Environment Circular 02 of 2011 - Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Environment Circular 02 of 2011 - Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Environment Circular 02 of 2011 - Directorate General of Civil Aviation


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GOVERNMENT OF INDIAOFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATIONTECHNICAL CENTRE, OPP. SAFDURJUNG AIRPORT, NEW DELHIAVIATION ENVIRONMENT CIRCULAR 2 OF <strong>2011</strong>File No. 04-01/2010-AED Dated: March 25, <strong>2011</strong>Subject:Monitoring <strong>of</strong> Aircraft Monthly Fuel Data.1. PurposeThe aviation industry is a product <strong>of</strong> contributor to social andeconomic development at the global and national levels. Growth in theaviation sector strongly reflects the pace and direction <strong>of</strong> economicgrowth and prosperity. However, environmental risks associated withaviation have increased, not only in terms <strong>of</strong> local air quality and noiseimpacts, but also with respect to carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions andthe generation <strong>of</strong> contrails and cirrus clouds which have the potential tocause global warming and climate change.Although the contribution <strong>of</strong> aviation global emissions isrelatively low at about 3% <strong>of</strong> anthropogenic CO 2 emissions, with theprojected growth in aviation sector, it will become more serious in nearfuture. Therefore, there is an urgent need to control the environmentalrisk <strong>of</strong> aviation, especially in the context <strong>of</strong> predicted future growth intraffic.2. ApplicabilityThe provisions <strong>of</strong> this circular shall apply to all scheduled andnon-scheduled airlines (both Indian and foreign carriers) operating ondomestic and international routes.3. Requirements1

In line with ICAO’s mandate to reduce emission from aviationsector, it has been decided that all scheduled and non-scheduledairlines as mentioned in Para 2 shall monitor the fuel consumption data<strong>of</strong> their respective aircraft fleet on monthly basis and file the same tothe DGCA.4. Calculating Fuel Consumption Data:For the purpose <strong>of</strong> reporting the total fuel consumption, the fuelused during a flight, the fuel consumed by the auxiliary power unit(APU) whilst the aircraft is stationary and any fuel that may be dumpedduring a flight shall be considered. A separate calculation shall bemade for each flight. Actual fuel consumption for each flight shall beused wherever possible. If actual fuel consumption data are notavailable, a standardized tiered method shall be used to estimate fuelconsumption data based on best available information. Actual fuelconsumption shall be determined using one <strong>of</strong> the two methodsdescribed below:Method A: contained Amount<strong>of</strong>infuel contained Amount<strong>of</strong>infuelFuel flight that subsequentuplift forFuelConsumptionaircraft tanks-aircraft tanksfor eachFlightonce fuelupliftuplift onceforfuelthe flight for subsequentis complete flight is completeMethod B:Amount<strong>of</strong>fuel remaininginFuelConsumption aircrafttanks Fuelupliftfor contained Amount<strong>of</strong>infuel for eachFlight atblock on at the flight tanks at block onthe end <strong>of</strong> previousat end <strong>of</strong> flight flightThe fuel consumption data shall be submitted to the Director,Aircraft Engineering <strong>Directorate</strong>, Office <strong>of</strong> Director <strong>General</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Aviation</strong>, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi – 110003 in theprescribed format as enclosed. The data is required to be submitted onmonthly basis starting from April <strong>2011</strong>.Sd/-(Charan Dass)1

Joint Director <strong>General</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong>GOVERNMENT OF INDIAOFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATIONTECHNICAL CENTRE, OPP. SAFDURJUNG AIRPORT, NEW DELHIFORMAT FOR SUBMITING MONTHLY FUEL CONSUMPTION DATAName <strong>of</strong> AircraftOperatorStudy MonthType <strong>of</strong> AircraftAircraftRegistration No.Type <strong>of</strong> Fuel Used*Method used fordetermining fuelconsumption*Total Fuel Consumedby Aircraft(in metric tons)Total Fuel Consumedby APU(in metric tons)Total Fuel Consumed(in metric tons)Jet Fuel/<strong>Aviation</strong> GasolineMethod A / Method B* Please tick the correct option.1

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