Preparing to become a middle school or high school teacher

Preparing to become a middle school or high school teacher

Preparing to become a middle school or high school teacher


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Expl<strong>or</strong>e Teaching as a Career OptionCourses and Maj<strong>or</strong>s that are Relevant f<strong>or</strong> FutureMiddle and High School TeachersF<strong>or</strong> future English <strong>teacher</strong>s:• EDUC 104E:Multimedia and Arts in the Multicultural Classroom• EDUC 135: Expl<strong>or</strong>ing Literacy-Critical Literacy-Instructional Methodology and Implicationsf<strong>or</strong> Practice in Education• EDUC 139: Technology and Literacy• EDUC 151: Language and Literacy• Many English <strong>teacher</strong>s have a degree in English. In additional <strong>to</strong> the literature, text analysis,and composition courses offered by the UCI English Department, future English <strong>teacher</strong>sshould consider courses in linguistics, language acquisition, perf<strong>or</strong>ming arts, speech and uses ofmultimedia.F<strong>or</strong> future math <strong>teacher</strong>s:• EDUC 152F: Teaching Mathematics with Technology• EDUC 172A: Issues and Controversies in Secondary Mathematics• EDUC 172B: Teaching and Learning Secondary Mathematics• The UCI Math Department offers a maj<strong>or</strong> with a specialization in mathematics f<strong>or</strong> education,with mathematics courses that are well suited f<strong>or</strong> a secondary math <strong>teacher</strong>.F<strong>or</strong> future his<strong>to</strong>ry/social science <strong>teacher</strong>s:• EDUC 170A: Issues and Controversies in Secondary His<strong>to</strong>ry-Social Studies• EDUC 170B: Teaching and Learning Secondary His<strong>to</strong>ry-Social Studies• EDUC 177: Geography and Social Issues in K-12• Future his<strong>to</strong>ry/social science <strong>teacher</strong>s should consider courses in w<strong>or</strong>ld, U.S., and Calif<strong>or</strong>niahis<strong>to</strong>ry, economics, U.S. and w<strong>or</strong>ld government, and geography. UCI his<strong>to</strong>ry maj<strong>or</strong>s shouldchoose electives and breadth courses that cover some of these <strong>to</strong>pic areas outside of the His<strong>to</strong>ryDepartment.• The UCI School of Social Sciences offers a maj<strong>or</strong> in social science with a specialization insocial sciences f<strong>or</strong> secondary <strong>school</strong> education. It includes his<strong>to</strong>ry and social science coursesthat provide the needed breadth of <strong>to</strong>pics in the Calif<strong>or</strong>nia <strong>middle</strong> and <strong>high</strong> <strong>school</strong> his<strong>to</strong>ry andsocial studies curriculum.F<strong>or</strong> future science <strong>teacher</strong>s:• EDUC 136 Teaching and Learning Secondary Science• In addition <strong>to</strong> lower and upper division coursew<strong>or</strong>k in a particular science specialization(biology, chemistry, earth science and astronomy, <strong>or</strong> physics), future science <strong>teacher</strong>s shouldalso consider lower division courses in the other science subjects that are not the specialization.• The following science departments offer maj<strong>or</strong>s with concentrations f<strong>or</strong> secondary teaching:biological sciences, chemistry, and physics.F<strong>or</strong> future visual and perf<strong>or</strong>ming arts <strong>teacher</strong>s:• EDUC 104D: Preparation f<strong>or</strong> Teaching Fine Arts in K-12 SchoolsUCI Department of Education, Student Services, 2000 Berkeley Place, 949-824-3348, www.gse.uci.edu/ 1Updated 8/14/07

Earn a Min<strong>or</strong> in Educational StudiesSeven Courses / 28 units Selected from Courses Listed Above and M<strong>or</strong>eF<strong>or</strong> detailed requirements, consult the Education Min<strong>or</strong> Peer Advis<strong>or</strong> in 2000Berkeley Place, 949-824-9558, <strong>or</strong> www.gse.uci.edu.UCI Department of Education, Student Services, 2000 Berkeley Place, 949-824-3348, www.gse.uci.edu/ 3Updated 8/14/07

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