Sustainable Procurement Action Plan for Northern Ireland - unpcdc

Sustainable Procurement Action Plan for Northern Ireland - unpcdc Sustainable Procurement Action Plan for Northern Ireland - unpcdc

2. <strong>Procurement</strong> Policy and Legislative Framework<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> PolicyThe Executive’s policy is that all public procurement should be based on best value <strong>for</strong>money, having due regard to propriety and regularity. Best value <strong>for</strong> money is definedas the “optimum combination of whole life cost and quality (fitness <strong>for</strong> purpose) to meetthe customer’s requirement” 1 . While “best value <strong>for</strong> money” is the primary objective ofprocurement policy, this definition allows <strong>for</strong> the inclusion, as appropriate, of social,economic and environmental goals within the procurement process.Principles governing procurementTwelve principles govern public procurement. These are :i. Accountability: effective mechanisms must be in place in order to enableDepartmental Accounting Officers and their equivalents in other public bodies todischarge their personal responsibility on issues of procurement risk andexpenditure.ii.Competitive Supply: procurement should be carried out by competition unlessthere are convincing reasons to the contrary.iii.Consistency: suppliers should, all other things being equal, be able to expect thesame general procurement policy across the public sector.iv.Effectiveness: public bodies should meet the commercial, regulatory and socioeconomicgoals of government in a balanced manner appropriate to theprocurement requirement.v. Efficiency: procurement processes should be carried out as cost effectively aspossible.1 NI Public <strong>Procurement</strong> Policy online at <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

vi.Fair-dealing: suppliers should be treated fairly and without unfair discrimination,including protection of commercial confidentiality where required. Public bodiesshould not impose unnecessary burdens or constraints on suppliers or potentialsuppliers.vii.Integration: in line with the Executive’s policy on joined-up government,procurement policy should pay due regard to the Executive’s other economic andsocial policies, rather than cut across them.viii.Integrity: there should be no corruption or collusion with suppliers or others.ix.In<strong>for</strong>med decision-making: public bodies need to base decisions on accuratein<strong>for</strong>mation and to monitor requirements to ensure that they are being met.x. Legality: public bodies must con<strong>for</strong>m to European Community and other legalrequirements.xi.Responsiveness: public bodies should endeavour to meet the aspirations,expectations and needs of the community served by the procurement.xii.Transparency: public bodies should ensure that there is openness and clarity onprocurement policy and its delivery.4DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

The <strong>Procurement</strong> Legislative FrameworkThe EU <strong>Procurement</strong> Directives set out the legal framework, detailed procedures andcriteria <strong>for</strong> specification, selection and award of contracts above certain thresholds.Even below these thresholds, the EC Treaty-based principles of non-discrimination,equal treatment, transparency, mutual recognition and proportionality apply. TheDirectives have been implemented into UK law by Statutory Instrument 2 .In its Interpretative Communication of 4 July 2001 3 , the European Commission sets outthe possibilities offered by Community law to integrate environmental considerationsinto public procurement procedures. The European Commission has also clarified howCommunity law offers numerous possibilities to public purchasers who wish to integratesocial considerations into public procurement procedures in its InterpretativeCommunication of 15 October 2001 4 . The Court of Justice has further clarified thosepossibilities. The public procurement directives adopted on 31 March 2004 consolidateand complement the legal context. They specifically mention in their recitals andprovisions the possibilities <strong>for</strong> adopting social and environmental considerations intechnical specifications, selection and award criteria, and contract per<strong>for</strong>manceclauses.The European Commission has also produced a handbook on environmental publicprocurement to help public authorities. It explains the possibilities offered by EuropeanCommunity law in a practical way, and looks at simple and effective solutions that canbe used in public procurement 5 .2 S.I.2006/5 (Public Contracts) and S.I. 2006/6 (Utilities Contracts)3 Commission of the European Communities, 2001, ‘Commission Interpretive Communication: on communitylaw applicable to public procurement and the possibilities <strong>for</strong> integrating environmental considerations intopublic procurement’, Brussels, online at Commission of the European Communities, 2001, ‘Commission Interpretive Communication: on communitylaw applicable to public procurement and the possibilities <strong>for</strong> integrating social considerations into publicprocurement’, Brussels, online at Commission of the European Communities, 2004, ‘Buying Green!’ – A handbook on environmental public procurement,Brussels, online at <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Statutory DutiesIn addition to working within the framework set down by the European Union and thePublic <strong>Procurement</strong> Regulations which apply to public and utilities contracts the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Public Sector must also ensure adherence to two statutory duties inrelation to sustainable development and the promotion of equality of opportunity andgood relations.In relation to sustainable development Section 25 of the NI (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 2006 places a statutory duty on <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> government departments anddistrict councils to ensure that the principles of sustainable development underpin alldecisions and actions. The legislation also requires that local authorities have regard toguidance issued by <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Departments. In due course, consideration willalso be given to what other bodies should be designated.As regards equality, public authorities in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, which have been designatedunder Section 75 of the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Act 1998 (s.75), are required to make equalityand good relations considerations central to their policy making and to prepare anequality scheme to show how it will promote equality of opportunity in carrying out all itsfunctions, powers and duties relating to <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.All public procurement exercises must be carried out within this legal and policyframework. When seeking to advance sustainable development aims throughprocurement, contracting authorities must ensure that they achieve best value <strong>for</strong>money and act consistently within the law relating to public procurement. The maindrive of best value <strong>for</strong> money is free and open competition. Central <strong>Procurement</strong>Directorate (CPD) has published specific guidance to help public procurers take<strong>for</strong>ward economic, environmental and social issues in their procurement practice withinthis domestic policy and legal framework 6 .6 Central <strong>Procurement</strong> Directorate guidance, online at <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

3. The <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development StrategyThe NI <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development Strategy – “First Steps Towards Sustainability” setsout <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>’s response to the challenges of securing a better future <strong>for</strong> thepresent generation and protecting the future <strong>for</strong> generations to come.One of the objectives of the Strategy is “to make the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Public Sector aUK regional leader in sustainable procurement”. The Strategy also identifies three keytargets to take this objective <strong>for</strong>ward. These are:• By 2008 ensure that all public sector procurement is channelled throughrecognised Centres of <strong>Procurement</strong> Expertise (COPE’s) 7 ;• By 2008 ensure that <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development principles guide capitalinvestment decisions on all major publicly funded building and infrastructureprojects; and• By 2008 produce a <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.Central <strong>Procurement</strong> Directorate (CPD) has been tasked with the delivery of a<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> by 31 March 2008 includingthe consideration of how the recommendations of the UK <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong>Task<strong>for</strong>ce 8 can be applied to <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> with particular reference to access <strong>for</strong>Small Medium and Social Economy Enterprises.The UK Task Force was established in May 2005 under the Chairmanship of Sir NevilleSimms and presented its report to the Prime Minister in June 2006. The Task Forceidentified six key areas <strong>for</strong> Government to address with the need <strong>for</strong> better scrutiny ineach area and challenged Government to maximise the potential of the whole of thepublic sector's procurement expenditure. These key areas are as follows; strongerleadership, clearer priorities, better standards, improved capacity, better market7 Details of CoPEs are set out at Annex B8 DEFRA, “Procuring the Future” – The <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> Task Force National <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, online at <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

• Departments must ensure that policy makers take full account of the need toconsider the integration of social, economic and environmental policies andpriorities into spending decisions;• Centres of <strong>Procurement</strong> Expertise and procurement professionals must ensurethat they provide best practice advice and guidance on the development ofinnovative procurement solutions which facilitate the integration of these policiesand priorities; and• Suppliers must rise to the challenge of meeting the needs of the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>Public Sector <strong>for</strong> procurement solutions that integrate sustainable developmentconsiderations including presenting innovative options.It is within this context that the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong><strong>Plan</strong> has been drawn up.10DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT ACTION PLAN<strong>for</strong> theNORTHERN IRELAND PUBLIC SECTOR2008 – 201111DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT ACTION PLANKEY AREAS AND OBJECTIVESPRIORITIESPROCESS1. To maintain a <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> Framework that reflectssustainable development strategic priorities.2. To support the public sector in implementing procurement policy byproducing and promulgating advice and guidance on the integrationof sustainable development considerations within the publicprocurement process.5. To integrate sustainable development strategic prioritieswithin the public procurement process where appropriate.6. To underpin improvements to Public Sector infrastructureand social housing with excellence in constructionprogrammes that incorporate sustainable developmentprinciples.7. To set clear and measurable targets on sustainableprocurement <strong>for</strong> the Government Estate.CONTRACTORSPRACTITIONERS3. To engage with key markets to secure capacity within themarketplace to deliver sustainable development priorities.4. To increase access to public sector procurement opportunities <strong>for</strong>Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Social EconomyEnterprises (SEEs) through the public tender process orparticipation in supply chains.8. To make sustainable procurement an integral part of publicsector procurement in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.9. To provide professional training and development that helpsto embed sustainable procurement principles within<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Public Sector procurement processes.12DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PRIORITIESOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEAD1. To maintain aFramework (seeAnnex A) thatreflects sustainabledevelopmentstrategic priorities2. To support thepublic sector inimplementingprocurement policyby producing andpromulgating adviceand guidance on theintegration ofsustainabledevelopmentconsiderationswithin the publicprocurementprocess.An up-to-dateFramework.<strong>Sustainable</strong> procurementpolicy advice andguidance.To maintain a Framework(See Annex A) that enablesthe delivery of strategicsustainable developmentpriorities over the period ofthe plan.COPEs to develop andagree individual sustainableprocurement action plans by31 December 2008 to deliverthe Framework <strong>for</strong> the periodup to 2011.To produce and promulgateadvice and guidance overthe period of the plan – April2008 – March 2011.Framework to be updated as necessary toreflect agreed priorities <strong>for</strong> the period up to2011.[By 31 December 2008] CoPEs to produceindividual action plans in line with theFramework and this <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and revisethese plans to reflect changes to theframework.Promulgate guidance on the Equality ofOpportunity and <strong>Sustainable</strong> Developmentin Public Sector <strong>Procurement</strong>, onceapprovedDraft and disseminate further policy adviceand models on integration into public sectorprocurement.As an ongoing programme of work, developand disseminate a suite of best practiceguidance, including examples of bestpractice, in integrating sustainabledevelopment considerations in theprocurement process, with supporting casestudies, to be identified and collated andpublished by CPD.RESPONSIBILITYDepts / CPDCOPEsDepartmentsCPDCPD with inputfrom Depts& CoPEs13DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

CONTRACTORSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEAD3. To engage withkey markets tosecure capacitywithin themarketplace todeliver sustainabledevelopmentpriorities.Sufficient capacity withinthe marketplace todeliver the Framework.To develop awareness andcommence implementationof a supplier developmentprogramme by April 2009.Undertake key contractor spend analysisand identify high sustainability impactcontractors.Develop supplier awareness onsustainability issues through a programmeof early and continuous engagement onprocurements and through sharing bestpractice.RESPONSIBILITYCoPEsCoPEsEncourage the phasing out of products andservices that fall below environmentalstandards of good practice.CoPEsPublic Sector acting as adriver <strong>for</strong> innovation,creativity and design.To encourage the use ofinnovation to meet the needsof public sector bodiesthroughout the period of the<strong>Plan</strong> – April 2008 – March2011.Produce and disseminate guidance onprocuring innovative solutions and promotethe use of innovative solutions throughworking with Departments to ensurecontracts allow <strong>for</strong> innovative tendering.CPD/CoPEsTo encourageimplementation ofarchitectural policy“Architecture and the BuiltEnvironment” throughout theperiod of the <strong>Plan</strong> 2008 –2011Promote quality of design construction andper<strong>for</strong>mance of publicly fundeddevelopment.DCAL/CPD/CoPEs14DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

CONTRACTORSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEAD4. To increaseaccess to publicsector procurementopportunities <strong>for</strong>Small and MediumEnterptises (SMEs)and Social EconomyEnterprises (SEEs )through the publictender process orparticipation insupply chainsPublic <strong>Procurement</strong>opportunities freelyavailable to SMEs andSEEs.To have appropriate systemsin place by 30/09/08 to allowaccess by SMEs and SEEsto opportunities <strong>for</strong> doingbusiness with public sectororganisations.Develop and operate effective systems toprovide accessible procurementopportunities within the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>Public Sector <strong>for</strong> all potential suppliers.Contracts to require main contractors topublish opportunities <strong>for</strong> sub contracting.RESPONSIBILITYCPD/CoPEs15DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PROCESSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEAD5. To integratesustainabledevelopmentstrategic prioritieswithin the publicprocurementprocess whereappropriate.<strong>Sustainable</strong> developmentpriorities integrated withinpublic procurementprocesses.By 1 October 2008 all publicprocurement exercises toinclude consideration ofintegrating sustainabledevelopment , and all publiccontracts that exceed the EUthresholds awarded after 1October 2008, whereappropriate, to develop astrategy to include relevantsocial, economic orenvironmental outcomes.Disseminate guidance and develop bestpractice on integrating sustainabledevelopment considerations into allprocurements, including at specificationstage and conditions of contracts, whereappropriate.The weighting to be given to sustainabilitywithin contract evaluations to beconsidered on a case by case basis andproportionate to the subject matter of thecontract.RESPONSIBILITYCPDDepts/CoPEsAdopt the Gateway review process toensure sustainability issues areappropriately incorporated.Analyse annual procurement spend dataand identify key areas <strong>for</strong> deliveringpositive sustainability impacts.Departments to consider sustainabledevelopment outcomes when developingbusiness cases, including whole lifecosting, where appropriate.Depts/CoPEsCPD/CoPEsDepts16DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PROCESSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEADIncrease the use of theOGC/DEFRA schedule ofenvironmentally friendlyproducts (“Quick Wins”)during 2008-2009 to 100%usage of the schedule byMarch 2009Keep Quick Wins schedule up to date andpublish on the CPD website. Use scheduleto identify products and specifications.Quick Wins to be considered at the earlystage of the procurement process.RESPONSIBILITYCPDDepts/CPD/CoPESA minimum of 95% of thevalue of procurement spendshould be subject to theinfluence of a Centres of<strong>Procurement</strong> Expertise(CoPEs), and where thisminimum is not metDepartments, their agenciesand NDPBs must seek toreduce non-CoPE spend by25% year on year over theperiod of the <strong>Plan</strong>.Monitor and review progresson the <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Departments, Agencies, NDPBs and PublicCorporations to agree SLAs with CPD orrelevant CoPE to carry out theirprocurement activities.DFP to review progress at six monthsintervals and report to the <strong>Procurement</strong>Board annually.Report progress against the <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>twice yearly to the <strong>Procurement</strong> BoardDepts, CPD &CoPEsCPDCPD17DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PROCESSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEAD6. To underpinimprovements toPublic Sectorinfrastructure andsocial housing withexcellence inconstructionprogrammes thatincorporatesustainabledevelopmentprinciples.Achieving ExcellenceInitiative operating fully inall construction relatedprojects.By Dec 2008 Capitalinvestment decisions on allmajor buildings andinfrastructure projects whichare publicly funded or to beleased should be guided bysustainable developmentprinciples.Develop and maintain the PolicyFramework <strong>for</strong> Construction <strong>Procurement</strong>throughout the period of the plan 2008 -2011Provide advice to Government ConstructionClients on sustainable developmentprinciples relating to constructionprocurement consistent with the PolicyFramework <strong>for</strong> Construction <strong>Procurement</strong>.All major construction procurements overthe EU threshold to include sustainabledevelopment considerations and therequirements of the Policy Framework <strong>for</strong>Construction <strong>Procurement</strong>.RESPONSIBILITYCPDCPD/CoPEsGovernmentConstructionClients/SIB18DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PROCESSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS LEADRESPONSIBILITY7. To set clear and <strong>Sustainable</strong> development CoPEs to provide contracts Centres of <strong>Procurement</strong> Expertise to CPD/PPG S&Smeasurable targets priorities integrated within that support thedevelop, agree and promote a procurement Sub-Groupon sustainablepublic procurement <strong>Procurement</strong> Board’s agreed strategy to ensure that recycled officeprocurement <strong>for</strong> theprocesses.decision that Departments paper options are available to public sectorGovernment Estate.and their Agencies and bodies.NDPBs should only usepaper with at least 70%recycled content, with 100%recycled content beingpreferred, and that all futurecontracts <strong>for</strong> office paperinclude a range of recycledoptions.Reduce water consumptionon the Government Estateby 3% by the end of 2011/12based on establishing2008/09 baseline data. ByMarch 09 develop and agreestrategy that will result in areduction in waterconsumption of 3% by 2012;Establish baseline consumption figures;Source drinking water from a mains supplyrather than use bottled water dispensers.DFP PropertiesDivision /GovernmentConstructionClients19DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

Make the GovernmentEstate carbon neutral by2015.Procure and lease buildingsin the top quartile of energyper<strong>for</strong>mance throughout theperiod of this plan (2008-11)Produce a definition of Carbon Neutralitywith respect to procurement and operationof the Government estate.Include appropriate measures in allconstruction, procurement contracts (including Workplace 2010 and leaseAgreements) to ensure buildings are in thetop quartile range of energy per<strong>for</strong>manceand include requirements as follows:- Construction:- New build and majorrefurbishments procurementsincorporate sustainable design principals(including low carbon design measures)Giving consideration to pricing carbon inlife cycle analysis to minimise the carbonfootprint;- Services:- contracts on all propertieswithin the Government Estate to havecarbon reduction and energy wastemanagement targets together withappropriate energy monitoring andreporting procedures;- Electricity:- source at least 10% ofelectricity requirements from renewablesources- Maintenance:- ensure plannedmaintenance and Life CycleReplacement (LCR) regimes specifyenergy efficient systems & equipment toensure consistency with the requirementto reduce energy consumptionDFP PropertiesDivisionGovernmentConstructionClientsDFP PropertiesDivision20DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PRACTITIONERSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS8. To makesustainableprocurement anintegral part ofpublic sectorprocurement in<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong>Advisers in all CoPEs.Provision of advice andguidance to the NI Public<strong>Procurement</strong> Communityon sustainableprocurement.By June 2008 <strong>Sustainable</strong><strong>Procurement</strong> Advisers to beidentified and established inall CoPEs.Guidance and in<strong>for</strong>mation tohelp develop sustainableprocurement practices to beeasily accessible toprocurement staff throughoutthe period of the <strong>Plan</strong>.All CoPEs to identify, appoint and train aprocurement practitioner as a <strong>Sustainable</strong><strong>Procurement</strong> Adviser.<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> website to bemaintained, further developed and utilisedto share best practice and case studiesamongst public sector procurementcommunity.LEADRESPONSIBILITYCoPEsCPD9. To provideprofessionaltraining anddevelopment thathelps to embedsustainableprocurementprinciples within the<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>Public Sectorprocurementprocesses.<strong>Procurement</strong>practitioners trained insustainable procurement.By 31 March 2009 allprocurement staff to havereceived basic training tolevel 2 / 3 in sustainableprocurement.By 31 March 2010<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong>Advisers to have received indepth training to level 4 insustainable procurementIdentify suitable training providers.Develop & provide basic training to allprocurement staff.Include sustainable procurement as part ofthe induction programme <strong>for</strong> new entrantsto procurement organisations.Develop & provide in-depth training to<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> Advisers.CPDCPD / CoPEsCPD / CoPEsCPD / CoPEs21DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

PRACTITIONERSOBJECTIVES MEASURES TARGET ACTIONS<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong>as a recognised<strong>Procurement</strong>Competence.By April 2009 introduce aprofessional competence torecognise <strong>Sustainable</strong><strong>Procurement</strong> in the CareerPath Framework.Draft the competency requirements <strong>for</strong><strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> and seekapproval <strong>for</strong> their inclusion as a stand alonecompetence within Annex 3 of the CareerPath FrameworkLEADRESPONSIBILITYCPD22DF1/08/275662Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services - Policy - <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development - <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

Annex A<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>FrameworkThis Framework sets out definitions of <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development and<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> and identifies <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> priorities :<strong>Sustainable</strong> Development“Development which meets the needs of the present without compromisingthe ability of future generations to meet their own needs 10 ”In principle this involves safeguarding and using existing resources in asustainable way to enhance the long-term management of, and investment in,human, social and environmental resources.<strong>Sustainable</strong> development is itself sustained within a given society by the skills,knowledge, innovation and creativity of its citizens, while the protection ofnatural resources and the safeguarding of health are essential to thedevelopment and prosperity of every society.A truly sustainable society must operate within a policy framework whichsupports social and environmental justice in every country, between countriesand between generations.<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong>“A process whereby organisations meet their needs <strong>for</strong> goods, services,works and utilities in a way that achieves value <strong>for</strong> money on a whole lifebasis in terms of the effect not only on the organisation, but also on society,the economy and the environment.”10 Our Common Future (The Brundtland Report) – Report of the 1987 World Commission onEnvironment and Development.23Trim Reference: Df1/07/131212Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services/ Policy/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> PrioritiesThe following priority areas have been identified as those where sustainableprocurement by the public sector could make a significant contribution tosustainable development.• <strong>Sustainable</strong> Consumption and Production<strong>Sustainable</strong> consumption and production is about improvingresource efficiency and achieving more with less, which means notonly looking at how goods and services are provided but also theimpacts of products and materials across their whole lifecycle,building on people’s awareness of social and environmentalconcerns.Specific areas:-Becoming more resource efficient i.e. promoting materialsrecovery, re-use and recycling through initiatives such asWRAP.Making NI a regional leader in sustainable procurement.Optimise the flexibility of retained and refurbished publicbuildings.• Natural Resource Protection/Environmental EnhancementNatural resources are vital to our existence and that of communitiesthroughout the world. We need a better understanding ofenvironmental limits, environmental enhancement and recoverywhere the environment is most degraded to ensure a decentenvironment <strong>for</strong> everyone, and greater integration in policydevelopment.Specific areas:-Facilitating the introduction of a <strong>Sustainable</strong> Urban Drainagepolicy <strong>for</strong> new build.Minimise the number of properties at risk from flooding.Maintain public historic buildings to secure protection andsustainable reuse.24Trim Reference: Df1/07/131212Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services/ Policy/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

Ensure protection and conservation of at risk historic buildingsand monuments.Protect, enhance and reduce loss of biodiversity.• <strong>Sustainable</strong> Communities<strong>Sustainable</strong> communities will embody the principles of sustainabledevelopment at the local level. This will involve working to givecommunities more power and say in the decisions that affect them.Working in partnership at the local level to provide cleaner, greener,safer, thriving and well-connected communities where people wantto live and work.Specific areas:-Increase the social and economic well being of the people of NI.Increase the skills base of the work<strong>for</strong>ce.Increase investment in R & D and promote innovation.Promote support <strong>for</strong> enterprise and entrepreneurship.Encourage SMEs and SEEs to pursue public sector business.Improve public sector infrastructure and social housing.• Climate Change and EnergyThe effects of climate change can already be seen. We areexperiencing more frequent incidences of severe weather,temperatures and sea levels are rising, ice and snow cover isdeclining all with potentially catastrophic consequences <strong>for</strong> thenatural world and society.Specific areas:-Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Promote energy efficiency and the use of renewables.Support the development of renewable and alternativesustainable energy technologies.25Trim Reference: Df1/07/131212Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services/ Policy/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

Public sector procurers will define their requirements and choose solutionsand providers that assist them to achieve progress towards the publishedsustainable operations targets related to these priority areas.This can be achieved through adherence to :• <strong>Procurement</strong> policy and best practice as set out in the guidancepublished on the Central <strong>Procurement</strong> Directorate’s website ;• Government Approved Product Environmental Standards (Quick-wins);• Central Point of Expertise on Timber (CPET) –<strong>for</strong> ;• Fair and Ethical Trade (Fairtrade Foundation) – ;• Food <strong>Procurement</strong> Guidance – DEFRA (NI specific guidance underconsideration);• Think, Create, Innovate Strategy – ;• Developing a Successful Social Economy – .26Trim Reference: Df1/07/131212Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services/ Policy/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

Centres of <strong>Procurement</strong> Expertise (CoPEs)Annex BIn addition to CPD, seven other CoPEs exist to provide a more integratedprocurement service to public bodies throughout the public sector and tocontribute to the development of operable policies. Each CoPE has a focuson a particular specialised area and longstanding links with their operationalarms. Their procurement activities are heavily interlinked with the area ofresponsibility, which they support.The seven CoPEs are:‣ Roads Service;‣ Water NI;‣ Central Services Agency - Regional Supplies Service;‣ <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Housing Executive;‣ Health Estates,‣ Education and Library Boards; and,‣ Translink.In line with <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong> Policy all NI Departments, theiragencies, NDPBs and public corporations should carry out their procurementactivities by means of a documented Service Level Agreement with CPD or arelevant Centre of procurement Expertise.27Trim Reference: Df1/07/131212Government <strong>Procurement</strong> Services/ Policy/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development/ <strong>Sustainable</strong> Development <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

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