers(numbered) in a 1-2 inch answer column on the right h<strong>and</strong> side of thepaper.Homework is only accepted on time. Students who are absent must submit all homework on theday of their return. Homework will be posted on my website athttp://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/2434 as well as in class, <strong>and</strong> students are responsible forrecording <strong>and</strong> completing the correct homework assignment regardless of whether they are inclass.Class Participation:When in class, you are expected to participate fully in all activities. These include but are notlimited to taking notes, correcting homework, taking part in investigations, working in groups,<strong>and</strong> working independently. Each two-week period I will assess your class participation on anine (9) point scale.I believe in cold-calling. This means that I will often ask you for an answer even if you don’t haveyour h<strong>and</strong> up. I expect you to have an answer, or, if you are confused, a question. Beingunprepared when cold-called will lower your participation grade.Groupwork is an integral part of this class. Many people learn best when working in a group <strong>and</strong>most professions require some amount of group work, so even if it isn’t your strength, it is inyour best interest to improve your groupwork skills. When the class works in groups, I may askyou to assess your own performance, I may assess your performance or I may ask your group todo so.Mini-QuizzesAbout once a week, your Do Now will consist of a mini-quiz. I will tell you the topic of the miniquizahead of time, but you will be expected to prepare for it on your own, as part of yourhomework. Mini-quizzes will usually assess a specific skill or problem type, or a group ofvocabulary words. We will review study skills as a class, but it is your job to use those skills.

<strong>Math</strong> 2: Algebra 2, Geometry <strong>and</strong> StatisticsMs. Sheppard-Brick 617.596.4133http://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/2434<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong>Name:Date:Your InputI value what my students have to say about class greatly, <strong>and</strong> I will give you chances to give meformal <strong>and</strong> informal feedback regularly. However, if you have a comment or complaint about theclass or a specific part of the class, I expect you to discuss it with me outside of class time. Youare also welcome to speak with Mr. Kelly (the math department head) if you aren’t comfortabletalking directly to me.Classroom Rules <strong>and</strong> <strong>Expectations</strong><strong>Math</strong> 2 Topics1. Show respect for each other, theclassroom, <strong>and</strong> the learning process.2. Actively engage in all classroomactivities.3. Come to class with your homework, <strong>and</strong>all the supplies listed in the box at right.Required Supplies• TI-83 or TI-84 GraphingCalculator• Pencil• Eraser• Lined Paper• Graph Paper• Binder or Folder System forH<strong>and</strong>outsUnit 1: FunctionsUnit 2: Two-Variable Data <strong>and</strong> Linear ModelingUnit 3: Coordinate GeometryUnit 4: Deductive GeometryUnit 5: Exponents <strong>and</strong> RadicalsUnit 6: Quadratic FunctionsUnit 7: ProbabilityUnit 8: Circles <strong>and</strong> Analytic GeometryUnit 9: Similarity <strong>and</strong> Right Triangle Trigonometry<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong> Receipt AcknowledgementPlease cut off this portion <strong>and</strong> return it to Ms. Sheppard-Brick on Tuesday, September 4I acknowledge that I have received <strong>and</strong> read the course syllabus for <strong>Math</strong> 2 CP 1 with Ms.Sheppard-Brick. If I have any questions or concerns, I will contact Ms. Sheppard-Brick by phoneor email.Parent/Guardian Name (print please) _______________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date _____________Student Name (print please) ______________________________________________Student Signature ___________________________________ Date ______________

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