in wrath remember mercy . . . the just shall live by faith - Free sermon ...

in wrath remember mercy . . . the just shall live by faith - Free sermon ...

in wrath remember mercy . . . the just shall live by faith - Free sermon ...


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What is com<strong>in</strong>g is frighten<strong>in</strong>g, but he commits himself to wait and trust <strong>in</strong> God.At <strong>the</strong> beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> book I mentioned that Habakkuk’s name meant “embrace” or“wrestle.” We’ve see him wrestle with <strong>the</strong> tough questions, but what is his f<strong>in</strong>alresponse? To embrace God and trust <strong>in</strong> Him.Shawn Drake: CHANGE OF ATTITUDE -- Habakkuk 3:1-19Introduction:1. We have heard Habakkuk’s 2 compla<strong>in</strong>ts and God’s 2 replies.2. Habakkuk started <strong>in</strong> a valley, but he ended on a mounta<strong>in</strong>top.3. Habakkuk went from watch<strong>in</strong>g and wait<strong>in</strong>g to worshipp<strong>in</strong>g and witness<strong>in</strong>g.4. How is this possible? -- Habakkuk 2:45. Look with me at <strong>the</strong> change <strong>in</strong> Habakkuk’s attitude.From Compla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g To Pray<strong>in</strong>g -- Habakkuk 3:1-23 focuses of his prayer:1. God’s Word (Keyword: “awe”).2. God’s Work (Keyword: “renew”).3. God’s Wrath (Keyword: “<strong>mercy</strong>”).From Consider<strong>in</strong>g To Ponder<strong>in</strong>g -- Habakkuk 3:3-153 stanzas of his song:1. God came (Habakkuk 3:3-5).2. God stood (Habakkuk 3:6-7).3. God marched (Habakkuk 3:8-15).From Cry<strong>in</strong>g To Prais<strong>in</strong>g -- Habakkuk 3:16-193 praises from his experience:1. I will rest <strong>in</strong> God.2. I will rejoice <strong>in</strong> God.3. I will rely on God.Conclusion:1. Focus on what God is do<strong>in</strong>g!2. Remember Who we follow.3. Give God all your praise!www.<strong>sermon</strong>central.comJan Johnson: The details are <strong>the</strong> same as at <strong>the</strong> giv<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> Ten Commandments(Exodus 19:16-19): thunder, lightn<strong>in</strong>g, a thick cloud over <strong>the</strong> mounta<strong>in</strong>, a loud trumpetblast, everyone <strong>in</strong> camp trembl<strong>in</strong>g, Mt. S<strong>in</strong>ai covered with smoke, God descend<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>fire, mounta<strong>in</strong> shak<strong>in</strong>g violently, trumpet gett<strong>in</strong>g louder and louder. Cushan was aMidianite or Arabian tribe, and probably one of <strong>the</strong> near<strong>by</strong> nations that was thrown <strong>in</strong>tofear at God’s mighty acts, especially <strong>the</strong> cross<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> Red Sea. If someone asks aboutTeman and Mt. Paran, <strong>the</strong>y were both located <strong>in</strong> Edomite territory adjacent to Mt. S<strong>in</strong>ai.

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